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Taehyung tap his feet on the floor sitting on his chair.he was waiting for y/n to come. she said they will meet in scho but where is she.

Students started to fill the class but thee was no sigh of her. Taehyung was now worried.

Is she okay?

Did she got into trouble or something?

He feel a presence near him. he lift his head and saw one of the popular girl standing in front of with a dark makeup and a smile on her face.

"Hey Taehyung." Taehyung raise his eyebrows hearing her pitcher voice.

"What?" his voice was cold. he know she is just here because he is now one of the popular student. she wants his attention and this is what he can't give.

"Can I have your number. you know let's get to know each other." she lean in his desk.

"No." he simply answered.

"But why" she said whining like a bitch.

"Because I know you are fake. You are one of those who used to laugh when I was being bullied. You are here because I have more attention then you. what make you think I will like you or will even talk to you. so take your ugly face and get lost." Taehyung replied back making her eyes gone wide.

Taehyung saw jimin walking in the class and he quickly stood up before walking near him.


"Oh hey Taehyung" Jimin smile.

"Do know where y/n is." Jimin shake his head.

"No I haven't talk to her for like two days."

"W ..where is her house? do you her address." Taehyung panicked.

"Y..Ya I know but what happened?"

"She said she will meet me today but it's been more like and hour and she didn't show up " Jimin's eyes widen.

"shit...her father.... lets go we have to go " Jimin grab his back which he put on his desk. taehyung took grab his and ran out of the school with jimin.

Y/n House:

Y/n crawl back while tears stream down her face. her face was red by tye slap she just get.

"D...Dad please stop." She stood up with her shaky legs.

"Stupid bitch. I asked where were you?"He shouted grabbing her by her hairs. she wince in pain and hold his hand.

"I...I was at f.. friend's house." She sob.

"Stop lying." He push her back and she stumble on her feet.

"I...I am not lying dad I..I swear I-

"SHUT THE FUCK UP." he throw the glass bottle on the floor right in front on her causing the small glasses shatter in to pieces.

"P.... Please believe me. please don't do this dad. Y..You are hurting me. what have I done wrong. why are you doing this?" she sob and let out all the things in her heart.

"Why am I don't this huh? it's you. because of you she died. My love. my wife she died because of you. you are just so ungrateful. you should have been happy that I let you live or else I have killed you long ago." Her father clinched his fist.

"I didn't do anything. you promised. You promised her that you will love me. YOU PROMISED THAT YOU WILL PROTECT ME BUT YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS HURTING ME. IT NOT MY FAULT." She couldn't take the pan anymore.



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