Devil In Disguise

By MotionlessInHim

9.2K 441 55

Ricky. He's the quiet kid nobody notices. Chris. The popular guy who everyone fawns over. Ricky has had a cru... More

Devil In Disguise
The Start Of Something New
How'd you do that?
Unseen Danger- Pt. 1
Unseen Danger- Pt. 2
Unseen Danger- Pt. 3
The Chapter With No Name
New Girl New Secrets
The Cabin In The Woods- Pt 1
The Cabin In The Woods- Pt 2
Found Enni
Rules, House Tour, And A New Outfit
Dreamwalking Pt. 1
Dreamwalking Pt.2

Detention And More Kissing

417 20 2
By MotionlessInHim

Fourth period ended early, as the teacher needed to leave, so we got to do whatever until fifth started. I decided to text Chris. (Chris is in bold, Ricky is in italics) Hey, are you in class or did you skip? I actually showed up. How is it? Boring. Shocker. I know right. Ours let out early. Lucky. I swear this is the most boring class ever. It's almost over. I know. Then I'll be with you. I blushed slightly, looking around to see if anyone noticed. Luckily they weren't paying attention to me. I was wondering if you wanted to go to a movie tonight? Sure. What do you wanna see? Not sure. Why not decide when we get there? Why not. About then, the bell rung, signaling class was over, although ours already ended. I gathered my stuff and waited for Enni to finish. When she was done, we walked together into the hallway, where Chris was already waiting. Man he moves fast. When he spotted us, he walked over, placing a kiss to my lips. The other kids around us started mumbling to each other, laughing. I ignored them. Chris grabbed my hand and pulled me along to class, Enni following. We walked into the room and went to the back. Why does no one really sit back here? Seriously? It's so much better. Chris sat beside me and Enni sat on his other side. The teacher, Mrs.Genan, pretty much hates me. I don't know why, she just does. "Class, turn your books to page 379." She said. I grabbed my book but I forgot what page she said. I leaned over to Chris and tapped him on his shoulder. He looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. "What page did she say? I forgot." I asked him quietly. "379." He answered. "MR.CERULLI! MR.OLSON! THERE WILL BE NO WHISPERING IN MY CLASS!" Mrs.Genan yelled, making me wince. "He was just asking me what page to turn to." Chris told her. "If he was paying attention he would've heard." She said. "He was but he forgot. That happens you know." He said.  "You will not talk back to me, understand?" She asked Chris. "Well don't give me a reason to talk back and I won't." He replied, smirking. "You have two days detention." She said before turning to the board and writing something down. 'Why would he do that?' I asked myself. He didn't seem to care as he just shrugged his shoulders. After that, class was very uneventful.

Once class let out, we headed to the cafeteria. I didn't say anything the whole way there, but Chris tried to get Enni to talk, but she wouldn't. About halfway through lunch, Chris gave up. He turned to me. "Alright, you haven't said a word. What's up?" He asked. "Two days detention. Are you out of your mind?" I asked him sharply. I noticed he winced at my tone. "I wasn't gonna let her treat you like that anymore. I don't even care if I get detention. " He answered, shrugging. "Well I do." I said, softer this time, but still slightly sharp. "Well you shouldnt. You don't need to worry about it. You shouldn't worry about anything." He said softly, making my heart swell. I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me tighter to him. We didn't move until the bell rang. We got up and threw our trash away. Chris then wrapped an arm around my waist. We were on our way out when I was drenched in something freezing. I wiped my eyes and felt Chris remove his arm. I turned around and saw Chris had the guy pinned against the wall. He was about to punch the guy when I grabbed his arm. He looked down at me. "It's not worth it Chris." I told him. "Of course its worth it but fine." He let the guy go and he ran to his friends. "Thank you." I said, reaching up to kiss his cheek. He sighed and grabbed my hand. "Let's go get you cleaned up." We looked around for Enni but couldn't find her. "Where'd she go?" I asked. "I'm not sure, but right now I need to get you dry. She'll be fine. If anything she can ask someone where to  go." He said tugging me to a bathroom. He lifted me up and set me on one if the sinks, grabbing a paper towel and trying my skin off. "Well your make up is ruined, that's for sure." He said. "Oh great." I groaned. "Don't worry, I have some in my locker if you want me to go get it." He said. I look up(still) at him with puppydog eyes. "I'll be right back."  He said, pecking my lips before leaving. I swung my legs until he got back a few minutes later. He had a makeup bag and a shirt in his hands. "It's probably too big, but here." He said handing me the shirt. It wasn't much bigger than the one I had on. I motioned for him to turn around. He pouted but complied anyways. I changed shirts and told him he could turn back around by lightly kicking him. He walked the three steps that separated us. He grabbed his bag and got some mascara out before he started to apply it to my lashes. "I can put it on myself, you know." I said, although I liked him doing it for me. "I know." He answered before putting the mascara back up and getting out eyeliner. He lined my eyes before swapping it out for peach colored lipstick. I raised my eyebrow at him. "Don't question it, just open your mouth." He said. I rolled my eyes but opened my mouth anyways. He gently swiped the stick over my lips. "And.....done." He said, putting the lipstick up. "Why'd you pit lipstick on me?" I asked. "So I could smudge it." He smirked. "Mhmm. And how are you planning to do that?" I asked him. He leaned in towards me until we were almost touching. "Like this." He whispered. I could feel his warm breath on my lips. He closed the tiny gap between us, pressing his lips firmly against mine. My hands went to his neck and hair. His went to my hips, pulling me against him. My legs wrapped around his waist. I deepened the kiss and he ran his tongue over my bottom lip. This time I opened my mouth without hesitation. His tongue explored my mouth and I moaned slightly into the kiss. He gently ran his hands up my shirt pulling another small moan from my lips. He pulled away slightly and I was panting hard. After a few seconds I latched my lips back onto his, already missing the feeling. This one wasn't as heated as the first one but it still left me gasping for air once we pulled away. I gently pressed my lips on his again but only for a second. I felt my phone go off and saw that I had a text from my dad. 'The trip had to be extended for another week.' I sighed and shook my head. Chris pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek and I smiled at him. "Well schools about over so do you wanna skip the rest?" Chris asked me, a hopeful look in his eyes. "What about your detention and Enni?" I asked him. "What about them?" He questioned back. "Well one you'll get in even more trouble and two that's rude." I told him. "I don't care about more trouble and two we don't even know where she went." He said. "She's probably in class right now." I told him. "Please baby?" He asked pouting. I sighed and looked in his eyes. "Fine." I gave in. He smiled brightly and slid me off the sink. He picked up my wet shirt and grabbed my hand before tugging me out the door. We went and grabbed our stuff before walking out the back door. We went back to my place and dropped our stuff off. "So are you still up for that movie?" Chris asked. "Definitely." I nodded.

Hei guys. So tonight I am going back home so the updates won't be like they were for the past week and a half or so. I hope the story is good so far. Definitely one of my favorites so far. Um...if yall have any ideas for any future chapters, I would love to them. I have the ending chapters figured out already but not necessarily the chapters leading up to it for the most part. Also, how do yall like Enni so far? She will be a major part in the story. Also, the name Enni is Finnish. ~Ghost

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