
Oleh luvgirlmarie

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Seven's life has been rough, she lost her mother at a young age and her father recently passed away months ag... Lebih Banyak

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six.
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four.
Chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty one
Chapter forty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
chapter forty five

Chapter twenty seven

2K 69 13
Oleh luvgirlmarie

"This is one of Ace and Angels old trap spots. I definitely been here before. And did I mention I think this a bad idea? Honestly i'm still a lil tipsy so my aim might not be as precise as we want it to be." June said pulling out his strap as they got out the car. "Keep yo gun away for now. We ain't coming here to kill nobody. We just gone tell them the full story from the beginning. He might understand. I mean we did save his daughters life." Cree said. "Nigga you said might. What if he don't? Then what?" June asked. "We'll worry about that when we get to it. I just got a feeling that when we tell him that Carly is okay and waiting for him somewhere safe he'll wanna talk." Cree said. "Yea maybe so. I just hope that the girls are alright because if not, we won't be doing any talking we'll kill them all." Jorge said.

"Awww. Don't cry you'll see yo baby Amber again." June said making a kissy face. "Shut the hell up June." Jorge said. He was trying to stay calm but if something bad happened to one of them he would probably snap. "Don't trip off him. We gone get them all out of here safe and sound. Plus you know how Anastasia is she tough. I know she making sure they all igh and shit." Cree said. "And then here you go with yo lil crush on her." June said laughing. Cree signed. "Stop saying that. I can be friends with Stasia and care about her without wanting to fuck her. Everybody not like you nigga." He said. "Stasia? So you gave her a nick name?" June asked. Cree pushed him hard causing him to fall on the ground.

"I will whoop yo ass if you keep playing with me. Now come on we ain't got time to be fucking around." He said. "You ain't have to scream nigga." June said getting up and dusting himself off. "Y'all ready to go in?" Jorge asked. Cree's phone started ringing. He pulled it out his back pocket and seen that it was Seven. "Answer yo wife call." June said. Cree shook his head. "Nah this more important. We gotta make sure they okay first, Seven can wait." He said putting his phone back in his pocket. "Alright let's go then. Should I kick the door in?" Jorge asked. "Nigga no if you kick the door in they gone think it's static." Cree said. "So the fuck we supposed to do? Knock?" June asked.

"Ion think that's a bad idea actually. I'll knock y'all just be quiet." Cree said as they approached the door. "Yeah igh if they greet you with a bullet ion wanna hear a damn thing." June said. "Just be cool nigga I know what the fuck i'm doing." Cree said. He knocked on the door and took a step back. "Well I sure hope they heard that soft ass shit." Jorge said. "Well nigga you knock then." Cree said moving out the way. Jorge stepped in front of the door and started banging on it. "Now that's how you knock." June said laughing. Cree shook his head. A couple seconds passed and the door flew open. Jameson stood on the other side pointing his gun at the three of them. "Which one of you niggas banging on my fucking door like that?" He asked.

"I see you sobered up." Cree said. "I know you?" Jameson asked. Cree shook his head yes. "Aw yeah. Aw yeahhhh you the nigga who dared me to drink that bottle of Henny. What's cracking nigga what you on?" Jameson asked. "Me and my bro's came over here to talk to you about sum. Can we come in?" Cree asked. "How the fuck you find this location? And what you wanna talk about? And nigga is yo name Jorge?" Jameson asked as he tried to piece shit together in his head. "Nah that's my friend Diego. It's all a long story and i'll gladly tell it to you if you let us in." Cree said. "Nah ion know about that cause ion really know you. What you niggas want?" Jameson asked.

"Look ima be real it's about Carly. I know you looking for her and I promise you she's safe. Ion want no problems or nun I just wanna get her back to y'all without any body getting hurt." Cree said. Jameson paused. "Stay right there." He said before slamming the door. A few moments passed and he came back with Gerald on his side. "Y'all got five seconds to tell me where my daughter at." Gerald said. "She at home with my girl. We woulda brought her but we didn't know if it would be safe. We didn't want her to get caught in the cross fire or something." June said. "And why should I believe you give a fuck about my daughters safety?" Gerald asked. "If you just let us explain it's gone all make sense." Cree said. It was quiet for a moment.

"Y'all got three minutes." Jameson said stepping out the doorway so they could walk in. They followed them into the building and came to a stop. "It all started a couple months ago. We all went down to Mexico to do some business with a man named Fernando Cortez. Ring any bells?" Cree asked. "Nah it don't." Gerald said. "Well when we got there I noticed he was a lil weird. I had a bad feeling about him so I started sneaking around his house in places I wasn't supposed to be. And that's when I saw her." Cree said. "My baby?" Gerald asked. Cree nodded his head. "She was terrified. Running for her life from somebody. But when she saw me she ran to me she trusted me. I came face to face with the man who was chasing her and I killed him. Then I took Carly and me and Jorge left." Cree said.

"So nigga you Jorge?" Gerald asked looking over at him. "Nah that's Diego." Jameson said. "Nah he right i'm Jorge." Jorge said. "Good to know. Keep going with the story y'all time almost up."Gerald said. "We got Carly out of there and came back later to kill everyone that hurt her. Everyone involved died a terrible death for what they did to her and all the other women and children there." Cree said. "I'm assuming you know that we have your little friends. Where do they play into all this?" Gerald asked. "Amber was there with Carly. We saved her to. While she was there she looked out for her as much as she could." Jorge said. "Take me to my daughter. Now." Gerald said. "Not until you release my friends." Jorge said. "Nigga that ain't happening til my baby in my arms." Gerald said.

"How do I know they're okay? I seen the blood someone was shot. Now let me see them I have to know they alright." Jorge said. "Nah. Cause how I know if my daughter okay? She already traumatized and sick. It's no telling what else y'all did to her." Gerald said. "We haven't been nothing but kind to Carly. We took her in and treated her as if she was one of ours and this how you wanna repay us? Nigga if it wasn't for me your daughter could be dead. Show some fucking respect and gratitude." Cree said feeling himself getting mad. "Nigga ion owe you a damn thing. Ion gotta believe this bullshit ass story y'all telling me. Far as I know y'all the ones who took my daughter and raped her. So fuck all you niggas. Y'all can die right now." Gerald said putting his gun up to Cree's head.

"Woah what's going on out here?" Jason asked as he entered the room. "If you wanna see your daughter again you need to take that gun away from my brothers head. Cause if it go off ain't nobody walking out of here alive." June said. "Gerald he right, chill out so we can get Carly and go." Jameson said. "Listen to your friend." Jorge said. "Jason you go with one of them to go get Carly. Me and Jameson gone stay here and make sure these niggas don't go no where." Gerald said. "June take him." Jorge said. "You outta yo damn mind not til I know that my lil brother safe. Ian leaving him here with this nigga." June said. "June you know I won't let anything happen to Cree. It wouldn't be smart for you to stay just go and get Carly so we can get this over with." Jorge said. "Creation." June said. "I'm good bro just go. You know me." Cree said. "I'll be right back. Come on." June said before walking out the door. Jason followed behind him.


"Cj you ready to go?" Seven asked. She heard a knock on the door and knew it was Moms coming to get them. "Yeah i'm ready." Cj said hopping off the couch. Seven made sure Bailey was all buckled in her car seat before she opened the door. But the person on the other side wasn't who she was expecting. "Krissy??" She said. "Oh Seven. I wasn't expecting you to be here. Where's Creation?" Krissy said. "He isn't here right now and I thought he told you not to call him that." Seven said. "Well when is he gonna be back? I need to talk to him." Krissy said. "I'm not sure but I know he doesn't wanna talk to you so you should go." Seven said crossing her arm. Krissy laughed. "I'm sorry but i'm not leaving unless he tells me to. I didn't even know you two were still a thing. Guess he forgot to mention it last time we spoke." Krissy said.

"Bitch please you knew me and him were still together." Seven said rolling her eyes. "I wasn't trying to be funny or anything. Is my son here?" Krissy asked. "Your son?" Seven repeated with a small laugh. "You don't even take care of him or come see him so how is he your son?" She asked. Krissy was a little surprised Seven said that. "Well I did give birth to him." She said. "That doesn't mean anything. Look Krissy you should go. Creation isn't home so there's no reason for you to still be standing here." Seven said. "Mommy i'm ready." Cj said walking over to Seven. He held onto her leg as he looked up at Krissy. "Was he talking to you?" Krissy asked. "Well he obviously wasn't referring to you. He doesn't know you.." Seven said.

"Hi Cj. It's me mommy you remember?" Krissy said. "Don't tell him that. You'll just confuse him. You need to leave." Seven said. "He's already confused if he thinks you're his mother. You aren't anything but a kid yourself and you wanna sit up and try to play house with the man i'm supposed to be with. It should be us living in this house together and raising Cj." Krissy said. "Excuse me? You need to leave now." Seven said. "It doesn't matter i'll be back. Creation wants me here and that's all that matters." Krissy said. "You're delusional if you think Creation wants anything to do with a nutcase like you." Seven said. "You're the delusional one." Krissy said. A car pulled into the drive way and Dream hopped out.

"Dream! Hi." Seven said. She walked over to them. "What the fuck are you doing at my brothers house? Does he know you're here?" She asked looking Krissy up and down. "Well hello to you too Dream. No he doesn't know i'm here but-." "Then you should go before I put my hands on you." Dream said cutting her off. "You know what fuck the both of you. You'll be seeing me again real soon." Krissy said with a smirk. "Okay whatever." Dream said as they watched her walk off. "What a fucking loon." She said. "I know right. I wonder what her problem is." Seven said making a face. "Who knows. You guys ready to go?" Dream asked. "Yeah let me just grab Cj's car seat and you can take Bailey out." Seven said. "Alright." Dream said. She walked in, picked up Bailey and headed out to the car. Cj followed behind her.

"I thought moms was gonna come get me." Seven said as she put Cj's car seat in. She made sure he was all buckled in before getting into the passenger seat. "She was but she was helping pops cook and I wasn't doing anything so I figured I could come get you. Plus there's something I would really like to talk to you about. I could use some advice." Dream said. "You want advice from me? You wanna talk to me?" Seven asked. She was a little surprised because her and Dream weren't exactly besties. "Can I trust you seven?" Dream asked. "Of course. What is it?" Seven asked. "So i've been hiding something from the family. Only moms and Chloe know about it." Dream said. "Okay? What are you hiding?" Seven asked. "I'm having Jorge's baby." Dream said.

"Wait a minute. What?" Seven said. "I know. It all happened so fast I mean we were just sleeping together and then next thing I know i'm pregnant and now he's saying he wants to be with me but i'm scared because how am i gonna tell everyone especially the boys that i'm pregnant. By one of their friends at that. I really don't know what to do and I thought maybe you could help me out and give me advice." Dream said. "Well damn Dream this is some crazy shit. Our situations are a little different don't you think?" Seven asked. "Yeah I know. I know I fucked up and Creations probably gonna kill me but I just need someone to talk to that's also carrying a little baby in their tummy. I feel like punching something all the time and my nipples are sore." Dream cried.

"Well I can definitely relate to that. What's Jorge saying about all this?" Seven asked. "He's more than happy about it. He's really excited and he's not even scared to tell Creation and June." Dream said. "Well that's good." Seven said. "No because everything will be on me I know it." Dream said. "I don't think so. Usually the pregnant woman catches the break. Maybe they'll just beat up Jorge and get over it." Seven said. "I hope so. I just don't want my pops or my big brothers to be ashamed of me. I mean when Creation told us he had a baby on the way they were so disappointed. Miracle and King waited til they were married to start having babies and I just feel like maybe I should have to. You think they'll be disappointed in me like they were Creation?" Dream asked.

"Of course not. Creation was sixteen you're twenty one. You're a grown woman and you're more than capable of taking care of a baby. Plus you have someone who wants to be there and help. I think they'll be excited to be welcoming another baby to the family." Seven said. "Really? Because Miracle's already having a baby and you are too. Now me? That sounds like a lot." Dream said. "It is but you know moms, pops and Harmony will babysit whenever we ask." Seven said. "Oh wow. I'm gonna need a babysitter one day i'm really gonna be a mom. No i'm gonna be a milf." Dream said. Seven laughed. "I admit it's kind of crazy imagining you as a mom. I feel bad for whoever messes with your baby." Seven said. "Girl I will kill somebody." Dream said.

They laughed. "Trust me I know." Seven said. "I feel bad for messes with Cj, Bailey or Santana because Creation? He's the real crazy one." Dream said. "Girl I know. He's gonna be a problem when Bailey starts dating." Seven said. "Yeah she won't have a boyfriend until she graduates dealing with Cree." Dream said laughing. "You know what Gender you wanna have?" Seven asked. "I want a little boy. Like you. Maybe they can be favorite cousins." Dream said smiling. "Awnn I can imagine you with a little boy. Cj you want another boy cousin?" Seven asked. "I guess." Cj said. "Chile Cj is tired. He just got a new baby sister and he has a baby brother on the way." Dream said. "Yeah it's definitely gonna take some time to adjust but we'll get there." Seven said.

"Cj really loves you. I can tell." Dream said. "I love him too that's my baby. I can't believe Krissy showed up trying to see him. She had the nerve to refer to herself as mommy in front of him." Seven said. "What? She's lucky I didn't hear because that would have been a ass whooping. She doesn't have a right to call herself that." Dream said as they pulled up to moms and pops house. "Thats what I said. That girl is weird I wonder what Creation ever saw in her." Seven said. "He was young. Plus he said she was different when they first met. He said the crazy didn't jump out for a couple of months and by that time it was already too late." Dream said as they got out of the car. "Wow that's crazy." Seven said picking Bailey up out her car seat. They all walked into the house and greeted everybody.

"Let me hold my grand baby. Hey pretty girl." Pops said taking Bailey out of Seven's arms. "I got next." Moms said. "Then me." Harmony said. "Seven girl you looking like you ready to pop." Chloe said. "I am girl. I'm ready to have this baby it's getting exhausting just standing up." Seven said. "Couple more weeks and he'll be here baby." Moms said rubbing her belly. "I can't waittt." Harmony squealed. "Me either. Where's thing one and thing two? I thought they were here." Seven said. "Oh they were, I sent them to get some ice and a bottle of wine for dinner." Moms said. "Ohh okay. How's Prince doing? Anything from the doctors?" Seven asked. Everyone was quiet. "We were gonna discuss that over dinner sweetie. When all the family's here. Have you heard from Creation yet? I wasn't able to get through to him or June." Moms said. "No I wasn't. I texted him and told him to come here whenever he got back tho." Seven said.

"Good. We have some things to discuss." Moms said. "It sure smells good. Whats cooking in the kitchen today?" Seven asked. "Me and Shawn are making Honey hot fried chicken with loaded baked potatoes and i'm gonna make a seven layer salad to top it off. Nothing Major tonight we just wanted to gather everyone here." Moms said. "That sounds delicious." Seven said biting her lips thinking about it. "Yeah it is the loaded potato Seven oh my god you're gonna love it." Harmony said. "Ouu if Harmony say ima love it I know I am because she's picky." Seven said laughing. "I am not picky!" Harmony said laughing. "Girl please you the pickiest child we got." Pops said giving Bailey to moms. "Yeah yeah yeah." Harmony said. They all laughed.


"June? Who's this?" Aniya asked opening her door. Him and Jason walked in. "What's up baby. Don't worry about it we just here to get Carly." June said. "Oh okay she's in my bed sleeping and I told you when you brought her not to call me baby. We aren't together anymore." Aniya said. "Stink don't be like that I thought we was taking a break." He said. "Save it June. I'll go get her." Aniya said before walking off. Jason laughed. "Nigga it ain't funny." June said. "It is to me." Jason said. "Ion even know why she tryna show out like i'm not finna be over here tonight. She just tryna embarrass me." June said. "Rightt." Jason said. Aniya walked into the room with Carly who was just waking up. "Uncle baby. I missed you so much you okay?" Jason asked walking over to her and picking her up.

She hugged him back but didn't say anything. She didn't know exactly who it was but she knew it was family. "So will I get to babysit again?" Aniya asked. "Probably not, so say your goodbyes." June said. "Awnn. I'm gonna miss you Carly." Aniya said. "Yeah me too. Oh and I'll be back later to get you. I told my mom you wanted to come to dinner with us.." June said. "June.. Really?" Aniya asked. "Bae come on I can't go without you. Be ready in a hour." He said. She mugged him. "Bye Carly." She said one last time before they left out. "Alright so y'all got Carly. How this finna play out? Is ya boy gone be tripping or what?" June asked as they drove off. Jason looked over at him and shrugged. "Ima be real ion know. Gerald been planning on killing whoever had Carly for the longest so ion know what he finna do." Jason said being honest.

"How many times we gotta tell y'all niggas we ain't the ones that took her?" June asked. "Nigga I feel you on that and i'm glad y'all took my niece in and looked out for her but ion know if Gerald thinking like that. On sum serious shit he might be mad that y'all saved her. Cause that's what he wanted to do. We looked every where for Carly man. He checked Mexico and he didn't find her. So to know he was there and didn't save his baby. Ion know it might be fucking with his head." Jason said. "Well I never thought about it like that. But still, if he get the tripping you handle it or ima have to." June said. "Don't worry bout it I got it. Once he see Carly he gone be caught up with her for a minute. Use that time wisely. Get the girls, get out and don't look back." Jason said. June nodded.

They pulled up to the building and hopped out. "You ready to see daddy Carcar?" Jason asked smiling. He was so happy to be reuniting the two of them and he knew Gerald was about to be the happiest he's ever been when he see's her. "Before we go in. You think Carly can visit us sometime? We kinda grew a bond with her while she was here and it would be nice to see her again." June said. "Ion know about that one. But we'll see." Jason said before they entered the building. Everyone was in the same position they were in before the two of them left. Gerald dropped his gun and ran over to them. "Carly." He said. Jason placed her on the ground and signaled June to get the fuck out. "My baby. Daddy missed you. You good?" Gerald asked as he hugged her. He didn't wanna let go, it had been so long.

"Creation, Jorge let's bounce." June said. "The girls." Cree said. Jason led them to a room in the back. "Jorge! I knew you would come for me." Amber said jumping up and hugging him. "Amber you're okay." Jorge said. "Help me get Anastasia up." Selena said. Cree bent down and picked her up bridal style. "What the fuck happened to her? Whoever did it gotta answer to me." He said. "About that.. I might have accidentally shot her in the leg." Jason said. Jorge pulled out his gun and pointed it at him. "Okay i'll shoot you in the leg then we might be even." He said. "No it's okay. Don't do it." Anastasia said. "Are you all right?" Cree asked. "Now that you guys are here i'm great. Just get me to a hospital." She said. "Okay we will. Let's get outta here." Cree said as they walked out the room. They were heading towards the front of the building about to leave when they were stopped.

"Not so fast!" Gerald yelled. They all turned and faced him. He put Carly in Jameson's arms and walked over to them. "I just wanna apologize. I came here with every intention on killing y'all when I should have been thanking all of you. You saved my babies life and I should have been more grateful towards you. I didn't mean no harm and i'm sorry my dumb ass friend shot you in the leg." Gerald said looking at Anastasia. "It's okay." She said. "Yeah don't even trip off of it. If I was in yo shoes I woulda been on the same time. I respect you man. Y'all take care of Carly ight?" Cree said. "We will. Thanks again bruh, y'all ain't too bad. We ever in Atlanta again I might have to get my rematch witchu nigga." Gerald said looking at June. "Fasho." June said nodding his head. "Ight now get the fuck out fore I change my mind." Gerald said with a small laugh. "Yeah ight." June said before they all walked out.


"I hope youn mind ma we brought some company with us." Cree said as him, June, Aniya, Jorge, Amber and Selena walked in the house. "Oh lord. Shawn put another batch of chicken in!" Moms yelled into the Kitchen. "It sure took y'all long enough. And Creation you in trouble.. Seven up in that room waiting on you." Dream said. Cree signed. "I'll be back y'all." He said. He walked up the stairs and went into the guest room. Seven was changing Bailey's diaper. He came behind her and planted a kiss on her neck. "Creation get the fuck off me i'm not in the mood at all." She said moving away. "Baby you still mad at me?" He asked. "Why didn't you answer my call Creation?" Seven asked turning around and looking him in the eyes.

"I was doing something important. Why you tripping? I tried to call back, you ain't answer." He said. "You called back a hour late. And that call was important Creation. I thought I was having the baby and you were the first person I called. But you didn't even answer. You know how scared I was?" Seven asked as she started to cry. "Baby I had no idea. I'm so sorry I didn't answer. What happened?" Cree asked. "Nothing. Luckily it was just braxton hicks but what if it was the real thing? What if I really had the baby and you weren't there with me?" Seven asked. "Don't even think like that. I told you'll i'll be there and I meant it. I'm so sorry baby I would have never declined your call if I knew it was this important. Please forgive me. Let me make it up to you." Cree said.

"And then, to top that off. I hear from your mom that Krissy has been trying to get Cj back. I brushed it off because I thought maybe it wasn't serious and maybe you had it handled and just didn't tell me yet. But then Krissy showed up to your house looking for you and Cj. So what else are you hiding from me Creation?" Seven asked. "Baby. I was gonna tell you about that I just didn't get the chance and I don't know why she showed up there. I didn't tell her to do that. As a matter of fact I told her to stay away from my house, me and Cj. You know how I feel about that bitch I would never disrespect you by inviting her over." Cree said. "Creation i'm not upset because she came over i'm upset because you lied to me to begin with. You had numerous opportunities to talk to me about the situation and you didn't, you hid it from me." Seven said.

"Baby I know. I'm sorry I didn't wanna put you through any stress." Cree said. "Don't talk to me about stress Cree. Because it stressed me out to hear it from someone else. It stressed me out to think that she might take Cj from us." Seven said. "That's not gonna happen. She's not taking my son from me Seven I promise you that." Cree said. "So now he's just your son? Okay Creation." Seven said. "Baby. You know what I mean you know he your son too." Cree said. "No forget about it. You obviously don't look at me like his parent." Seven said. "I do baby you know I do. I know Cj loves you and calls you mom come on I know you're his mother. I'm sorry." Cree said. "Mhm. How's your little girl friend?" She asked. "What?" He asked. "That you ran off to go save." Seven said. He signed.

"Seven you the only woman I wanna be with, You the only woman I love." Cree said. "If you feel that way then why were you gonna fuck with her?" Seven asked. "Baby I was drunk that night and me and you were having major problems. I admit that's not a good enough reason and I should have never disrespected you. I was wrong for even touching that girl even if I didn't fuck. I'm sorry Seven. For everything I did. Please just forgive me. I love you baby please." He said pulling her into a hug. She eventually gave in. "I forgive you Creation. I just don't want you hiding stuff from me anymore. I can handle the truth." Seven said. "Okay crybaby."Cree said. "And the next time Krissy disrespects me i'm gonna whoop her ass." Seven said. "What she say baby?" Cree asked.

"She told me i'm delusional for trying to play house with you and that it's supposed to be her and you raising Cj together. She told me i'm not his mom." Seven said. "You're more of of mother to Cj than she's ever been and ever will be. Don't worry about that crazy ass girl." Cree said. "Trust me I won't." Seven said. "So we good?" He asked. She rolled her eyes. "Are we good?" He repeated. "Yeah boy we good dang." She said. "That's all I wanted to hear." Cree said kissing her passionately on the lips. "You still owe me tacos tho." She said. "I'll make them tomorrow baby I promise." He said picking up Bailey off the bed. "Yeah you better. Now let's go downstairs im starving." Seven said.

"Are you serious?" Dream asked. "When you told me to meet you in the bathroom I was expecting a quickie. Why you still dressed baby?" Jorge asked. "Are you serious right now? Did you really have the audacity to bring that bitch up in my parents house? What if she says something?" Dream asked. Jorge smiled. "Is this funny to you?" She asked. "A little.. Im sorry but you're so cute when you're mad." He said. "I'm about to fuck you up in this bathroom Jorge." Dream said putting her fist up. He grabbed them. "Baby girl calm down. It's alright she won't say anything. I promise." Jorge said. "I don't like her I told you that." Dream said. "I know but baby she's like a little sister to me. What do you want me to do?" He asked. "That girl wants to fuck you. I'm not dumb." Dream said.

"Relax okay? I'm gonna handle that I promise. She's just a little confused. So stop going off and stressing yourself out. it's not good for our baby." Jorge said wrapping his arms around her. "I wanna trust you Jorge." Dream said. "Then why don't you?" He asked. "I don't know I just don't. Hell I don't even trust myself sometimes. I just went through a lot in my last relationship and I don't wanna go through that again. Especially with someone i'm having a baby with." Dream said. "I don't know how the last man treated you but i'm gonna treat you like a Queen. Always. Okay?" Jorge said. "Yeah okay we'll see." She said. "Move in with me." He said.

Dream laughed. "What so I can join the rest of the sister wives? I'll pass." She said. "You're funny." Jorge said laughing. "I'm serious." She said. "They're moving out. I had a talk with them and they understand i'm moving on with my life, starting a family." Jorge said. "You're serious?" Dream asked. "Yes i'm serious. You'll love living with me and I have a ton of space for all your clothes and the new baby." Jorge said. "I don't know.. Chloe's gonna be mad." Dream said. "She'll be okay. Just say yes. Please?" Jorge said. "Yes Jorge of course i'll move in with you. Now let's get out of this bathroom before someone finds us." Dream said. She opened the door and Quincy was standing there.

"Oop. Ain't that Creation and June friend?" He asked. "God damn it. How long have you been standing there?" Dream asked. "Long enough to text everything to Harmony." Quincy said. "You little asshole. What all did you hear?" She asked. "Just that you're pregnant by him." Quincy said. "If you tell anyone else I swear to god." Dream said. "I won't tell anyone anything." He said. "Okay good." She said. "If.. You let me take your car for a joyride with Harm." Quincy said. "Over my dead body. Are you retarded?" She asked. "Okay i'll just go have a chat with the guys." Quincy said. "Wait, you can take mine for one." Jorge said pulling out his keys. "I wanna drive the range rover but thanks for the offer." Quincy said. "I don't know.. I think you would rather drive a hellcat." Jorge said.

"Sounds good to me." Quincy said putting his hands out. "Don't wreck my car." Jorge said. "I'll try my best." Quincy said before smiling and walking off. "Come on Harmony let's go for a ride while we wait on dinner." He whispered in her ear. She smiled. "Okay come on." She said grabbing his hand and leading him out the door. "Dream this is Amber and Selena, our other friends." June said. "Hi." Dream said. "Oh hi. It's so nice to meet you." Amber said with a smile. "Seven and Chloe come upstairs real quick I need help with something." Dream said walking off. Seven and Chloe followed her upstairs and into Harmony's bedroom. Dream picked up a brush and started brushing her hair while she looked in the mirror.

"That bitch is tryna be funny. 'It's so nice to meet you' Yeah okay let's see how cute she is when I stab her with a butter knife." She said. "Um.. We don't know what you're talking about." Seven said. "That little bitch Amber." Dream said. "She was really sweet. What did she do?" Seven asked. "She's after my man." Dream said. "What makes you so sure?" Chloe asked. "Because when I was over his house earlier this morning she was there and we exchanged words." Dream said. "What did y'all say?" Seven asked. "I didn't say shit to the bitch she came at me crazy first so I came right back at her crazy. Bitch gone ask me who do I think I am. Like I won't black her eye out or something." Dream said.

"And Jorge had the nerve to bring her?" Chloe asked. "He claims she's like a little sister to him, but she doesn't feel that way about him so it doesn't matter. I told him he shouldn't have done that." Dream said. "Well hopefully she doesn't say anything to Creation or June about it because that right there would be some shit." Seven said. "Unless she wants her ass beat she'll keep her mouth shut. God I need a drink." Dream said. "And I need a blunt but you don't hear me complaining." Seven said. "Please, a lil Mary Jane never hurt a baby." Chloe said. "You might be right but I don't wanna risk it." Seven said. "And did I tell y'all that little twerp heard me and Jorge talking in the bathroom. I think he told Harmony i'm pregnant." Dream said.

"Oh god. Quincy?" Seven asked. "Yeah." Dream said. "He is something else he's always in somebody's business." Seven said shaking her head. "As long as he doesn't tell anyone else I don't care. I was gonna tell Harmony soon anyways." Dream said. "You need to just tell everyone sis. It's no point in hiding it anymore because the longer you lie about it the more mad they'll be. Especially pops you know how he is about us lying to them." Chloe said. "I know. I'm just scared." Dream said. "When you finally tell everybody you're gonna feel ten times better. Stop adding this extra stress on yourself." Seven said. "Y'all are right. I'm gonna tell everyone I just don't know how." Dream said. "Girls come on down! Dinners almost done." Moms yelled up the stairs.

"Good let's go eat." Seven said. They walked down the stairs and joined everybody at the table. "Now before we eat, me and your father have some things to talk to you kiddos about." Moms said. Everyone put their attention on them. "We know every body's been wanting to know about Prince. And we been praying and praying that he gets better. But the universe just not working in our favor right now. Your brother fought as hard as he could but he's tired. Me and your mom did a lot of talking and we've decided that it's time to pull the plug and let Prince go." Pops said. It was silent for a minute. "Bull fucking shit." Cree said. "Creation." Seven said. "Nah fuck that. How y'all gone try to make that decision without us?" Cree yelled.

"Creation calm down. You can speak your mind but you will address me and your father with respect." Moms said. "He right how the hell yall gone try to drop this on us and expect us to be okay with it. My brother still breathing right now and that's good enough for me. Give him more time to get better." June said stepping in. "Y'all just heard what moms said. He suffering in there and it's not looking like he gone get better so why keep putting him through it?" King asked. "No i'm with Creation and June on this one. What if he starts getting his strength back and gets better then what?" Chloe asked. "No one's saying Prince is gonna die. We just wanna take him off of life support. If he can pull through on his own that would be a miracle. But I just can't leave him in there hooked on that machine. Prince wouldn't want that." Pops said.

"He wouldn't but he would want to live. And that's whats helping him do that so he doesn't get a say. With all due respect, you can't do this to him. Please don't do it i'm not ready to give up on Prince yet." Tiana said in a soft voice. "This was a hard decision for us to make. But our mind is made up. I'm sorry." Moms said. "Bruh what the fuck. Moms you dead ass right now? That's your son!" Cree said getting out his seat. "Creation that is enough." Pops said. "No this shit ain't fair." Cree said. "You need to calm the fuck down. Moms and pops just doing what's best for Prince. You need to accept that. It's nothing we can do but just hope our brother can be okay without it." King said. "No fuck that. I'm not supporting that at all. And If y'all do that i'm no longer apart of this family." Cree said.

"Creation sit down. You need to relax okay?" Seven said. "No Seven you need to get up we leaving now. Come on Cj let's go." Cree said. "Creation please don't go. Just stay so we can all talk. Please." Harmony said. "Harm I can't be here right now." Cree said. "Moms i'm so sorry." Seven said. "Seven I said let's go." Cree said. "Creation don't leave yet. Me and your mother aren't done talking." Pops said. "But i'm done listening to this bullshit. We leaving." Cree said. "You haven't even ate dinner." Moms said. "How the fuck i'm supposed to sit and eat dinner after hearing some bullshit like that? Seven if you don't get up right now I swear to god you getting left." Cree said.

"Creation I can not believe you're acting like this." Seven said getting up. "Seven baby you can stay i'll take you home." Moms said. "No she coming with me like I fucking said." Cree said. "Creation don't talk to moms like that. What is wrong with you? I know that you're mad but that's not okay." Seven said. "I don't care." Cree said before walking out the kitchen. He left out the house and started pacing back and forth outside. "I'll go talk to him." June said getting up. "So when the doctors pull the plug, Prince is gonna die?" Harmony asked with tears in her eyes. "No baby that's not guaranteed. I believe that Prince may pull through this. But if he can't we just have to let him go baby." Moms said. "Creation is right. This is fucking bullshit." Chloe said before getting out her seat and walking out the house.

She joined Creation and June on the back porch. "That shit ain't fair. How they just gone drop that shit on us and expect us to be cool about it?" Cree asked. June passed him the blunt. "I don't know what they was thinking but you was out of line for speaking to moms like that. She hurt too nigga. And she gotta worry about all of our feelings on top of that." June said thinking about where his parents were coming from. "But why would they decide to do some shit like that? Prince good how he is now. He ain't brain dead or nothing he just sick." Cree said. "You right about that but that don't change the fact the he is in pain. And he may not get better. What if all this pain he going through for nothing and he die?" June asked. "Well then it was all for nothing but what if he don't die at all. We won't ever know if they pull him off that machine." Cree said.

"I agree with Creation. I'll never be able to live knowing my brother could have survived if we kept him on a little longer." Chloe said. "I feel y'all, I just want what's best for my brother." June said. "We do too. And ion think that's it. I know Prince can pull through this shit bruh I know it. I feel it in my fucking bones. Why won't they just listen to me." Cree said. "Creation you need to go in there and apologize." Seven said coming over to them. "You ready to go?" He asked. "Creation I'm not playing with you. She's in there crying and blaming herself for what happened to Prince." Seven said. "Well if he dies it'll be on her so she should feel bad." Cree said. "How can you say that Creation? You should be ashamed of yourself i'm not going anywhere with you." Seven said.

"Really?" He asked. "Yes really." Seven said pouting. "Ight." Cree said. "Can one of y'all take the kids home with y'all? I'm finna shake." He said looking at Chloe and June. "I got em." June said. "Ight thanks." Cree said before walking off. Seven followed after him. "So you just gonna leave like that?" She asked. "Yeah. Cause if I go back in there ima say something so i'm just gone go home." Cree said. "That's your family in there. They need you Creation everybody's taking this hard. Stay and come back in." Seven said. "No. And I think it's fucked up that you not coming with me." Cree said before getting into his car. Seven opened the door. "Creation i'm sorry. Come in and we'll talk. I wanna be there for you." Seven said. "Nah i'm straight I just wanna be alone right now." Cree said. He closed the door and quickly drove off.


I'm gonna try to update this book more often.

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