
Par amo_ma

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Seventeen year old Rebecca Hunter has had a normal teenage life. Dealing with school, boys, bullies, the 'per... Plus

Chapter 3 + 4 + 5
Chapter 6 and 7
Chapter 10 and Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 8 and Chapter 9

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Par amo_ma

Chapter 8

It was Thursday. One more day till Anna's birthday and five more days until I start school again. I hadn't talked to my dad since the fight, so we struggled arranging my sister's party. we made Anna run up and down to tell us what the other one said, although it was kind of difficult seeing that Anna is still preparing for the day herself. My mum and sister went to the costume shop to buy her ninja outfit and my dad went around toy stores looking for rubber nun chucks and went to get the cake. I stayed at home putting up the decoration and wrapping her presents from me and my parents. 'Ding Dong', I stopped cutting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pictures, got up from the floor and went to see who it was. I pushed the curtain to the side and looked out the window and saw Nick and Hayley. I closed the curtain at the exact time they looked at the window. "Go away! We have nothing to talk about." "Rebecca please, we need to talk", Hayley pleaded. "I'll tell you anything you want to know" Nick added. I thought about it for a while before I placed my hand on the door handle. I took a deep breath, opened the door and told them to get in.

We all sat down in the sitting room, Nick and Hayley on one couch and me on the opposite one, staring in their eyes. Hayley kept looking around the room so she avoids my death glare. "You did really well with the decoration", Nick said as he pointed up. I laid back on the couch with my hands crossed. Hayley asked me how old Anna was turning. "Seven" I replied. I leaned forward and stared at both of them. "So, do you two know why I'm snubbing the other one? Or should I tell the story?" I suggested. They both look at each other brooding. Simultaneously they both confessed their secret to each other. "I am dating our history teacher." "Cynthia is my step sister." they both stared at each other in shock while I leaned back on the couch again, crossing my arms, smiling and waiting for what they were going to say about each other. "Why didn't you tell me Cynthia is your step sister? How is that witch even a part of your family", Hayley said in anger and shock. "Me? You're mad at me? Ok, first of all we share the same dad. He cheated on my mum with hers and second, you are dating our teacher who's like 13 years older than you, he is basically" Nick said in disbelieve. "Hey, okay don't make me sound like the bad person. I asked him for extra lesson and he said he can help me, then one afternoon, we just kissed., but Rebecca you have to admit, he is hot?" Hayley said turning towards me giving me her help me look. "No don't bring Rebecca no this," he scolded angrily. I mean I can admit, Mr Nickels is hot, like one day he came in a shirt that showed his abs and muscles, but he is not hot enough to start dating. While they were arguing. I got up, went to the kitchen to get some orange juice and sat back on the couch, smiling because they were asking all the questions I was going to ask. Nick stared at Hayley and questioned her one more time, "So when did this start? And why was he at the party?" She looked at his eyes in anger then at me in depression, "it started in January and he lives next to Cynthia, so he went to check what the noise was about and he saw me." Nick and I were in shock. He leaned back from her while I chocked on my drink. Hayley looked up and spiked Nick, "and when did you find out about Cynthia? And how?" He looks at me in despair. "At the end of last year. We were having a New Year family dinner and I saw Cynthia there. After I asked my dad and that's when he told me." I put my glass down onto the coffee table and stared at them. "Now you know why I'm mad at both of you. Now get out! My sister and mum are probably coming back home now, and the party is starting soon. Our DDHA is done." We all got up from the couch and I walked them out to the door. I opened the door and waited for them to get out. We all glared at each other one by one, Hayley gave me her puppy dog face hoping I will give her sympathy. Nick looked at me hoping I'd give him a smile for forgiveness. I stared at both of them with a straight face then turned my head outside telling them to leave. They both walked outside the house, and at the same time looked back at me hoping for a change of expression. After they finally accepted that I wouldn't talk to them, Hayley and Nick passed angry glare and left. Nick got on his bike then Hayley got in her Benz and both of them drove away. I watched them as they were leaving my neighbourhood, both turning different directions. I lost my best and only friends that day.

3pm. Little girl ninjas running up and down, hitting me with their rubber weapons, hiding to jump out and attack me. Never will my sister have such a theme again. "Why couldn't you just be a normal 7-year-old girl that likes fairies and princess? Why did you have to choose violence?" I asked while two other little girls were pulling me down. "I do like princesses and fairies. I mean their ok, but I like TMNT more. They're funny and different." she commented with a smile then ran off. the two girls nearly brought me down until I told them, "okay you two, it's either you let go of me and play with the others or I will show you how a REAL ninja fights." they stared at each other and ran off, but most of my balance was on them, so when they had let me go, I fell face flat onto the floor. As I was getting up, I saw my sister's shoes, I looked up and saw her looking down at me with her hands crossed. I smiled at her hoping she won't do anything, "hey sis. Would you mind giving your sister a hand?" she started tapping her foot on the floor. "Why did you threaten my friends saying you would use karate on them? I do karate, you do volleyball and basketball." I got up, undusted myself and explained, "Anna, your friends are a danger. If you went through what I just went through, you yourself would also lie." "Do you know the difference between me and you?" she questioned. I looked at her and shook my head. "I actually do karate", she grabbed my hand, flipped me over and I landed on my back. Whilst I moaned, she left smiling so. "Ow! Great, I'm going to have to go to the hospital.

The rest on my weekend was boring, until Sunday afternoon. I was sort of watching Game Shakers and Scooby-doo with my sister, but she kept flipping once the episode had ended or during the show while our parents went out for their anniversary. I got up, pick up our empty glasses and went to the kitchen to refill and get two pieces of Anna's cake. My phone started to ring while I was still in the kitchen. Anna got up and checked if the number had a name, "REBECCA! Someone's calling?" she shouted. "Who is it?" I shouted back. "There's no name. Should I answer?" "No!" I ran to the sitting room and checked the dialer's number. I hadn't saved it or ever seen the number before. I picked up the phone and spoke. "Who is it?" Anna asked as she was pushing my arm down, so she could see. "I don't know", I looked at my phone, then at Anna. Lifting my eyes, I asked Anna if she knew the number, but she shook her head as well. "Okay, alright shh. I'm gonna to answer, but you have to make sure you don't talk." Anna kept pushing my hand down saying I must put it on speaker. I answered the call and heard a familiar, yet unrecognisable voice say hello. "Hi? Who is this?" he asked me if he could speak to Rebecca Peyton Hunter. "Speaking", "hey Rebecca, it's Sean." I was confused thinking where he got my number. "Hi Sean, this is Rebecca's sister Anna-Lizabeth, but people call me Anna for short." "Hi Anna." She smiled at me while I was busy thinking what angle she was playing at. "Hi. So, Sean first of all, where did you get this number? Second, how do you know her middle name? And third, do you like her, because she likes you, a lot. And I mean a- "I, I covered her mouth and tried to fix the mess. I put the phone off speaker and applied. He was laughing on the other side though. "So, how did you get my number and middle name" I asked trying to sound cool, he was still laughing though. "okay, I asked Hayley for your number and she gave It to me, you have an amazing friend by the way, and I looked you up on Instagram." my sister was busy screaming in my ear saying, "let me listen, let me listen", trying to grab my phone. I put my phone to my other ear and spoke, "Why did you want my number?" my voice turning into a soprano while I positioned my hand in front of my sister's mouth. "Did your voice just get higher?" he asked as he began to giggle. "No", I cough aside "no, it's still the same." he giggled then carried on with his comment towards the situation, "I just wanted to talk to you. Why? Does that sound creepy?" "NO!" I said quickly only to realize that I sounded eager. I fixed my tone then replied. "I mean no, it doesn't sound creepy at all. It's actually very sweet, thanks, but why me, out of all girls?" I realized I was starting to sound like I didn't want him to talk to me, "I mean you are popular and I'm so not." "I know, and that's why I wanted to talk to you. You seem really cool. You don't need to struggle with what everyone thinks of you. I always see you and your friends happy and smiling, having nothing to worry about. I think you're really cool. So, do you actually like me, or did your sister make that up?" I started to blush, or that's what my sister said. I told him to hold on as I ran to another room far away from Anna and talked to Sean for at least until my parents came back.

Chapter 9

First day back at school. I tried to fake a sickness with my mum, but it was an epic fail. Saturday night I told my mum that one of my sister's friend broke my leg and arm. So, she tricked me and said I should rest while I was in the sitting room and she played the Step Up All In. Not knowing she was watching I got up and started dancing because I am learning the dance moves for revolution. Sunday morning before they left, I tried to fake by saying I had low blood pressure, but she said I must get in the car, so I can go to the hospital to get some blood tests. Sunday evening, I was soo close. I told my mum one of my sister's friends gave me measles. I had scratched my skin long enough for it to turn red. It hurt and took some time, so I closed myself in my room for two hours and scratched. I called my mum at 9:45pm and she went to go get her thermometer. I knew my cover was going to be blown so I asked her to get me some hot water. When she came back with the thermometer and hot water, she put the thermometer in my mouth. I told her I was cold and if she can get me a blanket. When she turned around, I dipped the thermometer in the hot water and splashed the hot water on my face and then rubbed it off. When she turned around, I quickly put the thermometer back in my mouth. When she took it out, she was in complete shock. Everything was going well until Anna came in the room. She entered the room with her juice box and asked what's going on. My mum told her the story. She stared at me, then at our mum, then back at me. "Hahahahaha, mum you are so funny. Rebecca is not sick, she was scratching herself everywhere to make her skin red for the 30 minutes. I saw her when I passed her room going downstairs. Her door was a little open." I looked at Anna thinking, since when did she turn so evil. My mum stared at me, I smiled at her hoping she will still allow me to skip school. "Rebecca Peyton Hunter, you are going to school tomorrow whether you like it or not", and she walked out my room. When she left, I was staring at Anna and she knew what that certain stare meant. She ran out my room screaming while I chased her around the house. She finally got away from me when she was able to find dad and hide behind him.

First day of school. What to wear, what to wear? I looked in the pile of clothes on the floor and decided to wear my blue and white polka high waited skirt and my white t-shirt tucked in with white Nike airs. I woke up earlier than usual, I don't know why, I just did. As I walked out the door, I saw my sister. I gave her a rude glance while she stuck her tongue out at me. I waited outside for 15 minutes, playing games on my phone. I was focused on my game that I didn't notice that Kate the school bus driver was here. She opened the door and had to call my name twice for me look up. "You actually here on time, now you just have to focus on when I am here" Kate said while laughing. I ignored her comment and got on the bus. Now this is where the struggle started, I had nowhere to sit, ever since that fight. I looked at where we usually sat and none of them were there, so it's either they found other friends, or they drove to school by themselves. Every other seat was full, so I just sat where we usually did.

Once we got to school, my first lesson is history, with Nick, and Mr Nickels, yah. I was standing at the door thinking of where I can and should seat. The only free seats were with Nick, snotty Sam, Troy and in front with Mr Nickels facing straight at me. I walked over and went to sit next to... Nick. I couldn't risk sitting next to anyone. I got in my seat and made sure Nick wouldn't speak to me, I whispered to him softly, "look I had no better option of where to sit so I just sat here, but don't think I've forgiven you after what you did so don't talk to me", and I turned around. Mr Nickels walked in and greeted the class and took road call, checking if we were all here. He called our names one by one and looked at us while he did it. When he got to my name, he stared at me and said my FULL name in front of the class. "Um, present", and everyone just started to laugh and gossip about my name. History was so uncomfortable cause of what happened at the party, especially because he always picked on me for questions, so now he walked kept walking around the class, especially around me and every time he asked me a question, he came so close, I could tell his facial expression just by how close he was. An hour and a half later the bell rang, I rushed up from my seat and tried to join the crowd of everyone leaving, but it never worked. "Miss Hunter, may I please have a word with you?" he said out loud. Every just made sound effect and said I'm in trouble for the first time. We always had a seven-minute chance to head to our next class, so I wasn't hoping it wouldn't be that long. "Please have a seat?" he offered. "I'm fine standing, thank you though", I replied as I lifted my bag higher onto my shoulder. He sat down on one of the tables and we stared at each other for a few seconds. "Miss Hunter, we both know why I asked you to stay behind", I nodded my head. "Good, so let's get down to business," he got up from the table and walked towards me slowly. "Rebecca, I saw you that night at the party, and I know you will tell someone," he took a step closer and bent down to my height. "Nonetheless before you do that, I suggest you think of the consequences. I mean no one will believe a child because first, you have no proof and second, your friend Hayley won't say anything, but I on the other can report you to the principal and the police for sexual harassment or misbehaving in class or anything else I can think of. I can make your life a living hell" I froze in fear while he was smiling at me. "So, what do you say we keep this just between us, alright", and his smile wiped away. I nodded rapidly. "Good, nice talking to you. You may leave now", and I sped walked as fast as possible to head to my next lesson.

It was our English period and I was with Hayley. There were four free seats, one next to Hayley, one next to our teacher, Mrs Smooth that spits while she talks, nerdy Fred and Sean. I wanted to sit next to Sean, but I thought it was too soon, seeing how we just started getting to know each other, so I sat next to Fred. As I was walking to sit down, Hayley walked in front of me and stopped. "Okay Becca, I understand why you're mad, but please don't shut me out", I looked at her and asked her to move. "Rebecca please". "You know your boyfriend just threatened me just now. So, I don't want you near me. Next, I might have a bullet pointed behind my head, so I am just trying to live and keep my distance. Now excuse me", and I waked around her and went to sit next to Fred. "Oh My Gosh, I cannot believe you are actually sitting next to me" he said breathing heavily. "Ha-ha, yeah well" neither can I. it was a struggle learning in English, one because her spitting is a struggle to understand, and two because nerdy Fred tried to make a conversation at every chance, he could get with me. Someone behind me poked my back and kept calling me. I turned around and saw it was Cindy. She gave me a note and winked at me. I read the note while Mrs Smooth was still turned around. It said, "Hey Rebecca, what's up? What's going on between you and Hayley? Please tell me I did nothing wrong because I am sorry if I did." I turned back at him, and he apologized with his cute smile. I smiled back and turned around.

It was break time and I didn't know where to sit. Everyone found out about our DDHA and took our table. I looked around to see where they were sitting. Nick was sitting with Cynthia and Hayley sat with Lucas. I walked around and looked for where I could sit when Sean called me and told me that I should sit next to him. I was walking it his table when Troy called me and said I must sit with him. I was so confused that two guys wanted me to sit with them. Troy got up and walked up to me, "come on, let's go sit down", as he wrapped me with his arm around my waste. That's when Sean ran to me and grabbed Troy's arm and pushed him, also pushing me aside. "Dude what's your problem" Troy pushed Sean back. I looked at both of their eyes knowing that, it's About to Go Down. I was able to get in the middle of them, but safe enough to have the exact amount of space I need if anything bad happens. "Look guys, I think we should just talk this out", as I was pushing them both away from each other. "Your right" Troy agreed. He took my hand and told Sean, "Rebecca is sitting with me" and started walking off, when Sean grabbed my other hand, "No, Rebecca is coming with me", and he started walking to his table. They both started to pull my hands the same way Anna brushes her doll's hair. "Okay guy, I don't think this will resolve anything, and please stop pulling my hands." I asked both of them. They both let me go and made me fall back onto the floor. They both looked at me and helped me up. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?" they asked at the same time and then stared at each other. "Yeah I'm fine. I just have a head- "I looked for them on both sides and saw they left me, and they started pushing each other again, only this time they were actually fighting, and to make it worse, both of their teammates came. Troy vs. Sean, Troy's friend Ethan vs. Lucas, Football vs. Rugby. I tried to stop Troy and Sean, but Nick pulled me back. "What are you doing? I need to stop them." I asked Nick as he carried me off. "No, what you need is to leave this be." Nick replied. He put me down and told him that I need to stop the fight since I started it, but Nick just pulled me back. "What is going on here!?" The principal came in, in a hurry and stared to slow down as he say who it was. "Well, if it isn't Mr Gerad and Mr Lowa. In my office, NOW!!" I was about to help when Nick pulled me back again.

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