Chapter 4 - Battle

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I look over at Tony flies next to me. "Try to shut that down." He points, flying over to meet Loki.

"Erik Selvig...shut it down." I fly down.

"It's too late! It can't stop now. He wants to show us something! A new universe."

I roll my eyes and land next to him, I tap his head, my blue power flowing into his eyes. I look to see the mind control was now gone, I tap his head again to make him fall asleep.

I circle my hands crating a large ball of energy, I push it to form around the device, I grind my teeth as I try to crush it.

Instead the device sends out a huge blast, throwing me back.

I stare up in shock as a portal starts to open, I jump off the edge of the Tower and fly towards it as aliens pour out.

I look down seeing Tony following me, I twist and turn to avoid their blasts, I grab onto one of the chariots and and crash it into another.

I look back seeing the Quinjet crash down, the rest of the team was here.

"You still think all creatures are beautiful?" Tony asks as he gets chased.

"Not these ones!" I yell, landing hard on the ground. I look over to see Natasha, Steve and Clint struggling with a group of aliens.

I drop down and spread my wings out to protect them, holding my hand out to the fire on a taxi and using my power to throw the fire onto the aliens.

I turn to see the shocked faces of the three. "I knew I'd like you." Natasha smiles.

I look over as my wings start to heal, nodding at Steve.

My eyes widen as I look up at the portal....there was a huge alien flying down. "Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asks.

"I'm seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?"

"Banner?" Steve asks.

"Just keep me posted."

I fly up to see Loki attacking Thor, I hold my hands up and make the sun shine down on his face, Loki turns away, letting Thor pick him up and slam him down.

I fly down as Thor lands down by Steve. "Thanks." He nods at me. I hold my hand up and slam my fist on the ground, causing a lighting bolt to strike an alien. "You...can control lighting?"

"Yeah.....and water and fire." I nod.

"Wow...she really is an Angel." A guy named Clint says.

"What's the story upstairs?" Steve asks Thor.

"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable."

"Thor is right. We gotta deal with these guys." Tony says.

"How do we do this?" Natasha asks.

"As a team." Steve nods.

"I have unfinished business with Loki." Thor looks up.

"Yeah, get in line." Clint chuckles.

"Save it. Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us..." Steve tunes as we hear a motorbike.

Bruce gets off and walks closer to us, "So, this all seems horrible."

"I've seen worse." Natasha nods.

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