The Bane of the Empire

By AnnyVirdi

74.5K 4.7K 308

The world is ruled by a tyrant King. The Old King was killed and with him the magic that coursed through the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 1.2
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4.2
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.1
Chapter 9.2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16.1
Chapter 16.2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19.1
Chapter 19.2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 21.5
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33.1
Chapter 33.2
Chapter 34

Chapter 28

1.3K 96 4
By AnnyVirdi

Hunter watched as his friends faded into the crowd, keeping to the stone path cycling the courtyard. The clearing would soon fill, and as Elias said, the gates would close and the King would make his appearance. He could see the balcony from where he stood; a banner of a roaring lion hung from the balustrade. He sneered at the symbol. But pushing the hatred that threatened to cloud his judgment, Hunter took survey of the Royal Guards. They were stationed at the balcony's ends, the stairs leading to the platform sealed by more pompous gold suits. The castle gates might be open, but the castle was far from open to the loyal subjects that sang the praises of their King.

The sounds of a merry jig filtered through the clearing as the revellers aligned themselves into a circle and paired up, moving in time with the increasing tempo of the music. He saw Gavin and Tal among the crowd, laughing as they missed steps of the festive dance. Turning away from them he directed his gaze to the balcony again. Soon the King would appear.

Subconsciously, he patted his vest to feel for the dangers hidden under his cloak. Gavin had procured a set for him, telling him that they were much better than his sword. But Night-slayer was a comforting weight at his hip. It had kept him safe all these years, yet as he cast a look over the crowd, an unease settled inside him. The merchants were missing. The glint of their golden pins could not be seen anywhere. The men Gavin had secured were not among the crowd either.

A wisp of lavender silk and brunette hair moved across the courtyard. He followed the flow of the lavender fabric that seemed to float in its wearer's wake. A slim leg peaked out from the hem of the dress and he smirked when he saw a pair of familiar leather boots. But when she was going to turn to where he stood, hidden against the stone wall, a hand grabbed her and pulled her deeper into the crowd.

A feminine laugh floated toward him. The boy pulled her against his chest as he led her through a jaunty dance. She smiled when he leaned down to say something in her ear and colour burst on her cheeks. A rumbling growl escaped his lips as he contemplated the many ways of breaking the hand that still held her. A small yelp of surprise followed by retreating steps sounded as a young girl scurried away. But the sudden anger that sparked inside him kept his eyes on the mop of blonde hair that pulled her away from him.

The music rapidly stopped, and Hunter whirled to see a procession of Royal Guards making their way to the balcony. The King was draped in Ilaburn regalia and upon seeing this the crowd roared with cheer and applause. He saw his mouth tug into a smile as they mindlessly celebrated his crimes. He itched to draw Night-Slayer and settle this on a battlefield.

Arnoldus glided to the balcony. Dressed in a long fur-trimmed cloak and a golden crown atop his head, he basked in the glory of his stolen kingdom. Hunter watched as the castle sentries stationed along the walls each gripped their weapons. The Royal Guard followed suit, resting their hands on the pommel of their golden swords.

The King was prepared. An attack would be quickly and easily diffused. Hunter grimaced and looked to Gavin. One questions shining in his eyes.

Where were they?

Gavin shook his head and he could feel the world shift under his feet. He was too late again. The merchants had backed out and the men Gavin had secured had likely run off with their coin.

"Welcome Ilaburn and happy Omnium Animarum!" The King exclaimed and the crowd cheered as he smiled at their delight. Hunter felt each word stab him in his chest. "We celebrate the lives that have been lost and the great warriors that fell to early deaths." Hunter's stomach recoiled as the words filled the courtyard. It was happening again, he thought.

"This castle has seen dark days, but you have also seen the city prosper and your lives improve for the better." The crowd cheered and Arnoldus had the audacity to chuckle and gesture to the crowd to quiet down.

"My promise to you as your King, in exchange for your loyalty, is many more years of protection under my rule. You will never feel the need to leave Ilaburn, for this city is your home. My home. And I will never give it up!"

Shouts of "long live the King" followed by "Long may he reign" rang through the crowd. Arnoldus waved to his captives.

"Let us celebrate as one! Happy All Souls!" Arnoldus exclaimed and stepped back. Hunter was on edge; his window was closing, and the merchants were not here. He grabbed Night-Slayer and from the corner of his eye he could see Gavin and Tal move closer to the King. The glint of Gavin's dagger caught the light as it slipped down into his hand. Tal's fingers cupped the small sparks that burst forth on her command. If the merchants and outlaws would not be his distraction, then they would have to take matters into their own hands.

"Wait my King!"

A voice split through the noise. The blonde boy spoke, waving his hands toward the King. Dawn was not by his side as he walked through the crowd to stand under the balcony. The crowd parted as the castle sentries closed in around him, pointing their spears at him. He stood with his hands raised by his head. "My King!"

Hunter watched as Arnoldus looked down at the boy. He leaned to the side, speaking to a short man. But before he could dismiss the boy, he spoke again.

"The Royal Library is this city's most ancient and protected site. Only select few can enter, but there was an attack on a scholar a few days ago." Gasps rang out around him and Hunter watched as the boy looked up at Arnoldus. He paused, allowed a murmur of fear to course through the crowd that now had its full attention on this unknown boy speaking of a possible intruder.

"Is Ilaburn still as safe as you say?" The boy asked, further fuelling the unease in the gathered revellers. Hunter watched Arnoldus struggle to compose himself. He smirked, watching the exchange between the two.

"Your majesty?" The boy pressed. "Has the attacker been found?"

"Rest assured, the attacker was caught and dealt with." Arnoldus quickly turned to leave. The short man puffing his chest as the King stepped around him.

"Who was the attacker? How did they gain entry!"

Arnoldus grit his teeth and with an edge to his voice he whirled around. "Now is not the time to discuss this."

He hastily walked away from the balcony and the musicians began to play their instruments again. The crowd broke out into conversation as their King stormed off to his chambers. Hunter wanted to laugh as he watched their high and mighty King run away. But before he could do just that, shouts rang from the main gate. Men clad in the robes of the merchant council walked into the courtyard and shouts of 'lower taxes' rang through the small group. The commotion halted Arnoldus and his procession of guards. Turning back with interest, Arnoldus watched the scene play out in front of him.

The merchants were gaining entry and just as before, the crowd parted to allow the small group to make their way to the balcony. Shouts of "lower taxes" and pleas to have mercy on their families were the only sounds in the courtyard. Even the musicians, who had abandoned their instruments, watched the group of men gather below the King.

"Put an official request for an audience with the minister." The short man shouted as the castle sentries surrounded the group.

"We have been denied an audience! We come to you, desperate and on the verge of poverty. Please, my King, lower the taxes!"

Before Arnoldus could answer, a flood of bodies came barreling through the gates. The guards were pushed aside and a poorly shot arrow flew in the direction of the balcony. It hit and fell against the stones but a cry of "we demand lower taxes" plunged the courtyard into chaos.

Arrows were nocked and soon a volley of red and gold arrows was released. As they flew and met their mark, shouts of terror rang through the crowd. The poor sod that had fired the pathetic shot was impaled with five arrows, the golden fletching a stark contract against the red blood that seeped out of his wounds. He fell to the ground. The screams began when the man took his last breath.

As revellers tried to escape, the men let out a loud cry and charged forward, their rusted swords raised to meet the sharpened edges of the golden swords.

Hysteria soon took over, the Royal Guards descended the balcony, and bodies began to fall as all hell broke loose. Hunter saw Arnoldus make his escape, leaving the safety of his guards.

Catching Gavin's eye, Hunter gave him one solemn nod before following.

A/N Here is an unpopular opinion: Summer is overrated. Writing is easier in the winter when I'm not melting sitting at my desk. 

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