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Have you ever thought whatever it was really a misunderstanding or not..?

   "You been acting weird since you came back from the Seo's  household. Did you guys fight again?"

"w-what!? No!-.. it was just a small argument, nothing new "

Jisung responded as he stock up new goods in their small convenience store that his father had managed to snatch after loosing their restaurant. Though after their restaurant had been renovated three years ago, sadly for Mr.Han fell ill shortly and Wasn't able to to maintain his store, even with the help of Jisung. The restaurant was sold off to be able to pay for the medical bills and medications. Jisung almost dropped out to take care of his father but of course Mr.Han refused to let that happen and push Jisung to get his diploma at least. After graduating Highschool, Jisung worked multiple part time jobs to be able to pay bills and buy the necessaries they needed to live on since His father was no longer working. Of course Felix would visit daily to dropped of some stuff and Jisung would receive some packages from his friend Seungmin that was living in  L.A.

Sometimes the blonde head would receive packages from an unknown sender, he was really suspicious about them since there was no return address on them but you know free food is free food. As his father would say.  Once enough money was saved up, The Han family moved to a new placed and rented out a store which soon turned into the Han's convenience store as it's known today. Surprise, surprise guess who were the neighbors living next door.

The Seo's or In other words: Seo Changbin.

Of course Jisung tried his best to avoid Changbin at all cost since he knew the boy was friends with you know who. But each time they somehow kept crossing paths. To the moment he and his family started showing up at Han's family store, to them going to same community college. To Having the same classes, at this point changbin had called him out and told him to stop avoiding him. There was no point to do so.

Since then, Jisung accepted fate and just like befriend changbin. In honestly, throughout their friendship over the past two years he had never pushed Minho onto him like he's been doing so lately. Jisung let out a sigh as kept remembering his conversation with the raven head  the other day as he got down from the latter he was on. He turned around to see his father looking at him with worried face.

"Ah- it's really nothing!!There's nothing to worry about! Just go home and rest, I'll watch over the store for the rest of the day!

Jisung  exclaimed with a reassuring smile though of course His father wasn't buying it. He still had concern written all over his face, but then let out a sigh knowing that his son was too stubborn to even listen to him. Mr.Han simply just cave in and nodded as he removed the apron he had on and hand it over to Jisung so he could take his place.

"Alright then... If you need anything please call me right away. Just because I'm old doesn't mean I'm not strong!" Mr.Han exclaimed as he attempt to show flex his 'muscles' making jisung let out a laugh at his silliness. Even when laughing, the same thoughts went through his mind making his laugh soon to fade away . His father notice the sudden mood change , he could see that his son had once again zoned out in front of him. Jisung had that sadden and confused look written all over his face again. Before he could even asked what was wrong, he was cut off with an unexpected question.

"Do you think... meeting up with Minho.. is a good idea?"

Mr.Han blinked, he was quite surprised and maybe slightly taken back by the question. He awkwardly cleared his throat as he really didn't know how to respond. In all honestly Mr.Han doesn't really know what happened between his son and Minho, they did have a rough history before they even got into a relationship. He was surprised to hear they had broken up so soon, they seem to have really liked each other. But  since the departure, Jisung had never mention or brought him up.

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