Yandere RWBY oneshots (Male r...

By Divine_Quirk

458K 5.8K 5.3K

Oneshots of RWBY girls who want nothing more then to be with you. Can you handle the never ending love from t... More

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Ying (OC) x Male reader
Team BRIR x Male reader
Ruby/Yang x Male reader

Harriet x Male reader

7.4K 74 28
By Divine_Quirk

(Readers POV)

I finally made it back to Atlas from my mission. I wasn't expecting that mission to last a week. I'm riding in a bullhead. The pilot landed in front of Atlas Academy.

Pilot: We have arrived at our destination.

I patted him on the shoulder.

(Y/N): Thanks bud. I appreciate it.

Pilot: Just doing my job, sir. Oh yeah, I almost forgot.

He reached over a cup holder and grabbed a small box from it.

Pilot: Good luck with proposing to Harriet.

He handed me the box. I nodded at him.

(Y/N): Thanks. I almost forgot to grab this.

I got out of the bullhead. I walked into Atlas Academy. I took a deep breath.

(Y/N): Calm down (Y/N). Me and Harriet have been dating for awhile now. You know she will say yes.

I put the box in my pocket. I started to look around for Harriet. I looked in the cafeteria and didn't see her there at all.

Clover: Hi (Y/N).

I looked behind me and saw Clover.

Clover: Glad to see you made it back in one piece. How did the mission go?

(Y/N): It went well enough. I'm looking for Harriet. Have you seen her?

Clover: I haven't. Try asking General Ironwood. I think he'll know where she is.

(Y/N): Alright.

I walked past Clover and headed over to Ironwood's office. It's really quiet. It's kind of unnerving. I made it to Ironwood's office. The door is closed. I tried to open it, but it's locked. I was about to knock on the door, but I heard something from the other side. It sounds like thudding.

(Y/N): Is Ironwood in trouble?

I got ready for anything. I kicked the door down.

(Y/N): What's going on?!

I saw Ironwood and Harriet. Harriet is naked and is on Ironwood's lap. They looked at me shocked.

Ironwood: (Y/N)?!

I started to shake with rage. I held my head, trying to control my anger.

Harriet: I-It's not what it looks like!

(Y/N): Is this what has been happening whenever I go on mission?!

Harriet: ...

Ironwood: ...

(Y/N): Answer me!

They just stayed quiet. Their silence says a thousand words. Some tears came from my eyes. I felt something in my head snap.


(A Few Months Later) (Harriet's POV)

Me and the rest of the Ace Operatives got called to Ironwood's office. We made it to Ironwood's office and walked in. I saw team RWBY here too.

Ironwood: Hello Ace Operatives. Now that everyone I need is here, we can discuss a plan I have in mind.

Ruby: What's your plan?

Ironwood: Team RWBY. You four will be searching for someone.

He walked over to a table and a hologram of (Y/N) appeared. I felt a pit in my stomach.

Ruby: Is that (Y/N)?!

Ironwood: You know him?

Ruby: Who doesn't?! He was arguably one of the best huntsmen to ever exist! He had such a promising career. But one day, he just... Disappeared.

Ironwood: That's right. You four will be finding him.

Weiss: We have to find someone that went missing?

Blake: Easier said than done.

Ironwood: I know for a fact he's down in Mantle. He might be a little hostile, but he will be a great help for us. I'll give you each ear pieces so we can listen to the conversation when you find (Y/N).

Yang: No worries General. We can handle this.

Ironwood nodded. Team RWBY walked out the room, getting ready for their mission. Ironwood turned his head to look at me and the rest of the Ace Operatives.

Ironwood: You five will stay at a distance. You will make sure what happened a few months ago doesn't happen again.

Clover: We'll get this job done, General Ironwood.

Ironwood: Good.

The five of us were about to leave.

Ironwood: Harriet. Can you stay for a bit?

Harriet: Yes sir.

Everyone else walked out the room. I looked at Ironwood. He walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

Ironwood: I hope (Y/N) is doing well too.

Harriet: Yeah...

Ironwood: When (Y/N) gets back, we both can apologize to him.

I nodded my head. Ironwood let go of me and walked over to his desk.

Ironwood: Get ready for the mission. I hope everyone makes it out in one piece.

I stayed silent and walked out the office.

Harriet: (Y/N)...

There's so many things I want to say to him. I just hope he will be willing to listen.

(Time Skip) (Readers POV)

I walked into an alleyway. I saw a flyer of the Jacques Schnee versus Robyn Hill election on the wall. I grabbed it and looked at it. I ripped it in half and set the two pieces of paper on fire, turning them into ash.

(Y/N): This place is boring.

Ruby: Hello.

I turned around and saw four girls staring at me.

(Y/N): Uh... Hi.

Ruby: You're (Y/N), right?!

She certainly is excited to see me.

(Y/N): I assume you're a fan of mine?

She nodded her head really fast.

(Y/N): Listen. I'm trying to lay low for a while. I would appreciate it if you left me alone.

Weiss: But we really need you for something.

(Y/N): If you're looking for an autograph, I don't have a pen.

I looked at the four girls closer. I think I remember watching them in the Vytal Festival Tournament.

(Y/N): You're Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and... Blake, right?

Ruby: You know us?! This has to be a dream come true!

(Y/N): I'll be going now.

Yang: Wait. You have to come with us.

(Y/N): What could possibly be so important for me to be there?

I started to walk away.

Weiss: Stop right there.

I started to get mad.

(Y/N): I told you to leave me alone!

I looked back to see her holding her scroll up, showing her huntress license.

Weiss: You're under arrest.

(Y/N): Just leave.

Ruby: We-

I rushed over in front of her. I put my hand right next to her head and made a small explosion, barely missing her. Non of them said anything.

(Y/N): I won't tell you again. Please, leave me be.

I started to walk away. I felt a hand grab my shoulder.

Yang: If you're resisting arrest, then we'll just have to stop you.

I sighed to myself.

(Y/N): Don't say I didn't warn you.

I made an explosion at the ground, sending Yang back. I turned around to face them.

Ruby: Go team RWBY!

The four rushed over at me. I made an explosion in front of me. I looked up and saw team RWBY in the air. Yang tried to punch me, but I jumped back.

Ruby: Freezer Burn!

I tried to move, but a black glyph is keeping me in place. Weiss froze the ground and Yang punched it, causing mist to cover the alleyway. I felt someone hit me. I tried to hit them back, but I can't see anything and this glyph is keeping me in place.

(Y/N): This is getting annoying.

I got hit a few more times. I raised my hands and made a big explosion, getting rid of the mist. I didn't see team RWBY at all.

(Y/N): Where did they go?

Ruby: Cannonball!

I looked behind me to see Blake and Yang holding a black ribbon. It got pulled back by Ruby and Weiss held her in place with a black glyph. Ruby got launched at me and she turned into a bunch of rose petals. I put my arms up to block. I got hit by the rose petals, sending me back into a wall.

(Y/N): Ow!

I still have my aura. If I had to guess, I have about half left.

Ruby: Ready to comply? I don't want to hurt you anymore.

Weiss, Blake, and Yang walked up to Ruby.

(Y/N): So, let me take a wild guess.

I took a deep breath.

(Y/N): Ironwood sent you here, didn't he?

Ruby: ...Yeah.

I should have guessed.

(Y/N): You're already pushing my limits and now I learn Ironwood wants me back.

Weiss: We need your help.

(Y/N): Do you know who you're helping? Ironwood isn't the man you think he is.

Yang: What happened?

(Y/N): He betrayed me! It wasn't magic or some curse, he knew what he was doing and he still went with it anyway!

Blake: How did he betray you?

(Y/N): I'm getting mad just thinking about it. Just leave and say that you didn't find me.

I can't control my anger for much longer.

Ruby: I'm sorry to hear that, but we really need your help. You can help us in secret. You don't have to see Ironwood.

I started to shake.

(Y/N): Even after all I told you, you're still asking me for help?!

I can't take it anymore. Something in my head snapped.


(Harriet's POV)

I listened into the ear piece and it sounds like (Y/N) has lost it.

Harriet: Ruby! If you're hearing me, you have to get out of there!

Crap. I didn't get a response.

Clover: We have to get going.

I got ready to run. I started to use my semblance and ran.

Clover: Harriet! We have to go as a team!

I started to run faster. I looked around Mantle and saw a huge explosion. I ran over to it. I looked into an alleyway and saw team RWBY on the ground, unconscious. (Y/N) is standing over them.

Harriet: (Y/N)!

He turned around to look at me. I can see the insanity in his eyes.

(Y/N): Harriet!

He took a step forward. The tips of his hairs glowed orange, like they're about to catch on fire. He pointed his hand at me and shot an explosion at me. I ran out of the way.

(Y/N): I should have killed you the first time!

Harriet: Please calm down! I've been trying to find you so I can talk to you!

(Y/N): Talk about what?! How you hurt me?!

He ran over to me. He tried to punch me. I caught his fist.

Harriet: It hurts me too!

(Y/N) made an explosion, sending me back. I used my semblance to speed past him and punched him in the gut. He grabbed my arm and slammed me into the ground.

(Y/N): You can't comprehend how much it still hurts me! You betrayed me! And on the day I was going to ask you to marry me!

My eyes went wide. He was going to marry me? I felt tears form in my eyes. I really did mess up. I slowly stood up.

(Y/N): Why?! Why did you do it?!

Harriet: Because I was stupid and I didn't know what I had!

(Y/N): What am I to you?! Some sort of tool for your amusement?!

Harriet: No! You are my friend and lover!

(Y/N): We were teammates, not friends or lovers! Don't get them mixed up!

I felt my heart shatter. The feeling of a pit in my stomach came back. (Y/N) rushed at me and punched me in the stomach. I fell down to my knees.

(Y/N): This is your end!

After everything I did to find him, (Y/N) won't even think about forgiving me. I felt something in me snap. All the pain I was feeling faded away. I saw (Y/N) about to punch me. He threw his fist at me, but I caught it.

Harriet: You will forgive me.

I stood up. (Y/N) jumped back and launched several explosions at me. I used my semblance and ran past the explosions. I punched (Y/N) in the face as hard as I can. I heard something crack when my fist connected. I punched (Y/N) again, sending him into a wall. I ran up and kept punching him. His aura shattered. I punched him one more time in the face, knocking him out.

Harriet: You will take me back. I will make sure of that.

I picked (Y/N) up and started to run with him.

(Time Skip) (Readers POV)

I started to open my eyes. I felt an aching pain in my head.

(Y/N): Ow. What happened to me?

I looked around and I'm in a dark room. My eyes started to adjust to the darkness, letting me see some of the room. I tried to get up, but I couldn't. I looked down and I'm tied to a chair.

(Y/N): Where the hell am I?

I saw the door in front of me open, making light flood the room. I closed my eyes from the light. I heard footsteps walking towards me. I felt a hand get placed on my cheek.

Harriet: Open those eyes.

I opened them and Harriet is standing in front of me.

(Y/N): The hell do you want? I'm in Atlas Academy, aren't I?

Harriet: No. We are somewhere that no one will find us.

(Y/N): I'm not in Atlas? Then where am I?

Harriet: That doesn't matter. What matters now is that we can be together again.

(Y/N): Like hell I'm getting back with you!

Harriet's eyes went dull. My hand started to glow an orange color.

(Y/N): I'm going to blast you away!

She pulled out a button. Harriet pressed it. I felt electricity surge through my body. I started to scream in pain. Harriet just stared at me. My aura broke, causing Harriet to stop pressing the button.

Harriet: Don't struggle. I'm not letting you use your semblance to get away from me again. I hooked up a shocker on the chair.

I took a few deep breaths.

(Y/N): Why are you doing this?

Harriet: Because I love you. Ever since you left, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I couldn't find you. I was hoping that one day I would wake up, you would be in my bed and I could apologize to you. Now, we can be together forever.

(Y/N): No. I'm not getting back with you. You aren't loyal. You'll just cheat on me again!

Harriet started to laugh. Her laughter became more and more insane. She stopped and walked behind me. She turned the chair I'm in around. I saw an unconscious Ironwood chained to the wall. His body is bloodied and bruised.

(Y/N): What the hell?!

Harriet: See? I don't love him. I hated him ever since you left me. I wouldn't dare to think about hurting you ever again.

(Y/N): You really are an insane bitch-

Harriet got mad and punched me in the gut. I spat up some blood.

Harriet: We have to work on that mouth of yours.

(Y/N): What happened to not hurting me?

Harriet: That was necessary. If you're acting like that, then I have to punish you.

She walked up to Ironwood and punched him in the gut. He didn't even react. Harriet put her fingers on his neck, checking his pulse.

Harriet: Oh, he's dead.

Harriet looked back at me and smiled. I felt a small chill go down my spine, like she's staring into my soul. Harriet walked up to me and placed her lips on mine. Harriet hit my hand, causing me to shout in pain. Harriet shoved her tongue in my mouth and licked all over my mouth. She pulled her head back.

Harriet: I've missed that feeling. I think it's time we take this to the next level.~

She reached at my crotch and unzipped my pants.

(Y/N): Get off me!

Harriet got out the button and was about to press it.

Harriet: Are you going to let me do this without a struggle? I will do anything to make sure you behave. I'll even put you in the position James was before he died.

I'd rather be in this chair than to be chained up to a wall and go through whatever Ironwood went through.

(Y/N): ...Fine, go ahead.

Harriet smiled and put the button on the floor. She sat down on my lap and grinned on my crotch.

Harriet: You're mine and I'm yours. Forever.

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