A perfect picture

By achievingthedream

6K 115 5

Gilligan's life is turned upside down when she catches her husband red handed, instead of giving up she decid... More



241 6 0
By achievingthedream

Just before lunch ended Gillian caught a look that the brothers shared, she looked at Callan in question.

Callan gave her hand a gentle squeeze followed by a kiss. "I have to go into the office my love, so Quinlan is going to tag along with you. That okay?" Gillian caressed his face gently. "Only one problem with that..." Callan gave her a cheeky grin, Gillian shook her head. "No my love, my last shoot today is for Gabs and she was planning on being there for it." Again the brothers shared a look with a wordless conversation.

Callan summarized it aloud for Gillian. "Okay so body swop won't work, Quin will have to just do a surprise visit so that he can keep watch. Then you can go home with them and I'll come to their house when I'm done. That all good with you love?" Gillian shrugged and gave the brothers a lopsided grin.

"I have a feeling it's going to happen that way no matter what I say. But quick question, why would I show up to a shoot with my best friend's husband? Would it not make more sense for me to arrive just after in my own car?" Quinlan grinned at his brother. "Your girlfriend is good Cal. I'll go so long, see you soon. Thanks for lunch bro." Quinlan got up and left.

Callan kissed Gillian for a short moment. "You are amazing, also I had thought about that but it's Gabs and I know for a fact that my brother knows how to distract her." Callan gave her a wi k. "and I just want to know you safe. Are you sure you okay with all this?" Gillian nodded and took his face in her hands; "as long as you always come back to me, I can deal with anything." Callan pulled her to him once more and kissed her.

"Whatever it takes I'm going to come home to you always, so when do we start trying for the twins." He added with a cheeky grin. Gillian smiled seductively; "as soon as you want to." Callan pulled her to him and kissed he with such passion Gillian let out a small moan, she pulled away laughing quietly. "Don't think a public space is the best idea my love." Callan shrugged, his eyes filled with lust and his voice husky. "Okay I'll wait for tonight, but we better get going before I change my mind." Gillian kissed his cheek and moved to get up. Callan held her hand in his, their fingers laced together. "We can get your car, I'll drive behind you and when I know Quinn has on eyes on you I'll go and then I'll get you at Quinn's later." Gillan hummed in answer, her mind imagining what it would be like if Callan got her pregnant. She was still convinced that she was dreaming that he wanted to have a baby with her.

Gabby studied Gillian from the second she arrived at the photo shoot. "Gabs, just ask please so that I can get on with my job here." Gillian said without turning to her best friend. Gabby took hold of Gilligan's shoulders, smiled at her and then hugged her. "you got some didn't you?" Gillian burst out laughing. "Yes I did Gabby. Your brother in law and I are official. Happy?"

Gabby tightened her hug and almost shrieked. "Everything, I want to know everything! And yes I couldn't be happier. And why didn't you call me and tell me?" Gillian shook her head still laughing at how excited her best friend was for her. Quinlan put his arms around his wife. "You should see how happy Cal is, he is impossibly happy." Gabby glared at Quinlan. "Why didn't you tell me you knew they finally hooked up?" Quinlan smiled at her. "I only saw him at lunch love. He couldn't stop talking about that dream he had."

Gabby gave a small shriek. "You mean the one with the twins?" Gillian bit her lip and turned away from them to compose herself. "What dream?" she asked and felt Gabby's arms around her once more hugging Gillian. "Please for once in your life will you just listen to me and do what I tell you to do. You can finally become a mom Gill, he wants a baby as much as you do in fact he's dreamt about having twins with you. Please just go with it, you were made for each other. And the two of you will be the best parents any kid could dream of." Gillian gave a happy sigh and whispered in Gabby's ear; "I know we were made for each other Gabs." Gillian pulled away. "Please can I get back to work now? Your models are getting restless."

The rest of the afternoon both Gabby and Quinlan watched Gillian's every move, for two very different reasons.
Gillian was busy packing her equipment away when Gabby gave a shriek of delight. "Gill you and your boyfriend are coming over for dinner. Do you know how long I've wanted to say that! You and your boyfriend Callan are coming to dinner." Quinlan winked at Gillian. "What my darling wife means to say is, would you like to come over for dinner?" Gillian smiled. "Sure I'll just check with Callan in case he has any plabd."

Gillian pulled her phone out her pocket. She opened a text from Quinlan.

'Fake a call, say he said he'll bring dinner. He won't answer now. Ps delete this.'

Gillian gave a small nod and walked out of earshot to fake the call, feeling quite stupid doing so.

"He'll meet us at your place, says he'll bring food." Gabby grinned and clapped her hands. "Sounds good, just not pizza please we had that last night." Quinlan once more winked at Gillian. "I'll text him, anyway want to ask him to pick something up for me. Are you coming with us Gill or do you have more shoots today?" Gillian slung her camera bag over her shoulder. "Nope I am officially done for the day, if it's good with you guys I'll come now." Gabby looked like she'd burst. "That's perfect then I can get all the details before Callan arrives..."

Gabby hadn't wasted any time, she had steered Gillian outside with an order to Quinlan to deliver wine within three minutes. "So spill already! How did it happen? Did he ask you to be official? Was he any good? Does he have the stamina that Quinn has? Is he also gifted? Come on Gill I want to know it all!!!" Quinlan had laughed behind them, handing them their wine he gave Gabby a kiss. "Gabs, you do know that Callan is my identical twin brother?" Gabby shooed him away, adding as he left; "also that doesn't mean that everything is identical!" Gillian laughed; "Gabs you awful, why on earth do you need to know all of this?" Gabby rolled her eyes at Gillian. "Seriously, you are wasting time. I'm sure Callan will be here soon and then I won't be able to get you alone so spill already!"

Gillian sighed, took a sip of wine and caved. "Gabs, I can tell you that stamina definitely runs in the family and Callan like Quinn is rather blessed." Both women rolled their eyes in delight, Gabby laughed. "I told you..." Gillian touched her glass to Gabby's; "yes my friend you did, but I never expected all of that. I would have no problem being locked in a room with him for the rest of my life... Why didn't you tell me about this dream?" Gabby shrugged. "I didn't want to scare you away, I'm sure Cal will tell you the whole dream. I know he had it long before Quinn even met you... he hadn't seen your face in the dream, he always just described your smell and the babies that you held in your arms. The night I introduced you to Quinn, Quinn knew that you were the woman that Cal dreamt of. He told me that night, that my best friend would become my sister in law." Gabby wiped her eyes, Gillian hugged her best friend. "Did he not know we've been sisters all our lives?" Gabby smiled. "Gill, you'll finally get to be a mom. I know I go on about how good the sex will be but that man was made for you, I'm almost jealous because I know that he is going to treat you like his queen for the rest of your life." Gillian looked at the glass in her hands. "Know what Gabs, I think this might be my last glass of wine for a while..." Gabby laughed. "Good. Now details please. You haven't given me enough."

Gillian didn't stop smiling as she gave her best friend the summary of the dinner that let to the best sex of her life. Gabby got a checky grin. "So is Cal better than John?" She asked as Callan walked out into the garden. Gillian laughed and whispered in Gabby's ear. "By far the best I'll ever have." Callan pulled Gillian into his arms and kissed her, Gabby gave a laugh of delight. "See I told the two of you, you belong together." Callan kept his one arm around Gillian as he kissed Gabby hello. Gabby held his face. "Who hit you?" Callan winked at her; "don't worry about it Gabs, the other guy looks a lot worse." Gillian flinched. She knew Callan was most likely not joking. Gabby simply laughed and said; "I bet it was that Anthony dude, I knew you were jealous that there was another man interested in your Gillian."

Gillian felt ill, and she was grateful that Quinlan called Gabby giving her and Callan some privacy. Callan leaned towards her and whispered in her ear; "I didn't kill him my love." Gillian felt relief flood through her. His eyes locked on hers he gave her a small smile. "Thank you." He gave a nod and then once more bent down to kiss her melting all her fears away she gave a small whimper. "What were you whispering into Gabby's ear when I walked out?" Gillian smiled at him. "I was telling her how I plan on enjoying you later." Callan moaned her name; "Gillian. You know it has been pure blissful torture being around you all day, being unable to make love to you and at the same time knowing that you mine." Gillian smiled seductively. "Your brother still has a spare room..." Callan gave a low throaty chuckle. "Only one problem my love, I'm not really the quickie type. So we should just eat fast and go home so that I can take my time." Gillian whimpered again as Callan kissed her. "Seriously Cal! Foods getting cold, or would you prefer to take yours home?" Quinlan called them to eat, Callan shrugged his shoulders. "That an option?" Quinlan rolled his eyes at him and smiled. hand in hand Callan and Gillian strolled to the table.

During their dinner Gabby brought up Callan's dream; "Cal, I told Gillian about your dream... so when do I get to become an aunty?" Callan laughed his hand on Gillian's leg. Gillian noticed, with a smile, that Callan made sure that at least part of him was touching her at all times. "Can you not leave anything for me to tell her?" Gabby shrugged; "no, because you'd take too long. When Callan McKenzie?" Callan looked at Gillian and then his brother, a cheeky grin on his lips; "well if I get my way nine months give or take a few hours." Quinlan winked at his wife; "looks like he's not planning on wasting any time." Gabby shook her head laughing; "don't you think you should marry Gill first, before you try knocking her up?" Gillian almost chocked on her food; "um, Gabs..."

Callan chuckled. "Well Gabs, actually she told me she'd marry me last night so... why should we wait?" Gabby's mouth hung open, Quinlan and Callan laughed. Quinlan looked at Gillian; "sorry Gill, but you about to find out first hand that all big decisions are shared. Gabs was appalled that I ask Cal before her, but it's how we've always been." Gillian locked her fingers with Callan's. "I have no problem with that, you are best friends... Gabs and I have always been in on each others important decisions. Drives most people crazy, the fact that the two of you will be able to understand that is actually something wonderful. And before you ask Gabs, he didn't actually ask me to marry him I simply told him that I would have said yes if he had!" Callan kissed her hand. Gabby and Quinlan shared a look followed by a smile, but neither said a word. "Okay so when are you going to ask Cal?"Callan shrugged. "Tell you what, you will be the first call we make when I ask and she says yes. Promise." Gabby rolled her eyes. "well obviously we will be the first call genius!"

Gabby caught Gillian's arm as the passed her the salt. "Where's this come from? I love it." Gillian smiled at her best friend. "Me to, Cal gave it to me." Gabby looked at Callan. "Well, well Cal I never knew you had such fabulous taste in jewellery... the charms have any significance?" Gillian looked at Callan and smiled, Quinlan answered his wife; "Gabs, this is Cal you speaking about. Of course each one will have some kind of significance." Gabby eyed her husband.

"You already know what they are, don't you?" Quinlan winked at her. "I do, I was there when he painstakingly picked each one out."

Gabby's eyes snapped in Callan's direction he simply shook his head. "Ask Gillian, Gabs. And Quinn doesn't actually know the significance of each one just a few of them." They all turned to Gillian, her eyes fixed on Callan's as she told their best friends the importance of each of the seven charms. When she was done Gabby smacked Quinlan's shoulder. "Why don't you do romantic things like that for me?" Gillian rolled her eyes at her best friend. "Gabs, didn't your husband take you on a romantic trip a few weeks ago? I happen to remember how you went on and on about how Quinn was the most romantic man in the world! How fabulously amazing he is and how incredibly lucky you are!" Gabby gave Gillian a grin. "You have a point there, sorry Quinn..." before Gabby said anymore, Quinlan had his lips on hers. Dinner hadn't lasted much longer.

Callan had pulled Gillian out her chair. "I've been here when they get like this, I think we better get going because Gabby won't just threaten to throw the food off the table she will actually do it. Whether we still here or not!" Gabby rolled her eyes at him. "Well what are you still doing standing there talking if you know full well what is about to happen." Gillian laughed. "Bye, enjoy your night. Be good." Gabby gave her a cheeky grin. "Oh Gill I plan to be very, very bad... I hope you will be too, I want to be an aunty!" Gillian gave her a cheeky grin back and blew her kiss as Callan led her out the dining room, Gabby's moans started before they walked out the front door.

In Callan's car Gillian studied his every feature, he took her hand. "Speak to me Gillian, please say what's on your mind I don't want any uncertainty in your heart." Gillian gave him a small smile. "What is this really all about? What did you do to him on Sunday? And why are you so worried?" Callan glanced at her quickly before looking back at the road. "That first one I can't tell you my love. I didn't do a thing to him on Sunday, he was gone by the time I got back to that cabin. He's still trying to get to you, because he knows it's the only way he'll break me."

Gillian leand towards Callan and caressed his face gently. "If this wasn't him who was it?" Callan shrugged; "three hooded figures that I found in your house." Gillian gasped as tears sprung forth once more. "Breathe my love, I'm okay they were three amateurs. This was just a few lucky shots that they got in. Look it is already fading, see it wasn't even good shots and I have them all in custody." Gillian looked out her window at the scene that flashed by.

The silence stretched for a moment before Gillian took a deep breath "Callan, I'm going to take a few days off. You can't find him if you babysitting me and I have no scheduled photo shoots until next week. I will be safe in your home wont I be?" Callan looked at her. "There are few places where you'd be safer my love. I happen to quite like being around you all day." Callan stopped in front of his house, he turned to face her. "Gillian I realise that this is not the life you picked and I will never forgive myself for getting you involved in the middle of it." He paused.

"But?" she asked. Callan gave a sad smile as he sighed. "If you want no part of it, I really will understand. But I need to know if you don't see the chance for us to survive. I need you to tell me now because later I won't survive it." Gillian smiled at him her hand on the side of his face. "Callan McKenzie, are you having doubts about me?" he shook his head as his eyes filled with emotions, he whispered 'never.' Her lips against his she set his mind at ease.

"Good, because I am going nowhere." She kissed him again with all the love she had for him. "I am simply thinking that you would get more done if you not guarding me all day. So if I just wait here... you can go sort this mess out and then we can settle into our new normal." Callan gave her a naughty grin. "Does that mean we can start trying for the twins so long." Gillian laughed. "I still can't believe that you serious about having a baby with me." Callan caressed her cheek. "Gillian I don't want to have a baby with you! I want to have babies with you, you are going to be the best mother in the world and I want a front row seat... not to mention the processes that leads to having babies with you is only the most amazing activity in the world." Gillian bit her lip. "I don't believe I'm being this impulsive, but I do believe I said we can start trying whenever you want to." Callan moaned her name. "Do you know what you do to me when you bite your lip like that?" before his lips could meet hers she put her hand between them, Callan groaned in annoyance. "How about we get out your car first?" Gillian whispered with a soft seductive smile.

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