Rosabella Black |Daughter of...

By Alexandra_060203

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Tragedy struck but the war is only just beginning. The world now knows The Dark Lord has returned once more... More

The Blacks
Death To The Kitchen
An Excess of Phlegm
Draco's Detour
The Slug Club
Snape Victorious
The Half-Blood Prince
Hermione's Helping Hand
Silver and Opals
Felix Felicis
The Unbreakable Vow
The Wedding Of Lucas and Fiona
Crossing Enemy Lines
Birthday Surprises
Elf Tails
Lord Voldemort's Request
The Unknowable Room
After The Burial
The Seer Outside
The Cave
The Pheonix Lament
The White Tomb

Lightening Struck Tower

248 8 3
By Alexandra_060203

Harry's Point of View:
Once back under the starry sky, I managed to pull myself up on top of the nearest bolder. I had to swim a lot slower because I had to swim with one arm as I held Ro in the other. Once I got Rosabella and I on the boulder I placed Rosabella down gently so I could heave Dumbledore on to the boulder and then to his feet. I quickly picked Rosabella back up and I was relieved to feel her breathing becoming stronger and more regular. She was still deathly paler. Sodden and shivering, Dumbledore's weight still upon him and holding Rosabella in my right arm, I concentrated harder than I had ever done upon my destination.


Closing my eyes, gripping Dumbledore's arm as tightly as he could and clutching Rosabella to me with all my might, I stepped forwards into that feeling of horrible compression.

I knew it had worked before I opened my eyes. The smell of salt, the sea breeze had gone. Dumbledore and I were shivering and dripping in the middle of the dark High Street in Hogsmeade.
My heart stopped when Rosabella, who had been so still, started to stir. I looked down at her. Her eye lids fluttered open slowly.
    "Ro?" I said softly.
Rosabella's silver eyes, her enchanting silver eyes that for one moment I thought would remain closed forever, focused on me. Rosabella blinked repeatedly a couple of ties.
     "Harry . . ." Rosabella said.
I had to strain my ears to hear. Her voice was barely audible.
Rosabella's arms tightened around my neck. Rosabella's eyes became frantic as she scanned the area, her breathing became frantic and I felt her heart hammering.
     "Ro. Ro, listen to me. You're okay. We're in Hogsmeade. You're safe. Everything's going to okay." I said soothingly.
Rosabella began to relax and she sighed in relief, pressing her forehead against mine. Rosabella was still pale, too pale.

All was still in Hogsmeade, the darkness complete but for a few streetlamps and lit upper windows. Rosabella clung to me like a life line and I clutched her just as tightly.

Rosabella's Point of View:
    "We did it. We did it! We got the Horcrux!" Harry whispered.
I gave him a small weak smile. My head was swimming. I was so dizzy. The world was spinning. My chest ached and the only taste I'm my mouth was salt water.
I was focused enough to see Dumbledore stagger against Harry.
Then I saw his face, pale and damp in the distant light of a streetlamp.
     "Sir, are you all right?" Harry said
     "I've been better. That potion . . . was no health drink . . ." Dumbledore said weakly, though the corners of his mouth twitched.
And to Harry's and mines horror, Dumbledore sank on to the ground.
    "Sir - it's okay, sir, you're going to be all right, don't worry -" Harry said and he looked around desperately for help, but there was nobody to be seen.
     "Put me down, Harry." I said and I could barely hear my own voice.
      "Ro, you won't be able to –" Harry said dismissively.
       "I'm in better condition then, Dumbledore." I said, interrupting.
       "Put me down." I repeated.
Harry reluctantly complied and he set me on my feet. I stumbled and swayed and barely managed to stand.
     "Ro –" Harry started to say snd could tell he was getting ready to catch me if I fell.
      "We need to get Dumbledore up to the school,  . . . Madam Pomfrey . . ." I said weakly.
      "No. It is . . . Professor Snape whom I need . . . but I do not think . . . I can walk very far just yet . . ." Dumbledore said.
    "Right - sir, listen - I'm going to knock on a door, find a place you can stay - then I can run and get Madam -" Harry said.
    "Severus, I need Severus . . ." Dumbledore said clearly.
    "All right then, Snape - but I'm going to have to leave you for a moment so I can -" Harry said but before Harry could make a move, however, we heard running footsteps.
Looking around but struggling to focus I saw the faint outline of what I believed was Madam Rosmerta scurrying down the dark street towards us.
     "I saw you Apparate as I was pulling my bedroom curtains! Thank goodness, thank goodness, I couldn't think what to - but what's wrong with Albus?" Rosmerta said.
She came to a halt, panting, and stared down, wide - eyed, at Dumbledore.
    "Long story." I muttered weakly.
    "He's hurt. Madam Rosmerta, can he and Ro come into the Three Broomsticks while I go up to the school and get help for him?" Harry said.
     "You can't go up there alone! Don't you realise - haven't you seen -?" I heard Madam Rosmerta say.
She sound breathless and afraid.
    "If you help me support him or Ro, I think we can get him inside -" Harry said  clearly not listening to her.
    "What has happened? Rosmerta, what's wrong?" Dumbledore asked.
    "The - the Dark Mark, Albus." Madam Rosmerta said.

Dread flooded through me at the sound of the words ... I turned and looked. But I could barely see my own hand in front of my face. My eyes were cloudy as me head was so dizzy.
     "Harry, where is it?" I said desperately.
      "Astronomy Tower." Harry said in a tight voice.
     "When did it appear?" Dumbledore asked, as he struggled to his feet with Harry's help.
   "Must have been minutes ago, it wasn't there when I put the cat out, but when I got upstairs -" Madam Rosmerta said.
    "We need to return to the castle at once. Rosmerta, we need transport - brooms -" Dumbledore said and though he staggered a little, he seemed wholly in command of the situation.
   "I've got a couple behind the bar. Shall I run and fetch -?" Rosmerta said, sounding frightened.
    "No, Harry can do it." Dumbledore said.
Harry raised his wand at once.
    "Accio Rosmerta's brooms." Harry said.

A second later we heard a loud bang as the front door of the pub burst open. Two brooms had shot out into the street and were racing each other to Harry's side, where they stopped dead, quivering slightly, at waist height.
    "Rosmerta, please send a message to the Ministry," said Dumbledore, as he mounted the broom nearest him. "It might be that nobody within Hogwarts has yet realised anything is wrong . . . Harry, Rosabella put on the Invisibility Cloak." Dumbledore said, as he mounted the nearest broom.

Harry pulled his Cloak out of his pocket and threw it over himself and me before mounting his broom. Harry grabbed my hand and guided me onto the broom behind him. I wrapped my arms around Harry's waist and hung on tightly.
Madam Rosmerta was already tottering back towards her pub as Harry and Dumbledore kicked off from the ground and rose up into the air. The cold air rushing around me helped clear my head a little, but I still felt incredibly weak. My wand was still clutched in my hand. I don't know how I had managed to cling onto while nearly being drowned.
My mind raced as we sped towards Hogwarts. How long had we been away? Had Ron, Hermione, Ginny's and Michael's luck run out by now? Was it one of them who had caused the Mark to be set over the school, or was it Neville, or Luna, or some other member of the DA?

As we flew closer to the castle, I could see the Dark Mark. The Dark Mark was glittering directly above the Astronomy Tower, the highest of the castle. Did that mean the death had occurred there?
Dumbledore had already crossed the crenellated ramparts and was dismounting. Harry and I landed next to him seconds later and looked around. Harry get off and helped me off. He set me on my feet but kept and arm tight around my waist to keep me steady. I wrapped my arm around Harry's shoulder to keep myself up right. I then looked around, my vision becoming clear but my head still pounded.
The ramparts were deserted. The door to the spiral staircase that led back into the castle was closed. There was no sign of a struggle, of a fight to the death, of a body.
    "What does it mean? Is it the real Mark? Has someone definitely been - Professor?" Harry asked Dumbledore.

In the dim green glow from the Mark I saw Dumbledore clutching at his chest with his blackened hand.
I pulled myself from Harry's hold.
     "I'll get Professor Snape. Stay with him Harry." I said and I walked as quickly as I could to the door.
I found myself cursing how weak I was. If I had enough strength I could transform into my animagus form snd find Snape within minutes but insisted I would have to stumble around and hope Snape was in the Dungeons so I wouldn't have to search for him.
As I stumbled to the bottom of the Astronomy stairs, I found myself in the middle of a battle. I recognised Order of the Phoenix members dueling with Death Eaters.
I stared around shocked and tried to get out of the way. I was so disoriented, I couldn't focus. I clutched my wand and knowing I was in no condition to be of any help in the fight, I focused on trying to find Snape.
I didn't see the Death Eater aiming his wand towards me but someone else did.
     "Avada Kedavra!" A Death Eater yelled.
I turned too late to see the green light flying towards me. I felt someone roughly push me out of the way of the spell. I quickly looked to see Lucas. But as my eyes landed on him, the green light hit him squarely in the chest. Lucas silver eyes, identical to mine, met my own silver eyes. I saw the light fade out of Lucas's eyes as he fell to the floor. Never to move again.

All thought of finding Snape left my mind. The image of Lucas falling to the floor replayed in my mind over and over. I crawled over to him. I shook him violently.
     "Lucas wake up! Lucas please wakeup! Please! Don't leave me! Lucas wake up!" I screamed in a pleading voice.
Rivers of tears flew down my face. I screamed in agony as I felt my heart be tore from my chest.
      "Lucas please! You can't leave me! Don't leave me! Please don't leave me!" I sobbed as I shook him harder.
      "LUCAS! Come back! Don't leave me alone! Please come back! I need you, please come back!" I screamed and my voice broke with sobs.
I held Lucas on my arms and began to rock back and forwards.
     "You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead." I muttered over and over again as I rocked back and forward.

Lucas's Point of View:
The next thing I knew I was standing in a bright white room. It had many doors connected to it. It was like a hallway. As I peered down it looked like the corridor went on forever. I saw a door open and figure surrounded by white light sprinted towards me. I took a nervous step back on instinct. As the figure moved closer, I managed to make out that it was definitely a man hurrying towards me. I felt calm and relaxed, which seemed weird to me. Shouldn't I be on edge or uneasy?
As the figure got closer and closer, I realised who he was.
Black hair. Sliver eyes. Handsome face. I started to run towards the familiar figure.
    "Dad? Dad. Dad!" I said as I ran.
I hugged him tightly as I reached him. We were the exact same hight. Dad hugged me tight and clapped me on the back.
     "Lucas." Dad said softly.
I pulled back to luck at my dad. He looked at me sorrowfully and looked he would cry if he could.
     "Dad, where –?" I started to ask.
     "Follow me." Dad said, softly.
I followed him and he led me through one of thecmany doors.
We entered into what looked a Hogwarts Gryffindor dorm room. Dad and I where not the only ones in there. There were many. One in particular stood out to me. She had chocolate brown hair and eyes. The same as Uncle Remus and her face reminded me alot of Rosabella's. I also noticed she looked to be five to six months pregnant.
      "Mom?" I said.
She smiled at me but her eyes held great sorrow.
       "Oh, Lucas." My mom said, her voice full of an agonising sorrow as she threw her arms around my shoulders.
I hugged her back.
I looked around at the others.
There was a girl with dark brown hair, she was standing next to a girl with light brown hair.
There was also a man who loked exactly like Jarry expect he had Hazel eyes. His arm was wrapped around the waist of a women with dark red hair and green eyes. Beside them there was one other man in the room.
He looked a lot like Dad just he looked the age of about 19 or 18. He had black hair and silver eyes.
Everyone of their eyes held sorrow, sympathy and pity.
I recognized most these people as dead.
I pulled away from my mother.
    "Am - am I ‐" I said and then took a deep breath.
    "Am I dead?" I asked them quietly.
    "Yes. I'm sorry." James said.
I punched the wall.
I was so angry. I wasn't ready to die. So many faces and names flashed through my mind.
Jason and Jacob.
And many more. All those I had left behind.

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