The Son of The Bat

By Supernerd17

73.9K 1.5K 198

Tales of a baby Damian Wayne and his interactions with his father and brothers. Please comment! More

Chapter 1: New Arrival
Chapter 2: Fitting In
Chapter 3: Home is Here
Chapter 4: Truly Loved
Chapter 6: Brothers
Chapter 7: 1 year old
Chapter 8: Walking
Chapter 9: Fight
Chapter 10: Together

Chapter 5: Trouble

7.1K 141 20
By Supernerd17

Three months had pass since Damian's arrival and the babe was developing quite the stubborn personality. He demanded to be held pretty much every moment of the day especially by his father. If Bruce was even remotely in the room Damian would yell out Papa a word he had learned to say rather recently.

Damian had also become quite the troublemaker since he started crawling. He got into weapons, pulled down expensive items, and nearly pulled things down on himself. Needless to say Bruce had a heart attack several times every day.

But back on the Papa thing you see while Damian knew his father was he didn't learn who Batman was yet. He hadn't seen any of these things because he always went to bed before they left so he had no idea but that was soon going to change.

Alfred was off in England for a week to see his family so Bruce and the boys were on their own. He had left a whole weeks worth of meals for them luckily because none of them could cook to save their lives. This also meant that they had to split up the responsibilities of Damian. Bruce was mainly in charge of them but the others had a few things. Dick would get him up in the morning since he was always up the earliest and change him then feed him breakfast. Tim would play with him in the afternoons while Bruce had work things both company and Bat related things. Then lastly Jason would bath him and put him to bed though many times Bruce would steal him and put him to bed himself.

Though this time Jason would get to actually finish his job and would end up being the reason Damian found out about the Bat business.

"Alright let's get you all dried off."

Jason gently dried the wet baby off making sure not to be to rough with Damian. He then went to dress him putting him in his favorite red sleeper. Just as Jason was about to put him in his crib he was called.

"Jason could you help move this it's really heavy?" Tim yelled from downstairs.

Jason being as dim as he could be at times figured he'd be back soon so he left Damian on the floor instead of placing him in his crib. Jason typically dress Damian on the floor feeling using the changing table was unnecessary since he wasn't changing a dirty diaper.

After he left and helped Tim out, he had forgotten he left Damian all along on the floor.

Damian waited and waited but realized that Jason wasn't coming back so he had to find someone himself. He got off his padded butt and started to crawl out the door stubbornly determined to find someone to put him in his crib.

He went up and down all the halls and then came to the stairs. Needless to say if Bruce was present he would had his fifth heart attack of the day. Damian turned around and went down the stairs backwards. He nearly slipped several times on the carpeted stairs but managed to get to the bottom safely.

He then looked around until he got to the library listening for anyone. Damian heard far away voices coming from one of the walls causing him to crawl towards it. He looked at the books in front of him unable to read them but entertained by the colorfulness and gold letters. You would think this would be innocent and harmless because he too short let alone could he stand to get to the book that opens the secret elevator entrance they had with their stairs. Well unbeknownst to Bruce Alfred set in a place to push with your foot whenever he had to bring a lot of food or other things to Bruce on late nights.

As Damian went all along the line of books he eventually got to the foot switch accidentally pressing it. Much they o the shock of Damian they opened up revealing an elevator. Curious Damian crawled in causing it to automatically close and go down. After the elevator got to the Batcave it opened up to Bruce briefing Nightwing, Robin, and Red Hood on the details of the night having yet another super villain escape.

Damian heard what he recognized as his father's voice and crawled towards it.

"As we know Poison Ivy is very dangerous and physical contact is to be avoided as much as possible. Especially since her pheromones seem to be becoming more and more potent."

As Bruce spoke on no one seemed to notice the little baby crawling through them to his father.

"I believe that she is planning to-"

Just as Bruce was about to talk about his plan he felt something grab his leg. He looked down and was shocked to find Damian on the floor grabbing his leg, though none of this showed on his stone face. He quickly bent down and picked up his son still keeping his stoic face.

"What is Damian doing down here!" Tim yelled rather surprised.

Jason froze as he realized what happened.

"Jason did you forget to put him in his crib before you came down?"

"Uuuhhh weeeellll IIIII might have forgotten." Jason laughed nervously.

"Are you an idiot or something, where you just going to let him sleep on the floor all night!"

"Well you see..."

As Tim yelled at Jason Damian looked up in confusion at Batman he swore he heard his father's voice from this man but he didn't look like him.

"Papa?" He asked timidly.

"I am Batman." Bruce said trying to see if Damian understood he was a different person as Batman.

"Papa? Papa?" Damian asked again even more confused as to who this was that had his father's voice.

"No Papa I'm Batman."

"No Papa?"

Damian almost immediately started crying wanting out of this imposters arms and wanting his father.

"Papa! Papa!" Damian screamed as he hit and kicked the man holding him with what little strength he had.

Bruce felt heartbroken by this and knew now this concept of the Bat wasn't going to sink in for a bit. So Bruce then pushed back his cowl and kissed his son's forehead.

Damian calmed down eyes still full of water as he looked at his father's face.

"Shhh it's ok I'm here, I'm here." Bruce said soothingly as he drew Damian close and rubbed his back.

Damian wrapped his tiny arms around his father's neck and then cried out. "ine!"

Bruce chuckled a bit guessing this was his son's attempt at saying mine. And boy was he right Bruce would always be Damian's no matter what.

"I'll take him upstairs and actually "put him" in his crib. You and I are going to talk after this."

Jason gulped and shuddered at the very thought of that conversation.

As Bruce walked off all the boys secretly awed at the pair happy to Bruce well happy and genuinely for once.

Three days later

Batman and his crew had at last put Ivy behind bars again. Turns out she was planning on corrupting the trees of Gotham and using them to destroy the humans from the city. This was usual for Bruce though so it wasn't some life changing experience for him to fight yet another deranged villain.

He had luckily taken her out before the bicentennial celebration of Gotham's founding. There was always a big dinner type thing for it and luckily this one allowed those invited them to bring their children not saying Bruce didn't trust the boys, well most of them, to watch Damian he always just felt better to have Damian with him.

"Come on Damian let's not make this difficult!" Dick grunted as he tried to put the baby size suit on Damian.

He was currently in nothing but a diaper not willing to let the uncomfortable suit touch his body. Though through much effort and a few distractions from Dick's famous funny faces he eventually got it on.

Damian squirmed in his suit not really liking it but he finally calmed down and reached his arms up for Dick. Dick being the biggest Damian lover gladly picked him up cuddling him close.

"You look absolutely adorable! Yes you do, yes you do!" Dick baby talked as he tickled Damian.

The little baby laughed uncontrollably actually smiling as he was relentlessly tickled. He tired to slap off Dick's hands but his baby strength was nothing compared to Dick's immense strength.

Dick then stopped and kissed Damian's little head. Dick always showed affection to his little brothers even when they didn't want it so it was nice for him to have a victim who couldn't refuse him.

Admittedly Dick was Damian's favorite brother much to the disdain of Tim and Jason. Not to say he didn't like them, but it seemed that no matter what they did, what they got him, or how much they loved him they couldn't knock Dick off the favorite brother rank.

As Dick continued to show affection to his baby brother Bruce then came behind them watching proudly his sons interactions. Quickly Damian noticed his father and tried to squirm out of Dick's arms. Dick rolled his eyes and released Damian, who crawled as fast as he could to Bruce.

Bruce happily bent down and picked up his son who cuddled into his father.

"Alright is everyone ready?" Bruce yelled out to the boys.

Almost immediately Jason and Tim came running down the stairs. Jason still was messing with his tie while Tim held his shoes in his hand. Bruce rolled his eyes not surprised by who wasn't ready yet.

"Well let's get going."

Everyone rushed over to the Escalade they owned knowing it would fit all of them plus Damian's car seat. Bruce then strapped Damian in making sure he was securely in his seat putting his mind at ease. Dick sat up in the front with Bruce while Tim and Jason sat on the sides of Damian both seeing this as the best opportunity to try to go up on the favorite brother list.

They tried all their antics to do this but as usual to no avail. Dick watched with a smirk happy knowing his favorite brother position was secure.

Meanwhile Bruce was deep in worrying thoughts, this was his first time bringing Damian to a social event. He didn't know what people would think but he knew the entire time they would be trying to figure out who his mother was.

About to twenty minutes later they arrived at the Gotham event center. They entered the line of cars that were leading up to the red carpet and saw all the paparazzi that lined the ropes that kept all the people out of the entrance of the event center.

"Alright everyone like we discussed."

As soon as Bruce said the words everyone's protective instincts went into overdrive. Jason took Damian out of his car seat and got a black blanket out which he wrapped him in. As soon as they got to the carpet Bruce gave the keys to the valley and quickly started making his way to the building. Then the boys came out Jason having Damian pressed tightly against his chest. Almost immediately all the paparazzi went insane and swarmed them.

"Bruce who is this?"

"Is he yours?"

"If so who's child is he?"

They were bombarded with questions but simply wouldn't answer any of them. Damian was unbelievably confused as a squirmed in the blanket not knowing why he was held so tightly and close to Jason's chest. Plus he was quite scared of the bright flashes that seem to reach his eyes in the corners of the protective shell the blanket created. It took all of Jason's strength not to give into his immense protective instincts and knock out all the paparazzi's lights both camera and conscious so they wouldn't bother his baby brother.

Bruce and the boys rammed through the crowed and finally got to the event center. All of them sighed in relief finally able to get to an area very few press members were allowed in.

Meanwhile Damian was shaking uncontrollably traumatized by the experience. Jason tried to calm the babe down but to no avail. It was then Bruce noticed this and immediately rushed over to his shaking son. He took him in his arms and gently rocked while patting his son's back who also gripped onto his father's tuxedo for dear life.

"Hey it's ok it's ok the mean people are gone now you're safe, it's all ok now."

After about a minute or so Damian stopped quivering and relaxed in his father's always safe arms. They then went into the dining hall where everyone else was, every celebrity or political official in Gotham as well their families. Since this was a celebration of the city's founding they thought it was something that should be available to the families of those who were invited as well. There were many children and teenagers there all ranging from a variety of ages but by far Damian was one of the youngest there.

"Would you like a high chair for your son sir?" One of the wait staff asked Bruce curious as to who his latest edition was but knew it was not his place to ask.


While retrieving that Bruce and the boys were lead to a table more in the back of the mass of tables. He sat himself between Damian and Dick hoping that the rest of the night would go well.

Shortly after they were seated dinner was served dinner which consisted of a filet mignon all cooked to each person's liking. Though they had luckily made food for that of the younger crowd as well.

Bruce luckily brought a jar of baby food and a bottle, in the diaper bag, still working on weaning Damian on solid food.

After finishing the meal Bruce decided to keep Damian on his lap for a bit. A few minutes later famous female reporter Vicki Vale or now Vicki Vale Powers came up to Bruce.

"Well who is the little man?"

"Oh uuuhh Vicki I see you're here."

"Well of course I am I wouldn't miss an event like this now if you could please answer my question."

"Welll this is my son."

"Oh my Bruce didn't know you found someone you hooked up with and stuck with. Do where's the Mrs." Vicki laughed remembering their relationship from ages ago.

"Uuuh well she died." Bruce said figuring he didn't need Gotham's best reporter knowing his relations and thus leading to his Batman identity.

"Oh I'm so sorry my condolences, are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine I at least got this little one out of it."

Bruce held up Damian who looked at Vicki not really knowing who she was but his father knew her so she must be good.

"Well I mean you look happy. But anyway I better get back to my husband I wish you the best."

Vicki turned around, she knew Bruce was lying about what happened but out of respect for a friend she decided to go against her reporter instincts and not question any further.

It was then the Mayor of Gotham came up to the podium in front of everyone.

"My fellow citizens of Gotham I welcome you to our 100th annual Gotham founding celebration. I hope you've all enjoyed your evening so far and now I would like to continue on with our events. Firstly the ever so anticipated Restorating Gotham auction. As you know we strive to improve our city flawed as it may be we can always strive for better. Mrs. Chang if you would please."

The mayor's secretary Mrs. Chang then came out wheeling in a table covered with a velvet sheet over it.

"Our first item may interest our ladies or jewel collectors in the room for it is none other than the Snow Queens Diamond!"

He ripped of the machine to reveal a beautiful diamond filled necklace with a large one at the end surrounded by eight rows of smaller diamonds making it look like a snowflake. The way the necklace was designed it looked like it was delicate as if it were made of ice and snow.

There were many ohs and awes through the room many wanting the diamond necklace.

"This belonged to a Norwegian princess believed to be the inspiration of the Hans Christensen tale for her cold looks and way of commanding people. I say we start the bid at $25,000."

"Or you could hand it over to me!"

Everyone turned and froze in fear for it was none other than the insane Mr. Freeze.

Bruce handed Damian to Tim much to his protest signaling him to get out of there with him. He knew the thirteen year old was the smallest of them all and would most likely go unnoticed. With Damian in his arms Tim snuck off.

Freeze walked up to the podium slowly all the while his goons surrounding the people. Once Freeze was up there he took the necklace then took the mic up there.

"Now that I have this beauty the rest of you now will give over all your diamonds. Jewelry, accessories, emblems, I don't care just hand them over and no one gets hurt."

"Why should we listen to you you mad man!"

"Well my good sir if you don't hand over your jewels then I'm afraid I'll have to freeze over this child!"

Freeze signaled and one of his goons came up with a wailing baby in his arms, freeze picked the baby up by his suit jacket and pointed his freeze gun at the helpless baby. Bruce's heart stop when he saw the crying baby was none other than his son Damian. That meant Tim was, oh no where's Tim is he ok, is he alive, oh what happened. Bruce's thoughts went wild he didn't know what to do his little boy was in danger but he couldn't reveal his identity.

"I'd hurry up if I were all you or else this boy is about to become an auction item!"

"Well then I'm about to make a bid!"

Everyone turned to see Nightwing on the beams of the roof.

"Ah so the boy wonder shows up to save the day, but I must ask as to the Bat is?"

"He's a little preoccupied at the moment but don't worry I'll give you all the pain you deserve!"

Nightwing jumped of the beam and kicked Freeze in the face already cracking his most needed helmet. Having been introduced to all the alter egos of the Batfamily Damian knew it was Dick in front of him prompting him to reach for Nightwing.

"You will pay for that!"

Freeze threw Damian over to a goon and focused on the man in front of him. He readied his gun and then shot at Nightwing. Nightwing ran from the blast, a trail of large ice following him. He then pulled out his batons and charged at Freeze. He hit him in several painful places managing to destroy those parts of his suit.

"Since when have you been so powerful!" Freeze yelled feeling lots of pain.

"You threatened someone unbelievably innocent and helpless and I don't like that."

Not to mention he touched his baby brother so he was screwed enough.

With one last hit Nightwing shattered Freezes helmet leaving him gasping for air. Freeze refused to go down like this he would have blood.

"Throw the Brat!"

On command the goon holding Damian very roughly three the baby. Nightwing's heart sped up as he watched his crying brother thrown high up in the air flying into the tables. He immediately ran and jumped using his acrobatic skills to catch the baby and stick the landing.

Everyone in the room sighed with relief now that the child was safe. However while everyone was distracted Freeze threw a smoke bomb and escaped the scene.

Knowing it wasn't important now Nightwing took Damian back over to Bruce and handed him back. Bruce seized Damian holding onto him very tightly happy to know he was safe. Damian also held onto Bruce feeling very cold from being with Freeze. Jason gave Bruce the blanket they used to hide Damian and tightly wrapped it around him hoping to quickly warm him up.

"Thank you sir." Bruce said both pretending and genuinely thanking Dick.

"It's just part of my job sir."

With that Nightwing ran off and snuck into the bathrooms without knowing. Dick luckily found Tim there who they knocked out with chloroform and hid in the bathroom. After changing out of his Nightwing costume Dick woke up Tim making him have a heart attack from not knowing where Damian was. Dick calmed him down quickly explaining what happened then walked with him out of the bathroom.

It was clearly the end of the party so everyone went home. The Wayne's then got to the car, Bruce had Dick drive so he could hold Damian. Jason sat in front while Bruce was in the back holding the now sleeping Damian the entire ride home. While most would have viewed this as unbelievably unsafe there was no safer place for Damian than Bruce's loving strong arms.

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