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It was September 1st, 1977, and Rose Ferbreezeo had to book it. Platform 9 3/4 was filled with the giggles of students, the gentle cries and warnings of paremts, and the screeching of whatever pet each student decided to bring along. Rose's long black curls flew behind her as she ran to the train, leaving rhe scent of lilac with each person she passed. If she didn't hurry, she wouldn't be ab;e to find the boys and Lily. God forbid she'd have to sit anywhere within reach of Lucius and Bellatrix. Deranged bastards, she thought. Pushing past seemingly mortified 1st years, Rose reached the train and rushed down the rows, searching each compartment for her beloved Marauders. Rose laughed and rolled her eyes to herself as she thought of the boys who were confident enough to dub themselves with a nickname. How she kept them around since her first year, she would never know.

Her mind began to float towards one Marauder in particular: Sirius Black, the only boy who could manage to make her blush. His wild nature brought out the bohemian in Rose, and she felt more free with him than anyone. The way he made cigarettes and leather jackets sexy was a mystery, and his messy hair was perfect to her in every way. She had to confess, Sirius Black made her melt. But he musn't know that.

Rose was snapped out of her thoughts by a familiar voice calling her name. Lily was waving her into a compartment that she almost passed. Rose sighed with a smile, so relieved to see her best friend. Rose dragged in her trunk and hoisted it to the shelves above. The moment she turned, Lily Evans threw her arms around Rose, and the two girls squealed as they rocked together.

"Girl I have missed YOU," Lily exclaimed. "Not as much as I've missed you," Rose replied. "Owls do not do us justice." Lily nodded in agreement. "The boys kept writing; they missed you like crazy over the summer," the red haired girl said. Rose had to spend summers in America with her family, but they didn't want her attending Illvermony because her mother had attended Hogwarts, having been born in London. "Speaking of those idiots, where are they?" Rose asked. Lily smiled to herself before answering. "They hinted at mexsing with Lucius before we left the station, so Merlin knows when they'll be back." As if on cue, a small explosion was heard, and the four boys stumbled in, their faces dusted with soot and grins stretching across them alike. Rose smiled at the sight of them. James wore a dopey grin, Remus had his mouth wide in laughter, Peter was doubled over, red in the face, and then there was Sirius, leather jacket and all. Sirius leaned against the door with a smirk on his face, eyeing Rose. He was the first to speak:

"Rosie, darling," he smiled. He threw his arms around Rose, the comforting smell of cigarettes and mint filling her nose as they embraced. The rest of the boys quickly followed suit, with James then giving Lily a quick peck on the mouth. The six friends sat down and began to talk about their summers, students they hated, and what they expected of their seventh and final year at Hogwarts.

Rose laughed as they swapped stories, reddening her tan cheeks. She did not notice, but amongst the catching up, a certain Marauder was watching her very intently, and wearing a mischeivious smirk all the while.

When the Roses Went Black: The Lost Lover of Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now