Pork Soda || Creepypasta Vari...

By Ph4nt0m_is_l0st

1.8K 32 94

I bounce my leg up and down, I look around the classroom. I hate everyone here... Wow emo much, let me rephra... More

Chapter 1 - Nightmares
Chapter 3 - Another School Day
chapter 4 - Not So Friendly interactions
Filler chapter 1 - Bunny
Chapter 5 - The Three Maid's.. And BEN
Chapter 6 - Flowers and candy
Chapter 7 - Deal with the "Devil"
Chapter 8 - Escaping Leads To Death..
Filler chapter 2 - Cannibalism

Chapter 2 - smoke in the air

189 3 7
By Ph4nt0m_is_l0st

School ended an hour ago, I'm currently at a small shop in the town

I pick up a small black book and I open it, multiple pages fall out of the book and my eyes widen

"Shit did I just break it!" I mumble to myself panicking

I bend down and I pick up the pages, one of the pages catch my attention


I remember this, Tobias Erin rogers is his name. He's a year older than me so it means he's 19 right now.

I remember seeing him all over the news, I'm surprised he hasn't been caught yet... how long has it been?

Two years?

That sounds about right

I stand up with the book and papers in my hands and I put the loose papers back into the black book.

"You seem interested in the book darling, why don't you keep it?" an old women's voice says to me

I jump up and turn around, I see a woman around her 70s looking at me with a sweet smile on her face.

She's wearing a wight shirt with black designs on it and black baggy pants. The women also have gray hair and green eyes

"I don't have enough money for it," I say shyly

That's a lie, I have enough money for the book... why am I lying to her

"Keep it, no one seems to want it," the old women say to me

"Really? Thank you so much" I say nicely

"No problem-"

"Can I get some help over here??" A rude voice says cutting the old women off

The old woman sighs and walks over to the rude woman, I open my messenger bag and put the black book in it.

I leave the store and I put my black surgical mask on, I make my way to the next store while look at my surroundings

The air in the city is really bad, it's because theirs 3factoriesy here. The lake is full of trash and oil too... its a shame that this is happening.

I pass by a group of kids around the ages of 12 and 21

"Save the earth!"

"Clean up your mess!"

More kids yell out things but I'm too far to hear, some adults glare at the kids and some just straight up tell them to go home

I sigh and walk past the group of kids, I feel someone grabbing on my sleeve and I turn around

I stare at a male with brown hair, he's also wearing a surgical mask but it's black. The males eyes are dark brown and he is wearing a black turtle neck with dark grey pants

He immediately lets go of my sleeve and puts his hands up

"So-sorry! I tho-thought you w-were so-someone else" the male says twitching a bit

"It's fine, are you okay... you look like you are about-"

Before I can finish my sentence the male passes out, I lucky catch him and he's surprisingly not that heavy

I look around to see no one looking at us, well it is common to see someone pass out, it's usually because of the bad air

But in his case its probly from the heat, its surprisingly hot today, its usually cold and cloudy


"Are you okay" I say really concerned

"Yeah I'm okay.. I need to go" toby says standing up from the coach

"Are you sure, I can give you some money for a taxi" I say still concerned

"No, it's okay. My friend likes 3 doors down" toby says walking to the door

I walk after him and I grab his shoulder, I'm really concerned

He called me mom 3 times

"I can walk you their" I say

He thinks for a minute and then nods, I smile and I put on my crocs again





I step back from what door and I wait patiently next to toby

I look back at toby to see him messing with the black mask on his face

I wonder what's up with everyone and wearing masks... maybe its because that new sickness going around?

What did they call it?


I think that's what its called, I'm not really worried about it because its only in China

I get cut off from my thoughts when the front door opens

My eyes widen and the smile on my face falls

Its jeff..

I let out a nerves laugh and I turn to toby

"Well I have to go Toby, I hope you feel better" I say already walking down the stairs

I leave before anyone can say anything

I would have stayed but Jeff give me a... bad feeling... plus I can't find anything about him for some reason

I open my front door and I quickly close it behind me locking it in the process, I run upstairs to my room

I dont bother closing my bedroom door behind me, mostly because no ones home

I take out the book from my book hand bag thing and I open it

I search though the pages not bother to read anything other then the names and their photos










Why do I feel like I've heard these names before...?

I hear someone knocking on the front door

Luckly I left all the lights off  so it looks like no ones home


who knocks on the door in the middle of the night?

I stand up and I walk to my bedroom door, I close it quietly and I lock it.

I go back to my desk and I look though the book once again

I immediately stop when I see the name

Jeffrey C. Hodek

I immediately stand up and I turn around, all of a sudden everything goes black

1094 words

[A/n] My bad for ending the chapter like this, I got writers block half way in

Also before you guys start coming after me and saying that Jeffrey C. Hodek isn't jeffs real name I'm pretty sure your wrong.. (I'm sorry if that sounded mean!)

I Google it because well I kinda forgot jeffs real/full name and I read that Jeffrey C. Hodek is his cannon name and Lius full cannon name is Liu Roman Hodek????

And like has a sister and a half bother also????

And like has a niece and 2 nephews-

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