Feathers and Claws (MxMxMxMxM)

By Cecidissewolf

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-Temporary Hiatus- After his tribe gets attacked, Theo is thrown abruptly into the dangerous world. With no h... More

Chapter 1: The forest
Chapter 2: The attack
Chapter 3: Terror
Chapter 4: New captor?
Chapter 5: A Head
Chapter 6: Odd
Chapter 7: New hell
Chapter 8: Panic
Chapter 9: Rescued
Chapter 10: The plan
Chapter 11: Mistake
Chapter 12: The deal
Chapter 13: Side tracked
Chapter 14: Talking
Chapter 15: Confusion
Chapter 16: Counsel
Chapter 17: Mates
Chapter 18: The hunt
Chapter 19: The hunt. (Part 2)
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21: The morning
Chapter 22: Fraying
Chapter 23: Clear
Chapter 24: Possessive
Chapter 25: Setting out
Chapter 26: Trap. . .
Chapter 27: Home sweet home?
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30: Fury
Chapter 31: Mother
Chapter 32: Territorial
Chapter 33: Furious
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35: Torn
Chapter 36: Old partner. . .
Chapter 37: Trouble
Chapter 38: Choice
Chapter 39: Regret
Chapter 40: We're on our way
Chapter 41: Interesting. . .
Chapter 42: 'Chat'
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44: Dread
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46: The hunt is on
Chapter 47: Winner
Chapter 48: Mating
Chapter 49: Lovely couple
Chapter 50:
Chapter 51: Chaos
Chapter 52: Issues
Chapter 53: Plan
Chapter 54: Concern
Chapter 55: Lost.
Chapter 56: Imprisoned
Lil' Lore break: The hunts.
Chapter 57: Confusing mess
Chapter 58: Restless
Chapter 59: Growling
Chapter 60: Chatting
Chapter 61: Consequences
Chapter 62: Sleepy discussions
Chapter 63: Fair
Chapter 64:
Chapter 65: Blank
Chapter 66: Warmth
Chapter 67: Standards.
Chapter 68: Crimson calls
Chapter 69: Warmth
Lil' Lore break: Evolution of the Homigriffs
Chapter 70: Again.
Chapter 71: Fear
Chapter 72: Assurances
Chapter 73: Tears
Chapter 74: Cries
Chapter 75: uh oh
Chapter 76: Misery
Chapter 77: Screams
Chapter 78: Walk
Chapter 79: Aggression.
Chapter 80: Annoyance
Chapter 81: Danger
Chapter 82: Threat
Chapter 83: Curious
Chapter 84: Conversation
Chapter 85: Home (Pt 1)
Chapter 86: Home (Pt 2)
Chapter 87: Reaffirming
Chapter 88: Reacquainting
Chapter 89: Teeth
Chapter 90: The hunt

Chapter 28: Anger

4.7K 304 17
By Cecidissewolf



The medic had swept the passed out Frog away as soon as she arrived, Not even bothering to say anything to the rest of us.

Eventually, After a while, It was decided that the Normals would each be put in a cage until our Mother could come and deal with them.

I was sitting beside the cage Aldo was in, Partly to stand guard, But mostly because I felt the smallest bit guilty.

He helped me find my way back to my tribe only to be rewarded with imprisonment.

I felt a small sigh escape me despite the trouble I'd no doubt be in.

 Things were different now but here in the forest, High up in the same trees I flew through when I was young, I could almost forget all that has happened.

However, That changed when I moved slightly, Catching the smell of winter pines and mint.

Closing my eyes, I allowed myself to enjoy the scent of my mate as my mouth watered ever so slightly.

His scent is soothing to an extent. . .Guess it makes sense. . .My body is wired to enjoy my mate's scent. . .

 I kicked slightly at the cage, Watching it sway back and forth at the light kick, Aldo thankfully still seemed to be out cold.

''Others have ignored what their bodies are wired for. . .I can do the same I'm sure. . .'' I mumbled to myself as I watched the feathers on Aldo's wings sway slightly.

I had shifted out of my second form and into my third a while ago, My wings gone, Only soft downy feathers remained on my shoulders and in my hair.

Leaning back, I closed my eyes again as I slowly breathed in the smell of pines, My exhaustion catching up with me.

A small bit of sleep can't hurt me. . .Currently at least. . .

With that in mind, I relaxed myself as best I could, The familiar sounds of crickets and distant tree frogs made up the song of the forest around us.

Rolling over onto my side, I curled up ever so slightly as I drifted off.

--- Time skip ---

A low growl was the first thing I heard as I bolted awake, The sound of screams and cries for help that had plagued my dreams dispersing as my eyes snapped around quickly.

My slightly panicked attention turned to the cage hanging over the ground next to me.

Sure enough, The grey feathered man was awake, And in his first form. . .

I swallowed nervously as his scent hit me, It seemed to sting my senses with the amount of fury coming off of him.

A small whimpered whine was trying to escape my throat in response to his anger.

Being back with my tribe had reminded me how muted our scents were compared to that of the Normals.

I stared at him as he slowly approached the bars of the rather small cage.

The feathers on his head were standing up, Showing his anger.

''You're. . .Awake'' I pointed out dumbly, Subtly moving away from him a little bit.

'''That I am.''' He growled out, His claws clicking as he raised his talons to the wooden bars holding him imprisoned.

'''Why. Am I in a cage.''' He demanded, His voice low with fury.

I swallowed nervously, Resisting the urge to make myself appear smaller to discourage his anger.

''Because, Most of the others here assume you're planning on killing everyone like the last Normals tried to do'' I informed him as I got to my feet, Moving away from him slightly.

'''If I wanted to kill them I'd have killed you after you led me here then just burned this forest down.''' He growled out, His eyes narrowed slightly as he watched me.

I felt the feathers on my shoulders bristle slightly at his growl.

Growling back, I narrowed my eyes in turn.

He didn't seem to be taking that well based upon the fact that he spread his wings out as much as he could in the small cage, Making himself bigger.

'''Let me out.''' He demanded quietly, His talons wrapping around one of the wooden bars as he spoke.

''I don't think that's such a good idea. . .'' I muttered, Holding as still as I could.

He stared at me for a good solid minuet before suddenly, He struck out.

I didn't have time to move away from him as he grabbed my arm with his scale covered talons.

Quickly, I was pulled up against the wooden bars of his cage as he slowly shifted back into his second form.

I tugged at my arms as his talons turned into hands, His grip still strong and concerning despite the fact that his razor sharp claws were gone now.

''I was giving you the option so you could still pretend you were in control'' He growled out right next to my ear as he grabbed my head with his other hand, Holding me flush with the wooden bars.

My eyes widened in horror before he released me, Grabbing onto the bars instead.

Before I could say or do anything, He snapped one of the wooden bars like it was a twig.

I started to stumble back before he broke another bar, Enough so that he could squeeze between the remaining bars.

Turning, I was about to bolt to the nearest little hut hidden among the branches and leaves of the trees.

I took a single step before a warm body collided with me from behind, Knocking me from the branch and causing me to plummet to the ground below.

Like last time we had fallen from a tree together, Aldo spun us around mid air so he'd take the majority of the damage from the fall.

Still, A small grunt escaped me at the impact, Driving the air out of my lungs briefly.

Before I could recover, Aldo had flipped us over, Holding me down to the ground, One hand firmly placed in the middle of my back as his other hand moved to my head.

His anger tinted his scent with a sharp note as he held me down, His fingers threading into my hair.

Oh he's not happy. . .


Late chapter. . .And Aldo's pissed at being imprisoned

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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