Red Vs Blue, & there's Magent...

By Zeta_Lyfe

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Red Vs Blue, but with a twist! With the people of Chorus united, the Reds and Blues have only one final thre... More

Chapter 1 Prologue
Chapter 2 Capital Assets
Chapter 3 What's Yours is Ours
Chapter 4 Tourist Trap
Chapter 5 No Fighting in the War Room
Chapter 6 Along Came A Spider
Chapter 7 Locus of Control
Chapter 8 Test Your Might
Chapter 9 You Better Watch Out
Chapter 10 Temple of the Key
Chapter 11 Dish Best Served
Chapter 12 Off-Key
Chapter 13 The Thin Fed Line
Chapter 14 Counseling
Chapter 15 Armonia (1)
Chapter 16 Armonia (2)
Chapter 17 All or Nothing
Chapter 19 The End is Near
Chapter 20 The End
Thank You

Chapter 18 Great Destroyers

417 10 0
By Zeta_Lyfe

A Falcon parked at the location of the Purge. Locus and Felix exited the vehicle to see a light bride leading to an alien fortress, hellish landscapes surrounded it all. The brighter merc wielded his DMR and the Energy Sword while the darker of the two wielded a sniper along with a shotgun. They found theirselves at the light bridge, but they came to a halt right at its beginning. . .

Felix: No way.

On the other end was Agents Washington and North Carolina, Battle Rifles at the ready, and Agent South Dakota with a Sniper Rifle in hand.

Rachel: Hello boys.

Locus: So, you've chosen to make a final stand.

The AI of Memory and the AI of Logic appeared. . .

Church: Well, these three couldn't resist another chance to kick your asses.

Locus: Admirable. But hopeless.

Delta: I. . . disagree.

Wash: Think about what you're doing. If you activate this tower, it kills everyone. Our soldiers, and yours.

Felix: That's war, Wash. Not everyone makes it back.

South: I think you're confusing 'war' with 'war crime', jackass. So to avoid that, we're giving you the chance to walk away.

Wash: You can choose to end this now.

Felix: No, we can't. We have our orders. Right, partner?

Locus: If the three of you are here, I can only assume the rest are attempting to activate the communication temple.

Rachel: That's right.

Locus: You really put that much faith in them?

Church/Delta: We are not very worried. . . .

*Temple of Communication*

The Pirates had fortified the entire area. Atop the base of the temple was a sniper and a fellow pirate.

Pirate 1: Contact.

Pirate 2: How many?

The sniper took aim. . .

Pirate 1: Just. . . one.

Pirate 2: What's she holding?

Pirate 1: I don't know. It kinda looks like-

General Kimball fired her Beam Rifle, shooting right through the sniper's head!

Pirate 2: What the hell?!

Dozens of Feds and Rebels emerged from behind a hill, all wielding alien weaponry! The Pirates rushed to strong positions and cover!

Pirate 3: Enemies to the west! Open fire!

The Feds stepped up and used their Light Shields to deflect the bullets!

Kimball: ATTACK!

The United Armies of Chorus let our war cries as they charged forward!

Pirate 2: *takes cover* Heavy artillery, move in!

As plasma fire began to fill the air, a Rocket-Hog rushed to the west side of the temple! The second it arrived at the battle, a massive mortar of plasma completely destroyed the vehicle!

Pirate 2: What was that?!

Pirate 4: *yells* Look, east side! East side! 

The pirate rushed over to said end and saw the cause of the mortar. . .

Tucker: Hey assholes!

Pirate 2: Oh, god. . .

The Reds and Blues stood before a Wraith. . .

Tucker: You want a fight? You've got one!

Caboose: And I have a tank!

Sarge: Caboose, let 'er rip.


A mortar crashed into the temple!

*The Purge*

The mercenaries were being alerted of the situation.

Pirate 4: Comm temple is under attack! They're hitting us hard!

Felix: What are you talking about?

Pirate 4: They've got tanks, lasers, all sorts of alien stuff!


Operator: What?!

Price: How is that possible?

Operator: I don't know!

Price: You said they wouldn't be a threat-

Operator: *shoves him* Back off! We've got this handled!

The Counselor's eyes narrowed. . .

Operator: Felix! Locus! Whatever secret weapon you two are activating, you'd better do it faster!

*The Purge*

Rachel: Sounds like you're the ones that should be worried.

The two AIs vanished.

Felix: Huh, as if. . .

The Mercenaries opened fire, the former freelancers backing into cover, Wash and South on the right with Carolina on the left! The three peered out and returned fire, making the mercs back up into cover too! Locus peeked out and fired his sniper twice, knocking away the Cyan Soldier's Battle Rifle while missing the second shot!

Rachel: Damn it! He's a hell of a shot.

South: Yeah. . . But we've seen better.

She reloaded her sniper and ejected the empty casing from the chamber!

South: Delta, line me up!

Delta: Analyzing shot pattern.

After a few moments, his task was finished.

Delta: Fire on my mark. Three. . . two. . . one. . . Mark!

Natasha spun out of cover as Locus did the same! Two shots were fired. . . the bullets just barely missed grazing the other. . . The mercenary's shot crashed into South's scope while her's entered his barrel!

South: *mumbles* I just got this too.

She tore off the scope as Locus tossed his destroyed weapon aside.

Locus: We need to restrategize.

The lighter merc glanced to floating platforms rotating around the fortress.

Felix: Well, if we can't go through them. . .

The three ex-freelancers aimed their weapons at once, but lowered them upon seeing Felix run forward with his shield ahead of him! He kneeled, his armor grinding against the bridge before Locus boosted himself off him! Locus leaped onto a platform while tossing two grenades!

Wash: Look out!

They dived aside as the grenades detonated!

Rachel: He's heading for the back entrance!

Wash: Go, we'll hold the front!

Carolina drew a grappling hook and latched onto the fortress as Locus drew his shotgun. He turned only to be met by a swinging Carolina's legs! He was nearly flung off the platform as she landed atop it! He fired the boom-stick, but she stepped aside, narrowly dodging the spread before drawing her Magnum! Locus sprung to his feet and began to evade the bullets! He pushed her hands up upon nearing and twirled, flipping his shotgun and cleaving the stock onto Carolina, knocking her to one knee! She directed her pistol up, but her wrist was pushed aside and her shot missed! Locus attempted to blast her with his gun, but the same events happened to him! Once again, she attempted to shoot as she stood, but Locus grabbed her hand and pulled, flinging the Magnum away! With a hand still gripping the shotgun, the Cyan Soldier kicked Locus in the face and tore the weapon from his grasp, flipping it to her own! She tried to aim the weapon, but they passed beneath another platform, making her duck as it ground off the top half of the shotgun! Locus proceeded to kicked her back, knocking her over the ledge!

Rachel: No!

The mercenary slowly walked to the ledge, looking over it only to get smacked by the broken shotgun! Back at the light bridge, Wash fired at Felix, who's shield was still up!

Wash: Damn it!

He tossed his Battle Rifle down and drew his Magnum as South rolled out of cover and shot her sniper twice! The shield deflected the shots as Wash leaped over his cover while firing! Felix jumped back while blocking the shots in order to stop South from receiving an opening, blocking her final shot as well! The second his shield fell, Wash kicked his DMR away while pocketing his Magnum! Felix swung his arm, but Wash blocked it and uppercut him before striking his chest and hitting his face! Washington then lifted his arm and South slid beside him and kicked out Felix's right leg as Wash cleaved his fist into Felix, sending him stumbling to the side! Using the momentum, the mercenary twisted himself and carried his leg high, Wash ducking beneath it before the Lavender Soldier kicked his gut, following by the Black and Yellow Soldier shoving Felix back with a kick of his own! The merc drew four throwing knives twirling and throwing each! South shielded herself with her sniper, two knives imbedding themselves in it while Wash spun to dodge one and leaned back while raising his hand, catching the final knife!

Felix: Huh?

Wash: *flips knife* You think you're the only one who's good with knives?

The mercenary ignited his Energy Sword.

South: You had to ask.

Wash: *sighs and pockets knife*


Operator: Damn it! We're losing men too fast.

Price: If they manage to transmit an SOS, we're finished!

Operator: You think I don't know that?

Price: I think we need to start considering alternate solutions.

Operator: Like what?

Price: . . . There's nothing to stop us from taking the Tartarus and leaving.

Operator: Abandon the mission. You know, Felix told me you might try to start trouble. Fortunately, he also told me what to do if you. . .

He reached for his sidearm, but it was missing. . .

Operator: Hey, where's my-

A bullet pierced his skull! Price then aimed the weapon at the startled pilot!

Pilot: Wh-What are you doing?!

Price: Surviving. . . To hell with this mission, and to hell with Chorus. Get. Us. Out of here!

*The Purge*

Wash leaned back, dodging a slash before redirecting the second and swaying away from the third! Felix swung overhead and forced Wash to roll behind him! The mercenary swung low, Washington raising his leg to dodge while Felix continued to let the swing carry him into a three-sixty, forcing South to back up! Upon turning back to Wash, he slashed up and down, the ex-freelancer leaning side to side and dodging both before ducking to dodge the third slash, Felix twirling and kicking him back! He turned to face South and stroked up, cutting right through her sniper and splitting it in two! The Lavender Soldier gripped his wrist and raised his hand before striking him in the abdomen and head-butting him! She tried to throw a right hook, but it was caught and redirected before Felix kicked out her leg and twisted her aside!

South/Wash: Carolina!

The platform their third was on was now passing over the bridge again! Rachel kicked Locus away before turning to see Felix making a sprint for the fortress! She used her grappling hook to latch onto Felix's leg, making him fall forward!

Felix: Oh! . . . Ah, come on!

As he was pulled, he grabbed South's leg!

South: Aw, shit!

Wash grabbed her hand and tried to pull her back on, but the floating platform had other ideas and ended up pulling all three of them! Rachel did her best to hold them, but was struggling as they swayed over the depths below!

Wash: Ohhhh, my GOD!

Felix: You drop me, you drop us all!

South/Wash: DO! NOT! DROP HIM!

The grappling hook reeled the cable in and the three were flung beneath the platform, suspended upside down due to their grav boots!

Felix: Oh, now this is just ridiculous!

Wash: We've had worse.

As North Carolina and Locus brawled above, Washington and South Dakota evaded Felix's sporadic swings of the Energy Sword below! Wash managed to grab Felix's arm and South uppercut the merc as her ally forced the sword into the platform, piercing through it and nearly hitting the grounded Carolina!

Rachel: Wash!

As Locus approached her, Wash hooked his arm with his own and pulled him back!

Wash: I- am- working- on it!

He landed three heavy punches before kicking Locus back!

Wash: Right! Okay. What's happening?

Rachel: The usual.

As Carolina stood by Wash, South hopped up and landed between them while Felix arrived to stand by Locus. Another platform approached and the five ducked! Once it past, the three former freelancers stood to see that the mercs were atop said platform. Felix was flicking them off.

Wash: Really?

Rachel: Hold on, we'll cut them off!

She fired her grappling hook into the fortress once again!

Wash: Wait no-

South: Crap-

South/Wash: NOT AGAIN!

Carolina grabbed Washington and swung with him, South hanging onto his leg! They swung past the mercenaries, Felix turning and using a Sticky Detonator to destroy their line! They yelled as they came crashing down onto the next platform! The lighter merc ignited his Energy Sword once again and slid beneath it, cutting the platform in two!

Rachel: Jump!

The three leaped down, the girls facing Felix as Wash faced Locus! The former merc swung at his two opponents once again, both being forced to dodge the twin plasma blades! Meanwhile, Wash couldn't see his enemy. . .

Wash: Huh?

He was suddenly hit twice by an invisible force! Washington through two random punches, not hitting anything but air! He was then punched in the face and uppercut before being hit across the face once more and the chest twice! A leg crashed into the side of his helmet and turned him around! The ex-freelancer drew the knife from before and sliced his palm, snapping around and swiping his hand! The blood splattered on thin air, exposing Locus's location!

Wash: *flips knife and waves* Hi there.

The clowning wore off as Washington threw the knife into Locus's shoulder! He rushed up and kicked the blade deeper before landing three back-to-back swings! Locus suddenly shoulder-barged into him and knocked him to the ground before tearing out the knife! He tried to drive it down into Wash, but his crossed arms held back his wrist! Locus began using both hands to push down!

Locus: Just. . . die!

Wash: Killing me won't make you feel better. . . It'll just prove my point!

Locus: *struggles* Felix!

The lighter mercenary was punched twice, but slipped behind Carolina after a kick and lashed her back with the sword, pushing her into South's arms!

South: WASH!

Felix sprinted to him and drove the sword down, but Washington shoved Locus away and rolled aside, the sword stabbing into the platform's glowing center. . .

Felix: Oh. . . shit.

Everyone rose to their feet as their ride shook. . .

Rachel: Going down!

They were nearing the light bridge!

Rachel: Hold on. . . Hold on. . .

Their grav boots saved them from falling off.

Rachel: NOW!

The five leaped onto the bridge, the former freelancers in front of the entrance while the mercenaries were at the other end. . .

Rachel: Back to square one.

They all stood once more, each of them visibly exhausted.

Felix: Alright, guys. This has been fun but. . . If you could just kill over and die already, that'd be great!

South: What's wrong asshat, gettin' tired?

Felix: I'm not tired. . . you're tired! I can do this shit all day!

Delta: Your vitals say otherwise.

Wash: Besides, we kind of planned on it.

Felix: . . . The fuck's that supposed to mean?! Christ, man! Always with the cryptic one-liners!

Rachel: Heh, we don't have to beat you. We just have to waste your time!

Locus: What are you talking about?

Church: What she's trying to say, is that you two have already lost?

Felix: Oh. . . really, and when exactly did that happen?

Church: The moment Donald Doyle blew half your troops to hell.


An orange glow surrounded the spacecraft and shook the ship!

Price: What was that?!

Pilot: Um, my controls aren't responding! What the hell is going on?

*The Purge*

Church: You see. . . We may have lost our home base, but you left yours wide open.

*Crash Site Alpha - Tractor Beams*

The final guard was popped by the elite team!

Palomo: Nailed it!

Emily: And that's hook-

Smith: Line-

Jensen: And sinker!

Bitters: Hope your freelancers are ready!

Palomo: Now reel 'em in!

The tractor beam activated and hit the Tartarus!

Price: . . . Oh no.

The ship began to get pulled down to Chorus, and it was heading right for the Purge!

Felix: WHAT?!?!?

Church: You crash our ship, we crash yours!

Rachel: RUN!


They sprinted away from the bridge, Felix snapping around and raising his shield, Locus bracing himself behind him!

Felix: Get behind me!

Rachel: Epsilon!

Church: On it!

Rachel turned and outstretched her arms, South and Wash tumbling into the Bubble Shield! As the Tartarus neared, the Counselor let out a sigh. . .

Price: Oh, son of a bitch. . .

The Tartarus collided with the fortress, a blinding light emitting from the collision. . . when it faded, the Purge was gone and debris littered the air and surrounding grounds. . . The former freelancers coughed as they recovered.

Wash: Okay, let's never do that again.

South: Seconded. . .

Rachel: Epsilon, we did it.

Church: Yeah, well we've always had a knack for breaking things.

Delta: That is an understatement.

They rose to their feet.

Church: Come on, let's get back to Kimball and the others. I'm sure they miss us already.

Rachel: Right.

As they left. . . the mercenaries emerged from the rubble.

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