Filiae - Lady Dimitrescu x Re...

By JDimitrescu

62.4K 2.5K 387

Lady Dimitrescu x Reader (F) You are one of Alcina Dimitrescu's daughters, but with a little bit of spice. Pr... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16

Part 1

8.8K 275 48
By JDimitrescu


You entered the room after lightly knocking twice. The dim flickering light of the fireplace and scattered candles against the gold trim of the walls and furniture gave you an instant warm and cosy feel.

Lady Dimitrescu sat comfortably in her bed, reading a book, her nightly ritual. She looked at you without moving her head, a tender smile forming on her lips.


'Can I sleep here with you?' you yawned, lazily walking in her direction.

Lady Dimitrescu did not respond, her eyes followed you while you made your way to the empty side of the bed and helped pull up the covers while you laid next to her, snuggling up to the pillow she always kept in case you showed up.

Just laying next to her calmed you. Her imponent figure, both physically strong and maternal inspired safety and tranquility, despite the extraordinary circumstances of your existence.

'Trouble sleeping?', she nearly whispered.

'A bit, yes.'

The truth was that for a few days now you had had an uneasy feeling, and you could not attribute it to anything in specific. What would normally be considered scary, was not scary to you. You resided amongst it.

Lady Dimitrescu fondled your hair as she returned her attention to her book. Her sweet scent helped you slowly drift off to sleep. You snuggled up to her hip.


The morning light that managed to shine through the curtains hit you right in the face, to the point you could no longer ignore it. Mom had long got up, but you had finally had a good night's sleep and were decided to milk it for all its worth. Alas, the morning had other ideas.

Once up, and after a quick trip back to your bedroom for a quick wash and change of clothes, you made your way downstairs hoping to be on time for breakfast.

Along the way you looked attentively around you, the hallways, the outside world... in a futile attempt to figure out why you had been feeling so wary the past few evenings. A sense of foreboding loomed over you, especially in the evenings, whenever you were alone with your own thoughts. This had happened before and nothing ever came to happen, so you shrugged it off and hoped it would pass soon.

Your family received you with a smile and greetings when you entered the breakfast room. Your three sisters, Bela, Daniela and Cassandra quickly continued their giggly chatting while your mother, Lady Dimitrescu gazed at you until you sat down at the table.

' I hope I didn't disturb you, sweetheart. You were sleeping so well, I didn't have the heart to wake you up.'

None of the women in the room were related, but all accepted their family bond. They were aware of their origin, and acknowledged their fate, which in reality was much better than the life they had. At the time of their "rebirth" all 4 girls were impoverished, orphaned and incredibly vulnerable. That had been a long time ago, decades, maybe even a century.

Lady Dimitrescu had "birthed" your three sisters at the same time and loved them as her own. You had come shortly after, under slightly different circumstances, however that did not diminish the bond you had in any way. Lady D loved you like a mother. Or rather... similarly.

Your bond was, although similar, of another kind, something that had gradually evolved over time, none of you quite sure how or why. One day the need arose and both of you gave in, despite the taboo. Normalcy was not a given in your household and the notion of taboo had probably not been existent within the castle you called home long before you had set foot in it.

Whilst Mom wore three roses pinned to her dress, near her heart, to symbolise her three firstborns, she had presented you with a rose on a ring, one birthday long ago. You had her wrapped around your little finger. You were her youngest. Her baby.

'You didn't' you smiled. 'I slept like a rock.'.

'What is bothering you, my sweet?' Lady Dimitrescu took a sip of her morning blood.

'I don't know... it's probably nothing.'

'Are you hungry? Do you need fresh prey?'

Your sisters quietened down at the mention of this. They were always up for fresh prey.

'Maybe, I don't know. Maybe it's the continuous wailing coming from downstairs. It tends to happen in the evening, I'm usually fine during the day.'

Lady D stared at you, concerned.

'Sister, maybe you're just bored... you need something that will tire you out.' Bela spoke, mouth full of raw meat.

'Darling, please...' Lady D protested 'Wipe your chin.'.

'Should we go hunting? Can we, Mom?' Cassandra chimed in.

'Please!' Bela and Daniela cried in unison.

Lady Dimitrescu looked at you. 'What do you say?'.

'I don't know...' Not that you were superstitious but that nagging feeling wasn't relenting.

'Come on, sis!' Daniela sounded hopeful 'You'll enjoy it... You always do!'

'Ok, fine.'

'It'll do you good honey, you'll see.' Mom grazed your cheek with her finger.

After finishing their breakfast, your three sisters hurried upstairs in a swarm of flies and giggles, to retrieve their sickles and capes. Despite having finished hers too, Lady D remained with you, while you ate.

'You have nothing to worry about. Whatever is out there, there are four of you. And you know I will be there like that' she snapped her fingers 'should anything even dare to touch my babies.'.

Whoever looked at Lady Dimitrescu without knowing who she is, what she is, would never realise the paradox she embodies. The appearance of a high society lady, beautiful, well spoken, finely dressed, but with a tendency for murder and, what would have once been considered cannibalism. The warmest heart and the coldest blood. A rush of overwhelming love came over you and you leaned over, kissing her lips, lingering for a little bit. Your noses touched as your lips parted and you rubbed yours against hers, making her smile. She held your face with her hand as you reclined back in your chair. Due to her stature, her hand was big enough to cup your entire head, which was actually very comforting.

A fly, then two, then three started zooming around and you sighed in resignation.

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