A Cat's Tail Muke~Cashton hy...

By Muke_newmas

57.4K 2K 381

They say you can tell a cats life just by looking at their tails. The way they are pointed if they are straig... More

A Cat's Tail Muke~Cashton hybrid story
Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
A/N (please read) update soon
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
The Aquarium part 1
The Arcade
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
I suck
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
10k Reads and Sequel

Chapter 11

1.1K 49 26
By Muke_newmas

*~not edited~*


I'm wicked sorry for not updating and yeah hope you guys forgive me and stuff...
Hope you're having a good life and stuff Yep.
So here we go again...

Chapter 11
Ashton woke up wrapped in Calum's arms. Calum's embrace was warm and soothing so he snuggled closer to the sleeping boy. He could feel Calum's warm breath on his face. He felt safe, finally it had been so long since he felt like this. Ashton knew it wouldn't last forever as the nights events flooded back again. He tried to focused on the rise and fall of Calum's chest, the soft hum of his breathing, or the way they fit perfectly together. Calum's arms strong and muscular wrapped around him gently pressing on lower part of his back. Ashton's legs tangled with the taller boy's. Calum had an unusually tranquil expression like he was completely untroubled, innocent. Calum looked younger in Ashton eyes, but most people do when they're sleeping. Ashton heart raced as Calum's eye lids flickered. Calum's eyelashes were beautiful curled and back as night, lips a soft pink, Ashton wanted to kiss those lips again and again for the rest of his life. He loved that boy more than anyone will ever know. The moment was ruined when something crash on to ground in the house. Calum's eyes shoot open and they were both up in seconds. (I think I just puked or should I say mu... NOPE)

"What was that?" Calum asks

"I have no idea,"

"Guys it's fine," A voice called from downstairs.

"Thank god it's just Luke," Ashton states letting out a sigh of relief. Calum walked down the hall to Luke. The blonde boy was turned around, so the couldn't see his face but he was crying. he sniffled and wiped his eyes. Calum gently placed a hand on Luke's back eyes filled with concern.

"Ash can you give us a minute," Ashton felt bad now, he left Luke alone by himself when he probably needed to be cuddled or hugged, and he took up all if Calum's time. He was a terrible person. Ashton nodded and left.

"Luke, look at please," Luke turned around head down, Calum pulled him into a hug. Luke started shaking as he collapsed into Calum's embraced. It felt good to be hugged Luke thought. He started sobbing, Calum didn't say or do anything just held him. Luke let go now crying silently, and just sat down against the wall.
"Want to talk about it?" Calum asked as he sat next to him.

"I'm just.... Michael," Luke sobbed "I failed Michael"

"No you didn't," Calum stared firmly.

"But I did,"

"Don't ever say that again,"

"But, Michael isn't here is he, so I failed,"

" We'll get Michael back," Calum's eyes grew dark and his fangs but into his lip "I promise,"


" I have a friend his name is Danny Edge," Calum's eyes glinted and he smiled. Luke just looked at his friend nervously.

*Magical page break by the unknown new character Danny (if you know who it is like you almost as much as I like food)*

Michael and Terran just looked at each other neither speaking. Terran shifted his eyes away looking any but at Michael who had a sick feeling in his stomach. Terran took a step closer, Michael inched away his shackles catch him.
"I'm not going to hurt you," Terran said softly still not making eye contact.

" And why should I believe you?"

" You shouldn't, you have no reason too but I'm telling the truth," Michael scoffed in reply.

"Believe it or not I don't want to have to do this, I don't want to be evil,"

"Then why are you evil? You have a choice,"

"No I don't everyone told me to be this way, I raised to believe I was evil and when I'm good I'm punished. So if you think it's that easy try to have my life,"

" Evil is not born, it is made, you have a choice don't be a social casualty,"

" But...." Michael cuts him off " you have to make the choice right or wrong, no one can choice it for you, it's your life take it,"

"Maybe it is," Terran says thinking aloud. Maybe Michael was right he could be good after all.


This chapter was lame and I'm really sorry about not updating but I hope you enjoy.

I'm really excited about the new character Danny and there might be some more new characters probably minor.

But Danny Edge is awesome and amazing and sweet and his favorite band is 5sos so... yeah

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