Part 5

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A loud shriek echoed through the castle.

The four of you didn't look up from your study books. This was normal.

The shrieking continued for a few more seconds, and then just as suddenly as it had started, it stopped.

Quite frankly, Chinese wasn't doing it for you at the moment. You slammed the book shut and leaned back in your chair, looking out the window. Snow had started falling and you wished you could go outside and have some fun with it. That was about the only thing you missed from your past life.

'I need a new laptop...' Daniela was talking to herself, her eyes switching regularly from a blue book titled Financial and Management Accounting, a black one titled Excel Bible and a laptop that was probably now obsolete. You were glad the business side was going to her.

'I want to go out...' you whined.

'You can't.' Cassandra and Bela said at the same time, with the same bored tone.

'I know...'

They seemed to be doing more interesting things downstairs, you thought and got up from your chair. As you were gathering your workbook and pens, Cassandra couldn't help notice you had finished for the morning.

'Mom's not going to be happy.' she muttered.

'I can't focus. What is the point of forcing it if I'm going to have to do it all again later anyway?'

'You could at least try.'

'I HAVE been trying. I've nearly finished it.'

'Can I have a look at it?' Bela reached out.

You tossed your workbook at her. You were both furthering your knowledge in the language as it is one of the main languages used in business. Although you weren't trusted with the numbers, you and Bela were studying to, at some point if needed, support with public and business relations. Mother had external people supporting her with this but she was looking into keeping it all within the family. Plus, she said, it would do you girls good to keep busy. She wasn't raising airheads, but strong, confident, independent women. And as such, you thought you'd make your way downstairs to familiarise yourself with the family trade.

Which you had already done previously.

Multiple times.

Also to get away from studying.

'Right, I'm off to the cellar.' you buzzed off in a swarm before Cassandra could open her mouth again.

Lady Dimitrescu was attentively overseeing the bottling of her family's legacy. She didn't even flinch when you materialised next to her.


'I can't anymore today, mama.'

Alcina patted your behind, feigning disciplining you.

'I've done 40 years of studying, give me a break!' you tapped her hand away, making her pat you again.

'Who will I trust this to, one day?!'

'You have three other daughters. I can be your trophy wife.'

Lady Dimitrescu laughed loudly. 'You really are something...'

'She's very young...' you said, noticing the girl hanging from the hooks in front of you. She couldn't be older than twelve.

'I'm creating a new reserve Sanguis Virginis. With a sweeter note.'

The drops of blood were now slowly dripping from the child, signalling the collection was coming to an end. One of the maids took a vial of the vibrant red liquid and poured it in two wine glasses, then decanted wine over it. You always liked seeing the thick traces of blood as it mixed with the wine. She brought the glasses over to you.

'To House Dimitrescu.' Alcina toasted as she picked hers and handed the other one to you. ' And my trophy wife.' she smiled.

'Noroc!' You clinked your glasses and drank.

It was delicious now, it would be incredible once aged. Lady Dimitrescu really knew her craft.


It was very late in the night, but you were determined to be a good girl and were finishing your homework in bed. Mom had marketing meetings in the morning so you were strictly forbidden from distracting her.

A faint noise could be heard from somewhere within the castle. You ignored it a few times but it persisted, so you paid more attention to it. Scraping noises. Like metal against stone.

Did a moroaica get lost? That must have been it, it happened sometimes, they get a bit loopy in the dark. The noise subsided a few minutes later and you gave no further thought to it.

Until a few hours later when it woke you up again.

You sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep off your eyes. You couldn't quite figure out where the noise was coming from. Metal scraping against stone again, but also heavy footsteps with a cadence you couldn't recognise. Is it the same lost moroaica?

A door closed slowly downstairs.

Good, you thought as you laid back down and pulled the covers up to your neck. It found its way out. You'd check with the maids tomorrow if there was an issue with the catacombs' gates.

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