A Beautiful Demon (Demon Slay...

By resevoir315

149K 3.9K 853

In pursuit of their goals, Y/N heads out to become a Demon Slayer. However, after meeting a girl named Nezuko... More

The House In The Woods [1]
Nezuko [2]
A Perspective Change [3]
Goodbye | Thank You [4]
Tetsuo Nakatomi [5]
Final Selection [6]
Unforeseen Events [ 7]
Death | Hero [8]
Aftermath [9]
Ever Loved? [10]
Departure [11]
Beatdown [12]
Mitsuri Kanroji [13]
The Hashira [14]
The Butterfly Girls [15]
Total Concentration Constant [16]
Sayonara [17]
Demon In The Box [18]
Hashira Struggle [19]
My Sword [20]
I Love You, Nezuko [22]
Calm Before The Storm [23]
Sleeping Beauty [24]
Blind Rage [25]
Final Farewell [26]
Through Nezuko's Eyes [27]
10th Hashira [28]
What Was Missing [29]
Nightmarish Scenario [30]
Faker Battle [31]
Kissed Me [32]
New Hashira Summoning [33]
Walk With Shinobu [34]
Tsuguko Search [35]
Devastating Death [36]
Grief And Sorrow [37]
Christmas Short [Special]
Move Forward [38]
Tengen Uzui [39]
Until Next Time [40] (FINALE)
Book 2 Update:

Nezuko Reuinion [21]

3.5K 109 11
By resevoir315

Nezuko laid in bed fast asleep. She seemed so peaceful. She looked just how she did the last time I saw her a year or so ago. In the corner of the room was the box that she was carried in. It felt surreal to think that she was a demon.

**Not Nezuko... Not the Nezuko I know.**

Y/N: She can't be a demon... She looks the same as before.

Tanjiro: As before? You've met Nezuko already?

He walked over to the bed and looked down at her.

Y/N: She actually saved me around a year ago. I was exhausted and thought I was going to die

He smiled and started to pet her head as she slept.

Tanjiro: Sounds like my Nezuko. Always looking out for other people.

I reached onto my back and pulled off my sheath and showed it to Tanjiro. I held the sheath out and he took it examining it. I pointed to the origami heart.

Y/N: Back at Urokodaki's home, I taught Nezuko about origami and she made this for me.

Tanjiro: Origami?

Y/N: You don't know about origami either? Well, it's the art of folding paper into different shapes and figures.

Tanjiro: So that was you?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Tanjiro: Wait a second! Then that must mean-

Tanjiro looked around the room for something but didn't find what he was searching for.

Y/N: What're you looking for?

Tanjiro: Well, Nezuko's been carrying around this notebook with her. She really likes what's written inside.

**So Nezuko still had the notebook, huh? That's refreshing to hear. I'm happy she was getting enjoyment out of the things I've written inside. I just hope I didn't write anything bad.**

Tanjiro: She likes to draw on some of the blank pages too. She's also been tearing sheets out and folding them up into weird shapes. Like that 'origami' you mentioned. And also...

Tanjiro handed me back the sheath.

Tanjiro: I should've known there was something about you the first time we met. You had Nezuko's scent on you, but I didn't question it. I thought I was just going crazy since I was just returning from the Final Selection.

Y/N: We were really close. We spent pretty much every night together. I left without saying anything, though... I didn't expect the next time I saw her to be under these circumstances.

I put the sheath back on.

Y/N: She couldn't be a demon... There's no way she was... Demons don't act how she does.

Tanjiro looked at me sideways. It didn't seem like he was judging me, but rather that he was confused by what I said.

Tanjiro: Not all demons are bad, you know. I've met some good ones.

I looked down at Nezuko. She was still so pretty, innocent, and relaxed. She was the opposite of everything I knew about demons.

**Somebody's lying. There's no way Nezuko's a demon. There's especially no way she was a demon back then.**

Y/N: I refuse to believe it. I'm trying, I really am, but I can't... If Nezuko's a demon, then prove it.

I didn't know how he could prove it, I just didn't want to think that somebody I liked so much could actually be something that I despised.

Tanjiro: Well, I don't know how to prove it. When she wakes up we'll ask her.

I wasn't satisfied with his response, but I understood that there really was no way for him to prove it. I've always had a pretty good sense of whether somebody was evil or not, but I couldn't tell with Nezuko. She never seemed like a bad girl, but could a demon truly be good?

Tanjiro: Hey, Y/N?

He got up from the bed.

Tanjiro: Are you sad right now?

I looked over at him.

Y/N: Sad? Why do you ask?

Tanjiro: You look angry, but I keep getting a scent of sadness from you.

**What does he mean by a scent of sadness? Maybe it was true, I am feeling a little sad right now. More sad than angry, but how could he tell?**

Tanjiro: Ever since we crossed paths outside.

Y/N: Maybe I am. How couldn't I be? I've devoted my life to hunting demons. I want nothing more than to slay them all... I grew up knowing demons as nothing more than pure evil and malicious intent, but now Nezuko...

I walked over to the bed and looked down at Nezuko for a moment. Her eyes clenched for a second, so I thought she was waking up, but then her face relaxed again. I looked over at Tanjiro.

Y/N: Now everybody is telling me that Nezuko is a demon like I'm just going to accept that. Who wouldn't be upset? I don't know Nezuko as well as you, but I know her better than any of these Hashira or Butterfly Girls. I know Nezuko's a good person, but if she truly is a demon, then...

**Think, Y/N... What are you trying to say right now? What am I feeling?**

Y/N: I'd be a fool to think there can't be other 'good' demons.

Tanjiro looked at me with a sad look in his eyes. His eyes looked almost watery. I was venting and he was understanding of why I felt the way I did.

Y/N: And if there are potentially other good demons, then... What if I've been killing good ones?

I clenched my fists. I felt a small stabbing pain as my fingernails dug into my palms.

**What if I've been killing good demons all along? Sure, they've attacked me and whatnot, but what if they were just misunderstood? I never tried to understand. What if I've been killing a bunch of Nezukos? Would I be able to kill Nezuko? Not a chance.**

Y/N: I mean, now that I think about it, I've even seen a demon cry before. As they were dying and their body was burning up, it shed a tear... What if that demon was good?

Tanjiro: You're not alone. I've slain demons before and seen their human sides before as they were dying. You can't know for sure, though...

He paused and thought for a second.

Tanjiro: When I first met the Hashira, I told one of them that they should quit being a Hashira if they can't tell the difference between a good demon and a bad one.

Y/N: Gutsy move, Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: I feel bad about it now. I was just angry that he hurt my sister. But even though I said those things to him, it's not easy to tell the difference between them. Demons are sort of like humans

He started to stumble over his words and take pauses as he tried to come up with an analogy.

Tanjiro: The way they act depends on how they're taught. As a child, you're taught specific things by your parents and friends, and other guardians. Demons are the same way, but their only master is a man named Muzan who manipulates them into killing humans.

Y/N: Muzan?

Tanjiro: Yes. He's pure evil. He turns people into demons and then controls them like toys.

Y/N: I hear what you're saying, but how does that help me? You want me to just not kill demons anymore and wait for them to prove that they're either good or bad?

Tanjiro: Uhh... Well, no. I'm just saying that you shouldn't kill demons out of hatred. Do it to free them. Muzan is the one you should despise.

I understood what he was saying, but asking that out of me was a reach.

Y/N: Well I get what you're saying, but I'm going to need time. I should go.

I looked over at Nezuko who was still sleeping on the bed.

**Tanjiro's got a bold dream to turn Nezuko back into a human. If she truly is a demon, then I'll make this one except and do anything in my power to help you, Tanjiro.**

Y/N: I'm sorry about asking you to bring me here. I just wanted to see her again.

Tanjiro: No it's not a problem at all. I'm sure she would've loved to see you too.

He looked down at her.

Tanjiro: Nezuko sleeps a lot, you probably already know that. But... when she doesn't wake up for a while, I can't help but be a little worried.

Y/N: I don't blame you. She'll wake up soon. I have faith.

Tanjiro: Me too. Nezuko's always been strong. She treats all humans like family too.

Tanjiro smiled.

Tanjiro: Oh, Y/N, before you leave!

Y/N: What is it?

Tanjiro: Do you want to train with us? Me, Zenitsu, and Inosuke? We could always use more people.

I smiled at him tiredly. I was glad to accept his offer, but I was tired and needed more time to think about everything I just learned.

Y/N: I'd love to. I just gotta go lay down for now.

Tanjiro: Okay that's fine. We start our rehabilitation training soon and we'll be out on the training grounds tomorrow if you feel like joining.

Y/N: Alright. See you later, Tanjiro.

I looked over at Nezuko again before leaving the room.

Y/N: Later, Nezuko.

I left the room and closed the door. I was tired and slightly overwhelmed with thoughts.

**Demon or not, at least I got to see her again. I wonder if Urokodaki's doing fine.**

I left and went back to my room to lie down. I woke up the next day and trained with Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke. We trained together for around a month and a half. They helped me to grow my strength and reflexes while I helped them learn to use Total Concentration Breathing Constant. They haven't mastered it yet, but they're improving. The girls, Naho, Kiyo, and Sumi would always treat us to rice balls, drinks, and towels after our training sessions. Aoi pretended to not care, but she would cook for us all and help out the girls just as much whenever she could. Kanao never joined us in training, but there were days where she would sit and watch us from a distance.

**I feel like I'm getting even stronger! I thought I reached my ceiling before, but now it feels like I don't even have one.**

Tanjiro: Y/N! Hey, Y/N!

I heard Tanjiro yelling out to me from down the hall as frantic running footsteps grew louder. My door flew open.

Tanjiro: Y/N!

I jumped out of bed and grabbed my sword. His energy dropped as he saw me grab my blade.

Tanjiro: Woah, wait. You don't need that.

I put the sword back down.

Y/N: What's up? You seem to be in better spirits than usual.

Tanjiro had been holding his hands behind his back since he came in. He brought them forward and revealed what he'd been hiding.

Tanjiro: Boom! Look!

It was the notebook that I'd given to Nezuko way back when at Urokodaki's house. Tanjiro did mention that he was looking for it a while ago.

Tanjiro: Does this look familiar?

Y/N: Yeah! That's my old notebook! You found it.

Tanjiro: Yes! You want to head outside?

Y/N: Sure. We can walk and talk.

We headed out of the room and down the hall to go outside. Tanjiro handed me the notebook and I started flipping through the first few pages. All of my writings were still there.

Y/N: I'm glad it's still in such good condition.

Tanjiro: I'm glad that you're glad.

We walked the halls to head down to the training grounds. We were passing Tanjiro's room as he stopped.

Tanjiro: Hey, can we stop for a second? I'm going to leave my haori here for today.

Y/N: No problem, go ahead. I'll wait here.

Tanjiro opened the door to go in. He dramatically pulled the entire door open as if to gesture me inside. When I looked through the door I saw-

**For real?**

Nezuko was lying on the bed kicking her legs in the air to entertain herself. My heart skipped a few beats as I thought I was imagining things. Nezuko was in her own world as she didn't seem to notice me or Tanjiro at first.

Y/N: No way...

She recognized my voice instantly as she flipped over on the bed to see if it really was who she thought. She was probably in just as much disbelief as I was. I went into the room.

Y/N: Nezuko!

Her eyes widened and they started to sparkle. She jumped off of the bed and came running over to me.

Nezuko: Mmm!

She jumped into my arms and dug her face into my torso as we embraced each other in a hug.

Y/N: Nezuko, long time no see!

She looked up at me as I held her. She looked just as energetic, innocent, and human as the last time I'd seen her. It had been a while, but this was definitely the same Nezuko I knew.

Y/N: Tanjiro, how long has she been up?

Tanjiro: She woke up last night.

Y/N: So that's why you were in such a good mood this morning.

Tanjiro had a wide grin on his face as he sat down on the bed.

Tanjiro: Sorry for keeping it a secret. I wanted to surprise you.

Nezuko started to tug on my arm sleeve. She pointed to the journal that I was holding.

**So that's where Tanjiro 'found' the journal. Nezuko had it the whole time...**

We let go of each other and I held up the journal to her.

Y/N: You still have the journal? You kept it safe.

Nezuko motioned for me to hand her the journal, so I did. She opened it up and slowly flipped through the pages until she got to some pages she has been drawing on. There were flowers, animals, and people. The drawings were so peaceful. She proudly showed them to me and then ran over to show Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: Great work, Nezuko! Good job, good job!

Tanjiro started to pet her head which she seemed to like a lot. Nezuko's mouth was covered, so whether she was smiling or not was unknown. However, her energy and excitement were enough to know she was happy at this moment. I was too.

Y/N: What a pleasant surprise to wake up to!

Nezuko flipped through the journal again until she got to some pages where I had been chronicling my travels. She ran over to me and waved the journal in my face.

Y/N: You've been reading my blogs? Hope I didn't write anything embarrassing...

She shook her head and kept waving the journal.

Nezuko: Hm...

Tanjiro: She wants you to read it to her.

Y/N: You can understand her? Am I just hearing deficient?

Tanjiro got up from the bed.

Tanjiro: No, it's just a sibling thing. We understand each other.

Y/N: That's a crazy power.

Tanjiro: Well, that and I know because she's been having me read it to her before. She probably wants you to read it because what's better than the author themself?

Y/N: Makes sense. Sure, I'll read it to you. But...

Tanjiro and I still had plans to go down and train. I wanted to spend time with the freshly-awoken Nezuko, but I had duties that I couldn't neglect.

Y/N: Tanjiro and I had plans to go train this morning.

I hesitated for a second.

Y/N: Are you okay to wait until later, Nezuko?

Nezuko closed the journal and hopped back on the bed.

Tanjiro: That's a yes.

Tanjiro took off his haori and left it with Nezuko who balled herself up inside of it and started rolling around on the bed.

**She's so adorable.**

Tanjiro: Ready!?

Tanjiro was ready to get to training. His sister had just woken up, but he, without hesitating, was still determined to go train. I can learn from him.

Y/N: Yeah!

We turned around to leave the room. I stopped and looked back at Nezuko. There was something I wanted to show her.

Y/N: Hey, Nezuko!

She stopped playing on the bed and looked over. I pointed behind my back to my sheath with her origami heart on it.

Y/N: I kept it safe too.

Her eyes lit up as we left the room.

Tanjiro: I'll do whatever it takes to get stronger. For Nezuko's sake.

Y/N: Tanjiro... If Nezuko really is a demon, then whatever I can do to help you, I will.

Tanjiro: Then let's help each other get stronger so we can take down Muzan.

**What a bold dream. I can't say I didn't feel the same way though.**

Y/N: You're going to challenge Muzan?

He stuck out his hand to me.

Tanjiro: Promise.

I shook his hand and formed a mutual pact between us. We started to walk down to the training grounds.

Tanjiro: But hey, if you still don't think Nezuko is a demon, you can ask her later. I'm sure she can prove it somehow.

Y/N: I'll take your word for it.

We kept on walking as we got closer to the training grounds.

Tanjiro: Uhm, Y/N... Can I ask you a small favor?

Y/N: Sure, what is it?

Tanjiro: Zenitsu and Inosuke are both great, but can you keep Nezuko being awake a secret for now?

Y/N: Sure, but why's that?

Tanjiro: I just don't want to distract them from training. And Nezuko just woke up, I think she needs a little bit of space.

Y/N: Okay..? I won't bring it up.

Tanjiro: Thanks.

???: AHHHHH!!!

There was yelling coming from the training area.

Y/N: Was that Inosuke?

Tanjiro had a drop of sweat falling down his forehead and he had a defeated look on his face.

Tanjiro: I think so.

We headed outside to see Zenitsu and Inosuke training hard. Zenitsubwas sprinting laps around the yard while Inosuke was strength training with the rocks. Tanjiro was getting the hang of the Total Concentration Breathing Constant quicker than they were, so they were pushing themselves to get stronger faster.

Y/N: Don't hurt yourselves!

They both stopped what they were doing for a second and looked over at me and Tanjiro as we came out.

Zenitsu: Oi! Tanjiro, Y/N!

Zenitsu waved to us before he started yelling again and sprinting.

Inosuke: Shut up! This is nothing!

Inosuke went back to his lifting.

Tanjiro: They're training so hard. I can't get left behind!

**I don't think you're the one who should be worried about getting left behind.**

He started to stretch before going over to join the others. I noticed Kanao was standing over by the well spectating their training. I walked over to her. She has an observant look on her face and wasn't smiling.

Y/N: Hey, hey, Kanao.

She smiled and looked over at me. I snapped her out of whatever she was thinking about before. As normal, Kanao stood there and didn't say anything. I was in a really good mood, so I wasn't bothered. I didn't even realize I was smiling for a bit.

Y/N: You joining us in training today?

Kanao didn't say anything. I knew any tough decisions she had to make would be left up to the coin toss.

Y/N: It's cool if not. I think I'm going to go join them now. Consider it, though.

I headed over to get to training with the others. We trained for a few hours and they practiced with the gourds later on. They were getting better, but they still had to grow more. We all sat down and ended training on the patio. Kanao and the girls had all gone back inside.

Zenitsu: I'm dying here. This breathing stuff isn't even possible.

Tanjiro looked over at me.

Tanjiro: How long did it take you to get the hang of this?

Y/N: A few months. It isn't easy.

Inosuke: Shh, minions! I've mastered it.

We all looked at Inosuke as he stood up confidently. He took a deep breath in. We all stared at him for a moment before realizing he was holding his breath.

Zenitsu: Moron, Inosuke! That's not even breathing!

Zenitsu hit him in the stomach and he exhaled all of the breath he was holding.

Inosuke: The didn't hurt at all!

Inosuke and Zenitsu started to scuffle as Tanjiro smiled and watched. This wasn't anything irregular or surprising. Zenitsu and Inosuke were always going at it over petty things.

**Just like little kids. It's always enjoyable to just be around these guys though.**

We all stayed out there and relaxed after the day's worth of training until it started to get dark.

Y/N: It's getting dark... Wanna head in and call it a day?

Tanjiro: You all can go ahead without me. I think I'm going to stay out here and meditate.

I looked at Inosuke and Zenitsu to see what their plans for the night were.

Zenitsu: Well, if I've got some time to spare, I'm going to see if there are any Kakushi ladies around that want to hang out.

Y/N: Really?

Zenitsu: I deserve some reward for my hard efforts! Do you think Miss Aoi's still awake?

Tanjiro: Uhh...

Y/N: Not a chance.

I was saying not a chance to Aoi deciding to spend time with him rather than her actually being awake. I looked over at Inosuke was lying on his back with his hands behind his head. He looked up at the sky, but I couldn't tell if he was asleep or not from under that mask.

Inosuke: I'm going to eat!

Zenitsu: We just ate...

Inosuke: I'm hungry! Come, Monitsu, we must raid the chamber of food!

Y/N: The kitchen?

Inosuke hopped up.

Inosuke: We must go fast before the enemy can prepare for our arrival!

Tanjiro: I don't think you have to raid the kitchen, Inosuke. You could just ask-

Inosuke: The longer we speak the less time we have! Minions, are you in?!

Tanjiro: You have fun. I'm staying out here, remember?

Y/N: Uhm...

Inosuke: Fine, but do not come begging to me later!

Inosuke proudly marched into the mansion to search for the kitchen.

Zenitsu: This idiot...

Zenitsu got up to follow Inosuke inside.

Zenitsu: Goodnight you two. I'm going to go find 

He followed behind Inosuke inside. We could hear them talking about something as they got further away.

Y/N: Okay, I guess that's my cue too. Later, Tanjiro.

I helped him get up before I headed off.

Tanjiro: Thanks. See you tomorrow?

Y/N: Sure.

I started heading for the door to go back inside.

Tanjiro: Y/N?!

I turned around.

Tanjiro: Don't forget Nezuko's waiting for you to come back.

I had forgotten. It's been so long since I've seen Nezuko that my body was just accustomed to not seeing her. I was in a good mood all day but had forgotten why.

Y/N: Yup, just on my way up there now. No way I would forget!

**I was lying. I did forget.**

Tanjiro smiled and waved as I kept on my way. I walked through the halls and headed back up to Tanjiro's room. I was excited to catch up with her after all this time, but a part of me was also nervous. Rumor had it she was a demon now and I didn't know if I was ready to face that information yet. Regardless, I eventually made my way upstairs to the room where

Nezuko Was

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