Project X ✔ [O L D V E R S I...

By _salacious

4.7M 195K 78.7K

Book 1 of 3 [ C O M P L E T E D ] Most people dream of the stars and the things that come from them. They e... More

Author's Note
+ intro +
+ chapter one +
+ chapter two +
+ chapter three +
+ chapter four +
+ chapter five +
+ chapter six +
+ chapter eight +
+ chapter nine +
+ chapter ten +
+ chapter eleven +
+ chapter twelve +
+ chapter thirteen +
+ chapter fourteen +
+ chapter fifteen +
+ chapter sixteen +
+ chapter seventeen +
+ chapter eighteen +
+ chapter nineteen +
+ chapter twenty +
+ chapter twenty-one +
+ chapter twenty-two +
+ chapter twenty-three +
+ chapter twenty-four +
+ chapter twenty-five +
+ chapter twenty-six +
+ chapter twenty-seven +
+ chapter twenty-eight +
+ chapter twenty-nine +

+ chapter seven +

151K 6.7K 2.6K
By _salacious

Project X

All Rights Reserved

© 2015 Luna Black


Alexa leaned over the counter, breathing in deeply and waited until her cramp disappeared before grabbing the bowl for the fruits. That morning she woke up with a craving for a fruit smoothie and toast with butter.

Everything was going well until her cramps decided to return. She woke up earlier than Xander too, so she couldn't ask him to work his magic on her.

After they talked about Corah and his life, they stayed up a little longer before she fell asleep. She didn't even remember Xander picking her up to take her to the bed; she just woke up tucked in and warm.

She dumped the washed strawberries in the blender and added kiwi slices. Then a bit of milk and sugar and the smoothie mix. She also learned that whenever she wanted a grocery item, she could order it from Xander's computer-table.

He had taught her that she simply needed to press her hand against the corner of the table and wait for it to recognise her handprint. Then, she could order whatever she pleased and a robot would deliver it.

After being in the house alone for so long, she knew where everything was at. There wasn't much to do and she would grow bored of the TV at times.

"Good morning," Xander entered the kitchen, looking completely awake. "What are you doing?"

"Smoothie," she muttered, growing irritated with the blender for having so many useless buttons.

He chuckled, walking around the counter and pressed the "on" button. "You have to turn it on for it to function."

She glared at him. "It just doesn't like me."

"That is definitely the reason," he laughed, grabbing a bottled water from the fridge.

She grinned at his response and said, "You want some?"

"What are the flavours?" He tilted his head to look around her and said, "Strawberry and kiwi?"

"Yup," she nodded, waiting until the ice was small enough to drink and then tasted it to see if it needed any more. Alexa pursed her lips, not knowing if it was good enough and then scooped some with a spoon. "Does it need more sugar?"

She held it out for him to taste, but Xander looked at her strangely. She laughed, grabbing his chin and pulled him closer to the spoon. He opened his mouth, still looking at her as if she were crazy and then relaxed his face at the sweet taste. "That tastes great."

"So, it doesn't need any more sugar?"

"I do not believe so; too much sugar could be bad for you."

Alexa rolled her eyes, smiling as she poured some into cups for them and said, "Too much of anything is bad for you. Here, do you want some toast with butter?"

"Sure," he nodded, taking their cups to the kitchen table and helped her with the bread. She was considerably short; the bread was way out of her reach.

"Thank you," she took it and placed four slices in the toaster, not giving it enough time to burn. She wanted them to be toasty with a golden colour; not brown. After they were done she grabbed the butter from the fridge and sat across from him. "Here you go."

They spread butter on their toast quietly and she grimaced, feeling another cramp begin to crush her insides. He looked at her and surprised her as he walked towards her and pressed his hand against her stomach again.

She breathed out in relief when the familiar warmth began to spread across her stomach and she involuntarily leaned against his chest. He tensed against the motion, but she was too focused on the warmth to notice and didn't move.

Xander stared down at her, feeling slightly uncomfortable for not knowing what to do, but stayed in place. Alexa breathed in deeply, a content smile growing on her lips and she slurred, "You have magic fingers, I swear."

He laughed, the sound rumbling through his chest and she widened her eyes, realising that she was still leaning against him and abruptly sat up. But he was laughing too much to realise. "I am simply burning your stomach, you know that, right?"

"How?" She stared at him with a strange expression on her face.

He sat across from her again and said, "Do you remember that night we spoke to the General?" She blushed, but nodded, "Remember when he said we have special abilities?" She nodded again. "This is one of them." He held his hand out for her to see as it began to glow a low orange colour until it seemed like it was really burning.

"Holy crap," she gasped, taking a sip from her smoothie and said, "that's so cool!"

Xander grinned, slight dimples growing on his cheeks and he said, "I am glad you think so; there are many more, but I do not believe we have enough time for me to show you. I have to go meet up with my squadron for a bit."

Alexa pouted her lips and bit into her toast. "I'm going to be alone for a long time again?"

"Not necessarily," She widened her eyes, watching as he drank half of his smoothie in one gulp and then said, "I will be back for lunch because one of the Earth women wants to meet up with us."

She frowned. "Who?"

"I believe her name is Kelly. Her partner, Chandler, is one of the scientists, who recommended mating with the Earth women."

"Cool," she muttered, not liking that she would be alone for a long time. She really liked his magic fingers. A blush began to fan out across her face as her thoughts took a wrong turn and then she blurted out, "Can you guys read minds?"

Xander laughed, shaking his head and said, "No, why?"

"I dunno," she mumbled, "it's just that yesterday after the whole Seth-thing, you came in and told me not to put myself down. I was just thinking about not being wife-material or whatever and you said that..."

"I cannot read minds," he smiled at her, "but I can sense your emotions. Right now you are flustered and there is a slight emotion that I cannot pick up. It is too faint, but if I focus enough I will be able to decipher it."

"Don't!" She blurted out, her cheeks turning even hotter, "I mean...I just...don't, please?"

He chuckled, nodding and held his hands up in surrender. "Alright, I will not. Is there a reason?"

You're making me horny. "It's just weird," she shifted in her seat uncomfortably and quickly grabbed her drink to justify not giving him a better answer.

Xander nodded, fighting the smile that was growing on his lips at her strange behaviour and he looked down at his watch. "Are you finished with your plate and cup?"

"Uh," she looked down at her empty plate and cup, "almost, why?"

"I am going to wash the dishes before I leave," he stood up, taking her plate and waited for her cup. "It is only fair; you made this, now I will clean it up."

She felt her jaw dropping open as he walked over to the sink and nonchalantly began to wash the dishes. Every man needed to think like him. Every man needed to be like him. Hormones, she thought, it has to be the hormones. I hated him yesterday and like him today. Stupid hormones.

"Do you want to go to lunch with them or would you rather stay here and eat something else?"

Alexa looked up at him, snapping herself away from her strange thoughts and said, "Uh...yeah. I'd like to go. I haven't seen much of the outside."

He quickly turned around to look at her and said, "Would you like to go to the beach today?"

She found herself smiling at his excited tone of voice and said, "I'm kind of disabled for today and tomorrow. We can go after, if you'd like...?"

"Disabled...why?" He began, but then his mouth shaped a small "oh" and he nodded. "Oh," he muttered, "your menstruation cycle."

"Yeah," she puckered her lips in distaste, "stupid period."

He laughed at how bothered her voice sounded and said, "Well I have to leave, I will come before lunch to pick you up, is that okay?"

"Mm," she nodded, hopping off the stool as he grabbed him bag from the floor and waved at her, "bye."

After he was gone, she turned around in a circle and then groaned in frustration. "How the heck can I miss the guy already?" She huffed, poking her stomach and muttered, "You suck."


"Alexa?" Xander walked into the house, looking around for her. She wasn't sitting on the couch watching TV or eating on the kitchen.

"Here!" She walked out, looking down at her dress and she pulled it down, trying to cover some of her knees. He widened his eyes, definitely appreciating her look and blinked, feeling astounded by how beautiful she seemed. "How do I look?"

"Magnificent," he breathed out; loving the way the dress hugged her curves tightly, but still made her seem elegant. It covered her breasts, the neckline hiding her cleavage and wrapped around her waist tightly. "The colour green looks nice on you."

She grinned at him, twirling to watch the skirt flow around her and said, "Brings my eyes out, doesn't it?" He nodded, extending his hand out for her to take and she said, "I felt like getting pretty today."

"You look beautiful every day," he murmured, not realising the effect his comment left on her. "Are you ready?"

"Wait," she stood on her tiptoes, reaching towards his forehead and pushed back a strand of hair that was falling over his eyes. "There; we're ready."

He chuckled and nodded, teleporting them to the outside of Chandler and Kelly's house. Alexa wanted to walk, but Xander was running a little late because of the extensive meeting and they decided that they could walk another day.

The outside of the house looked nice. They had exotic plants near the entrance with beautiful flower pots on the windows. Compared to their house, Kelly's looked more...homey. Xander's seemed generic...she needed to change that.

Xander knocked on the door once, stepping back to stand next to Alexa and she grabbed unto his arm. He smiled down at her, liking that she seemed much more relaxed around him and the door slowly opened to reveal a smiling man.

He seemed a couple of inches shorter than Xander and way less built; he still had muscle, just not like Xander's massive built. "Lieutenant!"

"Xander, please," He chuckled, taking his hand in his and shook it. Then turned to Alexa, "This is Alexa; Alexa this is Chandler, Kelly's partner and second-in-command scientist in our labs." After Xander introduced them, she noticed that Chandler finally made eye contact with her and it felt strange for her. Usually they just spoke to her, but she was okay with their different customs.

"Ms. Alexa," he bowed his head in respect, "Kelly has spoken very highly of you."

"Yeah, yeah," Kelly walked up behind him, "let them in, babe." She turned to Alexa and said, "You guys came just on time, I was going to take the ribs out of the oven."

"Oh," Alexa grinned, "what did you make?"

"Barbecue ribs and mashed potatoes with gravy; I didn't know what you guys liked so I just went with my instinct."

She wiggled her eyebrows, walking in as Kelly pulled her towards the kitchen and said, "I love mashed potatoes."

"Who doesn't?" Kelly laughed. "I'm glad you guys could come. It's just been Chandler and me and even though he's amazing, I need to talk to other people. I can only take so much talk about science."

Alexa laughed, nodding and said, "Thank you for inviting us, I thought I was going to be alone again today."

"Oh, yeah I forgot that your man is all royal and whatnot."

"He's not a royal," she muttered, "he just has a demanding position."

"So, how has he been treating you?" Kelly grabbed the ribs out of the oven and placed them on the stove.

Alexa shrugged, handing her the knife and said, "He's been super nice; I'll even go to the extent of saying he's treating me like royalty."

She giggled, cutting the ribs and said, "Chandler has been treating me nicely too. I really like him. I think that filling out that survey was the best thing I've ever done in my life."

"Mine was a mistake, so I guess it's one of the few mistakes that I am glad I made," she laughed in response.

"Can you hand me the barbeque?" Alexa grabbed it from the counter and gave it to her. "Thank you. I wish more guys treated girls like this. I mean, if they did, everything would be so much better."


"Don't get me wrong," she waved the knife in her hand, "Chandler and I already had a few arguments, so it's not like everything is perfect and peachy. But it's way better than my last relationship."

Alexa nodded and muttered, "Tell me about it." Then louder said, "How do you guys refer to each other? Like do you have a title on your relationship?"

"Mm," Kelly pursed her lips and then shook her head, "not really. I guess we don't really need one since everyone knows that all the women present are taken. But I don't know how Chandler refers to me when he's talking to his co-workers; if he even talks about me."

She chuckled and helped her grab some plates to set on the table. "I don't even want to know what Xander calls me in front of his friends. Bitch would be putting it nicely."

"What do you mean?"

Alexa shrugged and grabbed the wine bottle with the ice bucket to place it on the middle of the mahogany table. "I've been making his life hell. We just started tolerating each other yesterday. So far it's been good, I guess."

"Oh girl, you're going to regret it," Kelly shook her head, tsk'ing her tongue in disapproval.

She raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? I mean, I already do...but why do you say that?"

"Wait until you have sex with the guy," she muttered, spreading the sauce on the ribs equally, "he will blow your mind. Chandler and I weren't able to leave the bed for an entire day because it was just that good."

If the meat hadn't been cooked, they could've cooked it on Alexa's face to perfection. Her face was that hot.

"Kelly!" She chided, placing the four plates on the counter.

"What?" She widened her eyes innocently, "I'm just being real, honey. I've never-"

"Do you guys need any help?"

Kelly raised an eyebrow, turning to Chandler with the knife. "Are you subtly rushing me?"

Chandler widened his eyes, shaking his head, quickly, "What? No...I was just asking-"

She burst out laughing and turned to Alexa. "Isn't he such a cutie?" She turned back to Chandler and said, "I'm kidding, babe. We're almost done. Are you really hungry?"

He breathed out in relief and nodded. "I am starving."

"Cool," she nodded, "what about your man, Alexa? Do you think he's really hungry?"

Alexa shrugged, hopping off the stool and walked out of the kitchen to the living room. Xander was sitting on the brown leathered couch, intently reading a blue screen hovering over his watch. She walked up behind him, peeking over his shoulder and said, "What are you doing?"

"Reading over some pollution reports that Chandler wanted me to see," he muttered in reply.

She nodded, noticing that he had a small scar on his neck and quietly said, "Are you really hungry?"

"More or less," he said.

"How hungry are you? Should I put a lot of food on your plate or...?"

Xander looked up from the screen, making her step back a bit because his face was suddenly really close to hers. "You are serving me?"

She shrugged. "Is that weird? You can do it yourself if it is...I just. I'm so used to serving a plate for the guy..."

"No, it is not weird at all. I was just..." he shrugged, "it surprised me. But to answer your question, I am hungry. You can give me a medium sized plate."

"Okay," she pushed herself away from the couch and walked back to the kitchen. Chandler pressed a soft kiss to Kelly's temple and she giggled in reply to something he whispered. "Kids," Alexa sighed, "keep that type of playing inside the room."

Chandler frowned, completely confused and Kelly blushed. "Shut up."


Alexa placed her hand against her face and shook her head in disappointment. "What are we going to do with these Aliens? They don't know any of the sexual innuendos or slang."

Kelly laughed, shrugging and gave her the spoon to take out the mashed potatoes. "Here, girlie. Get as much as you want."

After she served a small portion of mashed potatoes and two pieces of small ribs, she got Xander's plate and gave him moderate portions. When she walked out to the living room, Xander stood by her chair and pulled it out, waiting until she was comfortable to sit.

They passed around the bottle of wine and made small talk as they ate. Chandler spoke animatedly about his future plans to extract the pollution from the atmosphere and about the suggestions he would share with the United Nations to repair the ozone layer.

Xander shared his judgements on the suggestions and spoke about the rare fights that were breaking out through the different sectors. None were correlated with each other, so they didn't think much of it.

Kelly agreed with whatever Chandler said and tried to get Alexa to reveal any future "plans" with Xander; meaning, when she would start trying to have Xander's children.

Luckily for her, Xander stepped in gallantly and reminded Kelly that they still had five months left. They were just getting to know each other so when the time came; they would be more comfortable with each other.

Nonetheless, Alexa's face still looked like a red tomato. Surprisingly, she liked that. She felt normal speaking to other people and shared good laughs at the Alien's expense. It made her happy and Xander could see it clear in her face.

Her green eyes were glinting happily and it made him happy. He preferred this side of her. The way her blonde hair fell over her eyes and her dimples became pronounced or the way her sentences became inaudible because she laughed so much, enthralled him.

"Xander?" Alexa repeated, her lips curling at the sides as she calmed down from the previous fits of laughter.

"Pardon?" He cleared his throat, trying to recover from admiring her so intently. However she didn't seem to notice or if she did, she didn't mind.

She stood up from the chair and said, "Come on, Kelly's kicking us out."

He raised his eyebrow turning to Kelly and she shrugged. "Sorry, man, but your girlfriend's a psychotic dummy."

"I do not believe she is psychotic or unintelligent," he frowned, taking Alexa's elbow carefully.

Alexa laughed, pinching his cheek endearingly and said, "She's just jealous of my awesomeness. But come on, she has to go meet up with some women club they made."

"Would you like to go to that?"

"Nah," she shook her head, "I want to go home and take my bra off. It's bothering me."

He nodded, saying his goodbyes to their new friends and began to press buttons on his watch. Alexa closed her eyes, leaning into his chest and he blinked down at her as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

Once they were home she groaned and said, "I am so full I'm going to explode."

"Please do not," he grimaced, waiting until she let go of him, but relaxed his hands against her waist. "I do not think I can explain that to the General."

She laughed, still not moving away from his chest and said, "I don't think I can move right now."

"Would you like me to take you to your bed?"

"No," she muttered, feeling sleepy, "you're warm."

Xander laughed at her response and slowly began to bend down to pick her up. Alexa shook her head, holding unto him tighter and said, "Don't...just keep warming me up. My back hurts from not sleeping comfortably last night and I swear your touch has magic."

He shrugged, placing his arms around her and she breathed out in relief. She closed her eyes again, wanting to fall asleep on him and he muttered, "I thought you wanted to take your bra off...?"

"You can take it off for-" She widened her eyes, abruptly letting go off him and blushed, "yeah. I'll...I'll go and do that. I'll be back when I'm in more comfortable clothes."

He nodded, completely oblivious to the nervousness he managed to make her feel and walked towards the kitchen table to finish reading over some of Chandler's ideas. The man was bright and it gave Xander a sense of pride towards his race.

After she was done taking her dress off, she put on sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt and tied her hair up in a ponytail. She walked out, feeling more comfortable now that her stomach wasn't being constricted by the tightness of the dress and sat next to Xander.


"Mm?" He mumbled.

"What's your favourite colour?" She watched his features turn into a frown for a slight second and he looked up at her, making her blush since he caught her staring at him.

"Uh..." he shrugged, "green. Yours?"

She smiled at him, playing with her fingers idly. "Don't you already know that?"

He grinned in return, placing his full attention on her and logged out of the database system. "I believe we were starting over, were we not?"

Alexa rolled her eyes, but couldn't hold back the bigger smile that wanted to grow on her lips. "Shut up."

"Well?" He raised his eyebrows, clasping his fingers in front of him, "Are you going to tell me?"

"You're so dumb," she blushed, "it's neon green."



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