Uncharted, The Secret of the...

By GothicMoonlight

1.3K 15 0

before El Dorado, before Nate and Ella met Elena, friends Nathan Drake and Ella Davis are asked to come to a... More

To The Burial Site
Marisa Chase
Through the Compound
To the Temple
A Helping Hand
Through the Jungle
The Ruins
The Temple of the Serpents
The Golden Abyss
Nate VS Guerro

Escaping the Temple

84 1 0
By GothicMoonlight

"Oh no... it's a dead end", Chase said,

"No, there's gotta be another way up", Nate stated both Nate and Ella letting go of Chase to look for a way out

"Well, can you climb it", Chase asked

"I'm not seeing any handholds", Ella stated

"Nate, Ella", Sully called out

"Sully, Sully, where are you", Nate called back

"Hey, up here", Sully stated, the three looking up to see Sully above them, a rope in his hand

"Sully, who's that", Chase asked

"It's Sully", both Nate and Ella said in unison

"What", Chase asked, more confused than ever

"It's a long story, come on, let's go", Nate stated as Sully dropped the rope, allowing the three to climb out

"Come on, hurry it up... we haven't got all day", Sully stated, helping the three up,

"Come on, we gotta move", Sully said as the four began making their way out, the temple collapsing behind them; arriving at small ruins a few feet outside the temple, Sully began patching up Chase,

"Alright, that ought to hold you for now", Sully stated

"Thank you, Mr. Sullivan, hey, look... if you hadn't shown up", Chase began

"Yeah, well, that's me, darlin', I'm a regular guardian angel; and please, call me Sully, only the IRS calls me Mr. Sullivan", Sully stated, earning laughter from Chase

"Alright, thanks Sully", Chase said, Sully attempted to get up, only to grunt in pain as Nate and Ella helped him up, "you okay",

"Yeah, never better", Sully grunted

"Well, you two make quite a pair, the Quivirans would have sacrificed both of you", Nate stated

"Ha, ha, very funny", Chase said

"Well, they probably would have been doing me a favor, alright... I'm gonna go see if this bird's got enough gas to get us home", Sully said

"Good idea, I'll come along", Nate said as he and Sully left

"Here, let me help you up", Ella said

"I'm fine, I'm fine", Chase said, attempting to stand up, only for Ella to help out in the end, "okay, maybe not",

"Here, I thought you'd like this back", Ella said, handing Chase her amulet

"No, it was never mine... it was never my grandfathers... you know, I think Marcos was right after all, this; this belongs in hell", Chase stated, throwing the amulet deep within the jungle, never to be seen again

"Nice arm, you know... I think your grandfather would've approved of your decision", Ella stated

"I think so too, besides... I'll find another way to rewrite history", Chase said

"If you ever need help with anything, and if I'm free, I'll come help you out", Ella said

"Hey, Ella... promise me, you'll tell Nate about your feelings, doesn't have to be now, but sometime in the future", Chase stated

"...I promise", Ella said

"You girls ready to go", Sully asked, both he and Nate walking up to them

"Yep, we're coming", Ella stated, both girls walking forward, only for Chase to stumble, due to her injured leg

"Hey, watch that leg, try not to put any weight on it, okay", Nate said, Ella coming to Chase's side to help her out

"Ow, how can that hurt so much", Chase asked

"My guess, the nap you took under the three-ton statue", Ella stated

"Yeah, maybe that was it", Chase said with a laugh

"That reminds me... Chase, have you ever been to Buenos Aires", Sully asked

"Oh, please, Marisa, call me Marisa", Chase said

"What, wait a minute; why does he get to call you Marisa, I thought only your grandfather called you Marisa", Nate asked

"Well, he reminds me of my grandfather", Chase retorted, earning a chuckle from Sully

"That's gotta hurt", Nate said

"Anyway, Marisa, they got a hospital down there with two of the most gorgeous nurses I have ever seen", Sully explained, "they would fight over who would take care of me, a pair of goddesses, they were

"The "Pair of Goddesses" story... heard it a million times", Ella stated

"Yeah... you know what, I just met you and I'm pretty sure I've heard this story", Chase said

"Anyway, they wouldn't let me lift a finger, if you're gonna break a leg, Argentina is the place to do it", Sully explained

"You know the last time you told this story, they were from Sao Paulo", Nate stated

"Hey, would you just let the man finish", Chase asked

"Trust us, you don't want him to finish this story", Ella stated

"Anyway, the little one... her name was Maria... oh, Maria, the lips on that girl", Sully said

"And her brother was Isabel", Nate stated, causing both Nate, Ella, and Chase to laugh as the four left the jungle ruins, by helicopter.

(Present Day)

"You're doing something dangerous, what're you thinking about", Nate asked in a teasing tone

"Just old adventures we had", Ella said

"Which one in particular", Nate asked once again

"The one where we met Chase", Ella stated

"Yeah, I remember that one", Nate said

"Hey, at least I'm not driving out to random ditches bringing you clothes anymore", Ella stated with a laugh as Nate rolled his eyes

"Hey, there's something I've been meaning to tell you", Nate asked

"Me too, you go first", Ella said

"Remember Harry Flynn", Nate asked

"Yeah, isn't he with Chloe now", Ella asked

"Yeah, I've been asked to help them out on a heist, we'll leave in a week if I choose to go", Nate stated

"And where's this heist", Ella asked

"The Istanbul Museum", Nate muttered

"Seriously... Nate, no one has ever successfully robbed that place, someone who did barely made it out... alive", Ella stated

"I know, I know, but Harry and Chloe have it all figured out; if I do go, I'll be fine, I promise", Nate said

"If you wind up in jail, I'll be the one to say, "told you so", Ella teased

"Ha, ha, now what about you", Nate asked

"Chase contacted me, says she found something big over in Africa, want's my help", Ella stated

"Do you know what it's about", Nate asked

"No, she wouldn't tell me anything; says it's something I have to see myself", Ella said

"Alright, both of us should be fine... probably", Nate said as Ella laughed.

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