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By godsavethesunflowers

16.1K 434 283

ON HOLD โthe day you left me an angel criedโž in which he loses it all after one big mistake klaus x elena More

She Cried
Part One: Everything Has Changed
Part Two: To Touch My Hand
Part Three: Same Mistakes
Part Four: Lord Save Me
Part Five: Gone Was Any Trace Of You
Part Seven; Till It Hurts To Bleeds
Part Eight: Lonely Beds
Part Nine: One Real Thing You'll Ever Know
Part Ten; For All That We've Been Through
Part Eleven; Better Just Lock Me Up
Part Tweleve: Something New
Part Thirteen: Just Like An Old Friend
Part Fourteen: Fight The Alchemy

Part Six: As Long As They Don't Touch

1K 30 11
By godsavethesunflowers

put your lips close to mine, as long as they don't touch

Elena had woken up, as she was still disoriented. She tried to register her surroundings as she heard a cheerful humming. Elena tried to move, but realized that she was strapped to a gurney. She attempted to break the constraints, but didn't succeed.

"What's happening?" Elena was struggling against the restraints again. A man was strapped to a gurney beside her. He looked at her, he could say she was the prettiest girl he had ever seen in a while. "Ahh. Welcome. I'm 12144. My name's Enzo"

Elena stared at Enzo in shock, then quickly looked horrified as she realized where she was and who she was there with. She shook her head. "Damon told me-"

"That I was dead? He wishes" Elena felt the darkness consuming her as her eyes got closed again. Enzo looked at the girl with pity and continued staring around, at least he was not alone anymore.

It was a few months after Ophelia's birth, Elena was a vampire due to her tragic death during the birth. No one was aware that her baby could save her, so when Jeremy called Kol and said Elena was dead, Kol did not expect to find Elena holding her baby in the living room as he arrived the Boarding House.

No one really expected Elena and Katherine to become best friends. Truth to be told, Elena did not expect that either. It all started when Katherine found her crying in the middle of the woods and holding her belly as she was cursing Klaus.

"Elena?" Elena did not even care that Katherine might have killed her. She continued crying as Katherine crouched down to her level, trying to understand what was happening with the doppelgänger. She knew Elena was shacking Klaus, so it was weird. "What's wrong?"

"Just leave me alone, for once! Leave me damn alone!" The older doppelgänger was still remembering the way she yelled at her face, not without fearing of her and for the first time Katherine seemed like she was impressed. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I am pregnant!" The younger doppelgänger yelled at Katherine which really baffled her. She looked at Elena and yes, her belly was a bit rounded and it did not look like a fat. Katherine gulped and looked at the doppelgänger. "Klaus' child?"

Elena nodded and Katherine sighed. Elena just looked at the sky as she continued to cry. "But I thought he left with that werewolf girl, Tyler's friend" Elena nodded again, making Katherine even more confused. "Hayley is pregnant as well, he took her and they've left"

Katherine's eyes widened because if the werewolf was pregnant it meant Klaus was cheating on Elena. The older Petrova gulped and looked at Elena. "Did he cheat on you with Tyler's friend?"

"And got her pregnant, and skipped the town as soon as he learned" Elena hated how it sounded, and beyond her, Katherine hated how it sounded. She looked at the girl sharing her face and fate at the same time.

Katerina thought she was in love, and she slept with someone who left her as soon as he heard the news of her pregnancy. So Katherine was understanding Elena in some weird way that she could not explain. "Does he know?"

"No, he just left. I couldn't tell him, he just left without any explanation nor an apology. He just packed his bag and left with Elijah" Katherine gulped and looked at the doppelgänger who was now too tired of crying. "And I have no one by my side other than Bonnie and Jeremy. Everyone hates me, Damon would probably kill me and the baby if he knew who the father is. I am officially fucked up" Katherine shook her head as she stood up and made Elena stand. Elena was looking at her with confusion as Katherine sighed. "I am not letting Damon to kill you, or the baby you are carrying"

Elena frowned, not understanding where was her kindness coming from. "Why are you helping me?" Katherine looked around, but the gave up on her excuses. "You are not the only Petrova who got heartbroken after she got pregnant. I know how you feel, and you occurred more lovable in some way, I can't tell"

Elena scoffed but smirked behind her tears, making Katherine narrow her eyes. "And we are a family, even though both of us are abandoned, we are still a family" Elena looked at her as she was not able to believe. Katherine just nodded and led the way. "And maybe I am in mood for nursery shopping today"

And then in a weird way, they became best friends. Katherine was always next to Elena, and Elena was right. Damon tried to kill the baby after the news of Elena was having Klaus' child. Everyone was mad, Caroline was mad, Tyler was mad, Damon and Stefan were mad. Matt was taking it easier, he was just not into the fact that Elena was carrying a Mikaelson, mostly because Rebekah had broken his heart.

But once the red headed baby came to world, Damon was glad he didn't kill something that precious. Caroline quickly warmed up with the idea of being an aunt and Stefan, Stefan was just wandering around and avoiding Elena. Not like Elena was complaining, it was working for her not to see Stefan around.

At first, everyone was scared because Elena was not waking up. Jeremy quickly called Kol and Kol was there by the morning. He was about yell at them how careless they were right before he saw Elena holding a baby and crying as she was smiling widely. "Elena, are you alright?"

The Original Vampire ran to his best friend's side as Elena nodded and showed the baby girl to her uncle. Kol couldn't help but chuckled, looking at her wrinkled little nose and her little tongue she was always sticking around. "She is beautiful"

"I know" Elena nodded and they both continued to stare at the baby. Kol kissed Elena's hair as he looked at her for any kind of injury. "Jeremy told me you were dead but you-" He stopped once he realized, his eyes widened and looked at her with shock. "You are vampire" Elena nodded and looked at her daughter. "Her blood turned me, my own daughter saved me"

Kol looked at his niece with amazement as he looked at her. He turned to Elena who was smiling faintly. "What's her name darling?" Elena smiled even wider, thinking about the name she had been determined for days now. "Ophelia"

"Help, Ophelia means help" Kol said, rolling the name on his tongue joyfully. Elena nodded and looked at her daughter lovingly. "She was the biggest help I have ever had, her remaining is the one thing keeping me alive" Kol nodded and looked at the girls laying between his arms.

He was happy to protect them, he was happy to have them in his arms as Elena was smiling to her daughter. Klaus was not there because of his own mistakes and stupidity and Kol was not there to take Klaus' role over. He was a confider, a best friend and a brother to Elena and they both were more than happy.

A few months passed, Elena was attending the college and looking after her daughter at the same time. She had to compel her way to have her daughter inside of the campus but they were doing well.

When she was attending lessons, Katherine was looking after Ophelia with a great pleasure. Even though Kol was opposing the idea of Katherine being close to his niece, Elena had faith on Katherine. Plus he was not able to come back to Mystic Falls because of all of the drama going down in New Orleans. Maybe Elena did the best thing with not taking her child to New Orleans after all.

One day, Elena did not come back to her dorm room. She was not answering Katherine's calls and she was not texting back as well. Without anything coming her mind, Katherine dialed Kol's number who answered it after the third ring. "What do you want Katerina?"

"Kol, Elena is missing" Kol's eyes widened as he stood up and walked out of his house. He looked around cautiously before answering. "What the bloody hell you mean that Elena is missing?"

"She didn't come back from her lesson, I can't reach her. Kol this is not normal, Elena would never turn her phone off or she would never be late. Please, I need your help" Kol nodded his head but cursed himself mentally because she was not able to see him. "I will run the fifteen hours, wish me luck"

"Just be quick"

"I'll be there in a blink darling" Kol pressed the red button which led him to end the conversation. He sighed as he sped away, hoping Elena was safe.

About an hour, someone knocked the dorm's door and Katherine ran to open it with Ophelia in her arms. Kol entered and checked both of them if they were alright and well. He sighed with relief when they were fine. "You two are alright?"

"We are, but Elena is still not reachable" Katherine sighed and Kol picked Ophelia from Katherine. He smiled to the little girl who seemed anxious. "She is in her bad mood since Elena is late, she's sensing something is wrong" Kol nodded, Ophelia was a pretty special child, of course she was sensing it. "Do you have any idea where she could be?"

"The school board was suspecting that she is a vampire, and maybe-"

"And maybe they have her" Katherine nodded and Kol placed a kiss on his niece's hair. "I can't watch Leah and go find her at the same time. Plus we both know when it comes to muscle, you are stronger than me. Given to your age" Kol nodded, he was about to leave the dorm as he handed Ophelia to Katherine but Damon entered the door.

"Never in my wildest dreams, I thought I would be happy to see you two together" He looked like he was in a rush, which made Kol frown. "What is going on Salvatore?" Damon sighed and leaned over the door frame. "I can't find Elena, she's not picking up her phone, she's clearly not in her dorm, she's nowhere in the boarding house, which leads me to believe that Dr. Creepy Ken-doll has her somewhere"

"Are you talking about the Whitmore bio teacher?" The older doppelgänger frowned and asked as Damon nodded. Kol was still confused. "Yeah, the one that operated on vampires during business hours, yeah, that one. Put your hero hair on, Mikaelson. Let's go get Elena"

"You just said you don't know where she is" Kol made a fair point, causing Damon to turn around. "I don't, which means we're gonna have to find us some leverage. So come on" Kol looked at Ophelia and Katherine, nodded assuringly. Katherine waved him goodbye as a little smile crept on his lips and by the second, they both were gone. Katherine chuckled and looked at Ophelia. "He is cute, isn't he cute?"

Aaron was sitting on a couch, headphones on, writing on a notebook. Kol sat next to him and pulled his left earphone off his ear. Aaron looked at him. "Pop quiz. So your best friend is taken by a mad scientist. Now, do you: A, get a new best friend; B, call the police; or C, kill someone close to the mad scientist?" Aaron stood up to run but Kol stayed seated on the couch, smirking. Damon met Aaron right next to the couch. "Sit" Kol patted the couch next to him as a gesture for Aaron to sit there.

"I have no idea where Wes took her" Aaron said, more like yelled with fear. "Well, they're not at his lab, so where else could he hide a vampire?" Aaron turned to Kol who was looking at him with fury. "I'm sorry. Am I supposed to know who you are?"

"Me, mate, I am Elena's friend, brother, her child's uncle, whatever you would like to call. However, if a harm comes to Elena, I will be your worst nightmare" Aaron's eyes widened as he looked at the vampires. "Elena has a child? I thought vampires couldn't have children"

"Elena wasn't always a vampire, but we are not here to chitchat, are we?" Damon said, gaining his attention back. Aaron looked at him with confusion. "How are you not dead, I shot you" Kol smirked, totally pleased with the news of Damon had been in pain. "Well, because you went for the head. You got to go for the heart. Go for his heart next time. Now, where's Elena?"

"I have no idea. All that Wes told me was to go about my life as usual" Kol nodded, looking at the boy sitting fearfully. He sighed. "Very well then. We're gonna call Wes, and you're gonna tell him that if he doesn't give us Elena the next experiment that he conducts it's gonna be sewing your arms back on"

Maxfield's phone started to ring as he was explaining Elena where they were. "Aaron, hey" The professor answered his phone. "Do you have Elena?"

"Aaron, what's wrong?" Aaron looked at the vampires in front of him and sighed. "Uh, Kol Mikaelson and Damon Salvatore are gonna kill me unless you give them Elena" Wes shook his head in disbelief. "Damon Salvatore is locked in an impenetrable and inescapable fortified cell"

"Or he's in front of me with his even more psychotic friend, imagining what my kidney would taste like" Wes, clearly upset, sighed and looked at Elena, then at Enzo. "Fine. Meet you in my classroom. Once I see you're safe, tell them I'll give them Elena"

Kol and Damon were walking beside each other behind Aaron on the campus outside. "You want to give me a little back story as to how you know one another?" Damon shrugged as he pointed at Aaron. "Aaron is Aaron Whitmore, and he comes from a very long line of vampire-probing, blood-testing, organ-removing freaks called Augustine"

"Why do you know this?" Kol asked as he narrowed his eyes slightly. The older Salvatore sighed. "Because I was their test subject in the '50s"

"What do you mean test subject?"

"Meaning I donated my body to science except I was alive and it was against my will" Kol wrinkled his nose with disgust and sighed deeply. "And they are doing the same to Elena?"

"Most likely"  Aaron scoffed and looked at the younger vampire with anger. "Why don't you finish the rest of the story, Damon?" Kol turned to Aaron and narrowed his eyes. "I don't recall saying that you could talk. Did I say that he could talk?"

"I don't remember anything" Damon said and shrugged, making Kol nod in gladness. "I didn't think so" Aaron just narrowed his eyes again, it was going to be hell of a day.

They walked into a building like they had planned to meet with Wes. Damon looked at Aaron to show the class, when he stayed silent he had to shake him a bit. "Which one is it?

"It's right here" They approached Wes' classroom and Aaron opened the door and entered, followed by Kol and Damon. The classroom was empty except for someone sitting in the back, with their feet up against the backrest of the chair on front. "21051"

Never in his wildest dreams, Damon would imagine that he would hear the same voice again. "Enzo?" Enzo stood up, his eyes still locked on Damon. His face was something no one was able to read. "It's been a while, mate" Enzo started walking towards the front of the room. Damon looked concerned and Kol was curious. "Who the hell are you?"

"Lorenzo, but my friends call me Enzo. Ah. Kidding. I don't have any friends" Enzo offered his hand to Kol who shook it slowly, thousand years were coming with manners as well. Damon sighed and turned to Kol. "Enzo's another Augustine vampire. Our cells were next to each other. So we're here to meet somebody -- Wes Maxfield. You know him?"

"That's your first question for me? Not "How are you? How'd you survive in that fire I left you to die in?"

"Uh, does somebody want to tell me what the hell is going on here?" Kol smirked, looking at the Whitmore boy who looked confused and terrified. "I have a few ideas"

"I'd love to. Have a seat. Been waiting seventy years to tell my story" He pointed them to sit on the classroom chairs while he sat on the teacher's desk. Kol, who was clearly bored of all of it sped to Enzo as he grabbed his collar. He flashed a false smirk. "You see, Lorenzo, your sob story is not my concern. However, my friend holding as hostage is. So, you might want to tell me where can I find her, or I might want to rip your heart out"

Lorenzo was not aware that vampires can be compelled by Originals. He was not on vervain so he just spilled the address like he had to. He frowned to himself as he watched Kol sped out of the room. "How could he do this?"

"He is an Original, he has a trick or two"

"Elena!" His fearing voice filled the hallways as he sped to the voices. Wes was panicked, he was not even in halfway through his plan. Elena's eyes lightened. "Kol, Kol I am here!"

Whit her voice Kol sped to the direct location. She was chained down, wasted, she looked horrible. Kol's fangs appeared as he approached the doctor. "Wrong person to kidnap" He knew his blood was laced with vervain, so he went with simpler, he ripped his heart out before breaking the chains holding Elena down. "Come here darling"

Elena groaned, using her last ounce of energy to stand up, she fell into Kol's arms. "You are alright, I got you now" Elena wrapped her arms around him as he sped them out of the lab. And within seconds they were in Elena's dorm room.

Katherine immediately ran to the door as she laid Ophelia down. She gasped as she saw Elena, totally exhausted. She helped Kol to carry her inside before grabbing a blood bag.  Elena was quick to empty two of them, ten second quick. She looked around to see her daughter. "Ophelia, where is Ophelia?"

Katherine handed her the baby and Elena sighed with relief. She kissed her daughter's head as her tears started to stream down to her cheeks. Kol looked at Katherine who nodded and they both walked out of the room.

Katherine looked at Kol with sadness, not being sure about what she can say. "Are you going back?" Kol nodded and looked down, not daring to look in her eyes. "Elena is safe, so is Ophelia. There are tons of things to do in New Orleans"

Katherine nodded, not knowing how to make him stay anymore. Kol sighed and attempted to walk away, but Katherine stopped him. "Stay" Kol gulped, not knowing what to say. He turned to her and almost pulled her into a kiss as her hands found his neck. He never connected their lips and they both remained eyes closed. He needed a reason to come back, not to stay, he couldn't stay. So their lips never met, making him to promise one thing. "I will come back for you, until then, wait for me Katerina"

And he left, Katherine was glad that she was going to be his reason to come back, and if he would be staying she would be his reason to stay. It was good enough for Katerina.

a/n: new ships alert you guys! lemme end them legit quickly! by the way i am so sorry i was not able to update i saw all of your messages and comments. i am working on new things omg, love u alll!

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