Attached- Tsukishima Kei

By NoMo17

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Tsukki falls for his chaotic Black friend. That's it. Okay real summary: Kanai Athena came to Japan when she... More

Bonus Chapter 1


435 24 4
By NoMo17

Tsukishima Athena

"Love, I'm home! I brought dinner." I hear Kei announce and the sound of the door shutting fills the house.

"I-I'm in the room." I call out the best I can, tears streaming down my face as my body wracks with sobs right after.

I bury my face into my mattress as I sit on the floor and try to calm myself. I hear Kei rushing up the stairs and soon two hands are on me, pulling me to their chest.

"Baby? What's wrong? Are you hurt, are you okay?" He asks and I nod.

"I'm okay." I sniffle, managing to make myself stop crying. I hold onto Kei though, wanting to be held.

"Why are the pictures out? Were you looking at them and something happened?" He asks and I pull away, gathering the pictures on the floor neatly in my hands.

I lift them up, looking through the photos of us when we were younger, a lot of them being of him in his uniform, us standing next to each other, or him during games.

My bottom lip begins to tremble and I burst into tears again, putting the pictures away in the box they were in before.

Kei wraps his arms around me again, quietly rubbing my back.

"I just- I'm so proud of you." I cry, burying my face in his chest. "You played so well with Karasuno and you've grown so much. You're always trying to improve and it just makes me so happy to see you happy. I seen the picture I took of you all when you won against Inarizaki in our first year and I started crying. I'm so proud of you and I love you so much. I'm so happy for you."

A small chuckle escapes Kei's lips and I start crying harder because he's making fun of me.

"You're so cute." He mumbles, holding me tighter to his chest. "I'll get some chocolate and some other snacks for you later on."

"Huh? Why?" I lift my head up, sniffling. He cups my face, wiping my eyes with gentle fingers.

"You should be starting your period tomorrow." He raises an eyebrow and my shoulders drop.

"Oh. I forgot." I frown and he places a kiss on my nose.

"It's in my calendar, I put it in yours too. Do you have any special requests from the store?" He lifts my chin and places a gentle peck on my lips.

"No. I just want kithes and cuddlth." I say and his face drops before pushing me away.

"Gross. Request denied."

Laughter bubbles from my throat and I instantly feel better at the sight of his disgusted expression.

"That's mean. What if I really had a lisp and talked like that?" I pout and he stands, holding a hand out to me.

"I guess we'll never know."


"You're a loser." Kei states with a grin as we both sit against our headboard, controllers in hand with Mario Kart playing on our TV.

"You cheated!" I huff out a breath.

"Yeah, yeah. That's what losers say." He smirks and I turn to him.

"You literally grabbed my contr-"

"Shh." He puts his hand over my mouth, giving me an apologetic look. "It's okay. Loser."

I shove his hand away, deadpanning as I look at his smug expression.

"Cheat one more time and I will bleed all over you." I say seriously and his eyes widen.

"You're sick." He laughs, grabbing my face and squeezing my cheeks, beginning to repeatedly peck my puckered lips. "You're still a loser."

He lets me go and I turn back towards our tv, huffing out a breath.

"Whatever. I'm winning this round." I state, very much determined now.

I did not, in fact, win that round. Not even a little bit. Right before I was about to cross the finish line Kei reached over and pushed my thumb to make me run into the wall and then turn my car around.

Kei let's out a victorious cheer as I sit there, watching myself get 5th place as the bots get passed me.

"You really suck, eh?" Kei grins, leaning over and putting his face right in front of mine.

I wipe my expression of any emotion, looking at him blankly. I'm beyond irritated now.

Kei's eyes widen and he sits up straight, sitting in front of me and putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Hey- I was just messing around. Let's play again, I'll be fair this time." He suggests but I ignore him, turning my controller off. "Baby, don't ignore me." He grabs my hand as I stand up from the bed.

"Hmph." I rip myself from his grasp, stomping out the room and down the stairs.

"Fine! Two can play at that game!" I hear him call out after me.

I walk into our kitchen, taking out all the ingredients I had prepared a few hours ago to make onigiri, and sit cross legged in an island chair after I wash my hands and wait for rice to cook.

As I wait, I can't help but to think how some people have onigiri as a meal- or at least a big part of their meal. Maybe it's the fat bitch in me, but I could never just eat onigiri and be satisfied. Even with miso and some vegetables- I'd still feel like something is missing.

Oh well though. It's not like anyone is forcing me to.

It's not until the rice is done cooking that Kei comes down the stairs. I curl up in my seat at the kitchen island again as I start to stuff the rice with different flavorings.

Kei just stands there and watches me for a few seconds before walking out the kitchen.

My eyebrows furrow when I hear the door open and close, and I jump out of my seat to see him getting into his car and eventually driving off.

Is he mad at me now? Because I'm ignoring him?

Guilt and over unpleasant feelings surge through me and I quietly walk back to the kitchen to finish cooking.

What if he is mad? Why didn't he at least tell me where he was going? Ah...I shouldn't have ignored him. It's just over a stupid game anyways.

I create little happy faces out of seaweed on the onigiri to lighten my mood, but end up thinking it's stupid and childish.

So you know what I did?

Create a sad face out of seaweed.

It makes absolutely no difference and it's still childish but who's gonna check me? Nobody.

I plate the onigiri neatly on a tray, setting the sad faced one in the front of all the others as I make my way upstairs to change. Once I'm finished I slip my shoes back on and rush out the house.

I don't want Kei mad at me anymore so I decided to go get a cake for him. As I walk to the bakery I think of all the places he could have gone. Maybe he's meeting up with his friends. Or maybe he's gone to the dorms?

Oh gosh. He probably hates me. He hates me, doesn't he?

It takes a while for me to get the cake since they were barely making fresh strawberry shortcakes when I walked in. I dig in my purse to find my phone to keep me entertained but I groan when I realize I must have left it at home.

I get the cake and the worker ends up giving me a free slice of a cheesecake since they're trying to get more people to buy it.

I end up feeling pressured so I buy that too. And then I get a free slice of another cake just because.

After walking home with my hands full, I find a very frantic looking Kei pacing in front of the door.

"Oh my gosh." He pulls me into his arms and I yelp, trying to protect the sweets in my hands. "Where the hell were you? I got home and you were just freaking gone! I called you and I heard your phone ringing in here so I got worried and decided I'll only wait for half an hour. 2 more minutes and I would have been running around miyagi like a mad man!"

My eyes slightly widen and I wiggle out of his grasp, frowning up at him.

"You left me first." I say quietly, looking down at the bags in my hands. "I thought you left because you were mad that I was ignoring you so I got sad and I went to buy you cake to cheer you up."

Kei's eyes flicker down to my hands and he takes both bags from me before leading me to the kitchen, where I see a store bag on the counter and a bite taken out of my sad onigiri.

"I wasn't mad at you. I thought you were mad at me so I went to buy you snacks to cheer you up." He chuckles a bit, running a hand down his face.

It's quiet between the two of us for a few seconds before we both burst out in laughter.

"Oh my god- we're both so-" I start.

"Pathetic." We say at the same time, causing us to laugh only harder.

"Whew. Oh gosh. We can't be doing this anymore." He wraps his arms around my waist once he calms down and grins down at me, pecking my lips. "We're clearly not mentally strong enough to be in arguments."

"You're just so obsessed with me." I sigh sarcastically and he pulls me against his body, raising an eyebrow as he grins.

"Can't deny that."

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