My Veela- Dramione (TEMPORARI...

By _itsraining_again_

22.7K 621 307

This is the story just a month after the war. Draco Malfoy gets to know that he is a Veela just a few hours... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Visuals for Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 18

468 16 11
By _itsraining_again_

~Perfection is found in accepting your imperfections~

Apologies for the late update. Hope you enjoy the extra long update!

No one's POV

Hermione just kept her mouth shut and turned towards her beaded bag, only to take out a small cuboidal black box. Turning towards Bellatrix, who now had calmed down, she said, "Promise me that you will return it as soon as you lift the curse off."

Bellatrix raised her eyebrow at the unusual request but chose not to comment. She then nodded, accepting her request and Evanna slowly lifted the lid off to reveal a sharp dagger with ornate carving in its handle wrapped between a red satin cloth and presented it to Bellatrix.

Switching her gaze from Hermione's face to the dagger to back to her face, Bellatrix spoke up, "I am thankful that I can redeem two of the mistakes that I have made."

"Two?" It was Mrs Nott who had spoken up this time.

"Killing the elf as Evanna just mentioned and torturing her," Bellatrix replied with a painful smile. Hermione just looked up at her and passed a knowing smile which we all know was an 'I forgive you' smile.

Bellatrix then moves on to take the box from Hermione who gives it without comment. Taking the dagger out, she first pets it like it is a cat then looks up at Hermione, passing a thankful smile and says, "Now, Cissy, I need you to hold the dagger while I perform the spell to reverse the curse."

Narcissa simply nods, gets out of the pool and slips a poncho over her bikini and holds her hand out for the dagger. Bellatrix obliged and placed it in her open palm. She too then slips out of the pool, puts on the poncho and takes out her wand. She is now blocking Narcissa's path of vision and is standing with the back towards the people by the pool

Bellatrix soon starts the complicated spell by muttering something underneath her breath and waving her wand at the dagger. Bellatrix gives a small nod to Narcissa, -which was a signal- to which she responds by cutting the flesh of her palm so that the blood starts oozing out. Bellatrix again waves her wand and the dagger is lifted from Narcissa's palm for almost a minute when it again settles back on Narcissa's palm.

Turning towards the people in the pool, she grins wickedly and announces that the curse is lifted. People then turn towards Hermione expectantly, who is now blushing heavily under the scrutiny. Hermione again removes the concealment charm and is disappointed to see that the horrendous scar was still sitting proudly at her forearm.

Bellatrix, after seeing her fallen face, passes her a smile, hands her the dagger and says, "The curse is lifted dear but the scar still needs to heal. It is now only made by a knife and will require normal medical treatment."

Hermione, keeps the dagger back in her bag and shocks everyone once again, and pulls both the sisters into a hug, profusely thanking them. Pamela, smiling over them says, "You know the only people missing are Andy and Teddy. Teddy would've looked so cute."

Her voice causes everyone to look at her in confusion except for Hermione after all she is Teddy's godmother. "Pardon me Pamela but are you talking about Andromeda Tonks and her grandson?" Narcissa asks her daughter.

Ginevra just smiles at her mother and nods, "Teddy is Hermione and Harry's godson. Cutest toddler ever!" She gushed.

"Don't take this wrong dear but who were you and how do you have so much information about the golden trio?" It was Mrs Nott who had asked. Of course, she wouldn't know who the hell Pamela was.

"Ginevra Weasley. Girlfriend of the Chosen One, although I don't know how long I will hold that title." Ginny muttered the last sentence under her breath but was heard by everyone.

"Oh no, they don't even know it's us. Oh god, Ronald is going to flip, not that I care of course. But everyone knows about his tantrums. Oh, and George would seriously think that I am fraternizing with the side that took his twin away from him. Including Molly, Arthur, and the rest of the Weasleys. Oh no no no no!" Hermione ranted while pacing the length of the yard.

"If they are your real friends, believe me, they would accept you and not criticise you for something you don't have control over. And if they don't, I don't think you should waste even a second convincing them otherwise." It was, surprisingly, the amazing bouncing ferret who was trying to convince, very calmly at that.

"As much as I hate to say it 'Mione, he is right. Now just calm down and enjoy your birthday." Ginny said in a soft tone. Hermione just nodded knowing better than to cross Ginny, slipped the poncho over her and announced that she was now going up to her room, having done enough swimming for the day.

Everyone then slowly followed Hermione's example and went into their designated rooms where they usually spent time when they stayed over, to get ready for the lunch which had to start in an hour.


Reaching her room, Hermione went into her closet to choose an outfit for later and went to the en suite. Upon entering, she went straight towards the tub and drew semi-hot water, poured her favourite rose and vanilla scented bath wash into the filling tub and started stripping. Once all her clothes lay like a bundle on the floor, she turned the water off and got in the tub.

She sat in there, mulling over what had happened since the morning. She was happy that she had got her family back after what she had done to her 'adoptive' parents. The elder Malfoys' really had seemed to turn over a new life although the same couldn't be said about the young one. Even though he hadn't called her mudblood, he still was the same egotistical arse she had grown to hate over her years in Hogwarts. She hadn't had many conversations with either Parkinsons' or the Greengrass' or the Selwyns' to know their standing in the matter. However, The Lestranges' had surely changed while The Notts' were still the obnoxious prats.


Will, the chameleon change its colour and Hermione's feelings change for everybody? Keep reading to find out!

And before I forget it, all the pictures used in this story till this date belongs to their respective owners and I don't have any claim on them.

Hey guys,

Hope you all are perfectly fine along with your families. Keep reading, voting, commenting and sharing. I am open to criticism, but no hate. Happy reading!

Please spare me a minute and read this important announcement:

I have seen that many of us don't know about most of the spells used in the wizarding community. Thus, after publishing this chapter, I will share a chapter of my new book- Wizarding World and Their Spells. Hope you enjoy it!


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