Vento Aureo/Golden Wind x Rea...

By Evan_Connor

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Y/N is an 18-year-old finally moving to her/his/their own apartment in the middle of a pandemic. However, whi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (yes 4- bc while I love Mista it's my fav number-)
Chapter 5
Smoll Author's Note :D!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 8

776 23 32
By Evan_Connor


"Ow..." Mista whined as he held his injured bloody side.

"Yeah, you're going to have to go to the hospital-" Fugo began to inform him before being cut off with more whining.

"I know that! I'm asking you to do something in the meantime!"

"Very well." Fugo simply complied as he pulled out a stapler.

"H-Hey, Fugo, you aren't-'' But before Mista could do any further protest, Fugo stapled his wound shut.

"What the hell is this?!" He complained as he looked down at his now patched-up wound.

"Staples!" Narancia literally pointed at the obvious.

"But wow! It actually closed up! Just like closing a comic book!" Narancia laughed at Mista's pain- I let out a small laugh as I leaned my shoulder onto the doorway.

"Narancia, could you wrap up his stomach with masking tape now?" Fugo requested his assistance.

"Sure thing!" Narancia replied as he approached Mista.

"You sure this isn't going to get infected?" Mista questioned.

"Pft, don't worry about it Mista! I'm sure you'll be fine! You're practically indestructible." I chuckled at him while getting flashbacks to all the times he shoots himself in the anime. Mista shot me a smile before looking back down at his stapled wound.

"Actually, you know, I kinda like it." He responded which caused me to smile.

"Would you pipe down?" A voice interrupted as we all turned to look at Bruno. I got myself off the doorway and scooted next to Fugo as Bruno walked in with Giorno and Abbacchio.

"Well done, everybody. Thanks to you, we were able to get to Capri safely. Zucchero, who attacked us on the boat, and the guy Mista handled are both passed out on the boat. No need to worry about them anymore." Bruno explained as we all attentively listened for any next instructions. Well, all except Narancia of course-

"Then let's hurry up and go to the place where the ten billion lire is hidden!" Narancia exclaimed in excitement.

"Where did you hide it, Bucciarati? A hidden safe at the bank? Or maybe you buried it in a cave on the island?" Abbacchio questioned. Bruno simply let out a sigh and slightly rolled up his sleeve to look at a watch that was totally and always there before-

"Could you wait just a bit longer?" He simply replied to Abbacchio's questioning.

"Why's that? Why are you worried about the time?" Fugo began to question him as well but was soon cut off by Narancia shushing him. Without a word, Narancia carefully began walking out. While the others just turned their heads back to see what he was doing, I carefully followed behind. Knowing what was coming, of course, I was gonna keep Narancia from pulling a knife out to Trish and vice versa.

"Hey! You guys! We're still in here, so how 'bout it? Can't you do the cleaning later?" Narancia tried to shoo them off.

"Does your name happen to be Toilette?"

"Huh? What was that?" Narancia asked to which Trish pointed at the toilet sign as an answer.

"If your name is actually Toilette, that would mean this is your house. You can boss around anyone you want in your own house. But if that isn't the case, you've got no right to boss me around." Trish explained her answer.

"Huh? Hey! Wait, dumbass!" Narancia yelled after her as he grabbed her shoulder but before he could put his knife to her neck, I pulled him back by the waist which caused him to drop his knife. His knife, which Trish picked up as a reflex and started pointing it at us.

"Dude! Chill out! It's not a big deal!-" I began scolding Narancia, ignoring Trish who was basically threatening to stab us.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Narancia exclaimed, though to my surprise, at Trish and not to me.

"I told you not to go in there! Do you want a piece of me?!" Narancia kept barking out as he tried to wiggle out of my arms, but I had too much of a strong grip on him.

"What's going on?!"

"A new enemy?" I heard the others yell out from inside the bathroom.

"I'll kill you!" Narancia threatened as he pulled out a second pocket knife which I immediately smacked down.

"Narancia! Calm down, dude!"

"Why are you stopping me?!" Narancia finally turned to look at me. To which I, right away, looked away considering how close I was holding him.

"Y/N! Narancia! Control yourselves!" Bruno ordered and he and the others walked out the bathroom to see the situation at hand. Bruno looked at us for a second before turning to look at a small old man not far from us.

"Could you be..." Bruno began to speak.

"That voice..." Mr. Pericolo simply replied as he turned to look at us.

"It appears we've kept you waiting." Mr. Pericolo said as he walked towards Bruno and the others.

"All of you, bow." Bruno began as he bowed for the small man.

"This is Mr. Pericolo, one of the capos of Passione." Bruno briefly explained.

"I came to accept the ten billion lire, Bucciarati." Mr. Pericolo said as he took off his hat to reveal himself. As he did, I immediately let go of Narancia so we could bow along with the others.

"I contacted him as soon as we reached the island. Mr. Pericolo came all this way to accept the money." Bruno explained as he bowed but soon looked up (or down? He's a hella short man-) to Mr. Pericolo.

"Thank you so much for coming all this way, sir."

"No, no, I'm the one who said I wanted to come. All of you, lift your heads." Mr. Pericolo demanded and of course, we did as told. He skimmed around the group before looking back and forth between me and Giorno.

"You two must be the newbies I heard about." He said to which Giorno and I gave a nod and quick, "Yes, sir." in response.

"Bucciarati told me all about you two. Now that you've both joined Passione, you're basically family. You're free to call me Mr. Pericolo." He welcomed us into the mafia.

"Thank you, sir." Giorno replied.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Pericolo." I responded. He simply nodded as he turned to point at Narancia.

"You, there. Sorry about earlier." He began as he turned to face Trish.

"This one doesn't like being touched." He explained as Trish avoided any sport of eye contact.

"Sure-" Narancia simply replied before being punched in the gut by Fugo.

"You mean, "Yes, sir!" Fugo corrected him.

"Mr. Pericolo," Bruno quickly interrupted them before a fight could break out between the two, "why are you dressed up as a janitor?".

"There's a perfectly good reason for this. I'll tell you later. More importantly, you do have it, don't you? The ten billion lire to hand over to the organization." Mr. Pericolo asked about the money.

"Yes, sir. Right here." Bruno responded as he gestured to the bathroom sign. Everyone else looked at him in shock and confusion.

"What? What did you just say?!" Mista questioned.

"He said right here!" Fugo replied.

"Here?!" Narancia asked, baffled at what Bruno meant. To all this Bruno simply smirked as he entered the bathroom, of course, we all followed in his footsteps. Though admittedly I hung out by the doorway to watch everything unfold.

"Bucciarati, where is it? All I see are urinals..." Fugo said as looked at the row of urinals, but soon Bruno put some disposable gloves on and called out Sticky Fingers to punch a urinal.

Where the fucking fuck did he get those gloves?-

Once Sticky Fingers punched the urinals, they unzipped to reveal a ton of jewelry and gold. Everyone else gasped in shock which made me smile a little.

"I-It was inside the urinal?!" Abbacchio stuttered out.

"I mean, that's as safe as it gets but... sucks to be the guys who've been peeing there this whole time!" Mista laughed. Soon after that, Mr. Pericolo began checking all the jewels, jewelry, and gold to make sure it was all legit.

"Yup... it's all real. This necklace alone is worth at least seven or eight hundred million." He said as he held up a beautiful silver necklace decorated with brilliant red shining jewels.

"Bucciarati, I won't bother asking how you got this fortune. All the organization cares about is that you have the money." He said to Bruno as he started putting away the treasure.

If that's the case... Would it really matter if they knew it came from Mr. Extra Large King size bed? They do think he killed himself after all. And I'm pretty sure they know he trusted Bruno very much so... why not just ask where he actually got the money from?-

I thought for a little too long seeing as how everyone was exiting the bathroom. Lucky for me Giorno gently tapped my shoulder to let me know we were moving out. Once we exited we all once again circled around Bruno and Mr. Pericolo, this time I stood between Giorno and Abbacchio. (Stupid side note but- Rewatching this I'm noticing how often those two stand next to each other- Like, for Abbacchio hating GioGio so much he never shoos him away or anything- Idk it just seemed like a funny thing to point out lmao-).

"The reality this fortune shows us is that the owner is intelligent and trustworthy. Congratulations, Bucciarati. You've been promoted to the position of capo." Mr. Pericolo announced it to us all.

"H-Hell, yeah! He's a capo!" Narancia's surprise started turning into excitement.

"Buccirati's finally a capo!" He repeated this time his enthusiasm fully aware to everyone.

"You'll be taking over Polpo's turf, now that he's dead. You'll be overseeing the gambling, money-lending, and muggling at the harbor, as well as the restaurants and hotels in Naples. Fifty percent of the profit will go to the organization, and the other fifty will be yours." Mr. Pericolo explained.

And none is for La Squadra who literally kill for a living, insert fuckboy face here /s-

"By the way, I know you just took over for Polpo, but he had left one job unfinished. Of course, you'll be taking on any jobs that Polpo had, Buccirati. Are you ok with that?"

Does that include sitting in a jail cell and eating until being the size of half of Italy?- Look at me, body shaming Polpo- SORRY NOT SORRY BUT ASSHOLE DESERVES IT-

"A job that Polpo left unfinished?" Bruno questioned.

"It's a direct order from the boss." Mr. Pericolo answered with a small nod.

"The... Boss?" Bruno asked, to which Abbacchio for some reason responded with, "The Boss...".

"The boss no one's ever met?" Mista asked.

"An order... directly from him?" Narancia followed up.

"Well, yeah?- I- Is there another boss you guys don't know about?-" I quietly followed their line of questioning as I covered my mouth trying not to let out a laugh at their weird questions with obvious answers. To this, both Giorno and Abbacchio gave me a reaction since they were the closest to me. From Abbacchio, of course, a glare was expected but from Giorno, a smile teased the corners of his lips.

"Correct. I'll tell you right here and now. You'll be guarding the boss's daughter, and risking your lives doing so. That's all."

That's all? Wow, really? As simple as that? Amazing. What a great simple task to accomplish. Mhm, so easy dude. Piece of cake. Easy, peasy, lemon-squeezy- Ok, yeah, I'm throwing too much shit on you Mr. Pericolo, I'm sorry, this ain't your fault... Sorry, you die later on too-

"You'll start guarding her right now. I've handed her over to you." Mr. Pericolo said which confused everyone, especially Bruno.

"Handed her over?" Bruno asked, bewildered at what Mr. Pericolo was saying.

"It's simple, using the context clues given to us we can infer that the person who's been with him the entire time is Tr- Is the boss's daughter." I said as quickly fixed my slip up as I almost revealed Trish's name.

Context clues? Infer? Geez, I sound like a middle school English teacher-

"That's her?" Bruno questioned as everyone else stared at her wide-eyed.

"Do you mind if I go to the bathroom?" Trish asked as she took off her cleaning gloves and made her way to the bathroom.

"That's fine, Trish." Mr. Pericolo simply replied.

"For now, stay by her side. The-"

"Bet-" I cut off Bruno as I made my way to the bathroom Trish entered. I didn't go inside but rather just chilled by the doorway once again. I looked out for a bit to see Mr. Pericolo giving Bruno, Abbacchio, and Giorno information about Trish and the situation they got her in. Soon enough Trish made her way out of the stall she was in and immediately gave me a look of disgust, to which my eyes grew big in the realization of what she might be implying.

"I-I was just- I- um- I just was making sure you didn't need help or anything! Y-Y'know, with zippers or buttons, or anything like that." I tried to explain but her expression didn't change at all. Which again, made me fall deeper into the rabbit hole her head might've gotten into.

"N-No! I didn't mean it to- Y'Know! Like that! I just- Girls gotta stick with each other and help each other out, y'know?// I had a roommate who was a girl and we always stuck with each other and helped each other out, y'know?" I explained my intentions better as I gave her a soft look. Luckily, it seemed she kind of understood my intentions. Though her eyebrows were still knitted a bit in confusion, she definitely had a softer look and the disgust that was once there was completely gone. She softly shook her head as she made her way to the sink and washed her hands before walking past me to leave the restroom. I followed behind but came to a halt when she stopped and turned to look at me all of the sudden.

"Um... Is it with you... um... Am I going to be with you now?" She asked me which caused me to look at her in confusion but I quickly shook it off.

Holy shit wait- Doesn't she ask Fugo this?-

I brushed away my thoughts as I pulled out a pretty bubblegum pink handkerchief from my pocket and handed it out to her. She looked at it surprised before looking at me.

"For you to dry your hands with." I simply said as I handed it to her.

"And yes, you'll be going with me and the others. Don't worry, you're in good hands. I promise." I answered as I offered her a sweet smile. Trish silently wiped her hands before putting the handkerchief away.

"Well, now that I have that... I also need some stockings and Givenchy Blush No. 2." She started listing off as she walked away from us.

"The stockings need to be reinforced at the thighs. Get the latest issue of Italian Vogue too, and some mineral water. I'd rather die than drink one that's not from France, though." She finished listing off as she stopped and checked out her manicure for a minute.

"When you're done gawking at the scenery, go buy that stuff for me." She demanded as she started walking away once again. We all silently stared at her and her surprisingly confident demeanor before walking back to the boat with her. From the boat, we made our way to a hiding place. A small house outside the town. Once there Trish was put in a room. A room which Bruno and Mista guard from the outside, and Abbacchion and Giorno guard the stairs. Mista was outside the room's door, meanwhile, Bruno was a few feet away looking out a window. I took this opportunity to let Bruno know I was going shopping with Narancia since Fugo was soon to instruct him on how and what to shop.

"Hey! I just wanted to-" I quietly began to explain to him as I approached him but he interrupted me.

"Why are you being so quiet?" He quickly questioned my secrecy, to which I replied with, "SsSsSsHhHHhH-" as I grabbed his shoulder and carefully gestured my head to Mista whose eyes turned to look at us in confusion. With his shoulder in my hand, I gently turned him to look back at the window as I made myself do the same.

"I just wanted to let you know... That... I'm going shopping with Narancia." I whispered. "You want to go shopping with him? Why?" He asked as he glanced at me in confusion.

"Nah, I don't want to, I have to, and I will... And ok, maybe I also want to- Point is I'm going." I replied, still hushed.

"And why's that?" Bruno asked as his confused look turned into one of suspicion.

"C'mon, Bruno! You know I can't tell you why! There are some things I can and some things I can't! But I'll always tell you things I know I can tell you! I promise! Please, for the love of all types of zippers do not put your tongue anywhere near, by, or around my face. I swear I'm telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." I quietly rambled, hoping that I'd convince Bruno to let me go save Formaggio from Narancia's wrath.

Seeing as how I was basically near to kissing his shoes to let me go, he gave a soft sigh.

"Alright. I'll allow you to go. But if something goes wrong don't expect me to forgive you so quickly." He warned though he gave in to my begging.

"Oh no, don't say that- Narancia's most definitely coming home injured- And maybe I will as well- Who knows?- But I can assure you, no one... Will die. Absolutely no one. Not a single one of us. And I take that promise to my grave." I said with a cheery smile though it seemed to unnerve Bruno.

"You're way too happy about this." He pointed out as he turned to look at me.

"I'm not necessarily happy about it, just... excited? No, you're right, that's weird." I agreed with his comment. Bruno just shook his head lightly, with a small smile resting on his lips.

"Go on ahead, but I expect you to tell me why you had to go when you come back." He said while pointing at me. I gave him a smile and a quick nod.

"I'll do my best ma'am!" I chuckled as I left his side and headed downstairs.

"Ma'am?-" I heard him question as I left which made me chuckle. I scurried down the steps past Giorno and Abbacchio as I saw Narancia getting ready to leave.

"Hey! Wait up! I'm coming too!" I cheerfully announced to which they all turned to look at me confused. All except Narancia who was very obviously excited to hear I was tagging along.

"You?" Abbachio asked.

"But Bucciarati specifically ordered Narancia to go shopping since with his stand ability he should be able to stop anyone from tailing him." He explained to which I slightly rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I know, but he also allowed me to go." I simply stated as I made my way to Narancia.

"Allowed you to go? So he didn't order you to go? You just... volunteered to go as well?" Fugo questioned my actions. I gave him a nod as an answer to his questions.

"And why's that?" Abbacchio asked as he glared at me in suspicion.

"I have my reasons, emo phase- I don't need to give explanations if they're not wanted or needed by Bruno." I confidently stated even though I know better than to fuck with Abbacchio. Abbacchio, of course, didn't like my reply or demeanor but before he could say anything, Fugo spoke up.

"You're right, if explanations were truly wanted and needed they would go to Bucciarati." He aggressively stated Bruno's last name. I guess neither one of them was a fan of me using Bruno's first name to refer to him.

"So you have no explaining to do to us, however, I expect you to keep yourself out of trouble and not goof off with this idiot." He instructed while gesturing to Narancia.

"You got it, dude." I said with a nod and giving him a thumbs-up before leaving with Narancia.

~Time Skip To After Shopping Brought To You By; I Bought New Black Nail Polish And It's Dope As Fuck~

After a while of going around town, bonding, and shopping for all the stuff in the list Fugo gave us, we finally made it back to the car. I helped Narancia put all the bags in the backseat, once that was done we shut the car's doors and stood next to the car to make sure we were all good and clear.

"And that's it for shopping! Surroundings are all clear! Now, let's see-" He said as he pulled out a map and pen. I quickly took the pen out of his hand which caused him to give me a confused look.

"Don't write on the map, Nara! You never know who's hands it may end up in! We don't want anyone to come across where we're hiding." I explained to him to which he gave a nod.

"Oh! Right! You're right!" He simply agreed as he looked back down to the map and instead used his finger to point and trace what he was thinking about.

"If we go this way and turn here, we'll end up back on this street, and then head in the opposite direction. Okay!" He explained though, by the sound of it, it sounded more like he was explaining this to himself not so much to me which made me chuckle. We both got back inside the car, he drove while I sat on the passenger seat, and we drove around for a bit. However, after a while, he suddenly stopped the car without a word.

"Narancia? You ok, man?" I asked even though, of course, I was fully aware of the events that would soon transpire. He got out of the car and stood next to the wide-open driver's door for a second.

"Something's wrong... But it doesn't look like anyone's following us, but something feels off." He explained as he looked around.

"And I have a bad feeling about switching over to the other car Fugo prepared, too." He quickly, but this time quietly, added.

"Come on already." An "anonymous" voice said, which agitated us.

"Where exactly are the two of you headed, huh?" The "mysterious" voice continued. I quickly yeeted out of the car.

"It came from below the car!" Narancia said as he looked under the car.

"No, it didn't! He's in the back-fucking-seat, dude!" I literally pointed out to which Formaggio simply chuckled.

"Hey, so, where are you two headed? You both keep looking behind. Are you being followed or something?" Formaggio tried to intimidate us but Narancia pulled out his snitch knife to threaten him. I honestly was in a bit of a pickle during this. I needed to get away so as to not get hit with his stand and be shrunk down. Obviously trying to keep them both from killing each other without knowing what I was doing is going to be hard being shrunk. But it also wasn't like I could just get up and leave Narancia to fight him all on his own or else it'll seem like I'm Formaggio's ally or something. I kept trying to think of a plan to pursue but was torn away from my thoughts as I heard Narancia's death threats.

"I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU! He repeatedly screamed as he kicked the shit out of the car while blasting off Aerosmith at Formaggio. I was about to back away knowing he was going to drop a bomb, unluckily for me, Narancia didn't give me time to fuck off.

"NARANCIA! WAIT!-" I said as he dropped the little bomb which immediately exploded. I didn't have time to run away from it so I just ducked down and faced away from the car while trying to shield my head from the falling window shards with my arms. A few shards had dug themselves on my arms but I painfully and harshly shook them off. Meanwhile, Narancia was busy still kicking the car so hard his shoe came.

"Did we do it?" He asked out loud as he looked inside the car. '

"Yeah, we did it! We got both of ourselves injured! And he's gone!" I pointed out the obvious. Upon hearing this revelation Narancia quickly turned back to look at me.

"How- When did you get hurt?" He asked genuinely concerned, which confused the shit out of me.

"What do you mean how and when?! You dropped that bomb and didn't give me time to get out of the way!" I scolded him.

"Were you that blinded by rage?" I genuinely asked.

"Shit, I guess I was... I'm sorry." He apologized but I simply shook off his apology.

"It's... fine... We just have to focus on finding him now!" I gave our next step to "taking down" Formaggio.

"But where the hell could have gone?! I don't see him anywhere!" Narancia exclaimed as he turned around to face away from the car and look for him. At this point, I was sure Formaggio got into Narancia's back pocket. Meaning, shit was about to hit the fan.

"How the hell?! Damn it! Where did he go?! Is he here?!" Narancia kept voicing his frustration as he looked around, even inside the car.

Oh great. Right. Now he knows we have Trish since he will most likely assume that stuff belongs to her and her alone-

"Don't worry! We'll find his location soon! And when we do, we'll get rid of him and make sure we make it back without being followed!" I assured Narancia of completing our mission. 

(Author's Note: MMMMMM- Another chapter done! How nice that this one didn't take as long as the previous one! OK! SO! I had posted how I was gonna explain why it takes me so fucking long to write chapters even tho if I can really put myself into it I usually get them done in like a day and half- But honestly I feel like that's way too long as well- And I believe I had said last chapter that I started going to therapy- And funny enough I believe I actually had told someone in the comments in one of my chapters how like I take forever to write bc I take a lot of breaks/get distracted easily. Uh- Yeah- Well turns out I actually have ADHD- (Or ADD like me and my therapist prefer to call it since it's more accurate to us with the ADD description). And for those of you who don't know, ADHD stands for, Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. However, we (meaning me and my therapist because she actually has it as well) prefer the term ADD which just means, Attention deficit disorder. It's not really any major difference, it's still the same disorder, it just had name changes throughout the years. But we prefer that term bc we wouldn't necessarily say we're hyper, we just struggle to pay attention to one task and get distracted easily. I mean obviously, we have a lot of energy which is why we keep moving from task to task without actually staying to do/finish the og one. But, I dunno, just hearing the word hyper makes me think/feel like others might think I'm jumping around/running around doing all these things when really I'd like to think I calmly move away from my original task without realizing it because I suddenly got distracted/ disturbed from it. And I feel like... the more anxious I am the more hyped up my ADD gets. And since I also struggle with anxiety (tho this isn't anything new I've struggled with it for years) it's obviously not a good mix and makes my ADD worse which causes me to lose focus on an activity more easily. Now, I'm not saying any of this to get pity or being let off the hook or anything like that. But rather so ya'll can understand why I take so long to write. I just don't anyone to think I'm lazy/slacking off/or that I simply don't care/lost interest in this book or jjba because that's not the case at all. Also just so I won't get too much pressure into hurrying up to write because that makes me anxious and like I said before, my anxiety and ADD don't get along- But yeah! That's about it! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! It was 11 pages and 4,381 words on my google doc! :D ~Evan) 

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