The Pheonix Lament

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Rosabella's Point of View:
I sobbed as I cradled the body of my brother.
    "You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead." I continued to chant.
I didn't want to accept what had just happened. It couldn't be possible. What was a world without Lucas in it? How could the world exist if he didn't? I didn't care about any of the distant fighting. Everything but Lucas had been driven out of my mind. I don't know how long I sat in the deserted corridor cradling Lucas for. I heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming towards me. I didn't care. Whether it be fried or foe, it didn't matter anymore. I just wanted this aching in my chest to go away. The approaching footsteps stopped quickly next to me and I was still chanting "You're not dead.". I realised who the person was when they knelt down beside me. It was Neville Longbottom. Neville looked at me with sympathy and he had tears in the edges of his eyes. Lucas was always kind and helpful to him.
    "Ro, I'm so sorry. Ro, you can't stay here. C'mon, I'll help you move him. Everyone else is in the hospital wing." Neville said softly.
I hadn't been paying much attention intill he mentioned the Hospital Wing.
     "Hospital Wing? Yes. Yes! Madam Pomfrey can fix him! He's going to be fine." I said and I shot up and grabbed the top end of Lucas's body and attempted to drag him to the Hospital Wing.
Neville looked at me with an unbearable amount of pity.
    "Ro, he's gone. I'm so sorry but there's no bringing him back." Neville said.
More tears flowed as I shook my head.
     "Just help me." I sobbed.
Neville grabbed the lower half of Lucas's body and together we managed to get him to the hospital wing.

Somewhere out in the darkness, a phoenix was singing in a way I had never heard before. A stricken lament of terrible beauty. And I felt that the music was inside me, not without. It was my own grief turned magically to song that echoed across the grounds and through the castle windows.
Tears clouded my eyes as Neville and carried Lucas into the hospital wing. I vaguely saw that everyone was there but I wasn't paying attention. Neville and I placed Lucas on the nearest bed. Tears flowed heavily down my face as I could no longer deny that Lucas was gone. He was so still. I kept hoping, wishing, he would sit up, grin at us and say this was a prank he'd been planning for years. I just wanted my big brother back. Winter had bounded over to me, whining.
     "Ro! What happened? Is Luc okay?" Remus asked me frantically as he rushed over along with the rest of my brothers.
I turned slowly to face them all.
I saw so many frantic eyes staring at me.
Luna was also there but her eyes held concern, rather then a frantic panic.
The hardest eyes to meet where those of my brothers and uncle.
     "He - he - he got hit by the killing spell." I sobbed hysterically.
Jason and Jacob looked like they had just been slapped. Remus looked numb as if he hadn't comprehended the words yet.
Hermione let out a sob as tears fell from her eyes. She turned away from Lucas's body unable to look at it. Tonks couldn't bare to look at the dead body of her cousin either. I heard her sobbing as she turned her back.
Ron was in disbelief. Lucas honestly seemed invincible to us. I could see Harry fighting tears as he gazed at the man who has acted as a big brother to him. Ginny had tears flowing from her eyes. Michael, however, was the first of them to realise the extent of the situation.
    "No. No. No. No." Michael whispered as he frantically shook Lucas.
    "No. No. No. No." Michael said as he began to sob over the body of our fallen brother.
Remus seemed to finally comprehend what I was saying. Tears flowed as he repeatedly punch the wall intill his knuckles bleeding. He couldn't bare to look at the body of Lucas for more then a few seconds.
Jason and Jacob also cried over Lucas body. They tried to fight the tears but it was impossible. They were doing what they could to comfort Michael, but I dont think anything could comfort me right now.

Winter stayed by my side, whimpering and nuzzling her head against my side, trying to comfort me. I stood away from Lucas's body. Seeing it lying there so stiff and still made it seem more real. I felt arms wrap around me. I knew it was Harry but I pulled away. I didn't deserve comfort and I didn't want it.
    "Ro . . ." Harry started to say softly.
I shook my head.
    "It's my fault." I sobbed.
They all looked at me and I knew they were about yo say it wasn't.
     "The spell was coming to towards me! I didn't see it – I didn't realise – but Lucas he – he pushed me out of the way! He died saving me! It's all my fault!" I sobbed as more tears heavily flowed.
    "Ro, of course its not you fault —" Tonks started to say but I cut her off.
    "Don't! Just don't! If it weren't for me we'd have brother! Fiona would still have her husband! Roseanna . . . and Roseanna . . . Roseanna would still have a father!" I said and I began to break down in uncontrollable sobs towards the end.
Harry, nor caring I tried to push him away, wrapped me tightly in his arms and I ended up just sobbing into his chest, clinging onto him as though he was a life line.

Rosabella Black |Daughter of Sirius Black| (Book 6)Where stories live. Discover now