Wrath of a Demon Lord

By RyanBisesti

15.6K 394 173

At a young age, Izuku Midoriya was cursed by an anti-quirk cult to have his soul fused with the demon lord of... More

Demon lord unleashed
Wager with a demon + the ADC
Tale of A Demon Lord
The sports festival begins
Return of the Mist Lord
A secret revealed
Duel of the successor's
A dryad in UA
Izuku and Milim vs Alpha
The 10 Amendments

Details on Powers + Origins

3.7K 67 72
By RyanBisesti

This is my first story so I hope you like it, I also had to steal some moves from pokemon in order to flesh out her moveset a bit(I haven't read the entire That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime manga and the anime is in the middle of its second season) so I stuck with dragon type moves since she was the adopted daughter of a dragon

Name: Izuku Midoriya / Izuku Nava / Milim Nava

Age: 16

gender: Male

Quirk: One for All + UNKNOWN

Hair: Primarily green with a pink stripe down the middle

Izuku Personality: same as before

MIilim Personality: lives for the thrill of battle, tends to toy with her opponents if they are weaker than here, childish, 


Flight, super strength, durability

TAKEOVER(Similiar to Mirajane from Fairy Tail): Milim can take over Izuku's body and fight in his place if he is ever knocked unconscious or if he is pissed off. The indicator is their hair which will swap colors for whoever is in control(IE green with pink stripe for Izuku and pink with green stripe for Milim). Also their hair will get longer if Milim is the one in control

TWISTER: User spins around causing a large tornado and can set said tornado on fire

FLAME FIST(No idea what the move is actually called): User's aura projects around them as they are launched towards their opponent and when their fist makes contact with the opponent, they explode and cause a tornado which turns into an explosion(not collateral damage will be caused) 

DRACO BUSTER: User fires 8-12 orbs that lock onto a target and, when in range, will explode

DRAGON CLAW: Users hands are engulfed in a green energy that form sharp claw that cut through steel

DRAGON RUSH: User summons a large energy dragon around the users body and rushes at an opponent with incredible speed and it explodes on impact with the target

DRACO METEOR: User shoot a meteor into the sky and it breaks apart falling towards the ground and explode on impact

DRAGON PULSE: User fires a rainbow colored energy beam at the target

DRACO NOVA: more powerful version of DRAGON PULSE(can only be used in Destroy Mode)

Destroy/Combat Mode: Izuku/Milim are encased in a suit of armor, sprout dragon like wings and gain access to a sword and DRACO NOVA

PS: ignore the background in this shot

Keep in mind this is a Work In Progress and I am in school, I will try to update this once I get a story board for the first few chapters set up


It was only a week since Izuku was deem quirkless by his doctor and kidnapped by the anti-quirk cult. They keep saying how they will bring down the society of heroes with their "new weapon"


I woke up somewhere strange, held down with chains to the ground, some men with weird cloths were talking, I could only understand a few

cult member 1: Do you think his body can withstand the demon that we have in store

cult member 2: I don't care, as long as we get a demon lord that is obedient, then I don't care whether he survives or not


The then said some gibberish I couldn't understand and the ground around me lite up and I felt a pain in my head and my chest. I screamed hoping they would stop but they didn't and one of them said they were nearing a third of the way there. that's when I heard it.


Cult member: NO, NO, NO, NOT-

All Might: SMASH

The wall beside my exploded and  knocked several of the men around me. I heard some of them scream in fear as I fell unconscious

Third Person POV

All-might and the heroes arrived to save Izuku from the cult, who were beginning to retreat only to be arrested by the police. All-might looked to the ground and saw the unconscious boy on the in chain. He uses his  strength to break the chains and rescue the boy to return him to his family

Hisashi and Inko: IZUKU

Hisashi: Thanks again, both of you, I don't know what I could've done without you two

All-Might: No worries old friend(In this world Hisashi is a close friend to All-Might)

Nighteye: Think nothing of it, thought if I may ask, why is his hair like that

Hisashi and Inko were confused until they looked at Izuku and saw that he had a pink stripe of hair in the middle of his normally all green hair

Inko: oh god, what happened to him, will he be- Inko was interupted by Hisashi

Hisashi: He will be okay, its probably just a side affect of the incomplete demon possession process, hopefully(He mutter that last part to himself). 

Tsukauchi: Hey All-Might, Nighteye, Hisashi mind if I talk with you guys for a sec

Inko leaves and walks overto an ambulence with Izuku whilst leaving All-Might, Hisashi and Nighteye to talk to one another

Tsukauchi: Check this out 

Tsukauchi hands Hisashi several papers that were in the cults possession.Most of them were either unreadable or about the soul fusing process, however one stood out to them the most

Nighteye: Demon lord of destruction Milim Nava, who could that be?

Hisashi: No idea and the title of this demon doesn't sound like a demon title, sounds like a title only a kid could make up

All-Might: Since when did you know anything on demons

Hisashi: the internet

Tsukauchi:Face palms anyway, I thought I might let you guys know about this, hoping you had some more insight on the subject matter

Hisashi: I'll do some more research, in the mean time though I should get going with Inko and Izuku to the hospital to make sure he's okay, thanks again you guys, I owe you one

All-Might, Nighteye and Tsukauchi: Any time

Hisashi walks off to join up with Inko and Izuku whilst the other three discuss other things

Hisashi: Hey there buddy how you doing

Izuku: DADDY

Doctor: he's stable and, aside from his hair, he's completely normal

Inko: phew, well that's a relief, can we take him home?

Doctor: I don't see why not

Hisash: allright Izuku, wan--

suddenly, a loud crash was heard as a lightning bolt hit the building the cult was in

Tsukauchi: Hey Hisashi, you might wanna come see this

Hisashi: Take Izuku to the car, I'll meet you both there

Hisashi walks over to Tsukauchi as he points to a sword that's in the middle of the circle

Hisashi: It's just a sword, whats wrong with that

Tsukauchi: simple, Izuku was in that circle where the sword currently placed, not to mention it appeared right after the lightning struck the building

Police officer: SIR, the other side of the sword has writing on it

Hisashi and Tsukauchi walk to the other side to see the word "Milim" on it

Hisashi: What.the.hell

Police officer: sir, what should we do with the sword

Tsukauchi was about to respond until he was interrupted by Hisashi

Hisashi: I'll take it and put it somewhere safe

Tsukauchi: now where have I heard that before, he chuckles a bit

Hisashi gives Tsukauchi a death glare

Hisashi: your never gonna let that go are you

Tsukauchi: HAHA, nope

Hisashi: hugh. Anyway, I'll take care of it

Hisashi grabs the sword and puts it in the back of his car. Afterwards he, Inko and Izuku drive back to their home. Once they arrive, he waits for Izuku to be in bed before grabbing the sword and putting it in his office's safe to keep it from Izuku. 

Inko: do you think he will every become that thing that you and the detective were talking about

Hisashi turns around to see a worried Inko, he turns around and hugs her for comfort

Hisashi: Inko, from what I heard the process wasn't complete and besides the kids got a strong will, I'm sure if this "Milim" is really fused with Izuku than, who knows, his cuteness and heroism would rub off on this demon and cause him/her to have a change of heart.

Inko: and if it---Hisashi put his hand over her mouth to calm her down

Hisashi: trust me, he'll be fine

Inko leaves to go to bed whilst Hisash just thinks one thing whilst locking up the safe

Hisash:*God I hope I'm right

As Izuku is sleeping, he wakes up in a black void

Izuku:Hello, is anyone their

???:Pleasure to meet you kid

Izuku turns around to see a lady with pink hair, two pig tail, very little clothing(NOT MY FAULT SHE LOOKS LIKE THIS)

Izuku: Who are you

Milim: Name's Demon Lord Milim and I'm the one who's soul is fused with your's

Izuku: MY SOUL

Milim: eh don't worry about it, not like I can possess you body or anything, besides I just wanted to say hi and see what you look like

Milim then begins to walk over, he is hesitant at first but he eventually let her get close as she kneels down and pats his head

Milim: *chuckles* my aren't you cute

Izuku then thanks her for the compliment, she then begins to thanos away as she turns to dust

Izuku: Hey whats going on

Milim: Don't worry I'm fine kid, I'm just heading back to my realm. I'll see you again in the future Izuku

Izuku decides to ask her a question before she goes

Izuku: Hey, Milim,

Milim: *She turns around* Yes?

Izuku: do you think I could be a hero without a quirk?

She then smiles and replies with a simple "Yes" before vanishing

Izuku than wakes up in the morning with smile on his face

THATS IT FOR CHAPTER ONE, the next chapter I'm gonna skip around a bit to when Izuku meet All Might and the USJ attack since everything before the USJ and after Izuku meet All Might that is basically the same as the anime

leave suggestions for me with comments for this story or others as well as suggestions to make the story seem more cohesive in you thinks its not

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