Angel - (Fem reader X Bucky B...

By PapaIV_

62.4K 2.2K 587

You are the daughter of Richard and Mary Parker. You were born with special abilities...and no one knows how... More

Chapter 1 - Beginning
Chapter 2 - Team?
Chapter 3 - Chaos
Chapter 4 - Battle
Chapter 5 - Undercover
Chapter 6 - Connection
Chapter 7 - Nick
Chapter 8 - Taking Down Shield
Chapter 9 - Scepter
Chapter 10 - Party Ruined
Chapter 11 - Papers
Chapter 12 - Nightmares
Chapter 13 - Vision
Chapter 14 - Ultron
Chapter 15 - Birthday
Chapter 16 - Accords
Chapter 17 - Bucky
Chapter 18 - Office
Chapter 19 - Family Fight
Chapter 20 - Prison
Chapter 21 - Hiding
Chapter 22 - Home
Chapter 23 - Thanos
Chapter 25 - Shield
Chapter 26 - John
Chapter 27 - Jail
Chapter 28 - Zemo
Chapter 29 - Sharon
Chapter 30 - Party
Chapter 31 - Dr. Nagel
Chapter 32 - Donya Madani
Chapter 33 - Followed
Chapter 34 - The Whole World Is Watching
Chapter 35 - The Boat
Chapter 36 - Date
Chapter 37 - End of the Flag Smashers
Chapter 38 - Free
Chapter 39 - The End

Chapter 24 - Gone

1.4K 54 19
By PapaIV_

I slowly open my eyes as I feel a hand pulling me up.

I was alive?

I smile as I see Bucky.

We look back to see a portal opening....another fight.

I fly up with Sam, spinning as we go through the portal.

I land down as Steve looks at us in shock and hope. I smile as he summons Thor's hammer, "AVENGERS! assemble."

Thor makes a battle cry, and so do the rest of us as we charge Thanos' army.

I fly up and blast down at the aliens, smiling as Bucky shoots from beside me.

When I spot Steve again, I fly over and blast an alien back, leaping into his arms. "I thought I was dead." I sigh in relief.

"I'm so happy to see you. It's been so long."

"Well it's only been like five seconds for me." I smile, turning and blasting another alien. "I'm gonna find my brother and Nat." I smile, flying up and blasting below me.

I land down and kick and alien's face, turning to blast but stopping as Peter stands in front of me.

"Y/N." He hugs me tight.

"Peter." I sigh in relief. "Did you-"

"I did. You?"

"Me too." I nod, holding the back of his head. "I'm so happy your okay."

"Mr. Stark has been looking for you." Peter smiles as I pull away.

"I'll find safe." I ruffle his hair, looking behind him and blasting an alien.

"You too."

I run along the battle field, punching and blasting as I go. I stop as I see Tony in front of me. "Hey." I awkwardly wave.

Tony pulls me in and kisses my head, "I'm sorry."

"Me too." I smile.

"Do me a favor and don't disappear again." He smiles.

"I won't." I pat his shoulder. "Shall we finish this?" I point to the battle in front of us.

"We shall." He smiles.

As I was fighting, the ship above starts firing rapidly at us. I take cover with my wings, I look up as it stops, the ship fires at the sky. A glowing light crashes down into it, destroying the ship.

It was a woman!

I smile and continue to blast aliens, I stop as I see Tony with the stones. "NO!" I scream, holding my hand out to him as I fly.

He looks at me and snaps.

I fall to my knees as he falls down. Pepper and Peter were both at his side.

Steve stands above me, tears in his eyes as we lost our friend.

Our friend.

After the battle there was a ceremony for Tony. Not only did we lose him....we lost Nat too.

I felt my whole world crashing as two important people in my life was gone.

But it got worse.....I thought I'd have more time with Steve.....but I was wrong.

Apparently time travel is a thing....they built a new one and Steve had to go return the stones.

"Hey..." He whispers.

"Don't go." I beg. "Please."

Steve pulls me in and hugs me, I smile as he kisses my cheek. "I'll be back."

I watch as he steps on the platform, "How long is this gonna take?" Sam asks.

"For him? As long as he needs. For us? Five seconds." Bruce nods. "Ready, Cap? Alright. We'll meet you back here, okay?"

"You bet." Steve nods, he looks back at me and smiles.

"Going quantum. Three, two, one–" Steve disappears into the Quantum portal. "And returning in, five, four, three, two, one–"

Steve doesn't appear on the pad. Bruce looks around the equipment.

"Where is he?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. He blew right by his time stamp. He should be here."

Bucky turns around from the pad. "Well, get him back." Sam says.

"I'm trying."

For a moment I had hope he was actually coming back....but I was wrong.

"Get him the hell back!" Sam raises his voice.

"Hey, I said, I'm trying!"

"Guys." Bucky says softly.

We look back to see a figure sitting by the lake. As we get closer we realize it's Steve....he's much older. This is what he meant when he said he'll be back.

He lied to me.

After the boys talked to him, I sat down next to him and look him over as he stares at the lake.

"You lied."

"No I didn't....I'm here." He smiles.

"Not the way I want you to be." I whisper. "Did you have a nice life?"

"I was beautiful." He smiles. I nod, looking at my hands as my eye twitches from my tears. "You'll have a beautiful life too."

"No I won't.....your not gonna be in it. Nat and Tony won't be." I look up, finally looking him in the eyes. "Your leaving Bucky when he needs you the most. When I need you!" I slightly raise my voice. I look away and shake my head, "Sorry. I-I just can't live without you."

"When I met were so innocent and pure. You didn't even act human." He chuckles. "But you showed me how to love again. Nat did...the whole team did." He reaches for my hand. "Your my family."

"Family.....but your leaving." I cry as he pulls me in.

"I'll always be with you.....right here." He points to my heart,

"That's not enough." I shake my head. "I want you here." I sob.

"I know." He pulls out a photo and hands it to me. "That's for you."

It was a picture of him and Peggy, I smile and wipe my eyes. "She's beautiful." He hands me a photo of just him. I hold it to my heart and lay my head back on his shoulder. "I do love you Steve. You were the first person to show me how to love others."

"I love you Y/N. Don't forget that." He smiles as I stand.

I look back at him again and wipe my face, holding onto the photos tightly as I walk off.

"Hey...where are you going?" Sam asks as I pass him and Bucky.

"Somewhere alone."

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