When the Roses Went Black: Th...

By lrose75

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They said he never married, and many wondered why. Many assumed he was just the type to never be tied down. B... More

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By lrose75

About a week later, an Order meeting would once more serve as the place of news. Over dinner, Rose and Sirius told everyone of Rose's pregnancy. James practically jumped over the table to hug them, the rest of the Order close behind them, Remus, Lily, and Peter in the lead. Remus held Rose long. "You will be amazing," he whispered.

Lily scarcely said a word to either Rose or Sirius, tears falling from her eyes as she hugged them tightly. Peter may as well have been bouncing off the walls. The idea of being an uncle to two wild kids seemed so fun to him. Even baby Harry seemed to realize the jubilant mood, as he giggled in his high chair happily. The news was needed. A muggleborn Auror who Rose and Sirius worked with had been found dead in the telephone booth that led down to the ministry. With no sign of damage, it was evident how they were killed, and despite the news of the baby, a solemn cloud hung faintly over the Order.

And it would grow thicker.

After dinner and strategy, James and Lily pulled Rose and Sirius into the living room, just as they did when they brought news of baby Harry. This time, their faces were grave. Lily held a sleeping Harry in her arms, her eyes betraying her working nerves. James ran his fingers through his messy hair and took a deep breath. Neither Rose nor Sirius knew what was coming, but they had a feeling it wouldn't be anything good.

"Rose, Sirius..." James began. He ceased after a moment, as though struggling to put the words together. "Out with it mate," Sirius pushed, his voice trembling slightly. In this moment, Lily locked eyes with Rose, looking defeated. Rose had never seen her emerald eyes look so cloudy, and it was more troublesome than the thick atmosphere. "Lily and I...well we're going into hiding. It's not safe. Kingsley informed us of some sort of danger we were in, especially the baby. He wouldn't detail, mumbled something about some damned prophecy," James finally released.

Sirius blinked at him, clearly confused. He opened his mouth as though to speak, but Lily began before him. "We want you guys to be the secret keepers of our location. In case anything happens. Remus is put under so much stress, and to be honest? I've never seen Peter this happy, and it will be short lived no doubt, but I want him to enjoy what he can in these... times."

The Potters looked fretful. Both Rose and Sirius weren't quite sure what to think. After what seemed like an eternity of silence, Rose stepped forward to take Harry out of Lily's arms. She held the baby close to her chest and kissed his black haired, little head. "We will do whatever you need us to do," she confirmed. Sirius nodded his head fiercely. "We'll die with the secret if we must. The only thing you need to worry about is protecting yourselves and the baby." Lily came into his arms, and he gave James a worried look as his head sat on top of hers. Rose drew the baby closer and nodded assuredly at Sirius, then at James. Lily withdrew from Sirius and stepped back to James. Rose grabbed their hands. "This will all be over one day. We're here, and one day we can say that lightly," she said, shaking their hands as she spoke. "Thank you for trusting us." Lily and James both nodded. "With our lives," James replied. Reminiscent of their pregnancy news, the four friends came together, baby Harry snug in the middle of their hug. Safe and warm in the embrace and protection of those who love him.


Godric's Hollow. Rose and Sirius repeated the name over and over in their heads. They could send food, news, medicine, and items for the baby. They'd do anything. Anything at all to protect their friends and godchild. A few days after the Potters declared they were going into hiding, Rose and Sirius sat across from each other, eating a silent dinner. Sirius had been quiet all night. He pushed his salmon around listlessly on his plate, and would set his beer bottle down with extra force after taking a drink. He seemed restless and shaken since that night at the Order. Whenever Rose asked about it, he would brush her off or just ignore it completely. When Sirius pressed his beer bottle on the table for the upteenth time, Rose slammed her hand on the table, her silverware clattering on her plate, causing Sirius to jump.

"For fuck's sake Sirius, what is wrong with you? You've been moody and dismissive all night, and if you're going to be that way I should at least receive an explanation." Sirius kept his eyes trained on his plate, his knuckles white from gripping his fork and knife so hard. "Everything's just falling around us Rose," he uttered, just above a whisper. "James and Lily; in hiding, Merlin's sake! Remus has been a mess. People are disappearing everyday, and you never know who to trust at work. This war is reaching the muggle world, and wreaking havoc on our own! Not to mention you have a baby? In our line of work? No shit something is wrong Rose. I'm scared, I'm bloody terrified." Sirius's voice had risen considerably and he seemed absolutely bewildered. Rose grabbed his hand, and he gently released the silverware he was starting to bend from the force of his grip.

His breath shook lightly as he let it out. His eyes finally met hers, jumpy and scared. When he spoke again, his voice was lower, but strained and exhausted. "Rose, I fear for you more than I fear for anyone. You are especially hated among Death Eaters, I know that you aren't ignorant to that. And being an Auror on top of that? You and the baby are in more danger than anyone. I... I think- no, I know. You need to go into hiding." Rose took a deep breath, careful not to seem too mad. Sirius was delicate right now, and to be honest, she worried about similar things. "Sirius," she began slowly. "No Rose," he interrupted. "Sirius," Rose bit back, her tone demanding a listener.

Taking a breath, she tightened her grip on Sirius's hand. "I know you are worried. I am worried. I worry everyday about you. About the baby, about the Potters. About everyone we know. I worry about my parents, and if this war will make it to America. God knows I worry. But Sirius, we will be weaker apart. We are never safe from danger, no matter where we go. If we are alone, things will not be in our favor." Sirius shook his head and leaned back. "I know Rose, but what if something happens? One of us gets hurt on the job? Someone gets Impiriused, or worse? There are endless possibilities..." Rose cut him off once more. "-Ones that will be even more possible if one of us is found alone. War isn't safe, war isn't easy. But together we'd be a lot safer than apart."

Her voice fell to a whisper. "We can't do this alone. We need each other to win this thing, hell even survive it. I'd much rather us against Death Eaters than one against Death Eaters. If we want to make it out of this war with each other, we have to stick together." Her dark eyes were rich with determination, though fear hid behind their cut. Sirius met her sharp gaze, and gave her hand a squeeze. Rose looked at her lover intently, and asked the looming question with her eyes. Sirius nodded slowly, but began to pick up speed as he grew more sure of himself. "Together," he spoke to himself. "Together," Rose echoed. For what seemed the first time in days, a smile grew at Sirius's lips. Rose pulled him up from the table and led him to the living room where they kept a record player. She replaced the record and came back to Sirius with a smile.

After a scratch, Stay, by Maurice Williams and the Zodiacs floated out of the player. Sirius and Rose danced close together, reminded heavily of their drunken nights at Hogwarts, which now seemed a lifetime away. Yet in this moment, the couple could relive the smiles, the joy, and the passion of those nights. If only for a little while.

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