De daisugaaa

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💌COLD HEARTED JERK💌 "So..we meet again.." It's Three years into the future. They meet again at a unexpected... Mais

16 📥


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De daisugaaa

  "I'm The wife of the man you're currently seeing"

"..If you're going to lie.. at least make it believable"

Jisung spoke in an annoyed tone as he glare at her,not only did she took her sweet time to find out what college he was attending too. She had the audacity to show up as well. There was no way he was going to fall for such a lie too, if she came all this way to just provoke him, she should had thought of a better lie to tell. He was clearly annoyed at the fact that she decided to show her face after she had ruin his relationship. She ruined the three years he could had with Minho.

"Ah-..I guess he already told you.. Let me correct myself then..Im his Ex-wife-"

"Exactly.a divorcée, you should know your place."

Miya let out a bitter laugh as she stare at the boy that carried that blunt expression on his face. She was trying her best to keep herself calm, but it was starting to become a problem that she wasn't getting through him. Nothing was going according to plan.

" want to act Bold..?"  Miya clicked her tongue as she crossed her arms over her chest, as she lean over towards Jisung. He looked nervous but even so, he was standing his ground. A sly smile slowly form on the raven head face.

"..I mean-.. you must had felt threaten by my presence if you found the time to come all the way over here.. don't you think..?" He said as he tilt his head to the side, having that smile on his face.

Miya raised an eyebrow as finally, her calm composure started crumbling down, her fake smile dropped from her face. It was clear that she was getting irritated by the boy's attitude, Jisung simply kept on innocently smiling at her. Seeing that smile on his face only frustrated her even more then she already was.

"Don't be that ridiculous-!'re not that special."

"Oh..I think I am. You wouldn't have come here if I wasn't~" he retorted back.

Unbelievable. Miya scoffed as she looked at the boy in pure disbelief. Just shocked at the fact he was talking to her like that,Now she' was the one getting annoyed. Miya's whole calm demeanor was now in shambles, her arms had dropped from her chest and were now at her side, clenching her hands into fist. She furrow her eyebrows,becoming more furious the more she looked at his cocky ass smile. Miya suddenly grabbed the boy's arms,that definitely shook him up. She got close to his face as small smirk made its way to her face.

"It's quite entertaining to see you acting all brave, you know?" She spoke in mocking tone, forcing a smile on her face as she nodded towards the end of her comment. Jisung felt his breath hitch, he could feel her fingernails digging into his arms. It hurts. Was all he could think as he continued to stare back into her cold eyes. Finally, she could see the fear in his eyes. She finally got to him. Miya tighten her grip,watching his face twist in pain.

"..But at the end it's all an act. We all know you're nothing but a coward. Come on, All you did was run away and cry. That's all you ever do." Miya taunted him, having that smirk that only grew once she finally got the reaction she wanted from Jisung. Already seeing that hurt and beaten down expression written All over his face. If only she could break him even more-

"What about you?what does that make you?"


"Why are you targeting me? Is it because I'm seeing Minho again?or do you think I'm that weak?"

Jisung genuinely asked her, Miya could tell he was serious by the tone of his voice and the sadness he had in his gaze. For a moment she was taken back, her eyes had widen in how surprise she was seeing how calm he was. Though suddenly she broke out into a chuckle, lowering her head as a laugh escape her lips. How ridiculous. Was all she thought. Ridiculous ridiculous you pathetic brat.

"Are you trying to make me to pity you-?"

"No-..I'm trying to make you rethink the whole situation" The boy blurted out, catching the attention of Miya once again.

"Think about it. You found out the college I'm attending, you showed up here...for what? To confront me? About what? What's the point of you being here?" Jisung asked with a straight face, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at her. Miya felt her breath hitch as her hands started trembling. She was panicking, panicking because he was getting warmer, closer to her true intentions. Closer to figuring her out and she was not having it. The roles had switched around, she did not like she was being look down, it pissed her off.

"..stop talking..I said..Stop talking you piece of shit?!"

"..You're scare..That's why you came all the way over here.."

"..I said..SHUT UP!"

Miya screamed as she raised her hand to slap him but Jisung was quick to grab her wrist, stopping her. She was breathing heavily, it was clear that she was furious. She was loosing it, yet Jisung remain calm the entire time. That pissed her off even more.

"You're afraid of me.. aren't you? Not only does it bother you that I'm seeing Minho again.. it scares you."

"..stop talking.. I'm telling you to shut your mouth!"

"That's why you're're trying to break me.. before I break you"

Shit.shit shit shit shit. She thought, he finally figure her out. Jisung finally connected the pieces together and that terrified her. Her whole body was shaking, it was obvious she was freaking out. Jisung could tell by the look of her face, she looked so mortified. Miya harshly pulled her hands away from the boy, reaching out again just to grab him by his collar.

"Listen here you brat- y-you don't know ANYTHING! YOU KNOW NOTHING! STOP ACTING LIKE-?!"

"I'm a threat to you."

Jisung blurted out as he stared at her, watching as her anger escape her gaze and was replaced with intense fear. Caught again, she had already lost her cool so it was easier to read her. She slowly let go of his collar, taking a few steps back before she suddenly dropped to her knees. Miya continued to stare at the boy in shock and pure disbelief yet Jisung's gaze was cold.

"Between the both of us.. I think you're the most coward here and a pathetic one. For going so low."

"..w-we have a daughter!..Minho is the father!" Miya suddenly blurted out, acting like this was going to help her case. It didn't. She was that desperate trying to make Jisung break but he didn't. The raven head scoffed as he looked away from her.

"So what? Why should it matter he has a kid? I'm still going to see him either way."

"..You home wrecker!"

Jisung let out a laugh which baffle Miya, making her anger rising again. Her right eye started twitching.

"Home wrecker..? Shouldn't I be the one saying that to you? You ruin my relationship. I didn't do shit to you"

The raven head spoke with a hint of venom in his tone, he had furrowed his eyes brows as he glare at her. For once all the anger he had been suppressing since the moment he saw her face came back rushing in. Every single thing she said was a lie and he was a fool who believed her. Her lies ruined and took away many moments he could had with the older. Heck, she wasn't even by his side those three years, after she gave birth to Hana she abandoned them.
Miya left Minho with her child, a child that's not even his to begin with yet he raised her as he was his own. She put him through an arrange marriage, a marriage she wasn't even present in.

Hearing her call herself his wife already after knowing all of that made his blood boil. Watching her trying to scare him again with cheap lies and tricks was just another strike. Her trying to use her daughter as a last resort bother him the most , marking that as a final strike. Jisung was already annoyed by her presence, knowing what she did to find the info she needed to find him and get here.
He was mad. Furious to exact yet Jisung finally let out the breath he had been holding, letting his hands unclench and let them rest by his side.

Jisung closed his eyes as he let out a sigh, trying his best to calm himself. He didn't feel like himself and that kinda concern him.

"..Know your're not married to Lee can't take advantage of the one thing that's keeping you bonded to him... Hana deserves better.."

Jisung said quietly as he slowly open his eyes just to see she was no longer looking at him. She was awfully quiet, speechless you could say.The boy slightly bow before taking a step back.

"..I won't tell Minho that you were here.. I don't want cause any problems.. hopefully we don't cross paths again. So please let this be the last time we see each other.."

Just like that, Jisung left the room. leaving Miya to be alone with her thoughts.

Or so he thought.

" so that's how he wants to play.."

Jisung's eyes widened the moment he felt someone colliding with him. He was pushed into a busy hallway, there were students already heading to their next class or going home. Jisung looked back at Miya who was the culprit, starring at him with a smirk before she broke out into a dramatic cry. Quickly grabbing the attention of many of the passerby's.

"H-How could you..? I thought maybe you didn't know and I was going to forgive you.. B-But..You Knew he was a married men!! How could you slept  with my husband?!"  Miya exclaimed as she broke out into a sob, Jisung felt his heart sink as he could already hear the whispers going around.

" he doesn't seem he would be that type of person"

"You wanna bet he did it for money?"

" he's shameless for showing his face here"

"W-We Have a daughter together And ..We're about to have another one.." Miya said through her fake tears as she slowly place her hand on her stomach. She could see the pure shock on the boy's face,she could see how teary his eyes were getting. That's exactly what she was aiming at, now everything was back in place.

"How could you-..He has a family! And you ruin it-!"

"Noona..what are you doing..?"

Miya suddenly dropped her act, being caught off guard again by the boy's reaction. Jisung had tears streaming down his face as he slowly approach her and gently cup her hands into his.

"Noona..You promise me you would take your medications this time.. so why are you-"

"What are you talking about-?!"

Jisung sigh as he looked at her with that worried gaze.

"..please noona, the accident was not your fault. You have to accept that he's gone. You have to move on and stay strong for my niece.." Jisung said as he sniffed, almost weeping at this point. Miya became confused in what the boy was saying, she could already hear the whispers had shifted onto her. Her plan had backfire.

"You're saying nonsense! You're the one who's fucking around with my husband!"

Miya exclaimed, almost loosing her cool as she harshly yank her hands away from his grasp. Yet Jisung just sigh as he shook his head.

"Noona... the man you're seeing is the Psychiatrist that's been treating you. You are confusing him with your deceased husband" Jisung softly explained to her as he took a hold of her hands once again but this time his grip was tight. Miya her eyes wide open as she stare at her hands that were hurting from the tight grasp. This was Payback.

"Please.. take your medications or your condition will get worst.. Noona I don't have the heart to sign you up to a hospital.." Jisung pleaded with teary eyes  even though he was literally crushing Miya's hands.

"I didn't know he had an older sister.."

"It must be hard for him.."

"Someone go get security..!"

Yet the crowd was eating it up, believing Jisung's story more than Miya's and that made Her freak out.
After all her plan had backfired, it had just hit her that Jisung is not the same gullible boy she met three years ago. So nothing of her tricks could possibly work on him anymore. Security finally came into view, telling everyone to back away and move on. At that exact Moment Jisung pulled away from her as one of the guards was approaching him.

"Do you know her..?"

"..actually I haven't seen her before. she came up to me first, I just played along" Jisung whispered to the security who simply just nodded and signal the others to take action. The security's started leading Miya to the exit even though she was looking back the entire time, she was still in shock in what had happen. She didn't even had time to register what took place. At this point the crowd had started moving on to where they were going, but she could still see Jisung smiling innocently at her as he wave goodbye. Miya's right eye twitch again.

"HAN JISUNG! This isn't over with!"

Though at this point Jisung had turn around and walked into the crowd where Miya could no longer see him. In the crowd, he was met up with Changbin who was highly impressed from the scene the younger created. In fact, when Jisung and him made eye contact, he couldn't help but break out into a laugh. Placing his arm ove the raven head shoulder as they started walking away from the scene.

"Have you ever consider acting?" Changbin asked the younger who simply just shook his head " I think you should consider it" Jisung just smile as he continued to shake his head though changbin kept on pushing the idea. soon enough he wipe away a fake tear.

"Our Hanji is all grown up."

"You're embarrassing me"

"Should we tell Minho hyung?"

"Nah..I'll let it slide this time".

               " say cheese~"

"Put that camera away!"

"Why? You don't want Chan to find out you went on a date with his mans?"


Felix smiled brightly as he threw a peace sign, even if in the background Changbin was busy arguing with Seungmin. As always Seungmin teasing Changbin but at the end Seungmin snapped a picture of them together. He also snapped a picture of them peddling away on their bicycles.

" we'll back in an hour or so! We'll come to you so stay right here!"

Seungmin smiled as he lowered his camera, watching how Felix was trying to catch up to changbin who had slowed down and waited for him.
That look on the older's face seem a little bit too obvious to the point the raven head had already figured out what he feels for their freckle friend.

"Too bad Chan hyung beat you to him" Seungmin said as he stretched his arms before flopping onto the picnic blanket he has laid out by the Han river. Looking at that pretty orange-pink like sky since the sun was about to set, he smiled as he closed his eyes. Trying to enjoy the refreshing air. What should he do, read that novel he brought with him? Or start eating the snacks without Changlix?

"They won't notice if a few snacks are gone~"

Seungmin smiled as he sat up and started looking through the bag of snacks but then suddenly a bag of hot Cheetos came into view. The raven head was slightly startled and slowly looked up to see it was no other then Hyunjin Himself. He was shyly smiling as he was offering the bag of Cheetos.

"..I remember you said you really liked these.. s-so I brought you this from L.A.." Hyunjin said with an awkward smile since Seungmin was intensely starring at him. He then looked back at the bag of hot Cheetos before he slowly reach out to grab the bag.


" it okay for me to sit here..?"


Seungmin replied as he turn the other way as Hyunjin sat down on the blanket, leaving a small gap between them. The atmosphere around them was so heavy, the silence was so loud between those two. But who would blame them? Their last conversation wasn't the best and when they finally saw each other again, Seungmin decided to run away instead of facing Hyunjin. To think this is probably their first official interaction they had since their brutal ending of a friendship. Seungmo was dying in the inside, his heart was beating so fast that he could even hear it ringing in his ears. His palms were so sweaty that he keep rubbing them off on his shorts. Hyunjin was right there. Right there.

Seungmin slowly look over to see Hyunjin look too calm why he was freaking out over here! He was looking up at the sky, watching how the hair blew his long blonde hair that had been tie in a ponytail. He seem at peace, he seem very handsome and pretty. At that exact moment every feeling he felt for that boy, the feelings he felt for him came back. Seungmin was stuck in a awestruck as the more he looked at him, at that exact moment Hyunjin turn around and that's where their eyes met for a brief second. The raven head was quick to look away, his cheeks turning a light Shade red as he scooted away.

"S-So..How did you know I was here..?"

"Ah-..Felix send me your location with a good luck!"

"That little pipsqueak-" Seungmin mumbled under his breath as he looked to the side.Hyunjin let out a giggle as he folded his legs to sit in cross legged position.

"Because of his message, I came running over here"

"..You ran ?why..? You could had just walk."

"Are you kidding me?" Hyunjin raised an eyebrow as he turn his head to face the boy who seem to be confused.

"Seungmin , you outran me the last time I saw you at the airport and I'm the one who took track" The blonde head said with wide eyes, still remembering how each time he thought he had finally caught up to Seungmin, the boy would somehow run even faster. In all his 21 years of living, he had never seen Seungmin run so fast in his life before.

"Of course I came running, what if you were gone by the time I got here?"


Seungmin grew shy as he slowly looked away from the boy, looking down at his lap instead as he fiddle with the buttons of his short's pockets. Hyunjin stared at him with a warm smile, admiring his cuteness. He slowly reach out to push a strand of hair behind Seungmin's ear, which startled the poor boy. At that exact moment, their eyes met once again. This time Seungmo didn't look away.

"..Do you remember when we had a date here"


"You know.. our Han river date. We came here and had a picnic, don't you remember?" Hyunjin question with a smile as he pull his hand away, leaving Seungmin to reach deep into his memory before a big smile form on his face.

"Oh-! When Ji and lix caught the flu and couldn't hang out with us, we came here! I remember now!"

"Right! Remember when it started raining after we finish eating?"

"Oh my god! Didn't we started playing around in the rain?"

"Yeah we did! And then we got sick"

"We got scolded by our parents later  that day when we went back home" 

The atmosphere between them was no longer tense, in fact The had grow being comfortable in each other's presence. They were smiling and laughing just thinking about the old times and their childish decisions back then. The gap between them had decreased a bit, with Hyunjin who had scooted a bit closer to him. The blonde head had looked back at the other, seeing that smile and hearing that laugh coming from him made him feel some type of relief. Seeing him smile made him happy. It was so much better seeing that then the expression he saw three years ago before they stopped talking each other.

To this day, it hurts just remembering Seungmin's hurt expression when he said those cruel words to him. He still remembers how his eyes were glistering  with tears. He even remembers back when the raven head confess to him for the first time, just the image of him crying just broke his heart. The fact that he didn't do anything but just watch and leave him. Hyunjin's smile slowly faded away from his face as the more he thought about it, soon regret started fueling him and started thinking did he even deserve to be here ? Laughing with Seungmin like as if he didn't hurt him back then?

Seungmin noticed that the other had gone quiet, which made his laugh slowly come to a stop as he looked over to the boy. Noticing that Hyunjin was frowning which made his smile fade as well, looking at the boy with a worried gaze.

"Hey.. what's wrong..?"

"It's just-.. I'm just remembering why we drifted away.."

Hyunjin quietly said as he slowly looked back at the raven head with his eyes already getting a bit watery. Seungmin could hear his heart beating fast in his chest, suddenly growing nervous in what he was going to say. The topic itself was kinda touchy and he didn't expect they were going to talk about it this quick. It had already went over his head what had happen but now that Hyunjin was bringing it up, the scenario replayed in his head. Making him relived that exact horrible moment.

               ' and I don't Like you either '


Hyunjin quietly called out to him, snapping the boy onto reality. Seungmin blinked as he looked at him just to see he was starring at him with such a strange gaze in his eyes. Hyunjin looked sad but he carried such a gentle gaze, starring at him with so much care which made his heart skip a beat. It made Seungmin nervously gulp as he continued to hold eye contact with him, he wanted to look away but he just couldn't.

"...I Missed you, Like a lot. It was driving me crazy, the fact that you weren't here with me.." Hyunjin started as he broke the eye contact, growing suddenly shy in what he had said. Though Seungmin felt his heart skip once again once he heard those words escape his mouth. His eyes were glistering at this point even though he should be mad at Hyunjin, he should be avoiding him as what he has been doing this entire time. But no, he was here giving him heart eyes.

"..When I Heard My photography class was taking a trip to Los Angeles, I never applied so fast for a trip in my life " Hyunjin said a he let out a small quiet chuckled.

"But I did hopes I would see you .."

" see me..?"

"Mmh..To see you... I missed you so much that I wanted to see you so badly.."

"But why..? You said-"

"I know what I said-..that's why I'm trying to-.. I'm sorry"

Hyunjin suddenly blurted out as he covered his face to hide how flustered he was. It was clear that he was embarrassed and mostly ashamed of what he said three years ago over the call.

"There was so many ways I could had done to reject you and I-.. I decided to be a dick.. I'm so sorry.."

Seungmo was left speechless upon hearing the apology, he then scoffed as he looked away from
The boy.

"What are you're still thinking about that? I already gotten over it-"

"You're Lying-.. you always fiddle with the item that's closes to you when you're telling a lie" Hyunjin pointed out as he noticed Seungmin was playing around with the loose string of the blanket. It made the raven head quickly dropped the string as he slowly turn his head towards Hyunjin who was still avoiding eye contact with him.

"..It's obvious that I hurted you for what I said three years again over the call.. I'm really sorry.."

"Jin-..please just stop apologizing.. it already happen. So what can you do now? "

Seungmin quietly said as he reach out to wipe the tear that were threatening to escape his eyes. Hyunjin noticed this which made him tear up at the sight.

"How can I not apologize-?'re going to cry because of me again.."

Hyunjin slowly broke out into a sob, Seungmin let out a sigh. Crybaby number 2 has finally broken down. Seungmo thought to himself as he watch as he cry. Though Seungmin couldn't help but smile endearing at Hyunjin, even if he was crying and repeatedly hearing Im sorry coming from him. Seungmin should be upset and mad but how could he? When Hyunjin was crying his heart out and still managing to say sorry between his tears, that just show him that he was genuinely sorry of rejecting him could he not forgive him? Maybe he needs time to do so, but no wrong in taking things slow.

Seungmin scooted closer to him, finally closing the gap between them. Hyunjin was too busy crying that he didn't even notice until he felt the other gently cup his face and then the next thing he knew his eyes went wide.

Seungmin had gently press his lips against his, giving him such a sweet and short kiss before he pulled away. Hyunjin had mange to stop crying but it could had been he was in shock from what had happened. He was full on caught off guard from the kiss, if it was meant to silence him down it definitely work as he was real quiet now. Hyunjin's face became bright red as he place the back of his hand above his lips.

"Don't do that"

"W-what..? Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean too-"

"No-.. I meant it as in-..If you do it again.. I won't hold back."

Hyunjin said shyly as he looked away from the boy, feeling his face burning and his heart beating fast in chest. Seungmin became flustered hearing those words coming from the other, he had already moved his hands away from the Boy. He had his hands resting on his lap instead as he as well looked away.
The kiss was unexpected and Seungmin don't know what cross his mind when he made the decision to do so. Perhaps it was too bold of him to make a move like that. The two couldn't even look at each other because of it.



"...let's.. let's take things slow..okay?"

Seungmin smile. "Mhm...let's take things slow.."

'.. You don't deserve him..'


[ nothing made me more happy then people pointing out Minho's character development. I hope you guys are ready for Jisung's character development:)❤️

Seunjin shippers called and I deliver 😩hope you liked the chap!
Tbh idk if I wanna doe Chanlix or changlix at this point 😟 we'll see.
Not sure about jeongchan either cause when they met Innie was a minor and people seem to miss out it was one sided 😭Chan never really share the same feelings but oh well👯‍♀️

Hint: the last line ain't at seungjin

I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! 🥰
Until next time! Author c-💕 out!

Proof read? I might scan through it but I can't make any promises 🤨


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