His Queen (18+)

By _Ommy_

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"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." *** Sequel to His Woman. CAN NOT be read as a standalone. More

His Queen
Author's Note
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Bonus Chapter
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Bonus Chapter
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Bonus Chapter
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI
Chapter LII
Chapter LIII
Chapter LIV
Chapter LV
Chapter LVI
Chapter LVII

Chapter XXI

10.8K 436 374
By _Ommy_


Cruise the city in a bulletproof Cadillac.
Cause I know these niggas after where the bag at.
Gotta move smarter,
Gotta move harder.




BY THE TIME I had stepped out of the house the next day, the three guards that were accompanying me were stood by the car they were going to be using. I was in a bad mood since I had spent the whole of last night crying instead of sleeping so instead of addressing any of them, I walked straight passed them towards my own car. I had made it clear that while they were guarding me, I didn't want to be seen with them.

Jorge, much to my dismay, wasn't one of the three guards that was going with me even though he was the only guard I actually liked. To my surprise, he came running to me as soon as he saw me and, like he always did, bowed his head in respect before talking to me.

“Ma'am, there's someone at the gate that's requesting to talk to you.”

I raised an eyebrow at him because the only person that knew I was here was Daniel and Pablo and he already knew to let the both of them in. I opened my mouth to ask who it was, but all I had to do was look around him right at the gate to find out and there I saw him.

The man that used to elicit so much fear in me.

“Mr. Reyes,” I gave him a fake smile as I approached the gates. “To what do I owe the honour?”

“Will you not let me in?” he asked, a devious smirk on his wrinkling face.

Despite Lucien being the asshole that he was - to a higher degree than his son - he was still handsome. It wasn't difficult to figure out where Daniel got it from because anyone could tell that Lucien was fine when he was in his prime. Even now there were lots of women who would kill to be in his bed.

Unfortunately for him though, I wasn't one of them and that was what pissed him off about me.

“I would be stupid to let a snake into my house, wouldn't I?” I asked, tilting my head to the side before laughing. “Not that you consider me anything more than stupid, but that's beyond the point. What do you want, Lucien? Why did you come here?”

“I want to see my grandson,” he answered, making me roll my eyes and take a step forward.

“He's not here.”


“No, I'm not lying but I know you are,” I pointed out as I crossed my arms over my chest. “Why don't you tell me why you're really here and I'll see how I can help you, huh?” I asked, admiring my nails before meeting his gaze and tilting my head to the side.

He narrowed his eyes at me, his gaze slipping from my face to my exposed neck to my chest. He gulped harshly and met my eyes again. “I want to do a paternity test.”

“Ha!” I laughed, gaining his attention instantly. “That's all? You can do whatever you want. In fact, I'll help you. What do you need? His hair? Some blood samples? Saliva maybe?” He continued to glare at him as I laughed in his face, making a mockery of him. “I'll get it for you because I have nothing to hide, but what I will never let you do is get close to my son.”

He took a step back from me, his classic smirk returning as he scanned his eyes over the entire area. “And so what are all these guards? This house?” he asked, gesturing around him. “Did you buy that yourself or are you still relying on my son?”

“Your son relies on me. I gave him an heir.”

“Oh?” he raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. “You shouldn't get too cocky.”

“Cocky? And what? You're speaking from personal advice, are you not?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

“I'm cocky because I actually have something to brag about. I have money, I have power,” he bragged. “You have nothing to boast of, so don't think that you can talk to me anyway you want just because you spread your legs and got knocked up.” He took another step towards me, closing the gap between us so the gate was the only barrier. “Anyone can do that. You are still and will always be nothing more than a maid.”

“You're at my gate, Lucien,” I tilted my head to the side, “on my property with armed men surrounding us and you still try to insult me?” I clicked my tongue and rolled my eyes. “Stupidity and idiocy blind you. No wonder Daniel is the only reason your cartel is still worth shit today. You're an absolute fool.”

“Watch the way you talk to me!” he yelled, grabbing my neck from the open bars of the gate and pulling my right against him. “I have never failed to put someone in their place. Just because I like you doesn't mean you'll be an exception.”

The sounds of multiple guns cocking resonated around the courtyard, making Lucien widen his eyes and look around him in shock.

“I would like you to follow through with your threat.” His hands tightened around my throat at my words, his eyes blazing with anger at the blatant joy I was deriving from this. “But know that I have every intention to go through with mine too.”

“Now I know you're really stupid,” he laughed as he tightened his hand around my neck, yet refrained from choking me. “Do you really think that Daniel will allow you or these pussies that guard you to kill me? His own father? You really think you're more important than me?”

“Why don't you tighten your grip and we'll find out?” I asked, smirking at the evident frustration on his face at my lack of fear for him. “Choke me and we'll find out just who these 'pussies' are loyal to. Let's see how much you trust your own son not to be the one to pull the trigger.”

The viens in Lucien's hands bulged as he willed himself to do it, but I knew he wouldn't. Lucien didn't trust Daniel to not kill him and that was only because everybody knew that Daniel would. He merely tolerated his father, but if Lucien did a single thing wrong, I wouldn't be surprised if we were to have his funeral the next.

With an angered growl, he ripped his hand away from my throat as if it physically burnt him and gave me the coldest glare he could muster.

“You think you're so special, huh,” he hissed, his face contorting with hatred for me. “Daniel will never love you.”

“Don't be dumb, Lucy,” I smiled at the way his lips twisted at the nickname. “Love doesn't exist here. Its all about how useful one is and unfortunately, you've run your course. On the other hand, if Daniel wants to keep in contact with his son, he needs to keep me close to him. And you can already see how that makes me more important to him than you.”

“You're just a whore.”

“And yet this whore has more value than you,” I clicked my tongue and rolled my eyes. “Maybe if you taught your son that there's more to life than business and money, we wouldn't be competing over him. And you wouldn't be losing. But here we are anyways.”

“Shut up!”

“I'm just telling you, Lucien, you're a dead man walking.” He glared at me as I spoke, but said nothing, clearly seeing that I had a massive point. “Daniel is like a ticking time bomb at this stage. One wrong move and you're as good as gone.”

“I told you to shut up!”

He grabbed my arms and pulled me harshly against the gate, but before he could do anything a single bullet being fired at his feet made him pull away from me. It just missed him, but it was enough to evoke fear deep him because the bullet hadn't been fired by any of my men.


The sound of Daniel's voice had made Lucien go rigid in fear while I only let out a chuckle as I stepped back from the gate. I inspected my arms and my neck, but there seemed to be no noticeable bruising. Even if there was, I knew I had wounded his ego a lot more than he could ever hurt me.

Jorge stared at me in concern, but I only smiled and gestured for him to open the gates for Daniel which he obeyed.

Daniel stepped right up to his father, his eyes narrowed into slits as he gave him an up and down glance. “What are you doing here?” he asked with a low voice.

Lucien gave him a condescending smirk despite his blatant fear and spoke. “Since you wouldn't show me my grandson, I decided to come see him myself.” Daniel said nothing and kept a cold demeanour as he stared at his father. “Your whore got in the way though, so I decided to put her in her place.”

“And I'm sure you would've done a terrific job of it if you had the balls to,” I commented, smirking at him as he glared at me.

Daniel glanced to me before taking notice of all the armed men with their guns pointing towards Lucien. I wasn't sure whether I was hallucinating or not, but it was almost as if he had let out a relieved breath at the fact that they had made sure to protect me before he did.

“Put your guns down,” he commanded, his voice echoing around the courtyard as the guards shared confused looks. Some had lowered their guns, but none had fully tucked it away in respect of his order.

“Ma'am?” a guard called for me attention, as if asking me for confirmation.

I rolled my eyes and reluctantly nodded my head. “Do what he said,” I sighed, waving a dismissive hand.

In all honesty, I just wanted to see what kind of chaos would ensue if someone just happened to have fired a single bullet at him. It probably wasn't a good idea with Mateo watching from inside the car though.

The men put the safety back onto their weapons and tucked them into their allocated spot. It was only after Daniel tucked his own gun away too did I begin walking away from both of the men. Lucien watched me, but Daniel kept his blaring glare on his father as I walked towards his car and opened the back door.

“Mama!” Teo squealed and reached his arms out for me to carry him.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight of his wide smile as I clicked off his seat belt and pulled him into my arms. “My love,” I cooed as I began to walk us back into the house. “Did you miss me?”

He only squished his cheek into my mine and sighed, not even paying any attention to Lucien as we walked past him. As soon as we reached the house, I placed a small kiss on his forehead before placing him on the sofa.

“Mama!” he yelled, gripping onto my hand with both of his and not letting go. “Play!”

“Not right now, baby, I need to go somewhere.” He pouted at my words, his eyes welling up once he realised that I wasn't staying with him. “Please don't cry, papa,” I begged as I smothered his face with kisses. “When I come back, we can play as much as you want.” He giggled and used his hand to push my face away, making me smile at him. “Danny's going to watch you today, okay?”

“Papa!” he exclaimed, throwing his hands up in excitement which only made me laugh with him.

“You know what?” I laughed as I placed my finger on his nose. “Call him that to his face and you'll make a grown man very happy.”

He scrunched up his nose and giggled, making me let out a dejected sigh. I didn't want to leave him in all honesty. I spent three days in the same house as him and I barely saw him and quite frankly, I missed him.

“I have to go now,” I muttered. “I love you, bubba.” I placed a small kiss on his nose, making him grab my face and place a kiss on my nose too. I let out a humoured laugh at his actions. “Bye, Teo.”

“Buh-bai, mama.”

At this point, he turned his attention to climbing off of the sofa, making me roll my eyes at him. I turned to the maid who stood by the door and smiled.

“Daniel is outside. He'll be here with him so you don't have to worry.”

“Okay,” she nodded. “Take care.”

“You too.” I rushed out of the house only to see Daniel and Lucien still out front.

Aa soon as I stepped out of the house, Lucien's gaze turned to me and his eyes narrowed. “Where is my grandson?” he asked as he took menacing steps towards me.

Before he could get close though, Daniel stepped between me and him, using his body as a barrier to shield me from him.

“You should go,” he said, directing his words at his father who opened his stupid mouth to say something else. Daniel had cut him off before he could. “Go before I shoot you myself.” He tilted his head to the side as he looked at Lucien. “The first one was only a warning shot. You know I don't miss.”

Lucien's eyebrows furrowed and he took a step back to properly analyse his son. “You shouldn't forget who made you,” he said, making me cock my head to the side at his words. “Especially not for a whore like her,” he said. He leaned in closer yet spoke loud enough for the whole courtyard to here. “They're all replaceable.”

With his departing words, Lucien turned around and walked back to his white range rover parked in front of Daniel's black audi. The whole front yard was quiet, the only sound heard being the aggressive revving of his car before he turned out of the drive and drove away.

“So you think I'm a whore, huh?” I asked, drawing Daniel's attention to me.

The guards had gone back to their work, paying us no mind as he walked up to me.

“When did I ever say that?”

“Like father; like son,” I answered, crossing my arms over my chest once he turned to look at mel.

He grabbed my chin and pulled me closer, making me let out a surprised yelp. “For Mateo's sake,” he began after steadying me, “you better pray that it isn't true.” I remained silent in my own thoughts, letting him tilt my head from one side to another as he analysed me for any marks or bruises. “Did he hurt you?”

“No,” I shook my head, stumbling out of his grasp. My breath came out heavy at the close proximity, but I hid it well and matched his gaze.

“Good,” he said, stepping back before running his eyes over my attire. “You're going now.”

“I am.”

He nodded his head, his lips pursed as he kept his eyes trained on my chest and nothing else. I considered the fact that he was enraptured by my boobs before I realised what I was wearing around my neck.

He closed the gap between us and gently ran his fingers along the length of my neck, travelling down my collarbone and tracing circles onto my bare skin.

“Make sure your guards are always near you.” His voice was deeper than I remembered it and I couldn't help but stare up at him, but he kept his gaze trained solely on the necklace he had given me years ago.

His finger traced along the silver chain of the necklace, goosebumps rising on my skin from where he had just touched. The air around us was thick and heavy and made it hard to breathe as my body reacted all kinds of ways from his touch. I found that I always seemed to lose control of myself whenever he was near me. He made me act stupid.

He traced the medallion at the end of the chain before wrapping his hand around it and roughly tugging me right into his body. I let out a small squeal as my eyes went wide and I grabbed a hold of his biceps to steady myself.

“Are you armed?” I nodded, my voice failing me as my breath came out in short pants. His free hand snuck around my waist, making me jump at the contact and look up at him. “Where?”

“A gun in my bag and a knife in my garter.”


My eyes snapped open at his words, my brain replaying the familiar phrase. Good girl. I didn't know how much I wanted him to call me that until now. His eyes held mine, the slightest bit of humour dancing in them once he realised just how much I wanted him to finish off the phrase.

Yet he didn't.

“Use my car,” he said, placing his car keys in my hand before completely pulling away and walking towards the door.

Without his body heat, I was beginning to feel uncharacteristically cold and I didn't like it. I had no idea what it was that just happened between him and I, but I swore that it wasn't going to happen again. I didn't care if I still had feelings for him and he still had feelings for me. What we had was completely over and I really couldn't do with these games anymore.

“Jorge!” I called out, making the poor guard snap up and look to me with wide eyes. “Open the gate for me, will you?”

I hadn't given him the time to say anything as I began marching towards the car, my heels clacking against the ground. Still, as usual he didn't fail to reply.

“Yes, boss.”


The meeting had gone fairly well. During the whole thing, I couldn't help but have a bad feeling in my stomach that made me jittery the entire time. It wasn't like bad things didn't usually happen in my life, but something felt off.

Heidi was entirely accommodating though and never questioned it. I didn't think I was exaggerating when I told her she was one of the best clients I had ever worked with. She knew exactly what she wanted and allowed me room to talk while also asking any questions she had.

By the time our session was over, I had a clear sketch of her outfit and her exact measurements. I knew it wasn't going to be easy not having her body to work with, but I didn't dwell on it because it wouldn't be the first time I made it work. Still, to thank her, I made a mental note to deliver a small gift with her dress anyway.

I made my way out of her studio and towards my car making sure not to linger because she had warned me about how the paparazzi loved to keep close tabs on her. As I dug through my bag for the car keys I couldn't help but wonder how I got here. A couple years ago, I wouldn't have even thought that I would be running from the paparazzi in the near future yet there I was.

Not that the paparazzi was chasing me, but that didn't matter.

As soon as I pulled the key out of my handbag and made to unlock the car, a voice that I was all too familiar with had made my heart stop.


I stood frozen in my spot, praying and hoping to God that it wasn't who I thought it would be, but who was I kidding? Of course it was him. How did I expect him to let me go off the radar without trying to locate me? This was the one place he was sure I would be so of course he would show up.

“Araceli, talk to me.”

“What are you doing here, Travis?”

He remained quiet, not even trying to defend himself to me. I only rolled my eyes and focused my attention back on getting the car unlocked. As soon as I reached out for the door handle, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

“Wait, let me speak with you first,” he said, making me turn around and glare at him. He winced at the look on my face and took a couple steps away from me but didn't back down. “I know you're pissed at me but I just wanted to make sure you're okay, you know? I had to be sure and see you.”

“Well, now you've seen me.”

I tried to pull away, but he only stopped me and made me turn to face his pleading eyes that he knew I could never say no to.

“I swear, Ara, I just wanted to check up on you,” he insisted, making me roll my eyes because at this point, I really didn't care. All I wanted to do was go home and hug Mateo. “I need to talk to you about something important though.”

I raised an eyebrow at his words, unable to hide my curiosity as I gestured for him to go on. “Speak. I'm listening.”

“Not here. Let's go to the café around the corner,” he proposed, making me look to him with skepticism which he noticed. “Babe, its not even two minutes from here. Just let me have this.”

I let out a deep sigh before locking the car up again. The smile that appeared on Travis' face was breathtaking as he began to walk towards said café. I walked behind him, but before we were out of the sight, I motioned for the guards not to even think about leaving the car. I couldn't see their reactions, but I let myself believe that they consisted of rapid head nods to make myself feel better.

True to his words, the café was only around the corner and the overall journey didn't last any longer than two minutes. The place was small and as soon as you walked in, you were hit with the strong smell of coffee. Half the walls were a dark mahogany wood with a couple inches of different shades of brown tiles along it before grey wallpaper covered the rest of the walls.

The dim lighting helped with the lush green plants centered at the doors, corners and tables to create a calming, peaceful atmosphere while I was sure it was absolute chaos in the staff room.

There weren't very many people present so it gave me and Travis a lot of choice as to where to sit. Finally we decided on the booth beside the window and I waited for the both of us to get comfortable before I spoke.

“So what do you want?” I asked, rolling my eyes at the way he bounced his leg up and down opposite with his nerves.

As if catching himself, he stopped and gave me an apologetic smile which eased my nerves before proceeding to send my heart rating rocketing.

“Come back to New York with me.”

“I'm sorry. What?” I asked, ready to pick up my bag and leave. “Did Derek put you up to this?”

“Wait, wait. Just hear me out,” he said, making me stare at him with suspicion but stay nonetheless. “You know all that money you've been saving in Morgan's account from all your commissions?”

A frown had fallen onto my lips. To me, his question was as stupid as they came because of course I knew. In my fear of opening up a bank account, I had begged Morgan to put away most of my savings in her own bank account and like Morgan, she listened.

I kept whatever I felt was okay to save on hand. At this point, I wasn't sure how much I had with her, but I knew it was a lot. My commissions weren't cheap, but I got them by the dozens.

“Yes. The investment money.”

“Yes,” he snapped his fingers at me in the typical Travis manner. “That's what we want to do. Invest all of it into you. Into... expanding.”

I blinked at him, unable to hide my confusion. “What?”

“Now is the time. The collaboration with Heidi is our golden opportunity. This is going to put your name on the tip of everyone's tongues and if we play our cards right, it'll propel you right at the head of the industry. You already have the talent, but now we're getting the exposure and capital,” he said quickly, only further adding to my confusion.

“Um... Travis, I–”

“You don't even have to set base in New York,” he continued, cutting me off. “You can do it here or wherever in the country you want.”

“What do you mean 'set bass'?” I asked as I narrowed my eyes at him.

He rolled his eyes and answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Have a studio-office sort of thinf.”

“A studio-office?”

“Yes. Just pick a location, anywhere you want and we'll buy, rent or even build a place for you to start building your brand.”

I blinked again and leaned back in my seat, taking time to process all of the information I was getting. At first, I was just a small designer that worked for him and now I was getting a brand and a studio? In such little time as well? “This is... a lot.”

“I know, but this is an opportunity that we just can't pass up,” he said, his eyes lighting up as he leaned in closer to me. “That's what I've been talking about with the social media accounts and the business cards. We have a few samples for you, but we obviously need you to select your best one. We need to have a professional shoot with models in your designs and then we also need to have a professional shoot of you. Then we need to get your name out there in all these different events like charities and fashion shows. People are most likely going to want interviews with you. This is a lot of shit that we need to do and we can't do it God knows how many miles away from you. We need you in New York. Even if its only for two weeks. We need you right now.”

“What about Mateo?” I asked, the frown on my face deepening as I thought of my son. “I can't just leave him here.”

“Tell you what, I'll give you two days to figure yourself out and then when you do, meet me at LAX before my flight leaves.” He held up a travel pass with his name on it, displaying the date and the time of his flight. “I'll be waiting there for you.”


I watched him get up and straighten out his suit before realising that I should probably do the same. I stood up out of my seat and wiped down my dress before giving him a firm nod and making to walk away.

Before I could get far, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. “Remember, Araceli,” he began, his voice low yet filled with excitement. “This is an opportunity that we cannot miss.”

“I know,” I sighed, wiggling my arm out of his grip before turning to him with a soft smile. “I'll... call you later.”

He smiled and nodded, satisfied with my response before turning the opposite way I was going and left. I took that moment, where there seemed to be no one around me and the world seemed to have stilled to gather my appearance before preparing myself to deal with the guards waiting for me.

I fixed my hair before I left the cafe and once in view, began walking towards the two parked cars along the side of the road. Completely walking past the first one, I made my way to the second one and knocked gently on the window.

Within a second, the glass rolled down and I was left smiling at the fresh faces of the four unfamiliar guards that I had been forced to bring along with me. I leaned down so nobody else could hear our business except the four of us before I began to speak.

“Let's make a deal, shall we?” I proposed, gauging the confused faces of each and every man in the car. “You don't tell Daniel about my little meeting with that friend of mine and I don't shoot you in the balls.” I kept my tone soft and even, the smile never faltering from my face as I spoke. “Is that a deal?”

“Yes, boss,” the all replied immediately, bringing a genuine smile to my face. Now I knew why Daniel liked being in a position of power so much.

It was exhilarating.

“Good. I like obedience.” I stood up straight and made as if I was fixing the zip on my bag, but instead reached inside and pulled out an uncertain amount of cash from the inside of it. Without making eye contact with any of them, I tossed the wad of cash onto the driver's lap and began to walk away. “I still don't want to be seen with any of you.”


Driving back, my head was preoccupied with all the problems I had encountered that day alone. I wasn't too worried about Lucien in all honesty.

While he was in some way right and I didn't really expect Daniel to kill him, I didn't think he would have an issue if I just scared his father a little bit. Maybe shot him in the leg or the ass a couple times. In fact, with how pissed Daniel seemed to be at Lucien, I couldn't help but feel like he would encourage me.

Clearly, something was putting a strain on their relationship. While I couldn't pinpoint a moment where I could confidently say Daniel was close with his father, they always got along as much as I knew. Now it seemed they barely even tolerated each other.

Either way, that wasn't any of my business. I didn't have any plans for my son to get along with his paternal grandfather so it didn't concern me. I wondered briefly about Daniel's mother and what Margaretta was going to tell me about her, but then shook the thoughts out of my head because that didn't concern me either.

What did concern me though was how I was going to get Daniel smitten enough to not take up an issue with my business trip to New York. Whether he liked it or not, I was still going but I didn't want to get in an argument with him because it always had me drained when we fought.

Snapping me out of my thoughts was the feeling of my stomach sinking. The bad feeling from earlier that day had returned and it was much more intense than I anticipated. I scanned my surroundings, feeling chills run down my spine as the feeling of being watched overcame me.

Startling me out of my thoughts was the shrill sound of my phone ringtone. I snapped my head to it, thankful that I had just thrown it into the passenger side so I didn't have to go digging for it. As soon as I set my eyes on the caller ID, the feeling of dread returned.

Something was definitely wrong because Daniel never called if there wasn't a reason behind it.

Without answering his call, I stepped on the gas peddle and began speeding down the road. I had less than a thirty minute journey at this point, but with how fast I was driving, it seemed like I would get back in half the time.

Unfortunately, before I could see how well that worked out, that was when the sound of a gunshot resonated throughout the vast fields I was driving through. Looking around, there were many places for someone to hide which made it all the more difficult to figure out where the gun was being fired at. Once the second bullet had been fired though, it didn't take ne long to realise who the target was.

The second bullet hit the car, yet like magic did very little to the what I was now realising was bulletproof metal. Like rain, bullets began hitting the side of my car, making my heart race as I tried to remain calm and drive away from the situation.

The bullets attacked my windows like no tomorrow and for a second, I believed I was invincible when they only ricocheted. The glass could only handle so much pressure though and before a realised it, a small crack had appeared on the smooth surface before it grew bigger and bigger. I swallowed down my apprehension and glanced at the rear view mirror, wanting to see if the guards were near.

I couldn't see much except for a body firing tirelessly in the direction the bullets were coming from. At least I wasn't alone.

In that moment, they had fired add my front tyre, bursting it and making me grip the steering while tighter in shock. Not allowing me to recover from that damage, the glass had caved and shattered all over me. I let out a terrified scream and ducked down to avoid the bullets which only proved the be a bad idea when the car had ran right off the road into a large tree.

I was jerked forward along with the collision and hit my head on the steering wheel, but apart from feeling dazed, I remained conscious. The seat belt had prevented any real damage. The airbags hadn't come up which I found to be a plus because they posed more risk of suffocation than anything else.

Not wasting any time in my dazed state, I crawled to the opposite side of the car, pushed the door open and crawled out as to avoid the bullets that were still being fired. The guards pulled up beside me and before I could even begin to ask what was going on, two of them jumped out of the car and grabbed me. With little resistance from me, they chucked me into the back seat and got on either side of me before slamming the door shut, never failing to continue firing their guns.

I wanted to say something. I wanted to say a lot of things, but the pounding in my head was heavy and before I could do anything about it, my vision had gone dark.


Yes, I did that. And what of it?

Okay, yall I need help. I need suggestions.

I've hit a blank and I kind of have no idea for a smut scene, so give me ideas like prompts to work off.

If I use yours, I'll credit you or something but just help me. Please. Home girl is struggling.

And omg from the future, I don't want to give too much away but Daniel is my baby and I'm never gonna not love him okay? Okay.

Oh yeah, before I go... since Danny and Ara technically aren't together... doesn't that mean they get ship names???

I've been thinking about Danaceli, but I'm not sure. What do you think?

Lmao, alright see ya.

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