Hurricane [Gaara]

By Animemadness101

39.4K 1.8K 79

They were forced to live together under certain circumstances. One with an oath to protect their Master and t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Final Chapter of Book 1
Sequel to Book 1
Gaara Trilogy: Book 2 Published

Chapter 24

849 49 1
By Animemadness101

"Are you sure?"


Gaara and Azmaria stared each other in the eye, unwavering. "I checked her over as I've said," Hoshi stepped in. "She's fit to travel and move about if we have to fight again. All that's left is bruising and slight discomfort."

The Chuunin sighed. "Fine. But if I so much as see a sign that you're not performing as usual I won't hesitate to step in."

"Ouch, that would be an insult to my ego and skills," Azmaria placed a hand over her heart to feign hurt. "We're in no rush. They haven't even told us where we should meet up when the day is done."

"I didn't think about that... how do you suppose they'll gather us?" the Water Ninja mused.

"If they're as sadistic as Ibiki and Anko from the Leaf during the Chuunin Exams, then it will not be fun on our part."

There was a screech of birds high in the air, drawing their attention. "Guess we're not heading in that direction," Hoshi grumbled.

There were more similar noises, each more frantic than the next. "Something's wrong..." Azmaria took up the large sword lying on the ground. "I'm going to check it out."

Multiple flocks of birds suddenly filled the air, nearly blocking out the upper branches. The Soldier couldn't figure out what was causing them to run away so quickly. They needed answers. She climbed up higher into the branches out of sight. Someone had to be close by. An ally. Upon breaking through the top branches there were even more birds than they initially thought. The sudden flight stretched far over the forest to head for the mainland.

"Sanchi!" Azmaria yelled. However, the squawking of the flocks drowned out her voice. She formed a hand sign, focusing the wind into the palms. Cupping them together the girl shouted again, "Sanchi!" Currents ripped forth from the palms, carrying over the tops of the trees before penetrating the area below.

"What was that?" Hoshi wondered. The volume of it made the teens cover their ears.

"Gale Wind Jutsu," Gaara answered. "Only a ninja with skills in weather type jutsus and with a lot of chakra can successfully use it."

"Won't that give away our position?"

"Azmaria wouldn't have risked that if there wasn't a reason. Something's wrong, and she wants information."


It felt like someone took a wooden plank and smacked the teen across the head seconds later. Still alive and well, Az? Sanchi questioned on the other end of the mind link.

Knew you were around here somewhere, she breathed out. What is going on?

We noticed them too. Suma's checking it out right now.

Where's your position?

If I had to guess we're twenty miles in from the docks, Northwest.

I'd have to say we're five miles apart. Do you have any idea what caused this?

No. Let me try to find Tamahome.

Hurry up. A headache is the last thing I need right now while we're still in here.

The connection was made minutes later. Tamahome, what–?

Run for the field! Tamahome shouted.

Both ninjas grew alarmed by the panic in his voice.

There are beasts' everywhere! We're engaged with a handful right now!

The field is set with traps, so be careful! Azmaria warned.

Head Southwest! Temari and Kankuro are close! I caught sight of them yesterday! Shit–!

The connection broke, Sanchi and Azmaria sensing this.

Tamahome? Tamahome!

A loud roared ripped through the air. Az, run! Sanchi exclaimed. They are here too!

There must be multiple groups, Azmaria surmised. Draw them into the open! Head to the field!

But we'll be sitting ducks out there!

We have to draw them out of their element. There's no time to question this, just run! But be careful where you step. The traps may still be in place. Break the connection, now–!

Azmaria's head hurt once the link broke off, but she ignored it. The Soldier dropped quickly towards the position of her teammates as fast as she could. "Master Gaara!"

The sand swept in to float her down to their level on a disk. "What have you found, Azmaria?" he questioned.

"Run for the field!"

They were startled by the sudden decision and the tone of her voice.

"Don't question it, run!"

"What about the mines?" Hoshi wondered.

"We don't have a choice. I'll explain as we're moving!"

They collected up their things to backtrack towards their point of interest. While the Soldier's information was limited from what she gathered from Tamahome or Sanchi, it wasn't a good idea to remain idle.

"But if what's attacking the groups are lurking in the forest, why did they wait till today to attack?" Hoshi asked.

"Ambush," Gaara pieced together. "The proctors want to see how we would act in an ambush."

"It makes sense," the girl agreed. "They must've come overnight, and released them at the water's edge on the East side of the island. I bet they're also trying to lure us out so they won't have trouble finding us when it's all over."

"That's just called being lazy," Hoshi huffed.

It was quick, coming in from the right with amazing speed. The three snapped their heads in the same direction, watching a large beast lunge, jaw wide open with razor sharp teeth.

"Hoshi!" Azmaria yelled. A hand wrapping around the teen's sleeve instantly to jerked him away from harm. Yet it continued forward. A wall of sand separated the two, crushing the monster before Gaara got behind Azmaria, steadying his teammates.

"Make haste," he ordered.

They could hear the fighting before clearing the trees, snarls ripping through the air, while jutsus and attacked were thrown in every direction. Temari and Kankuro's group were out in the open, the team watching as Sanchi came barreling out, a dazed Tamahome feet from them with blood covering him from head to toe.

"The traps..." Hoshi breathed.

"They're gone," Gaara finished.

"I'm not about to complain!"

"Kill them all!" Azmaria ordered. She pulled free the sword from her back to engage. The once peaceful looking area was now a battlefield, the six teams working together, yet separately at the same time. It was very clear who the leaders were when they stepped up, and who possessed the skills worthy to work in groups. It also pointed out others who were too clumsy or lacked the right qualities.

One of the monsters lunged at the Soldier, pinning her to the ground. Her blade pushed against its paws, jaws snapping at her face. Azmaria's teeth clenched, shoving against the attack, neck craning away from the danger. Its breath smelled like death itself, stale from the odor of blood, the red liquid coating the teeth and gums. The snarls made saliva drip from the mouth, splattering on her skin.

"Azmaria!" Hoshi yelled. He killed a beast and rushed in in teammate's direction. Gaara noticed the Soldier's situation, a separate stream of sand rushing to her aid.

Azmaria cried out from the force behind the push, sending the thing backwards through the air and to the ground. Without a moment to lose, the teen lunged, running her blade right through the chest.

Harsh breaths from the struggle escaped her lips. Eyes whipping about, Azmaria realized that the teams managed to exterminate the beasts. Though that didn't mean they dropped their guard. "I seriously hope that was all of them," one of Kankuro's teammates breathed.

"Doubt it," Sanchi answered. He staggered a bit from a claw that ripped open a section of skin on the left leg.

"Are you sure the bleeding has stopped?" a ninja from Tamahome's team asked.

The Medical Ninja was tightly gripping a shoulder where a beast had latched onto. A row of puncture wounds ran up the collarbone and shoulder, the worst one at the joint. "I'll be fine," he answered. Yet refused to let up on the pressure to be safe.

"What happened to you, partner?" Sanchi wondered.

"Damn thing tried to eat him!" the other answered. His hands were still shaking from the memory of the initial attack in the forest.

"Can anyone sense anything?" Azmaria asked.

A quick sweep of the area produced a 'no' from everyone still left.

"Should we even go back in?" the shortest boy on Temari's team wondered.

"I wouldn't chance it," the sister answered. "There's no telling what else they released in there."

"What about the grassland we saw coming in?" Kankuro asked.

"Burned," Hoshi answered. "They smoked out team out."

"So that's why we didn't see you three for the first two days."

"As leader, Gaara thought it was a good idea. Less traps, everyone would head for the forest for more coverage."

"Well, that was a smarter move on your part."

"Didn't matter," Azmaria cut in. "We were forced to cross this field to find cover in the forest."

"That doesn't sound too bad," Sanchi reasoned.

"We were chased by ninjas, and on top of that, the whole field was booby trapped."

Everyone froze, eyes carefully examining the grass for any signs of these supposed traps.

"They're not here anymore," she reassured.

"Then where did they go?" Suma asked.

"I have no idea. Someone took them out."

There was an explosion towards the dock, drawing their attention. Six ANBU Ninja suddenly appeared in front of them. All of the Chuunin took a step back, fixing their weapons in anticipation for another attack.

"At ease," a man spoke up. "That signal means the Exam is over. We are here to take the survivors back for evaluation. You'll know who made Jounin by tonight."

Slowly, the groups calmed, making their way towards the docks and helping those injured in the process.

The hospital was swarmed with nurses and doctors, checking over the Chuunin and tending to their injuries. Many were impressed by the Medical Jutsus performed that saved some from serious injury and harm.

Those behind the Exam found it difficult making a decision. Never before had they seen so many prospects for Jounin. Hours later, long after the sun had set, the Chunnin ninjas were called into a meeting room. It didn't matter if there were bandaged or had been sleeping, all needed to attend. A ninja stood on one side of the long table, the Proctors on the other.

"It was a very difficult decision," a woman with dark blue short hair, and piercing green eyes spoke up. "Over fifty percent of you performed better than those in the last ten years. We were greatly impressed. This year will mark the highest graduation percentage in a long time. When I call your name, please step forward. Kankuro of the Sand."

Startled at being called first, the puppeteer stepped up, a grin coming to his lips.

"Temari of the Sand. Neji Hyuuga of the Leaf. Gaara of the Sand. Hoshi of the Water. Tamahome of the Sand. Sanchi of the Sand. Chiriko of the Rock. And Azmaria of the Sand."

Those that had passed were trying to remain professional, when they wanted to be jumping up and down to celebrate.

"To everyone who did not pass I suggest you try again next year. Many of you are very close to becoming Jounin, but we feel you could use another year or so in preperation. Those that passed, congratulations. You stand as Jounin from this day onward."


"I don't think I could take another pass at that Exam," Tamahome stated. They were on the boat the next morning to head back to Suna. His arm was in a sling from the bite injury, while bandages covered the wound under the uniform. "And I think I'll be just fine staying a Jounin from now on."

"Hell yeah! This calls for a celebration when we get home!" Sanchi cheered.

"All they ever think about is celebrating," Temari sighed, shaking her head.

Azmaria shrugged her shoulders. "Gives them a chance to relax. I mean, come on, as ninja it can be pretty stressful."

"You always know what to say..."

Azmaria snickered lightly, looking back at her partner. "So, Tamahome, how did you get those nice bite marks?"

The attack had been so vicious it would leave scars. "It's not something I want to relive in detail. All I'll say is that one of the beast's tried to eat me alive when I went to protect my teammates because they underestimated our opponents. Nearly cost me my arm... and my life."

"That explains why neither of them passed."

"I'm interested to know what happened on your end."

Everyone shared their stories the whole way back. There was a lot of teasing and laughs since now they could make fun of the whole ordeal.

The gates were already open upon their return to Suna, being met by the two head advisors of the Council. "This is unexpected," Baki spoke to them.

"We knew you'd be back today," the old man, known as Kenta, said.

"To what do we owe this visit?"

"We need to speak to Gaara," the other, Nobu, stated.

"About what?"

"The matter in which he submitted his name for the Kazekage selection process. We need to interview and look over his records in detail as he is the final candidate."

The Jounins were startled, looking at their comrade. "You didn't..." Kankuro trailed off.

A smile came to Azmaria's lips. "He did," she answered.

Gaara looked down at his Soldier, a light smile coming to his lips as well.

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