Survival of an angel

By garbagebag360

13.2K 230 9

Remi black was just trying to survive the apocalypse when she met the group. After a close Incounter she deci... More

1. Meeting
2. Alcohol
4. Farm
5. Hunting
6. Recovery
7. Barn
8. Car accident
9. Incident
10. The truth
11. Bikes
12. Memories
13. The prison
14. Shit happens
15. New life
16. Baby
17. Drugs
18. Barbed wire
19. Training
20. Photos
21. Enough of the bullshit.
22. Temperary goodbyes
23. Reunion
24. Terminus
25. Church
26. Anger
27. Dawn
28. Grieving
29. Alexandria
30. New home
31. A bet
32. A song
33. Bella
34. Bath time
35: baby
36: hilltop
37: plans
38: captured
39: shopping
40. Negan
41. Home
42. Kingdom
43. Flips
44. Oceanside
45. Arguments
46. Movement
47. The end
48. Birth
50. The end
A little after

49. Bridge

106 1 0
By garbagebag360

I spent most the day sleeping between feeding times and crying sessions. Daryl came back at sunset and made sure I ate a sandwich that he had made.
As I ate he took the chance to spend time with his currently crying daughter.
"She needs her nappy doing" I state as I get up.
"Sit. I'll do it" he states walking over to the changing station.
"You sure? It's your first one" I say as he nods.
"You showed me, remember?" He asks as I nod, sitting down to eat my food.
As I finish my sandwich I notice Daryl struggling with the nappy.
"You okay babe?" I ask looking at the nappy as I lock my fingers.
"I ain't made for this shit" he grumbles as he still tries to figure it out.
"No swearing now... it's backwards" I say simply as I take over. He sighs slightly aggravated because he couldn't do it.
"Don't worry I did the same thing the first time I did a nappy. The second time I forgot to untuck the sides" I explain sorting it.
"I'll try to remember that" he says kissing my forehead.
I yawn as I pick up thea and put her back in her bed.
"Still tired?"
"Recovering from squeezing the thing out" I mumble putting a blanket on her.
I hear him click his tongue as I walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth only to slip grabbing the sink to stop my fall.
"Daryl! I told you to wipe the floor!" I shout holding onto the sink for my life as my butt hovers an inch from the floor.
I hear his footsteps as he opens the door to see me trying to stand up again, still holding onto the sink, my now wet socks slip again.
I hear an amused noise as hands grab my side and help me stand up.
"Carful" he says letting go and throwing the towel that was drying on the door onto the floor before disappearing again.
I clean my teeth and quickly jump into bed with Daryl preparing for no sleep.

Unlike last time we didn't take turns, I made sure to get her each time.
Daryl's under too much stress with the saviours as it is, and lack of sleep won't help.
Daryl left earlier with a kiss on the cheek as a thank you before leaving me to sleep.

Later that day I woke up to theas cries and a shushing sound. I open my eyes slightly revealing a blurred man standing above the cot. Instincts kick in as I grab my blade and jump up, pinning the man to the wall.
"Calm down, it's me, rick" he says panicked as I blink a few times.
"You asshole, scaring the shit out of me" I grumble putting the knife down and pick thea up gently.
"Sorry, I heard you gave birth. Wanted to see for myself, didn't expect you to be asleep" he says as I sigh.
"Of course I'm gonna be asleep, your a dad ain't ya? You should understand this shit" I say as he walks with me to the kitchen area to make the bottle.
"Yeah, sorry" he says as I put the mixture in the water.
"So how's Daryl handling all this?" He asks as I shake up the warm mixture.
"He's stressed... We both are" I state.
He stays silent as I stand up feeding thea. I close my eyes temporarily before remembering what I told Daryl.
"Why have you done this Rick?" I ask confusing him.
"Done what?" He asks.
"Kept us here, we both wanted to go home and instead of having my child in a safe place, I'm here. The place where me and Daryl were cut away from society after a madman killed our friends"
"I know it's wrong but I trust Daryl-"
"And he trusts you too, but he doesn't trust anyone here... Daryl's came a long way since I've met him but I think your putting too much pressure on him" I explain.
"I understand your reasoning but I need him here. Theirs not many I can trust and I'm trying to rebuild our home. This place is safe from walkers and the people have changed, surely you noticed that"
"Theirs people against the idea of us, that still love negan. It maybe safe on the outside but the inside is rotten, rick, please... I can't even bring myself to go downstairs, but Daryl forces himself so he can do this stupid job even though he went though worse then me! Rick please, Atleast give him a break and some time" I beg.
"I'll figure this out, remi, I will. But you'll have to put up with it a little while long. Trust me on this" he says.
I stare at him for a few seconds before nodding.
"If you don't do something, I will just walk out of here" I tell him.
"I know, I'll sort it" he says nodding. I nod before yawning and realising the bottles now empty.
I put it on the side and burp thea before laying her down for bed again.
"I'm gonna go and let you get some sleep" he says as I nod and climb back into bed for a long needed nap.

(6 months later)
Today was the day, the day we agreed that me, Daryl and thea can leave the saviours. I packed last night in a burst of random energy.
Daryl alarmed the saviours that their will be a new woman in charge, Carol.
Since the day me and Rick talked the whole baby thing has gotten easier.
Theas now babbles and for some reason enjoys it when she's on her belly and lifts her arms and legs up, basically belly flopping.
My belly is flat again now so my wardrobe has changed from baggy tops to tight tops.
For example, today I have a put on a white vest top, archer gloves, dark green trousers, thsi weird blanket to strap thea to me while I walk and my mask.

Daryl's currently putting our small bag of stuff on the cart while me and Carol figure out the strap.
"I think that's secure, does it feel secure?" She asks.
"Yeah" I say glancing at the child's head that's on my chest.
"Can she breath okay?" I ask checking her.
"She's fine" Carol reassures as I keep a hand on theas bum just incase.
"Thank you so much Carol" I say hugging her at a side so I don't squash my baby.
"It's fine, you pair need a break" she says making me smile.
"Your too good to us" I say as she strokes theas head.
"You should go" she says letting go of her brown hair.
"I'll see you soon, don't do anything stupid" I joke.
"As long as you don't either" she says as I nod climbing onto the cart next to Daryl.

We get half way their when a small kink hits our travels to alexandria.
The bridge is gone, the one road that connects each place with trade and standing at the edge examining it is rick.
"I have a feeling that our vacation just finished" I tell Daryl as I jump off the cart carful with theas head.
"What happened?" Daryl asks as he walks up to rick.
"Storm, knocked the bridge clean out... without it we can't trade"
"I guess we can help, but we're gonna need more people" I tell him.
"I'm gonna call in some saviours, the other communities will Wanna help aswell, it's just wondering to what extent?" He says and I nod.
"I heard hilltop is low on food, this bridge could be a make or break" I tell him as he nods.
Just that second thea wakes up and stares up at me with dark eyes.
"Morning angel" I whisper pulling her out the blanket and sitting her on my waist.
"Shes grown since the last time I saw her"
"Yeah, she can sit up now and the dribbling has no end" I joke.
"Reminds me of Judith, back at the prison... years ago" he says as I nod.
"Yeah, she's about the same amount of trouble as Judith was"
"Is" rick jokes as I nod with an amused smile.
"Well I should call this in and get to work"
"I guess we ain't gonna be able to get across if we don't fix it" I tell Daryl as he nods.
"Yeah, let's go move the cart out the road though" he says walking off as I mentally prepare myself.

(3 weeks later)
Most of the bridge has been put up now.
Me and Daryl shared a tent opposite carols and Ezekiel's.
I spent the day running around and making sure everyone with hydrated while Daryl helped with the building itself.
Today was any other day, we got up and had breakfast before trying to ignore the little love fest Infront of the tent opposite.
Daryl set off half an hour ago to help lay out the floor while I grabbed as many bottles as possible.

I start handing them out and people look released as they put the liquid to their mouth.
"Thanks Thea, your a saint" a kingdom member says putting the bottle down next to him.
I smile.
As I turn I hear Arron and Daryl talking, and I love to listen in. Not because I'm a snob but because Daryl won't tell me if theirs something wrong directly because he doesn't want to worry me.
"So I go in after her nap and her diaper just explodes all over me" Aaron explains as I help a woman load up wood into a truck.
"Sounds like good times" Daryl says with a nail in his mouth.
"Oh the best, you'll see. What? You'll be a great dad" he says as I smile. Thea sleeping on my chest as I make my rounds.
"Yeah, just not a diaper guy, Remi normally covers that" he explains.
"I'm telling you man, your missing out on an unforgettable experience" aaron jokes.
"If I can miss getting shat on, then I'm good" Daryl replies.

I start making my water rounds again as Henry walks up and asks if he could help.
I smile and hand him the water bucket and a cup so he could go help.
"Theirs only enough for one each okay?" I ask and he nods running off as I help the lady again.
Minutes later a couple oohs and ahha fill my ears as a saviour pushes Henry down and drink freely from the bucket.
I watch as Henry takes his legs out from under him and picks up the bucket.

"Hey man, it's cool. I've had my ass handed to me by a kid to once, of course I was six at the time" a man jokes helping him up as Henry walks over and hands me the bucket with an ashamed face.
"He took more then one" he states angerily.
"Don't worry kid. He's an ass, and you dealt with it pretty well" I compliment as the man comes storming over.

I push Henry behind me as Daryl grabs his shoulder and shouts:
"He's just doing his job, get back to work!"
"I don't need you people telling me what to do. Your not my babysitter anymore" he stares turning back around.
Daryl grabs his shoulder and ducks as the man punches at him before landing a solid punch in his nose.
The man grabs a hand full of sand and throws it at Daryl before tackling him.

I hand henry thea as she wakes up and starts screaming. I then grab the mans arm as he goes to punch Daryl.
He turns and jumps up before landing a solid punch to my jaw. I stumble back before jumping up and wiping my now bleeding nose.
Daryl wipes his eyes as he stands up again and punches the man. Another man moves to make it a two on one before I grab him and knock him out.

Few seconds later me, Daryl and aaron are fighting three men as rick comes running over.
"Stop!" He shouts pushing Daryl back as me and Aaron stops on our own, glaring down the people we were fighting.
"Get back to work!" Rick shouts as Daryl comes over and inspects my nose.
"It's fine" I mumble looking down.
"You, me. Talk. Now!" Rick demanded Daryl as they leave and I take the crying baby from Henry.
"Is she okay?"
"Oh she's fine, frightened but fine" I assure as I pull her out the blanket and hug her.

Later the same day I notice everyone running up to the medical room.
I shake my head as I notice Aaron's arm messed up as Daryl tries to stop the bleeding.
"I have to amputate" Enid determines as she grabs some saws.
"I'm sorry man" Daryl whispers.
"Let me" I say noticing his hand shaking.
He looks at me for a few minutes before nodding and passing the rope over.
I pass him thea who is still tied to me as he leaves.
Aaron starts panting as he races out and I prepare for the screams.

After she finishes, Aaron passes out and she burns the wound.
After she wraps it and stares in horror at her work as I undo the rope.
"Hey kid? You did good for your first day" I tell her and she gives me an awkward smile.
"Thanks" she whispers as I leave to the ricks tent to find Daryl.

Turns out he left for the day to calm himself down and spend time with thea. I didn't question it. We all need time and I trust him.
This way of life isn't normal, but who am I to define normal?
Normal was working at a run down bar and nursing my auntie. Now it's working with random people to kill dead people.

He came back as everyone hobbled around fires and cuddled their loved ones.
He passed me thea whos passed out as he goes into the tent for a few minutes to put the empty bottle that he must have took with him away  before coming out to sit next to me.
We sit in silence as I watch Carol except the ring and Ezekiel basically jumping to get on one knee, which Carol denied.

I smile at the pair as I tried to cover up a small chuckle and stare at the fire.
"Their cute" Daryl states and I nod.
"Not as cute as this little girl" I say placing her on my bent knees as she grabs my hands.
She looks at me with a small gummy smile as I pull faces.
"She missed you today... sorry I took off"
"It's fine, we all need time, sometimes" I say wiggling her arms.
"Why are you so great?" He asks putting a shoulder over mine as we settle into our campfire.

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