Chapter 35 - The Boat

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Within the next week, Bucky found Zemo and he was taken to the raft prison. He also had a favor for Sam...which I had no idea what it was.

We arrive on the dock, I was seeing his family boat for the first time now.

"How do we get it off the truck?"

Bucky lifts it up and puts the part down, he then puts the case on the truck "You're welcome. Just dropping this off. You can sign for it and I'll go. I called in a favor from the Wakandans."

I look over as a pipe bursts, "Sam!" A woman yells.

Bucky walks over after Sam and smiles at her, "Hi."


I walk over and stand next to her, I knew this was Sarah.

"Hold on, hold on. You gotta go up." Bucky nods, fixing it.

"Why didn't you use the metal arm?"

"Well...I don't always think of it immediately. I'm right-handed." Bucky smiles.

"So, this is the boat, huh?" I ask.

"This is it."

"It's nice. You want any help?" Bucky asks.


I look over at Sarah, "Hi...I'm Y/N. I'm very happy to finally meet you. Sam's told me a lot about you." She shakes my hand.

"Hello, I've also heard a lot about you." She smiles.

I take off my coat and grab a broom, for the next couple hours I start to sweep the deck as they work on the engine. I walk in and sweep the floor, stopping as I see pictures of Sam and his family when he was younger.

I rub my finger across the one of Sam when he was just a kid, i loved pictures....they hold memories. I look down and pull out my photos from my pocket. They were my good luck charms. I smirk at the photo of Sam, Steve, Nat, and I. When we were on the run. Sam had insisted that we go out for dinner that night...we had a lot of fun that night.


"You okay?" Sam says from behind me.

"Yeah...thinking of memories." I show him the photo.

Sam side hugs me and smiles as I walk out onto the deck, grabbing the cleaning supplies and scrubbing off all the dirt.

The rest of the day was great, I loved spending time with them, especially when we weren't fighting.

When we were done, the two drink beers while I drink some water, after awhile of silence, Bucky stands and clinks his beer with Sam's, "Gotta catch my flight tomorrow. Get a hotel room for the night. Crash, you know?"

"You're just gonna set me up like that, huh?"

"I don't wanna make it weird for your family." Bucky nods.

"Just stay here. The people in this town are the most welcoming people in the world. They don't care if you wear small T-shirts or if you have six toes or if your mom's your aunt."

"Okay, I get it." He chuckles. "The people are nice."

It felt nice to be together, spending time with Sam's family as we ate dinner. Sam kept making us laugh with his jokes...I felt happy again.

I look over at Bucky as Sam talks with Sarah and the boys. "Do you want something like this someday?" I ask. "A"

"I do....someday." He smiles.

"I think I would too..." I watch as the two boys laugh. "I think I would like to be a mother someday."

"You'd be a great mom." He softly holds my hand.

As the others go to sleep, I went to take a shower in the downstairs bathroom, I felt more comfortable this way.

I slowly remove my clothes and look at the many bruises across my skin, I slightly turn to see my scars on my back.

The painful memories.

It felt nice to feel the warm water in my skin...the feeling of the warm soap. My eyes Widen as I hear the door open and shut.

"Bucky you scared me." I sigh in relief. "What are you doing up?"

"Couldn't sleep....can I...join you? I understand if that's too far."

I stare at the shower curtain for a moment, frozen. "Y-Yes."

I close my eyes at the sound of his belt unbuckling, soon the curtain slides back. I slightly gasp as I feel cold metal on my right side, on my other was his warm skin.

I move so he can get under the water, my eyes trail down his toned stomach...all the way down to- "What are you looking at?" I look back up to see him smirking.

"Nothing." My eyes widen.

I bite my lip as his looks down my body. "Have I ever told you that your beautiful?"

"You have...although I do not feel like it." I look away.

"Hey...." His hand rests against my cheek, his thumb slides down my scar. "Every scar...bruise....and mark is beautiful."
I pull him in and wrap my arms under his, holding onto the back of his shoulders tightly as I lay my head against his chest. "I don't deserve you...I'm just the Devil." He looked sad, I could see the tears in his eyes. "And the Devil had fallen for an's impossible."

"Don't say are far from the Devil. You don't know the things I've seen and done....your not the only one that's haunted. Maybe it is I that doesn't deserve you." My lip quivers as I stare up at him, "I wish you could see what I see."

I slowly close my eyes as Bucky leans in, pressing his lips against mine. My heart races as he holds onto me, his hands slowly sliding down my sides. I pull away and look down between us, I look back up at him and slowly slide my hand down his stomach. Bucky's breathing hitches as I slide lower.

"No....wait." He stops my hand.

"You don't want me?" I look up sadly. "Or am I not doing this right?"

"God I want you....But I want to make this special...not in a small ass shower." He chuckles. "You deserve something nice." He kisses me again.

"You don't have to do anything special for one has."

"I want to...I want to show you how you should be treated." He kisses me head. "I promise."

I couldn't sleep all night...but when I did. The nightmares came back. When I woke up from a really bad one, I realized I was in Bucky's arms. He doesn't say a word as he picks me up and lays down on his couch, laying me on top of him.

And for the first time......I didn't have anymore nightmares.

Angel - (Fem reader X Bucky Barnes)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon