I Am Lacerta - HP fanfic

By BooshBaby

146K 1.5K 1K


I Am Lacerta
I Am Lacerta Chapter 1
I Am Lacerta Chapter 2
I Am Lacerta Chapter 3
I Am Lacerta Chapter 4
I Am Lacerta Chapter 5
I Am Lacerta Chapter 6
I Am Lacerta Chapter 7
I Am Lacerta Chapter 8
I Am Lacerta Chapter 9
I Am Lacerta Chapter 10
I Am Lacerta Chapter 11
I Am Lacerta Chapter 12
I Am Lacerta Chapter 13
I Am Lacerta Chapter 14
I Am Lacerta Chapter 15
I Am Lacerta Chapter 16
I Am Lacerta Chapter 17
I Am Lacerta Chapter 18
I Am Lacerta Chapter 19
I Am Lacerta Chapter 20
I Am Lacerta Chapter 21
I Am Lacerta Chapter 22
I Am Lacerta Chapter 23
I Am Lacerta Chapter 24
I Am Lacerta Chapter 25
I Am Lacerta Chapter 26
I Am Lacerta Chapter 27
I Am Lacerta Chapter 28
I Am Lacerta Chapter 29
I Am Lacerta Chapter 30
I Am Lacerta Chapter 31
I Am Lacerta Chapter 31
I Am Lacerta Chapter 32
I Am Lacerta Chapter 33
I Am Lacerta Chapter 34
I Am Lacerta Chapter 35
I Am Lacerta Chapter 36
I Am Lacerta Chapter 37
I Am Lacerta Chapter 38
I Am Lacerta Chapter 39
I Am Lacerta Chapter 40
I Am Lacerta Chapter 41
I Am Lacerta Chapter 42
I Am Lacerta Chapter 43
I Am Lacerta Chapter 45
I Am Lacerta Chapter 46
I Am Lacerta Chapter 47
I Am Lacerta Chapter 48
I Am Lacerta Chapter 49
I Am Lacerta Chapter 50

I Am Lacerta Chapter 44

1.4K 36 24
By BooshBaby

i am so unbelievably sorry for the delay - i feel awful!! i got distracted by everything but im going to post now

pleasepleasePLEASE VOTE - COMMENT - TWEET - FAN - SUPPORT I AM LACERTA REPOSTED FOR THE WATTY AWARDS 2011!!! it would mean the world to me to win and i am having to repost the entire story to be entered!!!! my newest fanners are:

BellaSachaj   booshcrazy (wat a great name :D)   HPluver5588   Hollylouise2410   alanoxxoo   SimplyCrazy   BadassChick_Jemma   Smokelesseyes   CmBCherry   JackieCoursey   Paigesinger16   tigerfly   joblessat22 (thanks again :D)   rachruby   ElizabethLow (lol coincidence - u hav the same surname as one of my characters :D)

sorry again for the delay - enjoy :D

I Am Lacerta Chapter 44

I left the Headmasters Office quickly and hobbled down the stairs. At the bottome I followed the familiar route down to the Dungeons. After a few strange looks from some Hufflepuff Second Years, I realised I needed to change into some robes. So I quickly hid in a deserted classroom and morphed into some Slytherin Robes. 

I kept walking down the corridor until suddenly classes ended and students came rushing out of all the classrooms.  I tried to push mu way through the crowds until some idiotic fourth year kicked my recently wounded leg. I bit back a screech of pain and stuck my hand out to grab anything, and found myself clinging to a wall. I slid down  it and took some deep breaths until most of the students had passed.

"Lacy? Are you alright?" I heard a very familiar voice say. My head snapped up and I beamed at the face of Luna Lovegood standing before my like a heaven-sent angel.

"I've had worse." I said, hugging her strongly. When she didn't hug me back, I pulled back confused. I looked up at her confused and her eyes flicked to the left. I followed her line of vision and saw Ginny Weasley full out glaring at me.

"Come on, Lu. We can't be late for DADA again - Umbridge will kill us!" Ginny whined at Luna.

"You're not wrong there.." I muttered and Luna looked at me quizzically. I just smiled weakly and said:

"You better go. Umbridge gets real nasty if you don't turn up - trust me." I said lowly, pulling away from her. She looked at me confused before something in her mind clicked and she gasped.

"She didn't!" she cried looking me up and down and seeing all my scars.

"She did, and I don't want her to do the same to you." I said pushing her lightly towards Ginny. "Go. I'm alright, Lu. Have fun with Ginny." I said at a weak attempt to be encouraging, but I knew my eyes must have been filled with hurt.

"I'll come wi-" she began.

"Don't you dare. Go. Now." I said mock-seriously. "Bye babes." I said quietly to her retreating back, as she linked arms with Ginny and walked off. It reminded me so much of first year that my heart felt itself almost explode with the extreme desire to run after them and laugh and talk like that first year.

I sadly remembered the pain in my leg so I continued on my journey to the Dungeons, but still feeling dejected that Ginny freaking Weasley has yet again managed to ruin my day. 

When I got there, Sev had a free period and was making some kind of concoction in his personal cauldron. I was glad to see him using it - I had got it for him for his last birthday. 

"Hiya." I said quietly, quickly brushing a stray tear from my cheek before he could see it.

"Have you been crying, Lacerta?" Sev asked shocked - I  never cried. Not when I was five and my best friend moved away forever, not when Lucius used to hurt me for not practising morphing enough, not when I had just come back from freeing Sirius Black and had almost had my soul sucked out by a Dementor. 

I shook my head in an attempt to salvage some of my dignity. "It's not attractive to lie, you know." Severus said distractedly, as he worked fervently to try and finish the potion he was working on.

"I've been told." I said hoarsely, pulling up my right sleeve showing him where Umbridge had carved LIAR into my skin.

Snape didn't immediately see as he was so completely involved with his potion, and when he looked up and saw my arm he shouted: "Sweet Merlin!" 

"Am I that repulsive?" I joked, but Severus wasn't laughing.

"Oh honey - I can't believe Umbridge did this to you! She will pay... Merlin  help me she will pay..." he said mercilessly, a flame burning in his coal black eyes. 

He then looked me up and down. "How many injuries have you got?"

"Physical? I... honestly can't say - I ache all over.. but the mains are this one-" I pointed at my eyebrow. "this one-" I pointed at the very long deep wound on my left leg. "this one-" I pointed at my right arm. "- and, er.. my collarbones as far as I know.." I said.

"Your collarbones? Show me." he said. I sighed and moved my cloak, which had been purposefully covering my wound. Once it was out of the way - the large jagged cut that ran from the tip of my left shoulder skimming the base of my neck and all the way to the tip of my right shoulder was exposed and Sev gasped. It felt fresh somehow - even though I know it was cut a while ago - and was still bleeding.

"I feel kinda woozy.." I said, swaying on my feet - the bloodloss and tiredness really sinking in. 

Snape snapped out of his outraged stupor and sprinted into his storeroom with a speed I didn't know he possessed. I heard bottles crashing and a lot of swearing but I just couldn't keep my eyes open.

"Hold on, Lacy!" Snape shouted desperately.

"Sev... he....l...p......me.." was all I managed before I passed out onto the floor, barely noticing catching my head on the edge of his desk as I fell.....


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