Boboiboy x Reader (Oneshots...

By Diana_nightcore

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All scenarios, oneshots and headcannons my weird mind can come up with- Ft. the elementals and other characte... More

A/N (Requests open!)
I The Bois- I
I Personality Swap! I
I Babysitting- I
Healing (Boboiboy x shy! Healer Reader)
New Student (Boboiboy x Reader, BNHA AU)
Cuddles (Reverse x Reader)
I When They Want Your Attention~ I
Little Gift (Frostfire x Reader)
Smol Author's Note-
No, This is Not a Kidnapping Attempt (Thunderstorm x Reader)
I Taking / Stealing Their Hats- I

Trial #11 ( Supra x SCP! Reader)

746 28 20
By Diana_nightcore

Scp oneshot! Cuz why not?

Edit: This was a mistake.

There will be some swear words in this oneshot, fyi

Also, possible edginess in the oneshot, so yea :D

A few notes for your reference to make sense of some things cuz I can promise you, this is going to be one of the weirdest chapter I've ever made

In case you need more information, I suggest you to look up the actual SCP wiki or something related since I'll only be giving a brief description here

Useless Fun fact
I did a heck load of research which many people will definitely question about just for this chapter, so yay :D


-Secure, Contain, Protect

- Very unlikely to escape
- Unsure, not sure whether or not will the SCP escape
- Breaks out really easy / requires a lot of resource to keep it contained

Each SCP is contained in its own containment area excluding scps which are in the thaumiel level.

This is basically an organization meant to contain unidentified objects or organisms that may pose some sort of danger to humanity.

I have nothing else to add so let's just get started I guess-


In a world where all strange things are to be contained, to be shut away from the human world. Where you either have to surrender, or hide away, is there an actual safe place to call home?


The room feels like they were sucking the life out of you. Probably because they were.

The air was mixed with some sort of substance that was meant to keep you sedated, not enough to cause an overdose, just enough to keep you drowsy but be able to stand on your own 2 feet, for which you were definitely glad for.

Perched on  the metal seat, the non-metal chains clenching your hands were cold to the touch. You pulled your hands apart, testing out the strength of the linkage while you wait for your 'doctor' to come and test you out.

A knock on the door brought you back to your senses as you whipped your head towards the door. A familiar face behind a full hazmat suit and an oxygen tank, so that he would not need to breath in the intoxicated air.

"So! Doctor JJ!" You exclaimed, your voice slurring a bit due to the drug but with a big smile on your face as your eyes lingered on the small exit to the outside world. "I'm assuming you guys are going to do your best to remove my existence once again?"

The doc just winced at your voice, typical for someone who literally just started working for the faculty and be given a specimen that's Keter class, all within a week. Perfectly normal for all juniors.

"Relax! I usually go easy on the newbies! Well, unless they really tick me off. So chill! Why bother with formalities?" You tilted your head, a smirk upon your lips.

The young doctor hesitated as his eyes glance at you briefly before looking away, fixating themselves on his seniors who were standing just behind the wall of glass, carefully observing the interaction. Their hands swift to jot down any new information, or to record down for any casualties.

"I am here to continue where your last researcher left. I will be starting the recording shortly. So please prepare yourself," He said.

"Ah yes! Doctor Mark! Good lad! Sad to hear that what happened to him during the last containment breach." You clicked your tongue, drumming your fingers against the table. "Anyways, please. Carry on! Don't keep me waiting!" Your smirked as you pointed towards the notes in his hands with your chin.

The young doctor nervously flipped through his paper before finding the right one. After one last confirmation nod from his seniors, Doctor JJ pressed a small button on the roof as a high-pitched buzz filled the room, indicating that the recording has started. Opening his mouth, the researched started to repeat what was written in his papers.

"SCP 11-J78, Keter level, The Electric Manipulator. Description: a young human with enhanced human abilities and is able to produce electric from their body. They are also able to control the  any electric currents, whether is it coming from their bodies or from another electric source, and are immune to electrical shocks. In addition, they possess some sort of intangibility, being able to will their bodies by some unknown means to become electric charges, increasing their speed and allowing them to go through the smallest gaps."

"You guys couldn't have given me a cooler sounding name, could you?" You raised a brow, sighing as you start predicting how long this discussion will take. "You've given all the other specimens some cool sounding name and I'm stuck with 'The Electric Manipulator'? How lame does that sound?"

"This is the 4th trial of execution. Due to protocols, I will repeat what happened in the previous 3 trials," JJ gulped before continuing. "Trial #1. Scp 11-J78 was submerged in a tank full of sulphuric acid. However, the execution failed and the scp escaped, causing several casualties."

"You all were pretty dumb enough to do that. Sulphuric acid can conduct electricity after all." You pointed out non-chantly.

"Trial #2. Scp 11-J78 was submerged in water for a period of time. The scp itself seems to have gone into a temporary hibernation. With it's body systems temporarily shutting down, but still keeping it alive somehow."

"That was totally unnecessary and rude to wake a person up by drowning them in water for long period of time," You huffed, glaring at him harshly.

"Trial #3. Scp 11-J78 was exposed to radioactive rays. The specimen passed out immediately the moment they were put into the same room and remained that way till they were extracted away and cleaned."

"Ah yes, yet another moment where I just pass out right in front of you guys. Fainting in front of a bunch of peeps isn't exactly all that exciting, you know?" You huffed, rolling your eyes. "Welp, seems like you're done! What's next? You're gonna put me into tank full of sharks? Make me plummet down an endless hole? Pierce me with a gazillion knives?"

The researcher's eyes flitted towards you, the first reaction besides the constant terrified look he had been giving you for the past few minutes. Locking eye contact with you as a small smirk spread on his smile.

"Things will be a bit more interesting for you today, perhaps. Today, you'll be put into the same containment area as another one kinda like you. We're just gonna be seeing whether or not will you be alive or torn apart by the end of this experiment. Now get ready."


How do you prepare for an execution?

As stupid as it sounds, even though you've gone through at least 3 failed execution trial. You never know how to prepare yourself for it. Don't think you can bring balloon and sparkles to it-

Ok, let's not continue with that-

Your 'security guards', the mobile task force (MTF), were holding you at arm length, each and everyone of them armed to the teeth and dressed in non-electric conductive armor. You've long given up trying to talk to them, since none of them seem to have the ability to say anything besides "Keep you head up and walk straight ahead." Lovely conversation starters, you must say.

Doctor JJ was walking ahead of you by a few feet, nose buried in a pile of papers with a pencil in his hand scribbling down nonsense. Despite that, he seemed to have committed the entire map of the area to mind, since he managed to lead your little group down the hallways and corners without bumping into a single thing. And that's no impressive task when you're drowning yourself in a pile  of work.

There were fewer and fewer lights illuminating the pathway, the corridors growing darker and darker with every step till you were practically in darkness with only the researcher's interesting gllow-in-the-dark Ronald Duck keychain torchlight lighting up a few squares of feet ahead. The sound of the MTF's boots hitting the concrete floor echoing the narrow corridor.

What seemed like hours later,  your little group finally made it, whatever this is. A metal door about the average size of a normal door stood in front of you, with a seemingly complicated lock system attached to it.

"He's newly brought in. So he may be a little uncomfortable here," Doctor JJ said, taking a silver plated card out from his pocket and sliding it into one of the lock mechanism before being followed by tapping a few buttons on a keypad. "So don't be surprise if he's a bit violent."

"Care to explain to me maybe on who I'm about to meet?" You questioned, holding your hands up for the guards to unchain you. "You aren't possibly just gonna drop me in there without telling me who I'm meeting, are you?"

"Ah right. Pardon my manners," He replied, not looking really apologetic actually. "So since he's been given an actual name, you can call him by his original name 'Supra'. Much like you, he's an elemental manipulator. But in his case, he's capable of manipulating 2 different elements, namely, Lightning and Light."


"There are also cases of other people like him, with some of them looking suspiciously exactly like him, but we have yet managed to track them down. It was only until lately did we manage to track this guy down, and he's yet to say a word." Doctor JJ added. "Bonus points if you can get him to open his mouth."

Huffed, you shoved your way past him, not giving a damn about anything at that point.

You've already lost count on how many days and night have been spent in this secluded area, with no one except those researchers to talk to. Even then, all they talk about were things related to you and your 'strangeness', other items / people's 'strangeness' and pizza. Either they don't serve pizza in the cafeteria, or they are heavily deprived of them, which is sad.

Not to mention about all the experiments they've done on you. Do they give a damn about you being as human as they are? Are they aware of how much pain they're causing to other like you? Nope! Who cares?

Was that a valid reason for you to want to tear this place down? Pretty much.

The room itself was brightly lit surprisingly, unlike the corridors outside. There was actually a decent furniture set inside. A wooden table with 4 undamaged matching chairs. 4 ceiling walls being the main source of light in the room. A comfy looking beanbag in the corner surrounded with filled bookshelves. A huddled shadow in the other corner.


The huddled shadow is not supposed to be there, right? 

He was a teenage looking boy. Tousled black hair with a single white streak. White, black, gold and red themed clothes with a dinosaur shaped cap settles on his hat, slightly covering the red-to-yellow gradient visor. Lightning symbols seem to be his theme, judging from the sheer number of said symbols spread on his clothes.

"Hello, comrade! Greetings! And welcome to whatever-you-wanna-call-this-hell!" You said, thinking that it would be at least a good idea to give a warm welcome to this potentially extremely dangerous stranger.

Apparently it wasn't a considered a friendly gesture for the stranger, judging from the snarl he was giving you.

"And who in the world are you? I'm guessing one of those bloody agents prisoners sent to die?" His tone was sharp, his body tensed as if he was preparing to spring into action anytime soon.

"Woah woah woah. Calm down buddy. I'm not trying to kill you,  it's more like they're trying to get me killed." Your tone dropped down to a hush at the last part, barely loud enough for the researchers to hear. "So how about this? You don't kill me, I won't attack you? Fair deal, huh?"

That may not be enough to calm him down, but at least he resumed to a standing pose, arms crossed as he regarded you with a half-annoyed, half-curious look. "You aren't dressed like the rest. I'm assuming... you're one of them..?"

"If by 'one of them', you mean, one of the people who they managed to capture and attempt to end their life for 'the greater good', then yep! You're spot on!"

"You sound oddly cheerful."

"You sound extremely unhappy."

"How is that- You know what? I'm not gonna go in further." He scowled, his eyes scanning through everything in the room. "Fine, I'll give this a go. What is this place exactly?"

You frowned, "Wait, so you have no idea?"

"Heard snippets. News and gossips travel fast, but since you're always on the run, you can't always stay long to listen. I've heard enough, but most of them are not exactly detailed."

"Fine then. Fair point," You shrugged. "This is where our fellow researchers," You smiled at the mirror on the nearby wall, knowing clearly that it's actually a one-way window. "-study us on our behaviors and what not, and for some to a certain degree, try to exterminate them in one way or another!" 

"Sounds really joyful." Supra rolled his eyes.

"Besides the last part, then  yea, more or less," You turned your eyes away from the screen before settling your gaze back on him. The smile never leaving your face as you walked up to him slowly. "Let me give you a warning first though. Something that might help you with your stay here."

"What? You're gonna threaten to do something to me?" He snarled, stepping forwards towards you, startling you a bit as you stopped, hesitating.

"No no, of course not," You continues, regaining back your senses. "This is not about me though. Just that I would watch what I say or do here."

"Sorry, what do you-"

Supra was unable to finish his sentence, not with a loud ringing noise filling the corridors and room, the room now painted a deep red colours.

Fear gripping your core, you clung onto the walls, fingers pressing hard onto the material. A few feet away from you was Supra, who was now gripping onto a nearby chair for support as he blinked at the alarm in confusion.

"Uh... what exactly does an alarm ringing mean...?" He asked.

Outside, you could hear the shouting of men running around in panic, some screaming at each other as what sounded like crisp papers flew everywhere. Just behind you, the door locked shut, trapping the 2 of you in.

Now no longer able to keep yourself calm, you whipped towards the door and slammed your body against it, in your futile attempt to escape. "Hey hey! What are you-"

"You two should be safe here as long as the scp can't break in. We on the other hand, will have to leave for now. Just wait here patiently until the lockdown is over."

"You're asking us to rely on a flimsy piece  of metal to protect us from whatever's out there?"

"As long as you don't try to escape or anything, you should be safe. Just don't do anything stupid, that easy."


No one replied, since they were already out running away from the containment area. Perfect.

"Welp," You sighed before getting up before running your hands against the wall.

"You're gonna try to get out, aren't you?" Supra raised a brow, arms crossed as he remained at his corner.

"Hell yea. I'm not staying here at all." You muttered. Sparks flew at the tip of your finger as a small smirk grew on your face. "Got it. Now you might wanna stay back-"

"What in the world are you doin-"

A loud explosion blew up from the other side of the wall as you and Supra duck for cover. The air rung with a high pitch noise as the door to the outside room slide open. The lock to the door, or what was once considered a lock mechanism, was now just a blew up circuit board still sparking a little.

Supra's mouth gaped open. "...did you just cause an explosion-" 

"I'm kinda known to be a troublemaker in these areas. Especially during events when anything I do can kill a person." You gave a wicked grin.

"Ah understandable."

"Yea," You stretched your leg over the wreckage of the door, hoping over to the other side as you lend a hand out to Supra. "So are you gonna stay here like a good little pup? Or are you going to help me to bust us out of here?"

The lightning and light manipulator huffed, "The latter. Let's go then."


They weren't kidding when they say this place is basically a death maze.

You've long lost count on how many times you or Supra had to save each other's butts from triggering some kind of alarm. Then again, from how loud the buzzer was going, it would be a wonder if anyone could hear you guys accidentally triggering any.

Red light flooded every single room and corridor you walked into as you ducked for cover, hiding from the armed guards marching past and the scientists in groups shouting orders over each other. Brows crossed, you crouched behind a pile of crates, focusing on the voice of 2 scientist who were busy arguing.

"...scp  049 has escaped. They say he's roaming around area 3 for now but who knows how long it's going to take him to get here..."

" we get out as soon as we can then."

The scientist proceeded to rush past you guys, taking no notice as they hurry down the dark corridor.

Supra's brows furrowed, "How much longer are we gonna hang back-"

"Ok! Good news and bad news! Which one do you want to hear first?" You smiled. 

"Good news first..."

You peeked up from the pile of crated before scouting around, making sure that no one else was nearby before grabbing onto Supra's hand and breaking into a sonic run, much to Supra's  dismay, judging from the not-so-hushed protests.

"So good news! I know the one who broke out of their containment area!" You exclaimed gleefully.

Supra raised a brow in judgement. "So you mean us?"

"No. Well, technically we did break out of ours- But WHAT I MEAN IS- I know the guy who started this whole chaos stuff! Bad news is uhm... either he doesn't remember me, or he completely hates my gut, which will probably end well with the both of us-"

"So in other words, the moment he catches us, we're both dead." Supra concluded.

"Pretty much. But as long as we steer clear of that area, we should be- oh."

Remember the two scientist from earlier? Well... they're currently curled up on the floor, face frozen in a state of fear. Dead.

Bent over them, his back facing towards you two, was a guy about a head or 2 taller than you, dressed in back robes with a hood. A syringe filled with some unknown liquid inside was in his gloved hand as he gently expose the neck of one of the scientist before pressing the syringe against it and pushing the piston down, injecting the fluid into him.

Your eyes whipped towards Supra's, hands up as a indicator for him to stop and follow you close. Tentatively, you took a step towards the figure, careful not to surprise him or anything-

"I take it you're trying to break out again, aren't you?"  Scp 049 asked.

Never mind.

Putting together what's left of your courage, you mustered up a smile as you stared straight at the figure's bird mask, looking at his blue orbs. 

"So! I'm surprised you still remember me! Long time no see buddy-"

"I am not your 'buddy', I did not break out just to receive this kind of treatment."

"Yea yea, Doc. Considering that that's the same name I call the other professors, maybe I should give you another name-"

"Please don't." 

"Got it."

"So uhm... I get that this person is our ally...?" Supra cautiously glanced between you 2, unsure how to react.

"Yep! this is the guy I told you earlier. And surprise surprise! He's on our side, or at least, for this time." You introduced. "Doc, this is Supra, a newbie." 

The doctor's blue eyes slowly looked over to him, his eyes scanning through his body before nodding, "You seemed to have come at the most unfortunate time, sadly. Sorry about that."

"Ah uhm- It's fine-" Supra sweatdropped. "I wouldn't want to remain here any second more- so uhm.. are we going to break out together? Or are you doing it solo?"

The masked doctor tilted his head, "From all my past experience, going solo isn't always the best choice. So for now, I'll ally myself with you."

"Great! One less possibility of us getting completely wrecked. Now if you guys don't mind, we have to focus on getting the heck out of this place, before they finally get things under control." You announced.

"And that is?" Supra asked.

"Depends on how chaotic things get, so yea, we have no idea."

"Aight, cool."

And that is how the three of you ended up running around, hiding from guards and other scps that will potentially kill you , and basically just causing chaos while just trying to escape from the facility.

This is fine.


Hi lol-

It's ya peep :D

First of all, I am so so so sorry for not updating at all for the past 2 months. Things have been kinda rough lately and I know this is not a great excuse-

Tbh, I've kinda lost interest in this fandom for a while already, and writing isn't really that enjoyable for me now. Usually it takes me maybe a couple of months or something for me to get back to whatever I've stopped so just wait and see I guess-

So sorry for this lousy and weird chapter too- I wanted to write this about 2 months ago and now that I've finished and looked through it, I have no idea what I was thinking :')

Anyways so-

Weird way to end this but-



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