I Am Not My Skin [ UNDER EDIT...

By CallMeMrsSparrow

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Words are powerful. If you turn a blind eye then you are just as guilty as the one who commits the crime. Dre... More

My Pride.
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Between The Shades.
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
I Had A Dream.
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
The Rains Have Fallen.
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 35:
You Are My Queen!
Author's note.
Chapter 3: You, Me and Evolution.

Chapter 34:

218 7 0
By CallMeMrsSparrow

I felt so empowered, there wasn't a thing I couldn't conquer. My heart felt at ease knowing that what I do was for a bigger and far greater cause. To be a voice for the voicless and to be able to be the one to speak for so many, so many voices that have been silenced. To speak your truth and to speak it with so much honesty and pride. So much pride in my heart, dear Sam, Mrs. Brown, Jamal and so many others, this is for you all, the voices that have been silenced, to be stripped and robbed of their truth. I will be the one to speak your truth, I will show them, that you are much more than your skin. You are much more than anything they put as an obstacle in your path. You are much more than they make you out to be. You are far too great.

"Today is the day that will mark our journey till this far. Today we will see that man who took our dear Sam from us behind bars where he belong, where he won't be able to hurt another single soul, Drew. This is for Mrs. Brown and Jamal as well, and to all the others we don't know of, this is for all of them." I felt so lightheaded just to hear my mother speak those words, I could not believe it, today marks the day where a total of 12 strangers will determine whether Connor is guilty or not.

Our defense team up until now were as strong, and the witnesses were all there. They all testified, but with Carter, I knew he had something up his sleeve, I am indeed expecting a stunt from him. He and that bastard Connor were no different after all, they were cut from the same cloth.

I forced myself not to crumble as I took each step getting closer to the entrance. All the reporters were swarming around us and asking us all these questions. It felt as though I was drowning and there had just been no way out, dear Lord, give me strength, but luckily for me. I had the support of my family as well as Johnny's. Who would have thought, with everything going around especially from the very first moment.

I thought he would have disappeared and just leave. I really thought he wouldn't stay, he was so different and everything he had been doing for me and my loved ones. There wasn't a day that went by without me thanking him for it all, he truly was a gift from above as my mother would put it.

I stood outside this big white building, a sign on it that was written in bold dark letters that said. "Whites Only" . The gates were painted silver and the guards looked at me funny, another sign that I could see clearly from outside. "FRONTIER HOSPITAL" , I kept tugging at my dress, nervous, I just couldn't keep composure. I was so afraid they might look at me differently, I was quite petite for my age, but that didn't bother me. There was another crossfire between protestors and the police this morning and so many people got injured.

Some were dead on the scene. I gulped and feared as I thought of how one of those people could have been me. I couldn't sleep a wink last night I was that nervous, "Just stay calm Anna, just stay calm my dear Anna-Drew." I encouraged myself with each step I took forward.

"I.D. miss," the security guard spoke softly, and thank goodness he was brown-skinned. I feared to think the worst and much less on my first day, I searched through my handbag and handed my I.D book over to him. He scanned me up and down and he looked closely at my I.D. "All right, good to go." He added, and as per hospital rules, he searched through my handbag and did a body search along. He nods and cleared me off. Surprisingly it didn't make me feel uncomfortable in the least bit. I knew where I was headed to, the outside of the hospital was much bigger. And I could tell that this wasn't a playground. This was what I wanted to do my entire life, this was where I belong, my new home. As I walked through these halls I could hear as people whisper, people I have never met in my life before.

The same as with the courthouse today, I could hear as people whisper softly to one another. My mind was all over the place and my heart just knew that today marks a very important day in all of our lives. Today we will get justice, the justice we have all been waiting for.

In what seemed like forever, what now felt like a never ending battle. I just couldn't believe my ears when I hear how they were grinding Johnny. They tried with all their might and ways to try and turn the case, and of course, I knew this would happen. They used the incident where I gunpoint Connor that night. Yes, I was in my full and complete state of mind, and if I could, would I have gone back and shoot him? Yes, a hundred times over and over again I would do it. It would bring so much joy in my life to remove the world of such trash. To rid the world of that much anger and hate.

And after the 9 hour wait, it seemed like the longest hours of my life, to just sit there and wait. The jury came back with a verdict. My heart was at that point where it just wanted to sink further deep. I just couldn't breathe, and I will never forget those words spoken by the judge as he read the verdict.

"In the case of the accused, Sergeant Robert Connor vs the deceased, Sam Smith. Now as you all may know this is a very delicate matter, and with a hard look at the evidence and statements both parties presented in court, the verdict is as read. The court finds you, Robert Edward Connor, guilty of manslaughter as well as intention to harm an innocent minor. Along with no doubt, hate crime, and the court hereby sentence you to death. You must keep in mind, you are a danger to society," I could hear the gasping and the shock that waved through the entire courtroom, sentenced to death. "May God have mercy on your soul. This court is adjourned."

Everyone in the courtroom had a sigh of relief, there was such a thing as justice and a fair system, I wept with joy, so much joy.

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