ningselle (ft winrina)

By gq1axy

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[complete] I was bored so I created this, most of this was made when I was really tired so some things might... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

4K 116 437
By gq1axy

Ningning POV:

I just woke up at 7:00 am with the worst migraine. I was about to stretch, but I was trapped in place. I then realized that something heavy was attached to my back. It was a girl, I've never seen her before nor do I know how she got here in the first place. Wait. Where was I? I looked around and realized that this wasn't my room, I looked around the room and admired the wide space. At first I thought it was a hotel but then I saw photo frames and prizes on a shelf. I looked back at the girl and saw that she was still dead asleep. I squirmed around to get out of her grip, but it just wasn't working. In the end I grew too tired to try because my head felt like it was about to blow up. I tried going to sleep and the next time I woke up, the girl was gone. There was a note, cup of water, and 2 pills of Advil.

The note said, "Hey, I'm guessing you don't know where you're at right now, but two things you have to know. One you're at my house and two I brought you here because you were dead drunk yesterday at the club. A random guy was about to take advantage of you and so I got my bodyguards to take care of him and brought you to my house. I'll be back around 10:45 am with some food so you can chill for the time being."

God damn that girl wrote a lot I thought. For the time being, I ate the pills and that made my head feel a bit better. Exactly at 10:45 am I heard a door open to the room I was in. I looked up and saw the figure of the girl. I still haven't gotten a good look of her face because the curtains are still closed and my eyesight is off because of my headache.

"I brought food, if you want to eat now I'll lead you downstairs", said the girl.

My eyes got wide and thought holy, this girls voice is so pretty. I saw her tilt her head because of my wide eyes, but didn't ask much of it.

"Alright then, I'm feeling kind of hungry", I said.

I took one step out of the bed and wobbled a bit. She came straight towards me and placed her arm on my waist and my arm over her shoulders. My heart started to race and my face turned a pink tint because of the sudden contact.

"Here, grab onto me a bit since you still seem really dizzy. You drank like 20 shots of vodka because of that guy", she said in a low voice.

Once we got downstairs I got a better look at her and god damn she was beautiful. She had long black hair and very soft features, she kind of reminded me of a monkey. I chuckled a bit out loud by accident, but I don't think she heard me. I saw that some butlers rushed in a set up the table and food for us to eat. There was a bunch of food, 떡볶이, 오댕, 튀김 오징어, 김밥, etc. *

*author note: sorry for the Korean, I have trouble Romanizing Korean characters. I just said some random foods that popped up in my head.

She sits down and pats a chair next to her, motioning me to sit there. I slowly came over to the chair and sat down.

"Before we start eating, would you like to do a mini introduction of ourselves", asked the girl.

"Yeah that would be great", I said.

I learned that her name was Giselle but her close friends call her Aeri, she was half Japanese and half Korean, she's 25 years old, she's a CEO of a company that she didn't mention, and a lot more. I told her that my most used name that my friends call me was Ningning, but my real name is Ning Yizhuo, I'm 23 years old, and I'm not working yet, but I have an interview next week. After we ate. she had to go do a quick business call so she left to go to her office at her house. She gave me permission to roam around and showed me where my stuff was. Then I remembered that I was at the club with Karina and Winter yesterday and I forgot to tell them where I went. I checked my phone and saw 50 messages from each and 27 missed calls. I quickly texted them that I was safe and how I ate and other stuff. I started to roam around and ended up getting lost. I somehow got back to her room so I was just lying on her bed the entire time. I was still tired because of last night so I closed my eyes for a few minutes.

Giselle POV:

I finished my business call and I searched my house to find where Ningning was. That girl is so cute, her red hair makes her pop out and she looks like a cat. I ended up finding her in my room laying down.

"Ningning?" I questioned.

I came closer to her and saw that she fell asleep. I moved her into a better position and tucked her in. Then I laid down next to her hoping I don't crush her to death like I accidentally did in the morning. When I woke up in the morning I thought I was holding a pillow so I kept holding it tighter and tighter. I was flustered when I realized I was crushing the poor girl. Anyways, just to make sure I didn't end up hugging her, I hugged a pillow that was right next to me. I got a tad bit tired so I closed my eyes then went into a deep sleep.

*3 hours later*

I woke up again to find the girl sleeping quietly next to me. I smiled at the sight of just seeing her. I checked the clock and saw that it was 2 pm, I texted one of my butlers to order some lunch for us because I was too lazy to get up again. Funny how I met her just yesterday, but she fell asleep on my bed 2 times already.

A few minutes later the food arrived and I had to wake Ningning up again.

"Hey Ningning you gotta wake up and eat food or else your stomach will hurt." I said nudging her a little.

I heard a little ngh in response so I knew she was slightly awake. I crept closer to her and whispered in her ear.

"Wake up."

She shot up so quickly that I almost didn't have time to dodge her head. She looked at me with wide eyes and flushed cheeks.

"Please don't do that, my ears are very sensitive", she said.

I noted in my mind that I should do that more often. After I brought her down to the dining room and ate. I asked her if she wanted to stay longer and watch a movie. She thankfully agreed and we turned on a horror movie. We were both watching it very carefully watching every move the main character was making. Well actually only I was watching it intensively. I looked at the other side of the sofa and saw that she was shivering in fear. When I saw that, I went closer to her and put my arm around her to comfort her.

"You should've told me you were scared when the movie started, sorry I didn't notice you being shaken up like this." I said calmly

"I just wanted you to watch the movie cause you've been basically taking of me for the whole entire day." Ningning answered.

She explained that she liked watching horror movies, but this one particular movie scared her a lot and she refrained from watching it whenever her friends asked her to. I looked at her softly and asked her if she wanted to watch a Disney movie. She was hesitant at first, but after I said I love Disney movies she immediately agreed to watching it.

*6 hours later*

I checked the clock after watching 4 movies, it was 7:36 and I realized we had to eat dinner soon.

"Ning ah, we need to eat, what would you like?" I asked her.

She looked at me with a slightly flustered face, probably because I called her Ning ah.

"Uhhh can we take out Chinese food?" she asked back and I gave her a nod.

I asked one of the butlers to bring the food to us and after 10 minutes later the food arrived. We started to eat because we were both pretty hungry. I glanced at her every few minutes because of how cute she looked when she was eating. I was going to secretly take a picture of her, but I didn't realize that my ringer was on so it made a loud sound. Ningning looked right up at me and smirked.

"If you wanted a picture you could've just asked me or next time be careful check the ringer."

I blushed but then realized she said next time. So I wasn't the only one thinking about that.

"If you want the next time to happen can you give me your phone number?" I said smirking this time.

Ningning blushed a bit, but quickly handed me her phone. I punched in my phone number and set my name as "Aeri <3". She looked at the name and smiled. After we finished eating everything I asked Ningning if she wanted to stay over again. She said yes and I got really excited in the inside. Then we both heard a notification from her phone. She hurriedly went to it and frowned at the next, then her face lit up again.

"My friends asked if we can meet, do you wanna come with me?" She asked.

She looked at me expectedly. I decided to play a little.

"Hmmm should I?" I said with a smile.

"Please come, I'm always a third wheel when I'm with them" She said with a pleading look.

"Alright then, I'll come" I said

She happily told her friends that she was going to bring another friend over. After the text she realized that she didn't have any clothes and asked to be brought to her house to change.

"There's no need, you can borrow from mine" I told her, "Actually I think I have something you can change to."

I went to my huge closet and brought some clothes to her. She said thanks and went to my bedroom to change. When she finished she came out and showed me how she looked.

"How do I look?" asked Ningning

She was wearing a pink sweatshirt, white pleaded skirt, Air max 97s, a dragon earring that went around her ear, and a gold necklace.

"You look like an angel." I looked at her up and down.

She looked down and blushed. This time it was my turn to change, I went into my closet and changed into something. When I was finished wearing it, I looked at the mirror to see how I looked. I was wearing a black long sleeve turtleneck, black jeans, a long beige coat, and some metal rings on my fingers. I went out of the room and Ningning looked at me with wide eyes.

"You look really good." Ningning said eyeing me up and down.

"Thank you" I said with a smile.

I then brought her to the garage with my collection of cars. I have a love for cars. Today I wanted to use my white Ferrari Roma so I got the keys and went to the car. I saw Ningning looking around with curious eyes from car to car, I chuckled at the sight of her. Another cute moment captured in my eyes this time. I opened the door for her and she said a quiet thank you. I went to my side and started the car. The drive was silent but not a suffocating type of silent. When we got to the café I saw people eyeing my car in amazement and also Ningning. They were probably looking at her because it was cold out, but Ningning told me that where she lived it would become a lot colder than Korea so she's used to it.

Ningning POV:

We were here at the café after a 12 minute drive. I saw my 2 friends waving towards me and Giselle and I waved back. When we got to the table I started introducing them to each other.

"Winter and Karina this is Giselle, Giselle this is Winter and Karina."

They exchanged small waves to each other.

We sat down and Karina and Winter gave me a look.

"So when are you going to tell us" Karina asked with a weird smile.

"Tell you what?" I asked confusedly

"Hint: your clothes" Winter asked with the same weird smile as Karina.

I looked down and realized what they were talking about, they've never seen these clothes at my house. I was about to answer them, but Giselle beat me to it.

"I borrowed my clothes to her, actually no, I bought them today especially for her in the morning."

I was flustered and I think Karina and Winter realized. They were going to tease me so much this week. What I was more flustered was the fact that Giselle knew what kind of clothes I liked. Before this situation can get any more embarrassing, the waiter came over. We ordered our food and drinks and continued to talk about different subjects. Giselle was talking mainly with Karina and the only thing I could understand from their conversation was gaming and anime. No wonder Giselle had a gaming set up and a flat screen tv in her room. After a while the food came and we started to eat and drink. I noticed that Giselle was mostly talking to Winter and Karina so I felt a bit jealous. Literally after 2 seconds of thinking that, Giselle started to talk to me more than she did to them. I was quite surprised to see that she paid very close attention to everyone. This is probably the skill of a CEO, definitely nothing special. People are never able to tell what I'm thinking because of my constant poker face, not even Karina or Winter. After we ate everything, Giselle invited Karina and Winter over to her house. I was about to pay for the little snack we had, but Giselle was once again one step ahead of me. She paid everything when she said she had to go to the bathroom. I gave her a look of I was gonna pay it, but she countered with a ":P" face. When we got to the car the other girls were confused on why the car was a 4 seater. I was more confused over the fact that they weren't shocked over the car.

"I got it custom made so that it could fit 4 people because sometimes I bring my parents around this car." Giselle said.

She once again opened the door for me and this was obviously wasn't left unnoticed by the 2 hyena's who were watching us. She once again started the car and we were off. This time the car ride was pretty loud because we were blasting music with our DJ as Winter. I was humming along to the song when suddenly Giselle started to rap the part. I was impressed because her diction and flow was really good. A few songs later, we were back at her mansion. This time the girls were impressed on how big it was. Suddenly I got a text from Karina.

Karomi: damn you gotta sugar mommy, I see you 👀

Me: she's the same age as you

Karomi: :shockedpikachuface: what

I looked back at Karina with a knowing look. We got out of the car and Giselle took us to her living room where her butlers already prepared comfortable clothing. Giselle distributed the clothes to us and we changed in one of the rooms. When we were out, she got hot chocolate which I excitingly took. We talked and talked until it was 1 am. Giselle asked one of her chauffer's to drive them home. When they were leaving we said goodbye and continued to sit on her couch. I was starting to get tired so I closed my eyes.

 3rd person POV: 

Giselle realized that Ningning fell asleep. One of her butlers asked if he should carry her up, but she said there was no need to. Giselle in one heave carried Ningning in bridal style up to her room. 

"This feels like dejavu" Giselle said.

Once she reached her room, she tucked Ningning in and looked at her for a few seconds. She came closer and bent down to give a little peck on Ningning's forehead. 

"Goodnight Ningning" Giselle said with a smile.

She realized this would be a perfect time to take a picture, so she got her phone and took a picture of Ningning. She went next to Ningning and closed her eyes to go to sleep.

Hope you had a good time reading and stay safe <3

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