Halstead Sister One Shots

By oneChicago2000

840K 10.1K 1.5K

This is a bunch of one shots following the life of Gracie Halstead. She lives with her brothers Jay and Will... More

Forbidden Party Part 1
Forbidden party part 2
Thunder Storm
First Period
Not An Update! Requests!
AN help!
Skipping School
Bedtime Tantrum
A Bit About The Halsteads
The Friends Of Firemen Barbecue
Mothers Day
Pretending to be sick
Halstead Apartment
Gracies Seventh Birthday
The Car Incident
Gracie gets caught
A Regular Day In Lockdown
Gracie Gets Sick
Scared For Jay
Football Watch Party
AN Requests
A Date?!
A Date?! Part 2
The Bank Robbery
Gracie Needs Glasses
Jay Gets Shot
Gracie Makes a Run For It
Broken Bones
Jay and Hailey What?!
Fire Alarm
Grocery Store Tantrum
I Hate Her!
The Zoo
Mothers Day Picnic
Ruined Homework
Supply Teacher
Not Fair!
Introducing The Boyfriend
Missing Money
A Not So Secret Admirer
Adam Babysits
The Audition
Running Away
Instagram Part 2
Instagram Part 3
Opening Night
Tooth Fairy
But What Does It Mean?
Gracies First Breakup
Trick Or Treat
Stella's Birthday
That Time Of The Month
Late Nights And Bad Attitudes
The Break In
Instagram Part 4
Instagram Part 5
Do You Love Me?
To Old For Spanking
Sneaking Out
The Dress
Christmas Eve
I Don't Wanna Go To School
Scraped Knees And Bandaids
The Playground Mega Tantrum!
Instagram Part 6
Expelled Part One
Expelled Part Two
Truth or Dare
Anxiety?! Part One
A Six Year Old In Lockdown
Car Theft
CPD Family Picnic
A Weekend Away and A Lost Bunny?
Instagram Part 7
Instagram Part 8
Hawaii Part One
Hawaii Part 2 (Final Part)
Aprils Birthday Surprise
Bad Advice
Hit By a Car?!
Nine Going On Nineteen
How It Started
Fathers Day
Hailey Puts Her Foot Down
Instagram Part 9
Instagram Part 10
Instagram Part 11
Fake ID
The Crayola Adventure
Trouble At The Diner
Instagram Part 12
Instagram Part 13
Allergic Reaction
Bathtime Tantrum
Chores = Allowance
A Day At 51
Instagram Part 14
Instagram Part 15
Instagram Part 16
Instagram Part 17 (Disney Edition)
Christmas Party Tantrum Part 1
Christmas Party Tantrum Part 2
Updated Halstead Apartment
Stage Fright
Skipping School 2
Christmas Day
Running In To The Road
Sick At School
The Evil Dance Teacher
The Ice Cream Fit
Wedding Reception Disaster
Instagram Part 18
Will Doesn't Spank
Push and Shove
Instagram Part 19
You Better Be Sick
Quality Time
Mood board/ AN

Smoking Again?!

6.5K 51 8
By oneChicago2000

As requested by Ciara305 

Gracies POV (12 Years Old)

I let out a weary sigh as I walked up the driveway to the firehouse thinking about the homework that needed to be completed that was sitting in my backpack,

"Hey Gracie" Otis greeted with a warm smile,

"Hey" I replied as I walked in to the main communal area where most of the firefighters where sitting around,

"Hey kid" Severide greeted when he saw me "good day?" He asked casually and I shrugged,

"It was school" I replied causing him to smile,

"Fair enough" he replied as he went back to drinking his coffee. I put my backpack on the floor next to the sofa before sitting down next to Mouch,

"Don't you have homework?" Casey asked me from where he was standing in the kitchen. I paused for a second to think about the mountain of homework I was yet to complete,

"No?" I replied but it came out as more of a question causing him to quirk his eyebrow at my reply. He didn't say it out loud but his face was screaming 'I know you're lying' so I groaned in defeat "fine, I'll do it now" I caved as I grabbed my backpack and moved to sit at the table,

"The quicker you get it over with the quicker you can forget about it" he said causing me to internally roll my eyes. He sounded just like one of my brothers! I thought staying with these guys would be fun and it would give me a break from my occasionally overbearing brothers but no. These guys are just as bad and there's more of them to contend with! Jay had obviously given them the lowdown of the usual rules and routine meaning that there was no way of pulling the wool over their eyes, and even if I could, Will and Jay would definitely find out.

The loud sound of the alarm sounded through the building and all of the firefighters and paramedics jumped from there seats and began to leave for the trucks,

"Don't go anywhere, don't cause any trouble and keep your phone turned on" Severide lectured and I nodded,

"I know the drill Kelly, don't stress" I replied as he gave me one last pointed look before running out of the room with the others leaving me in a silent room with a pile of uncompleted homework.

You maybe wondering why I'm staying at the firehouse. Well, Jay is at some reunion thing with his ranger buddies in Washington and Will is in New York for some medical event, therefore I'm staying with Casey and Severide for a few days, hence why I have to come to the firehouse most of the time.

I ran my hand through my hair in frustration as I tried to concentrate on the textbook in front of me but with no luck. Then I suddenly remembered what I had in my backpack. Ali had given me a cigarette and lighter in school earlier and told me that it's really good for releasing stress. I thought back to the last time I had tried smoking and how much trouble I had gotten in. But hey, my brothers aren't here and the firehouse is practically empty. What harm could it do? I deserted my homework on the table and grabbed my backpack before sneaking out of the side door in the kitchen, being careful not to catch the eye of Connie or anyone else who might be working in the side office. I successfully made it outside and moved so I was slightly sheltered behind a wall before opening my bag to retrieve the forbidden items. I took the cigarette in my hand and looked at it. Which end am I even supposed to light? After ten minutes or so of deliberation I just decided to go for it. Taking the cigarette in one hand and the lighter in the other I pressed the button to light the flame which made me slightly nervous. Come on Gracie, no turning back now.I brought the flame to the end of the cigarette and watched as the end burned up slightly and without any hesitation I brought it ip to mu lips and took a deep breath in which immediately made me cough,

"Gracie what are you doing out here?" Casey asked from the doorway. Oh god! I didn't hear them come back. I turned around sheepishly to look at the suspicious firefighter,

"Nothing" I lied as he stepped out of the door and towards me "I just wanted some fresh air" I lied again but he walked closer to me before pulling my arm from behind my back to reveal the lit cigarette,

"Really" he quirked an eyebrow "then what's this? A candy bar" he said causing me to look down at my feet nervously "get inside" he demanded firmly and I did as I was told with him following not far behind me "Severide" he called as he led me in towards his office.

"What's going on?" Kelly asked confused as I sat down on the bed,

"I just caught Gracie outside smoking" he informed angrily as Kellys eyes widened before he looked at me in shock,

"Seriously Gracie?" He asked angrily "what the hell where you thinking?" He questioned as I shrugged my shoulders slightly,

"I'm sorry" I whimpered causing him to sigh slightly "am I in trouble?" I asked hoping that they might just let it slide,

"That's really not for us to decide kid" Casey said with his arms crossed over his chest "but I'm going to assume that your brothers aren't gonna be to happy when they find out" he added causing my head to shoot up in panic,

"Please don't tell them" I pleaded "I'll be in so much trouble" I cried as Casey shook his head and Severide shrugged his shoulders,

"You should have thought about that before you did it" Severide added and I kept my mouth shut "I'm gonna go call Jay and we'll see what he has to say about your decision" he informed as he turned to leave the room,

"Please don't call Jay. Can't you call Will? He won't yell as much" I said hopefully but Kelly shook his head,

"Will could be in a conference, I'm calling Jay" he said before leaving and Casey held out his hand expectantly causing me to frown,

"What?" I asked confused,

"Well I'm assuming you have some sort of lighter so hand it over" he instructed as I reluctantly reached in to my bag and retrieved the object "you don't mess around with these things Gracie" he lectured firmly and I nodded sheepishly.

Casey left me alone in his office and a few minutes later Kelly appeared holding his phone out for me to take,

"Here, your brother wants to talk to you" he informed as I nervously took the phone in my hands, fighting all the urges I had to hang up and make a run for it,

"Hey Jay how's the trip going" I asked as casually as I could,

"Don't pull that crap with me Gracelyn, what the hell are you playing at?" He asked furiously "did you learn nothing from the last time this happened? We turn our backs for five minutes and you decide to do something stupid" he ranted as I absentmindedly chewed on my lip,

"I'm sorry Jay" I pleaded,

"Yeah, sorry you did it or sorry you got caught?" He asked and I stayed silent "Will is gonna have your ass when he finds out about this Gracie I hope you understand that" he said making me nervous "let me tell you, you're lucky neither of us are there right now Gracelyn because you'd certainly be going to bed with a red butt tonight" he warned and a swallowed down the sob that was threatening to leave my mouth,

"I said I was sorry" I cried as tears rolled down my face,

"Sorry isn't gonna cut it this time Gracie" he replied "We'll deal with this when I get back and until then you hand you phone and iPad over to Kelly and do whatever you're told, do you understand me?" He asked,

"Yes sir" I replied,

"I mean it Gracie, you better be on your best behaviour from this moment on" he warned,

"I will" I sobbed and there was a pause,

"Put Kelly back on" he instructed as I sadly walked out of Caseys office and found Kelly sitting at the squad table,

"Jay wants to talk to you" I informed him as he nodded and took his phone back off me leaving me to awkwardly stand and wait.

Eventually Kelly hung up up the phone and stood up "come with me" he said before beckoning for me to follow him as he disappeared in to a cupboard and reappeared a few seconds later and deposited a bucket and sponge in to my arms "you can get water through there and I'm sure I don't have to direct you towards where the windows are" he said matters factly,

"Kelly" I groaned "you can't be serious" I complained,

"Oh I'm deadly serious" he replied "and unless you want me to take Jay up on his offer to cut his trip short and come home I'd get moving" he instructed and that was all he had to say to make me move off to the kitchen. I really don't wanna face my brother right now and I'm hoping that he may have calmed down by tomorrow although that's probably wishful thinking.

I washed all of the windows on the ground floor of the fire house and by the time I'd done that it was time for the shift change. I put the supplies back where Kelly had shown me before grabbing my backpack and following Casey over to his truck, Kelly following not to far behind in his car.

Once we arrived back at their apartment I made a dash to disappear to my room, or at least the room I've been staying in.

"You can bring me your phone and iPad before you disappear Gracie" Kelly instructed as I internally rolled my eyes but did as I was told anyhow "you can have your phone back when you go to school but that's it" he said and I nodded already knowing the routine all too well.

I walked off to my bedroom and decided to read some of my book, it wouldn't be my first choice of things to do but without any form of electronic a girl has to get creative!

I stayed in my room most of the night, only leaving when it was time for dinner and even then I quickly retreated back to my bed. Eventually I decided to just call it a night and once I had said my goodnights to Kelly and Matt I got ready for bed and tried to ignore the nervous knot that had been in my stomach for most of the day.

The next day went by far too quickly for my liking and before I knew it I was back at the firehouse waiting for Jay to collect me,

"Gracie your brother's here" Cruz informed me as he walked past the table. I looked up and saw Jay walking towards me and I could tell by his face that his anger and disappointment had yet to be defused.

"Hey Jay" Matt greeted my brother who smiled slightly,

"Hey, thanks guys for watching Gracie I'm sorry about her behaviour" he apologised to the two firefighters who shook their heads,

"Kids do these things" Kelly said as I looked down at my fingers,

"Have you got anything to say Gracelyn?" Jay asked as he turned his gaze to me,

"I'm really sorry about my behaviour" I apologised to the two men who nodded their heads silently,

"Go get you stuff" Jay instructed me as he continued to have a conversation with the two other men.

I returned shortly later with my school bag and my duffle bag which Jay took off me threw over his shoulder,

"Go wait in the car" he said and I turned to get in to his truck.

I waited nervously for Jay to return and stared out of the window once he did trying to ignore the thick silence that filled the car all the way home.

"Well?" He asked expectantly once he parked the car outside of our apartment building causing me to frown slightly "you've had roughly 24hours to come up with an expiation for your actions and I hope for your sake that it's a good one, because let me tell you Gracelyn you got off lightly last time and you damn well aren't gonna this time" he lectured making me more nervous,

"I'm sorry Jay" I apologised with a tear rolling down my face,

"Eyes up here" he instructed and I reluctantly made my eyes meet his "I didn't ask you to apologise I asked you to explain yourself" he said, silently instructing me to do so,

"I don't know Jay" I began "I was just really stressed out trying to do my homework and someone gave me the lighter and cigarette in school and told me that it helped them concentrate so I thought I'd try it" I explained sheepishly,

"Who's the person?" He asked me and I stayed silent "you may as well tell me Gracie because I'm gonna find out sooner or later" he said and I sighed,

"Ali" I said barley over a whisper,

"Excuse me?" He asked having obviously heard the name loud and clear,

"It was Ali" I said a little louder,

"What did we tell you about that girl Gracie?" He asked "she's bad news and you need to stay away from her" he lectured,

"She's not bad news" I defended her causing Jay to scoff,

"Really? Because since you've met her you been caught smoking twice and shoplifting once and I don't remember her having your back in any of those situations" he stated making me think, was he right? Was she really my friend? "Where's the lighter now?" He asked,

"Casey took it off me" I informed and he nodded,

"Any more cigarettes I should know about?" He questioned and I shook my head vigorously,

"No sir" I replied,

"Get inside" he demanded as he climbed out of the car and waited for me to follow. We walked up the stairs of our building and Jay unlocked the front door "go to your room and unpack your stuff" he instructed "I'll be there soon" he promised as I solemnly walked off to my bedroom and began to unpack my things.

I sat down on my bed once I had unpacked all of my things and waited nervously for Jay to come to my room. Most of me was telling me to run and hide somewhere he'll never find me, but the rest of me said that was a stupid idea as he would find me eventually and then the spanking would probably be worse!

"Ok Gracie you know the drill" Jay said as he walked in to my room with a determined look on his face. My eyes suddenly landed on the hairbrush that he was holding in his hand and my heart began to race,

"Please Jay" I pleaded "I know it was wrong you don't need to use that" I said referring to my hairbrush that he had not thrown down on my bed,

"I'm not about to have this discussion with you Gracie" he replied firmly "get up" he ordered but I shook my head defiantly,

"Please Jay, I don't want that" I pleaded once again,

"That's the point Gracie" he said matter of factly "maybe it will make you think twice before you try and do it again" he said with a raised eyebrow and I sighed defeated "now get up" he instructed once again but I remained still "If you're gonna act like a child about this Gracie then I'll put you in the corner first like we used to when you where little" he threatened causing me to stand up almost immediately. No way was I gonna let that happen! Jay wordlessly sat down on my bed before pulling me face first across his lap and putting his arm around my waist securely. Without a second thought he began to mercilessly smack my backside with his hand causing me to shriek slightly in surprise. He definitely wasn't going easy! I but my lip in a bid to stay quiet but after a couple of minutes it was becoming relatively more difficult. Suddenly Jay stopped and I sighed slightly in relief that it was over but the I felt the solid whack of my hairbrush causing me to sob loudly. I've learnt over the may occasions that I've been in this situation that there is no use in pleading to either Will or Jay as it doesn't make a difference tot he punishment they are administering, therefore I remained silent apart from the occasional sob and shriek.

After what felt like eternity the smacks ceased and Jay rubbed sooting circles on my back before pulling me up and wrapping his arms around me. I could feel the heat that was coming off my freshly spanked behind as I sobbed my heart out into my big brothers chest. Two minutes later my sobs died down,

"You don't ever even think about smoking again, do you understand?" He asked and I nodded vigorously,

"Yes sir" I replied "I'm really sorry Jay" I apologised once again,

"I know you are and I forgive you" he comforted "you might have a bit more apologising to do Will though" he said making me nervous once again,

"He isn't gonna spank me as well is he?" I asked as my head shot up alarmed,

"No baby of course not" he said making me relax once again "but that doesn't mean he isn't mad at you because believe me, he is" he said and I nodded sadly "but if you're ever stressed about school or struggling with homework just tell one of us and we can help you, ok?" He asked and I nodded silently "you're still grounded for the next two weeks and all you're electronics are mine until then" he said and in internally rolled my eyes "love you" he said before giving me a kiss on the head causing me to smile,

"I love you to" I replied.

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