Superhero [1]

By KillerFrost298

22.8K 407 61

Superman, will never save you Spideman, will never catch you The Flash, will never run to you Like I would, w... More

Additional Cast
Character Profile
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Oneshot #1
Oneshot #2
Oneshot #3

Chapter Three

1K 21 3
By KillerFrost298

The Perks Of Not Being A Wallflower

'Are you two missing a couple brain cells?!'

{Jayden's Perspective}

Dad and I watched the hologram version of my Kyrptonian grandfather paced around the hologram x-ray of my body. "It seems that Jayden's body has allowed her Kyrptonian genetics to take control" Jor- El explained, hands behind his back, I think?

"Quite fascinating, I've never seen something like this since Jai-Van" The A.I mused. I looked at Dad, not fully understanding what Jor-El meant. Dad, however, looked just as confused as I did.

"Who is Jai-Van?" Dad asked him. A hologram of a woman in a silk white cloak, her hair was bright white yet she didn't look old she was as youthful as Dad.

She wore a silver and white version of Dad's emblem but as a shawl like dress with only a metal belt to distinguish her waistline. Her eyes were snow white as she held a large sword in her hands.

I looked at the woman in shock. I stumbled backwards, my stomach doing flips like a trapeze artist. "Rebel?" Dad called me, his eyes full of concern. I looked at my Dad, trying to think of the right this to say.

"I've seen her before" I told him, looking back at the hologram. "What? How have you seen her before?" Dad asked me. " I've been having these weird dreams about her fighting in a war. When I woke up, I had this urge to draw. I was actually finishing the drawing when I snapped at Mo..." I stopped myself from finishing my explanation.

Mom and I haven't actually talked since she pulled me on about my temper with Grandpa. I've mostly avoided her the best I could, seeing as Dad let Jordan and I go to school after he gave us both an ELT in case we needed him.

Dad seemed to know what I was talking about because he gave me a small smile before looking back at Jor-El.

"Father, how is Jayden like Jai-Van?" Dad asked, his voice becoming very formal towards the A.I.

"Jai-Van was a decorated war hero during the War against Daxam and Krypton. She was better known by her alias, Naer Van" Jor-El explained to us. I almost had a heart attack when he said the name of the woman I had been obsessing over for the past few weeks.

"Jai-Van was a hybrid of Kryptonian Blood and Rainia Blood. The Rainas were like us, but they relied on the powers our Red Sun provided. They gained abilities that allowed them to use the functions of the brain we had yet to control" Jor-El began.

"Jai-Van was your mother's grandmother. When she died at General Zorn's hands after protecting a group of Daxamite children, her body never rotted. Until I was born, my father studied her corpse to understand how she was able to change under the Red Sun. This is how we learned you and your cousin would be affected but the Yellow Sun, Kal-El" The hologram finished.

I looked at Dad, my hands shaking from the shock. "Why don't you go explore Rebel, just don't go near any cliffs" Dad suggested, reading my face perfectly. I only nodded as I walked away from the podium.

{Clark's Perspective}

I watched carefully as Jayden walked away from Jor-El and I. She was almost frightened about the news and about her dream being a vision of some sorts. I looked to my father once Jayden was out of earshot.

"Father, will Jayden progress like I did or is she like Jordan?" I asked him. Jor-El gave me a questionable look. "I need more time to analyse her biometrics, if I am correct Jayden may end up being just as powerful as you Kal-El if not more, you need to be catious with either outcome" Jor-El told me before his hologram turned to a hidden shelf in the fortress.

"Your cousin brought these here last night" Jor-El said as a small box was pushed forward on some ice. I smiled knowing what was in the box. "Thank you father" I said before removing the sun stone crystal.

"Jayden! Let's go" I called, walking in the direction she went. I found Jayden staring at the snowy cliffs, sitting on the edge of the many entrances around the fortress.

"You ready to go?" I asked her, noticing her cheeks and nose had gone a little red. Jayden didn't answer me as her eyes focused on the Aurora Borealis. I smiled at her, crouching down beside her.

"Rebel? You okay?" I asked her. Jayden looked at me with her big brown eyes she inherited from Lois. "Why did you name me Jayden?" She asked me softly. I sat down next to her, looking at the snowy scene before us.

"We weren't expecting triplets. The doctors told us that it was just Jon and Jord. But when you three were born, you were really sick from being pushed behind your brothers in the womb" I explained carefully to Jayden, watching her reaction.

"Your mother and I were so scared that you wouldn't make it through the night. No one held you before you were whisked away to the Neonatal Unit. I couldn't sleep, every moment I was listening to your heartbeat praying you would pull through" I told her, remembering the day the triplets were born.

Jayden soon turned to the Aurora Borealis, not looking me in the eyes. "I was the first to hold you, and God was I grateful to hear your strong heartbeat. Your grandmother had come and she told me a few names.." I stopped, waiting for Jayden to look at me.

"And?" My daughter asked, curling up against the ice wall. "I just looked at you and said Jayden... You grabbed my hand and squeezed it as tight as you could, your chubby cheeks going red" I laughed remembering how determined she was trying to use all her strength.

"Your name means thankful. I am so thankful for my beautiful, kind, smart and rebellious daughter. My Jayden" I smiled, rubbing her knee softly. Jayden looked at me, smiling at me.

"Let's go home"


{Jayden's Perspective}

I stood with Jonathan as Mom rolled on a patch of paint with her roller. She looked at it for a moment before turning to the rest of us. "Does this have too much blue in it?" She asked us. "I still like the Huntsman's Tribute" Dad shrugged from behind me.

Both me and Jordan groaned, my brother hitting his head off the ladder. I was too tired for this, she's been painting stripes of different colours for the past hour!

"Dad, I'm pretty sure that's just slang for 'poop' " Jon said from beside me. "Hey" Dad said, obviously offended by the statement. "Jonathan,  don't be gross" Mom raised her eyebrow at him, she even pulled the full name card.

"Also, he's not wrong" Mom told Dad. "Mom, can we just pick something?" Jordan asked, also wanting this torture to end. "Sweetie, this is an important decision" Mom defended, giving all of us a serious look.

"We're finally putting our own stamp on this house" Mom finished, making me roll my eyes at her. "If you'd make up your mind" Jon and I said together. Mom walked up to us and took a brush out of the paint she had opened. She waved the paint brush in front of our faces.

"What about this color? You like this color?" Mom asked us, looking at Jon and I in the eyes. "Yeah, it's fine" Jon shrugged at Mom, looking at me briefly. "Yeah?" Mom asked me next. "Yeah" I copied.

Mom nodded before she swiped the paint on Jon's clothes and my face. I looked at her like she grew two heads. I smiled before grabbing the brush next to me and spalting her with paint myself. Jon and I exchanged looks before nodding.

Jon chased Mom around the table with his own brush in hand. "Someone is just asking for the Huntsman's Tribute!" Jon stated, raising the brush in the air. "Anything but Dad's color!" Mom squealed.

"Oh, come on!" Dad moaned. I quickly swiped his arm with the paint brush, laughed as I retreated to behind Jordan. "Thgir, rehtegot no mih ekat ?" I asked Jordan in our triplet language. My brother nodded before swiping Dad's other arm, two paint brushes as his defense.

"Oh. You really want to do this?" Dad asked us, his smile widening at the challenge. "No super tricks" Jordan declared, not even trying to stop his laughter. "All right" Dad agreed before Jordan went in. Dad however grabbed Jordan's arms, crossing them behind his back.

"Come on!" I laughed seeing my brother fail. "You have to do better than that!" Dad told Jordan. I ran behind Dad, swiping his back with the paint. Mom then ran up and caught his side with Jon running behind her.

Dad let Jordan suffer by Mom and Jon. He grabbed my paintbrush and slid it across my chin. "Okay, you're done for" I told him, grabbing the roller by my feet and rolled it up along his shirt and up to his chin. I giggled at his reaction before I was caught by Jordan.

"Traitor!" I squeaked at my brother, going to attack him next. Mom and I started to attack the boys until we noticed that Dad hadn't made a move. Mom looked to her left to see Dad with this faraway look.

"Clark?" Mom called him. My brothers looked at Dad when they saw me stare at him.

"Dad?" I called before he was gone in a flash, the curtains flew around us. "Wow, you don't see that everyday" I said, breaking the uncomfortable silence between my brothers and mother. "Guess there's no reason to hide it now that you three know he's Superman" Mom stated before swiping her paintbrush on my stomach.


"Wait, so you can hear every sound in the world at once?" Jonathan asked, eating his breakfast. I sat next to mom, trying to ignore her presence the best I could. "It's more like I hear all the fluctuations taking place in the collective sonic frequency" Dad explained to us. Jonathan and Jordan looked at each other stupidly.

"That makes zero sense to me" Jon stated. "Welcome to my world" I mutter before shoving a spoon full of porridge into my mouth. "So how do you tell between, like, someone in trouble and someone shouting for a taxi?" Jordan asked him.

"Well, it took lots of years of training at the Fortress, but that's where I learned to hone in on certain sounds, like people in distress" Dad explained to us, however he gave me a not so subtle look.

"Wait, be for real, though" Jon started, his cocky grin growing on his face. Oh no.

"What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever heard?"

"Nope!" Mom and I exclaimed, I covered my ears not even wanting to know at this point. "Not appropriate" Mom told Dad, giving his shoulder a warning slap that he barely reacted to. "Be honest, was there nudity involved?" Jonathan pressed, leaning in closer to Dad, Jordan joining him.

"Maybe when you guys are older" Dad brushed off, getting up to put his plate in the sink. "Oh, come on, come on!" My brothers protested at Dad who only chuckled. "Well I don't want to know so whenever that happens leave me out of it" I said before putting my own bowl into the sink.

"I would've much rather had super hearing than crazy-ass laser eyes" Jordan complained. I hit the upside of his head in anger. "OW!" Jordan reacted. "Am I a ghost to you?" I asked him, glaring at my brother.

"Hey, let's just stick with calling it "heat vision" for now, okay?" Dad brushed off once more. "And don't be so sure" Dad continued. I stuck my head between my brothers. "This is where the lecture comes in" I told them, being an expert in them.

"Every power comes with its own burden" Dad told us, or more specifically Jordan and I. "And responsibilities" Mom added.

"You mean rules" Jordan and I said together. "Which are meant to protect you" Dad reminded us. I rolled my eyes, the amount of times I've heard that one. "Don't use my powers, don't draw attention to myself " Jordan listed in his usual boring tone. "I'm an expert at both of those" I smiled cheekily at my family.

"Oh, 'Don't feed them after midnight' " Jon added before I smacked him in the head too. "I swear to the gods I wi-"

"Hey, it's important that we don't draw unnecessary attention to our family" Dad cut me off, gaining looks from both my parents. "If anyone ever found out the truth about me, it would change everything" Dad told us, his face gone slightly darker as if the possibilities were going through his brain.

"It's not like we're worried you three are gonna post it on Facebook" Mom told us, tilting her head. "I mean, yeah, we're not soccer moms" I scoffed at her. "My point is," Evil Mom Stare is a go.  "You need to be mindful of your actions" Mom said, her tone becoming more strict.

"It's the small things that'll raise suspicion" She finished. "Look, when I was your age, my dad was really strict, and at the time, it seemed unfair" Dad sympathised with us. "But now, I realize it gave me a normal life and that's what I want for the three of you" Dad told us, not making the situation better.

"Yeah, if by 'normal' you mean we're cast out like lepers, Smallville High has it covered" Jordan stated, slumping in his chair. I laughed at both of my brothers' foul moods. "Welcome to my world! Will you be staying until the age of eighteen" I snickered at them.

"Jay Jay this isn't funny" Jon shot back at me. "First of all, call me Jay Jay again, I will and can throw across this farm. Watch me. Second of all, this is better than any comic book or show I could ever see" I told him.

"All I'm asking is that you're careful, okay?" Dad said, cutting off my little fight with Jon. "I can't always be there" That hit the feels. " Sweet Oizys, way to make me paranoid much" I muttered, before something caught my ears

'For the children of Krypton!' a female voice called out. I heard screams of pain and cries of fear.

"-Den!" I heard someone call before I focused on my family. "Huh?" was all I said before my mind even began to register the weird looks I was receiving. "What's with the looks?" I asked, stepping back a bit. Mom and Dad just shared a concerned look before speaking.

"Boys, can we talk to your sister. Alone" Dad stated, his serious voice giving me chills down my spine. Jon and Jord quickly left before anything started.

I stayed by the door as Mom cleared her throat. "Sit down" she told me. "No" I said, giving her an angry look. "Jayden, please?" Dad asked me. I sat down, making as much noise as I could while doing so.

"Jayden, what did you hear?" Mom asked me, folding her arms. "What's it to you" I spat at her. "Jayden!" Dad exclaimed, slightly shocked at my answer. "Jay, I'm trying to help you. I'm worried" Mom pleaded with me.

"No you're not" I said, crossing my arms, looking away from her. "Your eyes were glowing while you were listening to whatever you heard. So, yeah I am worried about you" Mom started her tone becoming very harsh.

"It was nothing, okay! I'm fine!" I said slamming my fists on the table. "Don't talk to your mother like that" Dad warned me. "I heard something so what! You swear I started to blow shit up!" I screamed before I heard glass breaking. I jumped at the sound looking around before seeing white smoke coming from my hands.

I looked up at my parents, seeing their scared faces. I jumped from my seat running from them. "Jayden!" They both called after me as I raced up the stairs. I brushed past my brothers and ran into my room slamming the door with a loud bang.

I tried to catch my breath. My hands, grabbing and pulling at my hair. "Breathe, just breathe" I kept muttering, my eyes shut tightly. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes yet I still refused.

I felt two arms wrap aout me, pulling in tight. "Shhh" I heard my mom as she gently stroked my hair. I slowly gained back control over my breathing before I broke out into sobs.

"I'm sorry" I choked, burying my head deeper into my mother's arms. "It's okay, baby" She whispered, kissing my head.

"It's okay"

{Author's Perspective}

No one knew what really knocked Jayden out. Sleep deprivation? New found powers? Her crying? All that the family knew was the youngest was now fast asleep in her room.

Jordan gave her his favourite blanket, hoping it would help her sleep longer. Jonathan placed her favourite stuffed animal, Gé her rainbow unicorn, next to her knowing she would appreciate the gesture.

Clark and Lois both agreed their daughter wouldn't be going to school or therapy for the foreseeable future. The couple just prayed that Jayden would be able to handle this.

"You need to go back to the Fortress and find out what is happening with our daughter" Lois told Clark, her mind repeating her daughter's new found ability over and over.

"I know, and I will" Clark reassured his wife, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. "But right now, we need to help her process this. We both need to be there" Clark told Lois, who tried to protest against this.

"I... I just want to keep her safe" Lois sighed, she hated not knowing what to do. "I know. Believe me I want that too. This is Jayden, our uncontrollable, stubborn and recillant daughter. We need to play this out right" Clark reminded his wife, kissing her head.

"She's me times ten" Lois groaned into Clark's chest. The alien laughed at her statement. "She is, but she is also kind, loving and always has her heart in the right place" Clark expanded, a smile forming on Lois' face. "Reminds me of a certain hero" Lois raised her eyebrow.

Clark just laughed more, shaking his head. "She'll be okay, I know it" Clark reassured Lois but really he wanted to reassure himself.


"For the children of Krypton!" Naer Van cried, raising her sword into the air. She wore silver battle armour, her house crest placed not only on her shawl but her chest.

She had long brown hair, her eyes glowed silver as she swung her sword against the enemy. The enemy and Naer Van fought in the middle of the battlefield.

Her sword was tossed aside, the enemy laughing at her. Naer Van only raised her palms, silver light emitting from her fingertips. "Never underestimate a Van, Daxamite" Naer Van snickered before using the silver energy and pushing the enemy back.

Naer Vaan created larger spears of silver energy, her hair turning the same colour as her eyes glowed. She floated from the ground, her energy becoming larger.

"For Krypton!" She yelled as she blasted the battlefield.

Jayden shot up from her bed, her own eyes glowing white. She breathed heavily, not noticing the mist surrounding her hands.

Lois was the first to her room, noticing her daughter's state. "Jay, can you hear me?" Lois asked her, slowly walking towards her.

"I can hear, but seeing is a different problem" Jayden said, trying not to majorly freak out.  Lois nodded, taking her hand slowly. The white mist evaporated from Jayden's hands. The mother watched as her daughter's eyes turned purple for a moment until the glow had completely vanished.

Jayden turned to her mother, her eyesight as blurry as ever. " Mom" Jayden smiled, gripping Lois' hand. "Don't worry, I know that this is new and scary. I just want to help you" Lois told Jayden, bringing her daughter in for a hug.

"I know, and I promise to try and listen to you more often" Jayden smiled. Lois kissed her daughter's head, "Not too much I hope" she joked before a loud slam caught their attention.

The pair looked at each other before rushing to whatever caused the bang. Jordan and Jonathan both stormed past their mother and sister, angry being an understatement.

"What happened?" Jayden asked her brothers, never seeing them so pissed. "Dad was listening in on us and showed up at school" Jordan spat before slamming the door. Jonathan did the same just less aggressively.

Jayden glared at Clark, curling her fists. "I thought listening in on others conversations was a bad thing" Jayden retorted. "Rebel this was different" Clark tried to explain.

Jayden only shook her head, grabbing a jacket. "No, you're a hypocrite. I'm going out" Jayden told her father, closing the front door.

She pulled out her phone, dialling a familiar number. After a few moments a voice came to the phone.

"Hey Jay, what's up" Lilli answered.

"Hi Lilli! Are you free to talk?"


Lilli handed Jayden her iced coffee, sitting across from her. The diner was quiet but still busy, seeing as most students were still in school.

"So what's spinning in that brain of yours, Kent?" Lilli asked her friend, who was playing with her straw. "It's my Dad. He caught me eavesdropping and lectured me about privacy but when he does it it's okay apparently" Jayden told Lilli, glaring at her drink like it stabbed her in the back.

The teen nodded, seeing the weight lift off her shoulders. "What did he eavesdrop on?" Lilli asked Jayden, who was now playing with her straw too. "My brothers, one of them kinda got into a fight" Jayden told her.

Lilli grabbed Jayden's hand, stopping her movements. "First of all, calm down. I get it, you're angry, feel betrayed and probably want to punch something" Lilli told her, making Jayden blush softly.

"Second of all, did it stop your brothers from getting a serious punishment?" Lilli asked the half alien, tilting her head. "I guess, but still... I don't understand why I get in trouble but it's okay for him" Jayden moaned, sipping her iced coffee.

Lilli shook her head, leaning back in the chair. "Parents....they want to help us, to make us better than they were at our age. Mothers. They make sure you are bright and have the chances they didn't. Fathers, well they help with our behaviour, the way we act around others. but that's just my perspective from experience" Lilli explained, before letting out a sigh.

"What I'm trying to say is that your Dad is only trying to look out for you. I bet your brothers fucked him out of it when they realised he was eavesdropping" Lilli raised an eyebrow. "We're all pretty pissed at him" Jayden admitted.

"See, he's probably super guilty. Bet you weren't when you got caught"

Jayden sunk in her seat, realising that Lilli was right. She shut her eyes for a moment before sneaking a peak at the girl across from her. Lilli only smirked at her, winking while she put her drink on the table.

"I feel like an idiot" Jayden mumbled, fixing her posture. Lilli laughed, almost spitting out her drink. "You okay cutie? Your face is going a bit red" Lilli snickered, making Jayden go redder.

"Says the model in front of me" She shot back. It was Lilli's turn to blush, making Jayden's confidence skyrocket. Lilli shook her head before drinking her drink. "Whatever you say Kent, but you're still adorable" Lilli retorted before her phone buzzed.

Lilli's face dropped as she look at her screen. "Sorry Jay, I gotta go. Family emergency" Lilli stated, grabbing her jacket. "It's fine, I get it" Jayden smiled, slightly upset that her friend had to leave.

"Don't miss me too much cutie!" Lilli smirked before leaving the diner. Jayden smiled to herself, slumping in her seat.

"You two are adorable" a voice called from behind her. Jayden looked to see Sarah giving her a smirk before taking Lili's previous seat. "We're not together" Jayden told Sarah.

Sarah looked taken back before stuttering an apology. "Sorry, it's just you both looked very... couple-y" Sarah told her, making Jayden laugh. "Couple-y isn't a word" Jayden stated.

Sarah raised her eyebrow, leaning closer into the table. "How'd you know that?" Sarah asked the Kent girl. "I memorised the dictionary" Jayden smirked, crossing her arms. "Really?"

Jayden nodded at Sarah. "What else can you do?" Sarah asked Jayden, genuinely curious about the girl's talents. "I'm a genius and I can do a Batman impression pretty well. What about you?" Jayden asked back.

"Nothing much, just regular normal teen stuff" Sarah answered, her body deflating as she did. "So, 'Sex, Drink, Drugs' then" Jayden said before both girls started to burst out laughing. "Definitely not" Sarah breathed. "Don't you usually hang out with one of my brothers?" Jayden raised her eyebrow at Sarah.

The other girl slumped her shoulders. " I broke up with Sean, and now all my friends are just gone" Sarah admitted, giving Jayden a sad smile. "So now you want to be my friend? That's messed up" Jayden deadpanned at Sarah.

Sarah took a deep breath before answering. " I was hoping we could be friends. It's weird that I'm friends with your brothers and not you" Sarah explained, playing with her fingers. Jayden studied Sarah for a moment, it hit her like a hit to the head.

"You have a crush on Jordan"

Sarah's eyes went big, she looked at Jayden in shock. "Am I that obvious?" She whispered. Jayden laughed at her, grabbing her hands. "To everyone but my brother, believe me I'm sure he wouldn't notice if it hit him in the face" Jayden reassured her.

Sarah groaned, hitting her head on the table. "I feel like an idiot" She mumbled. Jayden patted her hands. "Believe me, I get it. Just don't wait too long, okay?" Jayden told her. Sarah looked up at her and nodded. "Jon and Jordan said they're coming here once practice is over" Sarah said, changing the subject slightly.

Jayden looked taken back, "Jordan is staying to watch Jon run in a field?" She asked, believing Sarah must have misheard. "No he's participating" Sarah told her.

"Excuse me!?"


Jayden marched up to the school. Seeing her brothers talking with the team. "Hey losers!" She called, gaining their attention. "A word!" She screamed, detouring to the bleachers.

Jon gave his brother a knowing look. "You know she'll be worse than Mom, right?" He asked his brother as they walked closer. Jordan gulped nervously as he got closer to his little sister.

Jayden hit them both at the sides of their heads. "Are you two missing a couple brain cells?!" Jayden hissed at them. The boys rubbed the sides of their heads, slightly terrified at their sister. "I dunno? I mean we constantly are dying so maybe" Jordan stated.

Jayden grabbed his ear and pulled him down to her height. "Don't get smart with me Jordan, I know you tried out for the football team" Jayden hissed at him. She gave one more yank before letting go of his ear abruptly.

Jordan gave her a meaningless glare as his sister went to take ago at their brother. "And you! How could you let this happen! I thought you might talk some sense into him!" Jayden growled, hitting Jon multiple times with her hands.

"OW! Okay, Jesus calm down woman" Jon groaned, feeling the stinging of Jayden's slaps. "I will not calm down! You both realise that any wrong move could have ended with catastrophic consequences! One being the secrets our Dad has to protect us and Mom!" Jayden growled lower, hitting both of her brothers once more.

"OW! JAYDEN!" They both yelled. "Look, I do not care that you did it, but what I care about is that you didn't tell anyone, what if something bad happened?" Jayden said in a softer tone. Her brothers finally relaxed, praying that the physical force part of her anger was over.

"I'm sorry! It won't happen again" Jordan apologised to his sister. Jayden sighed, "Dad is gonna snap when he finds out" She muttered. Jon nodded looking at Jordan. "Don't worry, I can handle Dad" He reassured them both.

Jayden sighed. This was it, there was no better moment than now? Right? "There's also something else I need to tell you guys" Jayden took her brothers' hands in hers. Jordan and Jon looked at her, curious at the quick mood change.

Jon places his free hand on Jayden's shoulder. "Hey, what's wrong?" Jon asked her. "I like... girls" Jayden mumbled, closing her eyes and folding in on herself the best she could. God why did she say it like that!? Now they're both gonna hate her and she'll never be able to tell mom!

Jordan and Jon hugged their sister tightly. "You really think we care whether you like girls or boys. You're our baby sister, our triplet" Jon smiled, hugging her tighter. " We love you for who you are Jay Jay, always" Jordan told her, kissing her head gently.

"I love you guys"


The wind blew throughout the farm as Jayden sat outside. She shivered from the cold, wrapping her arms around herself. She felt a sudden weight on her shoulders, the feeling of fluff making her tense up for a moment.

Jayden looked up as a large shadow covered her from the porch light. Her Dad smiled down at her with two hot cups of coco. "Is the latest power lurking in the shadows? Cause if so you're doing a good job at it" Jayden remarked, raising her eyebrow at her father.

Clark let out a laugh at his daughter as he handed her a comic book themed mug. "That's a new one. You're getting better at your sarcastic comments" Clark mused, sitting down next to Jayden. "Someone has to point out the obvious in this family with some flair, have you seen Mom being dramatic also I'm still pissed at you" Jayden complained, sipping her coco.

Clark had to hold back his laugh by drinking his own coco. "Fair point Rebel" He admitted. Jayden showed her signature winning smirk she had inherited from Lois. "I told Jon and Jordan" Jayden mentioned, quickly sipping her coco after.

Clark lit up like a golden retriever would at the sight of a tennis ball. "Really! Rebel I'm so proud of you" Clark beamed, hugging Jayden from the side. Jayden rolled her eyes at his reaction. She would never admit it but she did kinda like it when he got super happy over something.

"Okay I get it, please stop or I'll go permanently blind" Jayden mocked, pushing Clark gently. "I know Rebel, I'm just happy that you're finding yourself" Clark told her, kissing her head. "Thanks Dad, but why hot chocolate?" Jayden had to ask, it wasn't everyday he decided it was a special occasion for hot chocolate in the middle of autumn.

"It's been exactly two weeks since you last got in trouble, new record" Clark told her, nudging her arms a bit. Jayden only snickered at him. "Just because we live in Smallville now doesn't mean I'm gonna be a little miss perfect. Enjoy it while it's cause I have big plans for Smallville" Jayden declared in a high manner.

Clark gave a dramatic sigh before he smirked at her. "You know I could just x-ray vision your room" Clark told her. Jayden raised her eyebrows, giving him the 'really?' Look. "You won't find anything Supes, I had taken extra precautions since you told us you're the man in blue. Nice try though" Jayden smirked.

Clark just shook his head, not even fazed by his daughter's words. She really was Lois' double. He heard the familiar rumble of his wife's car, his smile soaring. "Mom's back" Clark announced as the car drove into the farm.

Jayden flipped the blanket off her shoulders, standing up with her mug. "How is it after nearly twenty years of marriage you still have that lovesick grin when anyone even mentions Mom?" Jayden asked her father. Clark raised his eyebrow at the question, Jayden isn't one for romantic queries. "Because I love her with all my heart, I love you and your brothers the same way" Clark explained before giving Jayden one more kiss on the head.

Lois smiled at the pair as she left her car. "Shouldn't you be in bed young lady" Lois stated as she walked to her husband and daughter. She pecks Clark's lips much to her daughter's disgust. " Who ever said I was a lady?" Jayden answered her mother.

Lois and Clark laughed at her, knowing she was right. "Okay, time for bed and there is a little something on your nightstand to help with the noise" Clark told Jayden. "Really?" Jayden asked. "Thank Kara"

Jayden walked into her room, the smell of drying paint making her dizzy. She looked at her latest art piece, smiling as the colours brightened her already dull room. She had still yet to convince her parents to let her paint her walls black and splash neon colours everywhere.

She walked closer to her bed, the black box underneath her lamp. She sat down on her bed, opening the box. A pair of moon stud earrings shone next to a small folded piece of paper.

'Heard you developed Super Hearing! These should help
                                Love Auntie Kara'

Jayden snickered at the stupid pun, thanking her aunt for the gift. She'll have to up her gifting game at Christmas for this. Jayden put the earrings in, paired with her star ones.

"I pray this works"


"Look who finally decided to show up" Lilli smiled from behind Jayden who dropped her book. "My Gods! Lil you scared me" Jayden gasped, bending down to pick up her book. "Have you finally decided that public school was worth your time" Lilli smirked at the girl.

"Let's just say my therapist has cleared me. What about you, big bro finally see the importance of education" Jayden shot back, closing her locker. Lilli smiled brightly at Jayden. "Since you decided to come to school, he thought I should too make sure you're not falling in with the wrong crowd" Lilli explained as the pair walked towards the exit.

"Honey I am the wrong crowd, he should be worried about you" Jayden snickered, flipping her hair. "Don't I know, love the new earrings by the way" Lilli noticed. Jayden blushed slightly, praying that she wouldn't become a stuttering mess. "Thanks my aunt got them for me" Jayden smiled, fiddling with her necklace.

"I heard that your brother joined the football team" Lilli mentioned as the pair walked outside towards the football pitch. Jayden only groaned at the statement. "Yeah and when my Dad finds out he's gonna s-" Jayden almost fell to the floor as she watched her father walk to the football stands.

"Let me guess, that's your dad?" Lilli grimaced, seeing the scared look on her friend's face. "Yep, and he's not happy" Jayden answered, running after her father with Lili behind her.

Jayden was only a few feet from Clark, she could feel his anger from her place. She saw Jordan look at him. Jayden stepped back as Lilli grabbed her arm. "Your Dad seems angry" Lilli mumbled, a familiar fear turning her stomach. "I've never seen him this mad and I've done worse" Jayden said, watching her father closely as he turned around.

"Dad, please don't explode" Jayden asked him as she met his gaze. Clark sighed, not changing his expression. "You must be Jayden's dad, I'm Lilli nice to meet you" Lilli smiled with her hand out. Clark softened as he shook the young girl's hand. "It's lovely to meet you Lilli" Clark smiled. "You too Mr. Kent" Lilli said.

"Please Mr. Kent was my father, call me Clark" Clark insisted before looking at Jayden. "Well I should be off, my brother hates when I'm late for family game night" Lilli said before giving Jayden a hug. "See you tomorrow Jay" Lilli smiled before walking away from the father-daughter duo.

"Time for a heist" Lilli smirked and she held her hand out in front of her. A small drop of sweat from Clark drew bigger from around her hand.


{Lilli's Perspective}

"Are you sure this will work sister" John asked me as he watched me set up my ritual. I rolled my eyes as I drew out a circle. "I've done this spell multiple times. Even if Clark Kent was adopted by Martha, the Clark witches would protect him regardless" I explained for the umpteenth time.

John nodded, walking around me and my symbols. "If I am right the Clark witches may have formed an alliance with Naer Van and gifted Jayden with her powers. This will tell us if I'm right" I explained, dropping the sweat I collected from Clark into the middle of the circle.

John watched carefully as I added the El coat of arms on top of the sweat. "No one will know we did this, right. If this worlds Kal-El finds ou—" I slammed my hand on one of my spell books. "Why don't you trust me, I am the sole reason we defeated the Kal-El of our world and you still question me" I growled at him, magic fuelling my veins.

I could see my eyes glow in the dim reflection of the ship's walls. "I do trust you Lillian, but you have an emotional tie to Jayden Kent. I need to know if your head is clear" John told me, matching my tone of voice.

I relaxed, the magic fading away slowly. "Kal-El pushed his hand through Jai-El's chest and squeezed it while it was in her body. He then ripped it out and dropped it at my feet. I didn't even get to say goodbye before he incinerated her body" I choked out, the tears threading to spill. I fixed my composure, opening a spell book.

"Jayden won't even realise her link to the Clark Witch Ancestors has strengthened until she performs a large act of power. Not even Clark Kent will feel a prick of pain" I assured him.

John stood back as I held my hands out. "Vinculum mihi revelare" I chanted, the green mist circling the white chalk. I chanted over and over again.

I could see the link between the Clark Witches and Naer Van. Blood.

I gasped as I returned to the living. John caught me as I fell back. "Well, what did you see" He asked me, laying me down on a storage box. "I was right, Naer Van made an alliance with the Clark Witches?" I told him. "But why?" John questioned. "I don't know brother" I gulped.

I ran throughout the fields of Smallville, Jai held my hand as she used her gravitational manipulation allowing us to float from off the ground gently. "Come on Flower, before they're gone" Jai whined, pulling me closer to her.

"Jai! I'm not indestructible like you, give me a moment" I laughed at her pouting face. "I know, I just really want to say goodbye to Aunt Allura and Kara before they go back to Argo City" Jai sighed, stopping in mid air. I smirked at Jai, kissing her cheek. "If you want to get there fast, give me a piggyback and fly us there" I suggested to her.

She gave me a look of shock, "But you're mother's rules!" She exclaimed. "Mother doesn't have to know, it's not gonna kill her" I reassured Jai. In a gush if air I was on Jai's back, wrapping my arms around her neck as she gripped underneath my thighs.

"What are we waiting for! Up, up and away right!" She squealed before we shot into the clear blue skies.


I watched from afar as Jayden climbed on top of her father, clinging onto him. She looked so happy as Clark swung her around the fields. I saw how gently he handled her, like she was glass.

This world's Kal-El is kind, he isn't alone like the one of my world. He has a family worth fighting for, a beautiful wife who adores the ground he walks upon as does he. Two strong sons who remind him of himself in many ways and yet so different from each other. And her, the daughter he loves so much that he wouldn't let any harm come her way, even when she brings it upon herself.

I could feel Martha Kent's spirit wash over the land she once owned, a warmth so powerful it could make even the coldest evil smile. Martha never changes, always kind, always full of such warmth.

Jayden laughed louder as her brothers joined in on her fun, lifting her up high. I held my hand out, allowing my magic to enter the world of living. "Liceat mihi, ut animae in aeterna" I chanted, my mist turning grey.

'If you are worthy of her, stay away!' A voice echoed everywhere, in my head, into my ears and even in my core.

I looked around me. I stopped my spell, returning to my body. I sat up from the circle of chalk dust. "Who's there!" I called out, manifesting fire into my hands.

A cloud of grey smoke formed around my circle, rising around me. As it reached its peak, it trialled down in front of me. A body shape to its place. A woman with a dark silver cloak stared back at me, bright white eyes.

"Who the fuck are you?" I demanded, the fire in my hands flaring up. "I am Naer Van, the last witch of the house of Van and only ancestor witch of the house of El. You will not spy on my champion or my descendants! That includes Lois Lane!" The woman shouted at me, slashing my skin with her hands.

"Ever use magic against her and you will feel the wrath of Naer Van!"

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