"mommy please?"

By comrademegumi

39.7K 784 602

in which fem y/n pegs gojo (and more) More

GOJO & GETO (teaser)


9.7K 183 57
By comrademegumi

Warnings: much rougher than Gojo's story, little cliche, mentions of depression and anxiety (not a lot though so don't feel scared), hitting, degradation, slight A Little Life spoilers, humiliation, dirty talk, spanking, he eats you out in this, name calling, mentions of shibari, orgasm denial, choking (?), a lot of hair pulling (i love geto's long hair lol),

It had been a long day. You had woken up at five in the morning to work out with Gojo and now your legs felt sore. It wasn't weird being around him after everything, if anything, it seemed like Gojo seemed much more comfortable around you after sleeping with him. It was only natural though, you had taken care of him after being in such a vulnerable state and now he trusted you with his life.

"Is your asshole still healing?" you teased him when you saw him wince while squatting. That night, he had asked you to destroy him and that was exactly what you did. 

"Y/N!" Gojo's eyes blew open and he slapped your arm, clearly embarrassed with the way the red began to creep up his ears. 

After you wrapped up your workout at around eight in the morning (you were an absolute monster in the gym), you had gotten ready for your 9-5 shift which was absolutely miserable and unfortunately, you were a slave to capitalism so you couldn't really do anything to avoid your shift.

You got home and tried to take a nap before studying for your Nutrition exam in two days but it wasn't really going as planned. Everything seemed so suffocating today, like you couldn't catch your breath and there was an uncomfortable weight on your chest holding you down.

You hadn't noticed this feeling when you were with Gojo earlier, or when you were working. It was almost embarrassing how easily you fell under today. 

"I'm such a loser," you mumbled into your pillow and sighed, covering your face with your hands and trying to fight against the water current that are your thoughts.

It was simply one of those days.

Of course you could always go to Gojo for comfort, he had known you since you two were kids so he was well aware that you were susceptible to depressive episodes and isolation, but you couldn't muster up the courage to call him. Not today.

It wasn't fair to burden him with your moodiness all the time, you were sure that it was annoying. This was your problem, you're an adult, you should be able to have a grasp of your own emotions by now.

You looked over at the digital clock on your walnut nightstand.


You had been rotting in bed for nearly four hours, wasting time.

Time was a merciless thing, it doesn't slow down for you even as you chase after it.

Staring at the ceiling, you tried to recall the coping strategies that your therapist had suggested a long time ago. She wasn't much help as she blamed you for every one of your problems, but, she did give you good ways to distract yourself.

She wasn't so useless after all.

You lazily stood up from your bed and made yourself look decent before grabbing a book and your wallet. No phone, just you and your book tonight.

The breeze caressed your face as you stepped outside, allowing you to breathe a little better than before.

Maybe all you needed was a break from your usual routine, life can easily become exhausting when you're immersed in school and working to make ends meet. At first, exercise used to be your escape but like everything else in your life, it's become a chore. You really only wake up because going to the gym early means seeing Gojo, your other half, and you couldn't possibly pass that up.

At some point, you had made it to the secluded café that you loved. It was a bit on the smaller side, but the cozy interior and the smell of coffee beans made it better. You were actually looking forward to reading your book and enjoying a cup of coffee.

God I feel old.

You opened the door and the bell chimed, announcing your arrival to the barista that you had known for a while now.

Dark eyes looked at you and thin lips broke into a smile, "Y/N!"

It was refreshing seeing him and it seemed like he thought the same.

"Where've you been? I've missed my favorite customer," he pouted, crossing his arms and looking away with a "hmph."

You chuckled, "Just been busy with work and school."

He frowned a little, now looking at you with concerned eyes, "You okay?"

"Yeah, just needed a little break today so now I'm here."

No matter how kind this barista was, you weren't going to trauma dump on him for no reason. It would be really fucking weird to do that to someone you don't know at all, instead, you gave him a tight lipped smile and went to the most hidden sofa in the place.

It was late, so there wasn't any other customers other than you and for this you were thankful. You weren't up for a bustling atmosphere today, you just wanted a nice and peaceful evening to regain a little bit of control of your feelings.

Putting on your glasses, you opened A Little Life, which was probably not the best book to read in your current mental state but you honestly just wanted to see whether Jude dumps Caleb's ableist ass. 

You were completely immersed in Hanya Yanahigara's work that you didn't notice the iced americano in front of you, slender fingers decorated with rings wrapped around the beverage.

Pretty hands.

"Coffee? It's on the house," his voice snapped you out of your trance and you nodded, replying with a soft "thank you." 

"Y/N, are you sure everything is okay?" he asked again and at this point you really just wanted to be left alone.

You hated people prying into your business, hated the vulnerability that came with opening up. If it wasn't already so obvious, emotions definitely wasn't one of your strong points.

"Don't you have work to do, Geto?" you huffed, readjusting your glasses and diving back into your book. 

It was silent, but you could sense that he was still standing in front of you. 

Geto could say many appropriate things like: "I'm sorry" or "I care about you." But the way your glasses sat on the bridge of your nose, and how your eyebrows furrowed at his presence made all rationality fly out the window. 

"Are you going to punish me," he paused, "mistress?"

Your head jerked up and you were greeted with beady eyes, filled to the brim with mischief. Geto's face brightened, not the way he usually would when you'd walk through the door and acknowledged him, this one was different.

What the fuck.

"Wha-what are you talking about?"

It was safer to play dumb. You had never fooled around with him so you really had no clue how exactly he found out about your nightly activities. You were stunned, rendered into a stuttering mess and it was embarrassing.

So much for control, you had thought. 

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. I never pegged you for a woman with such perverted hobbies."

If it was any other day, you would have probably laughed at his choice of words. After all, Geto was a clever one, coming up with annoying dad jokes and writing them on your coffee cups and sometimes you'd see him flipping between his medical terminology flashcards when he took his break with you. There was no doubt in your mind that Geto was a brilliant man. 

But pushing you was a stupid idea. 

You grabbed a fistful of his long, raven hair and pulled him down to his knees, now practically hovering over him.

"And who exactly told you about my perverted hobbies?"

Geto seemed to enjoy this. Liked how tight the grip on his hair was, how aggressive you'd turned with a few words.

"Will you punish me, mistress?" he repeated, that same antagonizing smile plastered on his face. You wanted to slap it off , wanted to show him why they all call you 'mistress.' However, there were two things standing in your way, the first being that you didn't have his clear consent, and the second, you two were in public. Anyone could walk in on you.

You usually wouldn't have cared, it would be easy for you to immobilize him and take him on the table, make him cry and beg for mercy. After all, you were gifted even without a strap attached to you, but consent is really important to you.

Instead, you gripped his face and forcefully pulled him closer to your face, making sure to grab him hard enough to leave red marks on his cheeks. "You have no idea what you're saying, do you?"

He didn't reply, so you took this as an opportunity to regain control. To show him that you weren't someone to play around with, only Gojo had the privilege of seeing that and you were planning on keeping it that way.

"You have no idea that if you push me hard enough, I'll press your weak little body against the windows over there," you pointed to the large windows by the entrance, making him look, "and let the whole world witness that Geto Suguru is a whore that loves taking cock in his tight, little, ass."

A shiver creeped down Geto's spine, his back arching at the sensation. It lit a flame in his chest, a flame only you could put out, a flame he yearned for you to put out.

"Mmm, look at you, you look like a bitch in heat right now." The man was practically drooling as you peered down at him, hearts beating in his eyes the harder your grip got. 

You had no idea how long he had wanted this. 

Ever since the first day you walked into his store, he fell in love. You're tall, strong, and intimidating, just the way he likes. The type of person who'd whip him into shape, treat him roughly and unforgiving.

You strutted into his shop oozing with confidence so intoxicating he became enamored with the way you carried yourself.

Your appearance was the start of it, what peaked his interest. However, the more you came the faster he realized that there was a reason why you looked intimidating, because you were.

Every time you spoke to him, he'd hold his breath as butterflies thrashed in his stomach. Your voice was smooth and low, you spoke in a firm and slow tone. If he could describe it to someone, he'd say that your voice was wine and velvet, caressing.

Geto was already crazy for you, now imagine how unhinged he became when he found out your habits in bed. The reputation you had.

Little birds whispered in ear about how you were fond of breaking men and women with your words, how you managed to make even the toughest cry out in pain and pleasure. He wanted to also be apart of those you've played with, he wanted to desperately be under your intense gaze, wanted to be stripped bare for you to see.

He was tired of laying in bed at night, fucking himself to the thought of you. Geto wished that instead of his fingers inside him, it was you pounding into him. He was tired of watching from afar.

Geto thirsted for you. The real you.

"Let this bitch make you feel better," he purred out, completely disregarding the threat you've made to him. You were shocked to see that he wasn't in the least bothered. Instead, his cheeks were flushed and he was so painfully hard. 

"Did you not hear me? I will humiliate you, break you down until you're crying for me to stop. This is the kind of person I am, you know."

Indeed it was the type of person you were. You loved being in control, something you couldn't live without. 

Geto, still in your hold, sighs and places his large hands on your thighs, holding one in each hand. "I know you're upset," he began to caress your inner thigh, "I just want to be useful and help you feel better, mistress."

Holy fuck. Was this going where you thought it was going?

"I'm mean when I'm upset, sweetheart. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Of course you weren't as upset anymore, you wouldn't have agreed if you were. Seeing Geto on his knees was enough to wash away your shitty mood, you were simply acting. Now, you wanted to make sure that he was really alright with the whole thing.

"Are you afraid you won't live up to my expectations?" Geto poked the bear, not realizing (well, maybe he did) what was to come.

If you were to be completely honest, you had very few pet peeves in bed, but men doubting you was on the top of your list.

"Get up," you grit out, roughly pushing him away from you to give him room.

It was impossible to not admire.

Your heart was in your throat, threatening to escape as you watched Geto's slender frame get up from the floor.

He had on a long sleeved, button up black shirt, coupled with some slacks and a belt. The weird tattoo on his forehead that looked like stitches still very much present. "I was just got drunk," he shrugged off when you asked him about it. 

 His hair was down, no longer in his regular bun after you sank your claws into it. It cascaded down his back in sleek waterfalls of shiny black. 

Geto now towered over you. To anyone else, he'd look a little scary but you weren't just anyone. Despite his calm demeanor, you could see right through him. You noticed how his fingers twitched in anticipation, how his adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed.

He was waiting for you to do something. Anything.

"You know naughty boys deserve punishment, right?" 

At this point, your coffee and book were long forgotten on the floor. Both your legs and arms were crossed, eyes fixed on him. 

"I didn't do anything," he insisted.

Narrow eyes stared down at you with that same taunting look, the same look he's had the entire time he's interacted with you today and fuck, you hated it.

"Oh? So you didn't come and harass me? You didn't come to jeer at me with those stupid eyes of yours hoping to get a rise out of me? Geto Suguru, I'm very disappointed in you," you chide in a way that makes his face visibly pale. 

You were disappointed?

No, this couldn't end now, he didn't want it to. There was still so much to do, so much you had to do to him.

"M-mistress I-" he couldn't help but plead out, mouth dry and heart aching in hope. That mischievous look on his face long gone, now replaced with one of anxiety. You would've cared, but you don't, not today. 

This is what he wanted right? 

You cut him off, "Enough with your useless blabbering. You've had this impish attitude since I walked in today."


You've had enough.

You reached out, unbuckled his slacks and in an instant, he was laying on your lap, slacks plopped on the floor. 

"Didn't I tell you to be fucking quiet, slut? This is the third time you've tried to push my buttons and I'm not too fond of men making me look like a fool."

"I'm sorry, mistress," he mumbled in response.

Geto's face was a deep hue of red to accompany his labored breathing. You were barely getting started and he was already so hot and bothered. The ache between his legs nearly becoming unbearable. 

"What's your safe word?"

"Don't need one."

You quirked an eyebrow, "With me you do. Now give me a safe word."


Hmm, how fitting.   

"Now that that's been established, let's have some fun, Geto Suguru."

He was so eager for you to get started. You could feel him trembling and his cock throbbing against your thighs, his ass on display for you.

"Naughty boys like you deserved to be punished," your fingers smoothed over his cheeks, "right?" 

Geto gasped when he felt the sting of your palm harshly coming down on him. He was already out of breath.

"Answer me."

"Y-yes mistress," he murmured trying to push his face into the cushion but to no avail. Geto had long hair, one that you were going to use to your advantage.

Once again, you grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled his head up, "Speak louder."

He was whimpering, toes curling at the electrifying pain he felt. The man was just as pathetic as the rest, bitching and whining for you. 

"Yes, mistress! I deserve to be punished." He cries out fervently. 

You let go of his hair and leaned down to kiss his exposed cheek, "Good boy." 

He melted at the pet name, fog settling in his head when he felt your lips against him.  

It was easy to figure out the type of man Geto was, you knew exactly what he wanted. The man desperately yearned for your hits, for your humiliating words, for your brashness and cruelty. He wanted it all, even the your praise. 

Geto was a greedy little bastard, and who were you to deny his desires? 

"I'll smack your pretty little ass ten times, five on each side. I want you to count every single hit and if you cum before I finish, I'll have to find another way to punish you. Understand?"

"Yes, mistress."

With that, you proceeded to hit his ass again, "One, two, three..."

He counted the hits, each one forceful enough to have him rocking against your thighs. Geto whined every time his cock would brush against your bare thigh, the velvety texture of your skin making him feel so unbelievably good. He furrowed his eyebrows and bit his lip, knuckles turning white from how hard he was gripping the arm chair.

The stinging, the friction, everything made him let out pathetic noises that he would never dream of releasing in any other situation. But here you were, punishing him and calling him names, he couldn't help it. 

It was hard for him to hold back, he wanted to so bad. Wanted to obey you, but a dangerous thought slithered in.

What if he cums? What if he does exactly what he shouldn't do?

The thought stirred his perverted mind and sent it into overdrive, abandoning all logic. All he desired was to see how far you could go, the lengths you'd go to tear him apart.

Reaching the eighth smack, he released himself all over your thighs, covering you with warm juices. Loud moans escaping him, "Mhm." Chest heaving and vision turning white.

He did exactly what you told him not to do and it was infuriating.

This man, someone you don't even know on a personal level, has the audacity to disobey you and simply chuckle out a, "Sorry~"

Geto Suguru was everything that Gojo wasn't, a brat to the very core. He looked docile and had a disciplined aura about him, one that screamed mature and calm. Yet, he laughs and taunts at you, pushes you to punish him.

He was definitely something, but you weren't going to let him win. Oh no, you had different plans for this brat.

"Get on your fucking knees, whore." You pulled him off you and forced him on knees, where he was looking up at you with hooded eyes, face flushed and button up shirt disheveled. It was annoying you, seeing him blissed out.

How dare he feel good disobeying you. 

You leaned forward and ripped his shirt open, buttons popping right off and landing on the floor, now he was fully naked and you were able to get a good look at his body. 

 Geto was pretty. Smooth, tanned skin decorated with scars and intricate bruises all over his body.


"Shibari?" Geto nodded, and you traced your finger against his bruises, "Did someone else do this?" you say in a low voice, an edge to them. 

Geto nodded again and you saw red. This man was really a whore.

"You dare speak about someone else when you're with me? Do you like being punished, whore?" You gripped his neck and pressed down on his carotid artery, he reached up to grab your wrist. "No, mistress" he choked out, writhing weakly. 

"I think it's time to show you who you belong to."

You pulled down your shorts along with your panties and spread your legs, exposing your wet cunt. It had been a while since you've exposed yourself like this, it was usually just your chest that was out and a strap attached to you. However, desperate times call for desperate measures.

Geto's eyes widened, his mouth watering at the sight. He couldn't believe that he's going to taste you, to make you feel good. The thought of you moaning excited him again, cock hard and leaking for you, aching for attention.

You grabbed the back of his head, "Mistress," he whined out and jerked his hips up, looking for any friction to calm the lustful itch.

"Pathetic," you grumbled, "you're desperate just like him."

Flashes of your night with Gojo wiggled itself into your conscious and you couldn't help yourself. The position was all too familiar.

"I'm better than him."

Geto hated how you were thinking of someone else when he was in your claws, hated how your were comparing him to someone else. No one could make you feel better than he did, no one could bring you the excitement that he could. He was superior, he had to be.

"Oh? Then show me how much better you are."

With that, you pressed his face into your sex and he got to work.

Geto started with shy, kitten licks against your clit, circling his index finger around your entrance. He then licks a stripe up your folds with a flat tongue and slides a finger inside you.

"Fuck," you groaned out, not used to having the attention. It was always you pleasuring someone else, which you didn't hate, you relished the choked moans that your partners would emit with every thrust. You must admit though, you missed being on the receiving end.

He inserts another finger and moves to sucking on your clit into his mouth while simultaneously swirling his tongue against it.

You bucked your hips up, "Baby," you moaned and he looked up to make eye contact with you.

This was encouraging. He was making you feel good, he was making you moan with only his mouth. The sight of you was electrifying and his skin burned with arousal.

You had taken the liberty to pull up your bra and palm your chest, pinching and twisting your nipples. He noticed how flushed you were, your abdomen tightening with pleasure and lips red with how hard you had been biting them.

"You're so good, sweetheart. You love my pussy, don't you?"

Geto changes up and begins to use different motions on your cunt, burying himself deeper into you. He loved the way you tasted on his tongue, he wanted you to cum on his face and coat it all with your juices. The thought of you cumming on him and "marking" him has Geto licking into you with an intensity you've never felt before.

He grabbed your thighs and hooked them over his shoulders, bringing you further down so he could shove his face deeper into your pussy. Geto couldn't get enough of it, he wanted more, he was a pervert that loved pain and loved to pleasure his partners.

The man was unrelenting. He wanted to devour you and swallow you down like alcohol, to intoxicate himself until he could only see you. He's like a starved animal, ruled only by carnal desire to pleasure and be pleased.

You mewled, placing both of your hands on his head to steady yourself. It just felt too fucking good having long fingers curled inside of you. You had no idea how he could pull the pleasure from your body so easily. With every lick and pumping of his fingers, you got closer and closer to your climax. Your body verves with the overloading sensation of his skilled tongue and fingers. 

This was the same man that innocently smiled at you every night you showed up for a late night cup of coffee. The same man who would sometimes sit down with you and talk about certain books you two have read, the man who would crack corny dad jokes at you.

Now, not only had he been on your lap getting his ass smacked, now he was on his knees attempting to drink you in. For some reason, the thought of this sweet and pretty man being a complete freak in his private life was driving you insane. "Ngh," you started to grind yourself against his face and he grabbed the plush flesh of your hips to help you. It was impossible to hold back, you just wanted to cum, wanted to release.

You grind harder and faster, pleasure coiling tighter and tighter in your stomach as Geto moaned in you, vigorously pumping his fingers in you and sloppily sucking.

It was starting to get hot, both of you dripping with sweat at the heat between you. You took off your glasses and threw your head back, losing yourself in the pleasure. The obscene sounds between you two filled the empty café, Geto moaning and you groaning out vulgar phrases

"Your tongue feels so good."

"Fuck, Geto."

Soon, your back arches as your eyes rolled back and you release all over him, coating his face with your cum. You let out a moan so loud that in any other circumstance, you'd be embarrassed, but you were on cloud nine right now.

He milked you through your first orgasm with his fingers and tongue, indulging himself in your sweet taste. Geto lazily kisses your cunt again, closing his eyes. He wanted to be in between your legs forever.

"Mistress," he whimpered again and continues to kiss your clit, not wanting to separate from you.

You were panting hard, still overwhelmed from your orgasm, but soon began to chuckle as you noticed how blissed out Geto was. How far gone he was.

"Is this what you wanted? Wanted to make your mistress feel good?"

All he did was blankly stare up at you, your slick shining on his face as he reluctantly parts from your sex.

You sat up right and looked down on the floor, a shit eating smirk plastered on your face.

"Ahh, what do we have here~"

Geto didn't move, brain turned to mush and confused as to why you were cackling. It made him insecure, self conscious.

Why? Why is she laughing?

"Seems like I'm not the only one who enjoyed that," you mockingly said, pointing at the floor.

Geto slowly looked down, humiliation seeping deep into his bloodstream, broiling from the inside. He was mortified at the sight of his own cum on the floor. The man hadn't realized that he'd been feeling that good.

"I don't recall ever allowing you to cum though."

He buried his face into his hands in shame, "I-"

"There's no excuses anymore. I've been too nice to you, too lenient," you moved his hands away from his face, "You're going to let me use your cock as my own personal toy. This is how you'll atone."

Geto was no longer the bratty bastard that taunted you, now he was rendered into a whimpering and submissive mess, just as you had intended, you thought. 

"You're pathetic, Geto. Acting all high and mighty but cumming untouched...it's pitiful."

You knew you were pushing him, maybe being a little too mean. He was on his hands and knees, trembling and blubbering out incoherent sentences but you weren't done with him yet. You've had your appetizer, now it was time for you to have your meal.

"Sit on the sofa, dear."

He immediately got up from the floor and sat on the sofa. You moved around to look for your wallet and took out the back up condom you carry around, just for predicaments like the one you're in now.

You crawled towards him, finally straddling him and took off your shirt and crop top. His eyes traveled up and down your body, licking his lips in anticipation. You noticed the same provoking look written on his face.

"This is supposed to be a punishment?"

He was smiling again, meaning that he had fallen into his previous bratty mentality. It's a shame, you had thought that he'd learn his lesson by now, that he was embarrassed enough to stop fighting you.

Geto was ready to make another snide remark but before he knew it, he was facing to the side and there was a stinging pain on his cheek. The loud thud from the slap reverberated throughout the shop.

"Toys don't talk unless spoken to."

You didn't have to look at him to know that he was no longer smiling and instead, you decided to roll the condom on his hard cock. "Don't act like you don't like pain, your cock is already screaming at me to touch it."

"Y/N," he groaned out and you leaned forward and bit on his exposed shoulder, hard enough to draw just a little bit of blood. "That's not my name," you whispered in his ear.

You grabbed the hilt of his girth and placed it at your entrance, slowly sliding down him. The stagnant pace was driving him insane so he snapped his hips up to finally be engulfed in your warmth.

Once again, he had disobeyed you.

"Who told you to move?" wrapping a hand around his neck, you began to lazily ride him, pressing further down on his carotid artery every time you moved.

"You look so pretty like this, you know. Desperate for me to fuck you."

Geto was on cloud nine. He was dizzy, oxygen depleting and his eyes rolled back as you picked up your pace. You could tell he was sensitive from the way his hands gripped your hips, it was possible that there would be bruises later but you didn't care.

All you care about was the euphoria you felt as you rode him. You could feel his cock pulsating inside you. Geto head was thrown back and mouth agape, feeling you tighten around him every once in a while. 

"Don't you feel good, baby? Like the way my tight pussy fucks your cock?"

The words spilling out your mouth were down right nasty, obscene. Straight up filthy, but the reaction you got from Geto was worth it. His eyes started to well up in tears, his dick overstimulated, "Ah."

You let go of his neck and proceeded to forcefully kiss him, tongue exploring the inside of his mouth and he felt like he was going to suffocate. The pleasure was too much.

He felt how you pinched and played with his nipples, how your cunt felt around him, how your mouth felt against his. It was all too much, too much.

Bouts of pleasure crashed against his body and he felt himself shed a few tears, "Please!" He cried out and you responded with a cackle, "You wanna cum, baby?"

Both of you were out of breath, and you felt yourself climaxing as well but you had enough control to hold it in. That wasn't the case for Geto.

"Wanna cum so bad, I-" he sobbed out and you slapped him again. "Say it louder."

"Let me cum, please!" Geto cried harder, not caring about the volume of his voice, or how toys weren't supposed to talk, or if he looked pathetic right now.

"No," you grinned as you stopped moving, earning a choked out whine from him.

You cock warmed him for a few minutes and sucked on his neck, biting and lapping over the skin making sure to leave marks. It was cute seeing him mumble pleas, to have him softly begging you for release. But you didn't care.

"Remember, this is your punishment."

You wrapped your arms around his neck and began rocking your hips again. This time making eye contact so you could drink up his every reaction. "Mhm," you softly kissed down his neck, biting down hard enough to leave a mark. 

"Pretty boy~" your tongue lapped over the bruise. 

With that, you rapidly picked up your pace again, nimbly fucking him harsher than before. But it wasn't enough for Geto, he wanted more. Like a spoiled brat, he wanted more from you.

He pushed you down on the sofa and fucked into you, much deeper.


The man couldn't hear you. All he could hear was the blood coursing through his body. He looked down at you and saw how provocative you were. Your entire body moving as he pounded into you.

"I'm sorry, mistress. I'm sorry," the man bawled out knowing that he had disobeyed you but he couldn't take it anymore. He just wanted to cum so bad.

You felt him ram into you and you couldn't deny that it felt good. Seeing as how torn up he was about disobeying, you decided to let it go. Your hand reached down and you made a circling motion on your clit, playing with yourself as Geto fucked you.

"Fuck me, baby."

A familiar feeling bubbles in your abdomen, the faster you rubbed yourself the more you felt it. "Ah, I'm gonna cum, mistress," Geto whined and you groaned, wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling him closer.

"Cum for me."

Geto spilled into the condom, eyes closed and mouth wide open. You also felt yourself closer and closer. "Keep fucking me like a good boy, make your mistress cum too."

He snapped his hips in sharp, slow motions and that was enough for you. Finally, your orgasm came in tides, sweeping you away in n;iss.

"Come kiss me."

Geto leaned down and softly kissed you, indulging in your saccharine kiss. It was gentle, breathless, and  therapeutic for the both of you. Sure, the night didn't go exactly as planned, but it didn't phase you as much. 

You didn't completely tame Geto, but you weren't in a hurry. There would be other occasions where you would make him submit to you. Today was enough for you, it was good.


It was now the morning after and you awoke from your slumber with rays of sunlight shining in your face. You groaned and slithered out of bed, smelling something good coming from your kitchen.

What the hell?

You walk towards your kitchen and were greeted by the sight of none other than Geto Suguru making breakfast for you. But get this, he had on an apron and was completely shirtless.

"You really are a sight," you chuckled and Geto turned around to face you with his all too familiar smile. "Good morning to you too," he murmured and came over to kiss your cheek.

"How are you feeling?"

The night before, you had brought him home after helping him clean up the mess you both made at his shop. After care was extremely important to you.

You helped him bathe, rubbed lotion on his swollen cheeks, rubbed medicine on the bite you had left and on the bruises from the shibari play he had before, and allowed him to sleep in your bed with you. Despite his huge size, he was the little spoon and you were more than happy to be the big spoon. Whispering sweet nothings in his ear after degrading him and hitting him so much.

"I'm feeling good."

After a while, you both sat down and ate breakfast, talking about whatever and whomever. But then you finally decided to pop out the question, something that had been bugging you all day.

"How the hell did you know that I'm into making men cry?"

Geto cackled, amused by how blunt you are but it wasn't surprising at all. He was actually used to it from the numerous of conversations he's had with you before. 

"Ahh, let's just say I'm very good friends with a certain blue-eyed asshole."


You nodded and continued on talking like nothing had happened. However, what he didn't know was that you were in the processes of making plans to teach both of them a lesson.

This'll be fun.

Authors Note:

...AND I'm done lol. Sorry it took me a while but i didn't really know how to approach bratty getou so i had to do some research. again, constructive criticism is always welcome as this is the second time i've ever written smut haha. the next chapter will be getou and gojo and y/n threesome let's GOOOOO

edit on 08/06/21:

decided to work on this one shot again because I wasn't satisfied with it all so I wanted to fix it. I don't think I showed the chemistry between getou and y/n, sorry for that. I will be working on the last chapter this weekend and hopefully have it done in a week or two since its a threesome...and i have many things planned. 

in the meantime, i'll probably release my childe one shot to not keep you guys waiting too long for content. 

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