A Boy With Red Eyes || KTH ✓

By Precious_Taebear

77.9K 6.3K 817

Her clumsy self once again bump into someone, she fall on the hallway along with the person. "Oh my god I am... More



5.4K 483 35
By Precious_Taebear

Y/n look at Taehyung then his father who was sitting right in front of them, they glare at them like they have done something bad.

"What is going on here and who is she?" his voice was stern and deep just like Taehyung's.

Trying to think what to do. Y/n stood up from her place and bow to him.

"Hello Mr. Kim. My name is Han y/n. I am Taehyung's friend." Mr. Kim raise his eyebrows.

friends? really?

"I left you here fot your studies Taehyung and I found you playing around here." Taehyung did lift his head. his hand from into a fist and he glare on the floor.

"I had enough of your attitude. you are coming with me to US and that's final " Taehyung's eyes widen and his head snap towards him

"Dad?"  he never cared about him. now why he is hear today and asking him to leave everything behind

"I am not coming with you." Taehyung said. Mr. kim look at him in a bit shock

" All these years you left me all alone. you never cared. now why are you here huh? why are you acting like you have a right on me. I am not coming. not when I finally found reason to be happy.and you trying to take that away from me. No I won't do that" Tae shouted. Tears appear in his eyes.

"this is for your good." Mr. kim said.

"What good? You think taking me with you will be good for me. I will never be happy with you. you always blame me for things I never did. tell me dad is it my fault that I am like this? Was that my fault that mom left ys both? I never asked anything from you. Just leave me alone and pretend like I never exists." Taehyung let out his feeling with tears tickle down his face.

he turn around and walk out of the room. y/n stood there look at the whole situation. Their relationship was messed up.

Mr. kim run his hands through his hairs.

"Do you know taehyung was suffering from depression?" her voice making him look at her.

"He was insecure about himself and doesn't even give value to his own self? he was going through a lot and he was all alone. you never once check on him." Mr. kim look down feel guilty. his only son was going through so much and he doesn't give a damn.

"Why did you punish him for things he never did. what was hus mistake. his mom left you-

"It was not his fault." Mr. kim said nodding his head and look at her with tears in his eyes.

"It was never his fault. I failed to be a good father and good husband.......his mother cheated on me. and taehyung was just an excuse to leave both of us " her eyes widen in shock.

"When I found out I was shocked too. I never thought she will do that. I give her everything. but in the end she choose someone else. taehyung was never at fault. I was so ashamed that I hide myself from him. I didn't know how to face him. I did bad. very bad. I shouldn't have treated him like that. but no matter what he is my son and I love him." his guilt was eating him up.

"Why you didn't tell me that dad?" He hear Taehyung's voice from the door. Mr. Kim look at him

"Why? Why you have to hid everything from me?"

"I am sorry." Mr. Kim said, Taehyung sigh and walk near his father

"I know I did wrong But I never hated you. you are my blood. my son. you are precious to me. I was just so angry and I let it out on you. I am sorry. forgive me my son." He cried standing in front of him.

Taehyung's lips tremble and he wrap his arms around his father and hug him tightly. It feels like he was close to for first time in his life. he cried on his shoulder.

looking the son and father moment y/n smile with teary eyes.

"Don't cry dad." Taehyung sniff and pull back wiping his father's tears.

"I forgive you but........ promise me you will not do that again."  Mr. Kim shake his head and apologize once again.

Taehyung decided to forgive him because he too went through a betrayal by the woman he loves the most. he can't stay mad at him his whole life.

"Ya guys stop it. I don't want to cry." Y/n wipe her tears and pout. Taehyung chuckle and gesture her to come closer

"Dad." Taehyung put his hand on her shoulder and pull her closer.

"I love her."Mr. Kim smile and pat her head.

" you choose a perfect gem." he said.

"Thank you Mr. Kim."

"Call me dad from now." The smile on her face turn into a sad one.

Dad. the smile he give her was genuine. he look like a father figure to her. she wish her father realize what he is doing.

"Ok Dad."

"Okay then I have to go now." Taehyung frown.

"Where are you going?" he asked. Mr. Kim sigh.

"I am sorry taehyung. this is the last business trip and I promise after this I will make it to for all these years. I promise I will spend as much as time I can with you."

"Come back soon." Mr. Kim cup the side of his cheek and give him a big smile before walking out of the house.

" Are you good?" y/n ask looking at Taehyung.

"Never better " his chin rest on her shoulder and he hug her tightly.

"Come on let's have breakfast." Taehyung said. he was happy now. his father came back he no longer hates him. he got the girl he loves. everything is going fine.

"Okay let's go." Y/n said walking like a soldier toward the kitchen. Taehyung chuckle shaking his head.

Time skip:

At Night:

Taehyung didn't let her leave today either. she know once she get back to the hell called home. she have to face wrath of her devil father.

She want to spend some good time with him before she go back. Taehyung cares about her alot. she even ask her to move in with her but she can't.

Taehyung's head was rest on her lap and his face was snuggle into her stomach. her hands were deep into his hairs caressing them softly.

Taehyung's one hand was inside the shirt she was wearing and caress the scars on her back very gently.

his fingers pressed on every mark on her back sending her goosebumps.

"Y/n-ah." He mumble.


"I love you." she smile but decided to tease him.

"what? what did you say? I didn't hear you?" she said patting his head

"I said I lobe you." he said whining a little.

"I can't hear you. say it again."

"y/n-ah~" he whine shaking his whole body.

"Don't tease me." He look at her and pout cutely.

"Okay okay I am sorry my big baby." he nod and look at her hoping for something.

"What?" she asked.

"Say it back." she giggle ruffling his hairs.

He sit up on the bed and frown looking at her. she press her lips together trying not to laugh at his cute angry face.

Taehyung throw himself on her making her eyes gone wide. her small body fall on the mattresses with his heavy weight on her.

"Say it before I tickle you."

"No you are not gonna do this." she said trying to push him.

"Then say it." he pinch the side of her waist making her flinch.

"Okay okay." she hold his face in her small hand.

"I love you too." Taehyung give her his boxy smile.

"Let's do something." he said with a smirk.

"W...what?" she asked. Taehyung smirk even more.

"TICKLE FIGHT" he shouted and started to tickle her. she burst into laughter.

"Taehyung....no...stop...ah.... please....

she smile and laugh with him. if she was happy he was happy as well. she wish that this moment last longer.

Next morning:

"No~" Taehyung whine holding her closer while she was wearing her shoes.

"Taehyung I really have to go."

"B...but I want to spend more time with you."

"We will meet at school again okay." she said looking at his pouting face..

"Don't be said. bye. I see you soon." she said. Taehyung wave his hand sadly and watch her walking out of the house.

Y/n house:

Y/n open the door of her house slowly trying not make any sound. she was gone for like two days and she really don't want any trouble.

she slip out of her shoes and make her way to her room silently but stopped looking at the person in front of her

"so you decided to come back after whoring around."

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