The Curious Disappearance of...

Por k0mxeda

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Bonus chapter: Kokichi's Diary.
February 18th.docx

Final update </3

725 12 4
Por k0mxeda

Hey guys!!! this is an UNFINISHED chapter
i know i said it was iffy for me to even continue this fic a while back and unfortunately that was the case.
you can read through this unedited bit if you want--- but it ends abruptly and there will be a long authors note at the end.

I've matured a lot since I started this fanfiction, and I think it's time to finally move on.

please enjoy this small excerpt <3

I woke up to Shuichi shaking me awake with a worried expression on his face.

"Kichi! Wake up! Are you okay?" He kept sputtering until i groaned and rolled over.

The floor beneath me was cold and stone-like. When my eyes adjusted to the light, I found it was tile.

"Where.. am I?" I murmured, my head spinning.

"You passed out in the bathroom earlier. You were out cold for at least an hour..."

My head was pounding intensely as the navy-haired boy next to me fretted over me for a good five minutes.

I closed my eyes and gently laid my head back on the cool tile, letting out a yawn.

"Kokichi! Did you pass out again?! Are you sick?!"

I let out a low groan as the pain in my head worsened.

"Urgh... I think I need to lay down for a bit.."


I felt his warm arms around me, carefully picking me up and gently releasing me onto the comforting surface of his soft bed.

He caressed my hair and tucked me in, murmuring sweet words into my ears.

"It's okay, Kichi. You can rest for a while, alright? Please call for me if you need anything."

I felt my face heat up as he gently held my face and tenderly kissed my forehead.

It was an incredibly flustering experience.

And just like that, he had left the room.

My face was cherry-red at this point.

His words were so kind, his demeanor so welcoming.

But his presence wasn't in the room anymore, so I shifted underneath the covers and quickly drifted off to sleep.

Pleasant dreams of Shuichi plagued me all afternoon.


My soulmate looked so beautiful.

He was underneath the covers of the bed I had so neatly made in preparation of this moment, his pale face dusted with a light rose color- slowly growing redder in hue.

I ran my fingers through his hair, whispering soothing words to him.

'If he loves me enough, maybe I won't have to keep him here.' I thought, lost in the beauty of my beloved's perfect face.

'Nah. He would cheat on me the first chance he gets with that robot. Plus, he gets bullied by my "friends". I would need to eliminate them before that happened, but I've already committed murder in the past week. It would be too risky.'

I caressed my love's beautiful cheek and planted a delicate kiss on his forehead.

I saw his eyes widen and face heat up.

It was an amusing sight. I smirked.

I hadn't expected the pills to take effect so soon, so I had to start preparations quickly.

I tiptoed down to the cellar.


"Where's Kokichi?"

"Fuck if I know."

The homeroom bell had rang out, and the day was already off to an awful start.

My dear friend Rantaro was involved with my best friend's disappearance.

Shuichi wasn't here, either. That pointed to one definite answer, and it wasn't pretty.

"You think he has anything to do with this?" I mumbled, motioning to the empty desk in the back seat with a subtle hint of worry in my tone.

"Definitely. Kokichi's at his house, or something- I'm thinking we need to go rescue him."

"After school?"

"Yeah. You drive, I'm hungover as shit."

"Alright.." I mumbled, slightly unsure if this was a good decision. I knew Shuichi was a little unhinged, and it might be dangerous to just.. barge in. We needed a gameplan-- well, he needed one anyway. Rantaro wasn't a robot, meaning he could get hurt just as easily as a normal human.

However, the class was starting. I focused my energy on listening to the teacher.

'It'll be fine, Kiibo. Kokichi isn't going anywhere... right?'



Ah, a beautiful time indeed.

The romantic tension between couples at tables, the friend groups who have done so many borderline illegal things that they deserve their own anime. The love triangles, the gossip, the atmosphere, the everything was like heaven to a plain girl like me.

And somehow, the aforementioned plain girl had managed to befriend almost half of all the members of the cliques in our school.

And I had to pick twelve more of them to be in the 53rd season of Danganronpa.

I had already had a good idea of who I wanted to pick.

I had a checklist, I think.

On it were the faces of Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony.

This season would be the best by far to go down in Danganronpa history- besides the originals. So many innovative ideas, and a twist at every turn..

Oh, but I didn't know that at the time.

So far, I only had Kaede, Shuichi, Myself, and Rantaro.

..Not exactly 15.

But I did have an idea of who to get, you see.

I sauntered over to a table with four girls, all giggling and talking to one another. The dark-haired one was falling asleep on another girl's shoulder, who's face was almost as red as her hair.
Another girl with rich, dark skin, round glasses, and her white hair up in a bun was drawing a different girl who looked kind of emo. Her hair was covering her eye, and she was in all black.

They were my friends, Tenko, Himiko, Angie, and Kirumi.

I slammed my lunch tray down, scaring Tenko awake and moving Angie's notebook ever so slightly that she messed up a line and glared at me.

"Ah, hey Tsumugi." Tenko greeted lazily.

And that's about all i wrote haha

i'm not going to be continuing this fanfic because i genuinely kind of hate it. some parts dont make sense, some parts r ACTUALLY SO HORRIBLE. LIKE WHY DID I WRITE THAT UMM 😵😵😵😵.... some parts r just rlly rlly poorly written

i havent reread this story in like 8 months so i dont QUITE remember the plot but the basic gist of it was that this was a FLASHBACK FIC set before, during, and after the game being told by the perspectives of the students regaining their memories after the killing game-- which is why a lot of the chapters had rlly confusing parts of introspective / outside dialogue that was never really explained. tsumugi was like a really good fanfic writer or whatever so she was picked to mastermind drv3 so she picked all of her classmates one by one and either picked their talent or let them choose
literally of the characters were very troubled and had some... very bad home lives......... as shown...... and it was kind of a vent fic bc what better coping mechanism than making ur favorite characters go through horrific things‼️‼️‼️‼️ /s

but what was going to happen was shuichi's codependency was going to worsen and he was going to dig himself into a hole and worsen kokichis mental state aswell and no one would really notice except for like a few people, tsumugi included (this was going to become a very tsumugi-centric fic btw) and so she did some digging and found kokichi and put him in the killing game or something

but the deal with tsumugi was that she was not a very kind person??? and so she would take peoples dislikes / bad qualities and would just flip them for giggles. like she was a big fan of personality swap tropes and probably while making her little list she'd be like "how can i exploit this persons childhood trauma for tv drama today........ hmm." so she just mixed people around more for her entertainment than anything

but anyways that ended up makinf drv3-- and if i remember right drv3 was going to mainly follow kokichi and tsumugi and keebo but shuichi would be a very major character you just didnt see the inner mechanisms of his mind which were slightly ‼️ different than the killing game and he was gonna have a lot of instincts to be very possessive of those he cared about and that would have been a struggle

once someone would die however i was just going to remove their pov from the story as a like false real death instead of going into what happened when they woke up at danganronpa hq until finally tsumugi would die and it would switch to shuichi who would witness the simulation end

upon waking up they'd all be in mandated rehab due to the stress of the killing game bc they needed to be integrated back into society afterwards and they would need to slowly transition into their old personalities through the use of regaining memories

shuichi would have a lot of problems with that though and due to the strength of his old personality that even affected him during the killing game he would end up with both-- two conflicting personalities mashed into one. He'd end up doing things involuntarily like just going to check on kokichi while sleepwalking and just standing guard and it would be a hot mess and he'd get mad at some of the other people he'd have drama with and his violent instincts would kick in and hed like start fights with a whole bunch of people.

the fic, from the start, takes place here, at the climax of the whole thing where shuichi's having a whole bunch of mood swings and shit and he doesnt even know whats going on and upon catching up to that point it all would have clicked bc they were doing video diaries of remembering their past and this story was like you were viewing these video diaries of them retelling their past from an outside perspective

in the last chapter there was going to be a dramatic fight scene with someone almost getting like game ended and someone was going to intervene, delaying shuichi from killing whichever undecided person he was going to fight and ultimately getting the help he needed. it'd be a long recovery journey but at the very end he would be fit to be released back into the world and it would end on a cliffhanger with him taking his first steps into a world he hadnt seen for a good few years.

Rantaro would also aim to apologize to kokichi and part ways for good with him somewhere in there bc the killing game would fundamentally change the way he though but before he could he was going to get murdered by shuichi!! yippee!!! we love no closure on extreme wrongdoings
(kinda justified too tbh)

also sorry for the weird phrasing with some of the quotes i was trying to be petty and not tell you whos pov it was bc i felt i was tacky but instead i was being a rlly snobby 14 year old lol

2020 was a weird time and this was a wild ride
can't believe i wrote this in class sometimes

thanks for stayin with it guys

it might be deleted eventually but if that happens ill likely reupload it on ao3 and orphan it bc gawwwd am i ashamed of this fic.....

in the meantime i'll probably stay logged in here to answer any questions u may have abt any discrepancy/weird plotline/ just life stuff and ill answer it

this is norm signing off, ly guys o7

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