The Teasing Games

By asiahidek

225K 1.8K 480

"You run around in those short shorts and fucking knee socks and you expect me not to care?" "Maybe I like to... More

I'll Mac and Punch You
Do I Turn You On?
Now We're Even, Babe
Get It Up Baby Boy
If This Is The Game We're Playing
I Just Want Coffee, Not Your Bullshit.
A Stone Cold, Iron-Hearted Bitch.
Sorry For My Son
Listen Here Wyboi
The Hell Is Wrong With You
His Friend Had Lost His Fucking Mind Today
You Must Be Mack
You Ever Fix Your Waffle Iron?
It Was No Mack.
He Just Wasn't You, Ash.
Act Like It
Error 3004
Where. Is. Issac?
Aw, My Poor Baby
Okay Fuck
A Million Fucking Pieces
You've Been Served
This Was Hell
Calsia's Home Renovations
That's What Family Does
There's No Better Name
You Don't Waste Time, Do You?
*Always* (28.5)
The Whole Fucking Time?
She's A Shit Mother
The Rose Venice

Did You Just Quote Fucking Jet At Me?!

802 11 1
By asiahidek

//SOTC: Are You Gonna Be My Girl - Jet\\

Ashton was thankful for fast cars and empty streets. Was it safe for him to be zooming through the streets? No, absolutely not. He could almost hear Mack in the back of his head.

"Ashton Irwin!" Mack, 16, yelped, watching the speedometer rise, inching closer and closer to 90 as the pair rushed down the back roads.

"Yeah, say my name." Ashton, 16, winked at Mack.

Mack rolled her eyes, "Boy shut the hell up, and SLOW DOWN! Or are you trying to kill me?"

He outstretched his hand to grip her thigh, giving her a wink. Sighing, she leaned back and rested her head against the window. "Can you just bring me home?"

He pulled over and parked the car. "Mack."

She didn't look towards him. "Baby."

He saw her give a light smile and roll her eyes. "My love."

"What do you want Ashton?" She still didn't turn toward him so he rested his chin on her shoulder, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Gorgeous, will you look at me please?"

Dramatically Mack whipped her head around to look at the puppy dog of a boy resting on her shoulder. As soon as she was face to face with him he shot forward and kissed her.

"I will drive slow and with the speed limit. Just stop being mad at me, please. I hate it when you're mad at me. I love you too much."

She refused to give him a smile. "Drive the car, you. I just don't want you to get hurt. I don't know what I'd do without you. So be safe."

He didn't move off her shoulder, giving her the biggest pout he could muster. "Gimme kith."

Mack groaned stupidly, before leaning forward and pressing her lips to the boy she'd never admit she was in love with.

"Ashton! Damn man!" Isabel was snapping her hand in Ashton's face. "Where the hell did you just go sir?"

Ashton shook his head. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I was asking where we're taking Issac, all the excitement, he's passed out in the backseat."

Ashton looked in the rearview at his son. Sure enough, he was as curled up in the seatbelt as he could be - fast asleep. "We're closest to Michael, so I guess we'll bring him there. This will be fun considering he's pretty pissed at me right now."

Pulling into Michael's driveway, Ashton turned to Isabel. "Stay here please, as soon as Mike takes Issac - you're taking me to Mack's new place."

He carried Issac in his arms to the door, timidly knocking. Michael opened the door and immediately rolled his eyes. "What do you want, Irwin?"

"I gotta run to Mack's, can you please watch Issac for a few hours?"

"You haven't answered my calls all fucking day. Do you realize we don't have a manager? We have a tour and a media storm and no fucking manager? I missed Mack too, but she's causing tiny fires everywhere she goes and we're the only ones getting burned."

An annoyed Crystal appeared from behind Michael, and she took Issac out of Ashton's arms. "Her kids were attacked, Mikey. Show some fucking sympathy."

Without another word, she walked back into the house. "Go do whatever you gotta do, but we need to figure this shit out, fast."

Nodding, Ashton left the Clifford property. Don't you worry Michael, I'm gonna get right to the bottom of this.


Four hours into redecorating, Aysia and the twins had fully tapped out. One the bright side, the living room had been the first room finished so all three were peacefully passed out on the couch, A Goofy Movie playing on the tv.

The living room had dark hardwood floors and led out onto a balcony that now also had furniture on it - a sleek white sofa set Mack was intensely panicked about messing up. The couch everyone was passed out on was an ash grey sectional with cute patterned accent pillows. The light wood coffee table looked a little like a chest and Mack loved them. Both items sat on a fluffy grey rug Coastas had run his feet repeatedly over as soon as they placed it down. In the corner there was a simple white chair both twins had been instructed against even thinking about, let alone going to or sitting in. A mounted TV and modern fireplace finished out the cozy room.

Calum and Mack were sipping wine and attempting to build Camden's room. It had been an incredible amount easier when Aysia was helping and now, trying to do this slightly tipsy and by themselves - it was not easy.

"Insert screw 46 into slot B12," Mack read from the paper, "Surface should be flush with baseboard and side panel."

"What the hell does that mean? How do I flush a base?"

Mack laid on her back and looked at the ceiling. It was only 4pm and she was dog tired. She threw the instruction pamphlet and groaned.

"I wish Ash was here, he was always a wiz at putting this shit together."

"That the only reason you wish Ash was here?" Calum arched an eyebrow, putting down whatever part of Camden's room he was building. He thought it was the bed but he truly had no clue.

"Ask me what you're trying to ask me, Calpal." Mack rolled onto her stomach and put her head in her hands, giving her full attention to Calum.

"I'm just saying...What's going on? Do you like him, are y'all just friends, have you even talked since the kiss?"

Mack was silent for a moment. "I uh, I don't know Cal. I thought we'd changed but... I don't know that we have. I want to be with him, but not at the expense of my boys. We can't keep uprooting everytime something goes wrong."

"Have I ever not been straight up with you?"

"Well you said Denny's had better waffles than me."

"Put some goddamn respect on Denny's."

Mack dropped her head onto the carpet, giggling.

"Listen Nara, you and Ashton both know what you want - you're just too fucking stubborn to get it. Don't let him slip past because of fear."

Mack rolled back onto her back. Of course she wanted Ashton. Of course she was afraid. But she wasn't about to be the only one putting herself out there and getting hurt.


Mack sat up abruptly and looked at Calum.

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Are you magic?"

She rolled her eyes, standing to her feet to greet an angry and confused Ashton (and Isabel) somehow standing in her entryway right now.



"I'm just gonna.... go find Glen."

"He's building in Coastas' room." Mack pointed up the stairs.

The small brunette went running to go bother - but hopefully assist - her forever man.

The pair heard a shout from the room Mack had left Calum in and rushed to check on the chaotic father-to-be. Calum, the genius he is, instead of following the instructions to build the play net on the floor and then hang it - he decided to try and hang as he built. The end result of this decision was Calum under a few planks of wood and a net, laughing his ass off.

"You're going to be a father." Ashton chuckled.


Shaking her head Mack nudged Ashton, both of them freeing their friend with poor decision making skills. He stood up and brushed himself off looking between the two.

"Ashton, good. Help Mack. I'm gonna bring the sleeping beauties to my place and then I'll be back," Calum paused to look at Mack, "maybe it'll give you two time to talk."

Pointing finger guns at both parents, he walked backwards out of Camden's room.

"That man is going to raise not one, but two children." Mack stared out of the room after Calum.

"Everyday I thank God for Aysia Hood." Ashton laughed, turning back towards the hanging net Calum had been trying to build.

"So, you got Rachel fired?"

Mack reached down and picked up a hammer, ready to finish at least the bed. "No, I went to find counselling because Isabel suggested it and instead your lovely manager told me I could announce our relationship and also pop out another baby."

Ashton put down the screwdriver he was using. He was next to Mack before she could blink. He took her hands into his. "Mack I'm so sorry. I never meant for you and the boys to get mixed up in this. I mean, I kissed you and I wanted you to be a part of this but not negatively."

"You've never thought things through Ash. You always just do the first thing you think of."

Mack brought her hands up to her face and groaned. "Why did you kiss me?"

Ashton took a step back to give her her space and Mack immediately felt colder without him near her. "I wanted to. I want to right now. Hell, I never want to stop kissing you. I know I should've waited until we were alone or until the divorce was finalized or a thousand other should'ves but I didn't. I wanted to kiss you during our family outing to the mall, because I finally felt normal. You finally made me feel normal. You always do."

Mack looked down at her feet. He made her normal too. "You want to kiss me now?"

Ashton took two big strides back to her. "Mac'Kenara Davis, I want to kiss you every minute of every day. I've wanted to since we were kids. I've wanted to since Camden ran into my leg, I will always want to kiss you."

He held her body to him, tilting her chin up so they were forced to make eye contact. "The question is - do you wanna kiss me?"

Mack didn't even have to answer. Pushing herself up on her tiptoes, she pressed her lips against Ashton's. She reached her arms up and wrapped them around his neck, letting him pick her up and settle his hands under her butt.

"So I see Mashton has a new meaning now." Calum smirked, leaning against the doorframe. "You two crazy kids finally get it together and get together?"

Mack felt her feet reconnect with the floor. "Whaddya say Mack? Are you gonna be my girl?"

She bust out laughing, "Did you just quote fucking Jet at me?!"



Isabel and Glen (the real ones) have been in my house for like four days and i love them so much but FUCK they're chaotic

i gave yall some mackshton fluff okay, dont murder me, we finally got some

and more on the wayyyyy

i wanted more issac fluff but he gotta chill w uncle michael atm so daddy and mack can get it together

also calum, himbo calum

alright whores ill see you in like a day maximum

-bh, asiah, hawks baby bird, i want bbq

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