Hi, I'm Harry's Cousin (Ziall)

By ziallstan

387K 17.8K 11.4K

Traumatic incidents happen. This one being Niall's mother passing away. Now he has to go live with his Auntie... More

Chappie 1
Chappie 2
Chappie 3
Chappie 4
Chappie 5
Chappie 6
Chappie 7
Chappie 8
Chappie 9
Chappie 10
Chappie 13
Chappie 14
Chappie 15
Chappie 16
Chappie 17
Chappie 18
Chappie 19
Chappie 20
Chappie 21
Chappie 22
Chappie 23
Chappie 24
Chapter 25
Chappie 26
Chappie 27
Chappie 28
Chappie 29
Gay Marriage
Chappie 30
Chappie 31
Chappie 32
Chappie 33
Character Ask!
Questions Answered
Chappie 34
Chappie 35
Chappie 36
Chappie 37
Bromance Awards
Chappie 38
Bromance awards. Again
Chappie 39
Chappie 40
Chappie 41
Chappie 42
Chappie 43
Chappie 45

Chappie 12

10.5K 495 380
By ziallstan

I love momma Malik

*Zayn's POV*

Okay 3rd day of school was nice. I finally talked to that girl Selena. She was actually pretty cool and her giggle was cute.

I walked in the kitchen to get some water and saw my mom going in the fridge.

"Before I accidentally scare you I'm home." I said and she closed the fridge with the lunch meat in her hand.

"Hey Zayn, how was school? Hungry?" She asked and I leaned down and let her kiss my temple like usual.

"It was good. Nah. How was work?" I asked her.

"It was fine. Today a girl was really upset about not getting into the high school she wanted and her best friend did." My mom said. (A/N: This legit happened to me. I was sobbing my freaking eyes out. I'm way better now though so yeah.)

Yeah my moms a counselor at a high school.

"That must have been terrible." She said.

"Well it was a bit. Not completely we made a list of pros and cons of her going to that school and it had more cons than pros. So she's not completely over it but she's ok. No more tears." She said smiling.

I love that my moms a counselor tbh. Because she always knows what's wrong with me and when there is something wrong with me she does pry. But it doesn't seem like it.

"Oh I have syllabus for you to sign." I said pulling out my folder.

"Who is Niall?" She asked looking at my folder.

"Oh he's Harry's cousin." I answered looking for where I put my pens in my book bag.

"And you like him?" She asked.

"No." I said grabbing the pen and handing it to her.

"His name is doodled all over your folder." She said and I looked at my folder and it was.

I opened it and it had all of Niall's work we did today in it.

"Ugh this is his folder." I said.

On cue my phone rang. It was Harry so I just answered.

"Hey Harry. I already know. Me and Niall accidentally switched folders." I said.

"So how is this going to work?"
Harry asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"I'll just send him over there." Harry said.

"Ok." I said and hung up.

"Oh I get to meet your boyfriend." My mom teased.

"He's not my boyfriend by popular demand." I said.

"And who might that be?" She asked.

"Harry." I said and she laughed.

"When you were younger you were a rule breaker. Not now?" She asked making her sandwich.

"Nope. Mainly because he might kill me." I said and she laughed again and the doorbell rung.

I got up and walked my way to the door. I opened and Niall was standing there with the folder in his hand.

"Oh wait I forgot it in the kitchen." I said and he followed me closing the door behind him.

My mom looked up from her sandwich.

"Ooo Zayn he's a cutie." She said and he blushed.

"Mommmmm he's not my boyfriend." I said handing him the folder and grabbing mines.

"Um Zayn can I talk to you?" I heard Niall say.

"Uh sure." I said and he walked out the kitchen and my mom whispered 'what'.

I just hunched my shoulders before walking out behind him. He stopped in the living room and sat on the couch.

"Yes Niall?" I asked siting down next to him.

"I need you to kiss me." He said seriously and I dryly chuckled.

"Did you forget Harry was your cousin or no?" I asked him.

"I know but I just need you to kiss me. This will be between us." He said looking at my lips.

"Are you wearing a wire or something?" I asked.

"No. I'm being serious here." He said looking at my eyes then back at my lips.

"No. You can't diss the caterpillar and then sweat the butterfly." I said standing up and he groaned.

"Zayn why won't you do me this favor?" He asked.

"Because I'm like a butterfly; pretty to see, hard to catch." I said walking to the door.

"All it has to be is a simple peck." He said following me to the door.

"Nope. I'm a butterfly now." I said.

"Would you shut up about the butterfly." He said and I shrugged.

"Can you stop trying to get me to kiss you." I said.

"Remember when we kissed on the roof. You asked me too and we did. You can't do the same?" He asked.

"You know if Harry was here you wouldn't be acting like this." I said.

"But Harry's not here. No harm done. Just kiss me." He said

"No now leave." I said pushing him toward the door.

"Zayn." He groaned.

"I am a beautiful butterfly. Leave me alone." I said pushing him out the door.

"You're an ass." He said.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school. Lou's driving." I said closing the door and walking back to the kitchen.

"Why didn't you just kiss the boy." My mom said.

"Mom I am a butt-" I said but she cut me off.

"If you say butterfly one more time." She said and I laughed.

"Mom you don't even know the whole story. I tried the whole kissy kissy and he didn't like that and neither did Harry. Then I tried the whole friendly friendly and that didn't work. So I'm trying nothing and he wants me now." I said.

"Well because he actually liked the attention. Zayn are you oblivious? Of course you are. He likes you." She said.

"Then why was he acting like that at first when I was a caterpillar." I said.

"Well because he didn't want you to know he liked you. So he actually didn't like you when you were a caterpillar because you were 'thirsty'. So when you were going through your chrysalis stage and stopped being so close to him he started to like you but you were starting to dislike him. Then BAM! You're a butterfly flying away from your home and forgetting about him. He missed that. He missed the whole the chrysalis stage." She said.

"Mom you're confusing me." I said.

"We'll you're the one that wanted to bring all the butterfly lingo in it." She said and I laughed.

"But no really do you get it?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm still going to act oblivious to the fact he still likes me and continue doing that until he doesn't." I said finally pulling out my syllabus for her to sign.

"That's going to hurt his feelings." She said.

"Well he hurt mines. I understand when I was being pushy and stuff but when I was actually being nice to him and stuff. He thought it was funny to hit me in the face with a condom filled with condiments, get me in trouble with Harry, and... Well that's it." I said.

"Get over it. Goodness gracious Zayn. That's old news. Stop holding grudges." She said.

"Well I still think Harry doesn't approve. And I don't want to do this if the next time Harry catches us Niall doesn't defend me." I said.

"Trust issues." She said.

"Yeah mum." I said.

"Zayn it's called forgive but don't forget. First time shame on them. Second time shame on you." She said and grabbed my syllabus signing it.

"Ok I guess. So what do I do call him back and kiss him?" I asked her and she smacked me upside the head.

"No be friendly again." She said rolling her eyes.

"Mum did you just roll your eyes at me." I said coming closer to her.

"Zayn do not tickle me." She said covering her sides.

"Zayn!" She yelled before I start tickling her.

"I'll ground you." She laughed out and I stopped then she laughed at me.

"Mama always gets the last laugh." She said smirking and leaving me in the kitchen. "Oh wait." She said coming back.

"Happiness is like a butterfly." She said pointing to me. "Which, then pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you." She said and then lift back out.

"What does that mean." I yelled.

"You have AP English figure it out!"
She yelled back and I shook my head laughing.

Mum and Zayn time! Thirsty Niall.

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