Let Me Love You

By HennyMSagui

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What if living alone or with your best friend...turns out to be the best thing has ever happened? What if in... More

She's A Directioner
I'm On
Not Hatted Anymore
This Is A 'Hello' And A 'Goodbye'
Another Day, Another Harry Styles Dating Rumor
Is He Even Worth It?
You Can't Love Her
In Your Hands
Let Me Love You
The First Date
A Night With Styles
I'm Ready, If You're Ready
Live While We're Young (Special)
Tumblr/Twitter Celebrity
Give Me A Chance
Darcy Styles
Little Things (Special)
Green Eyed As Me
Authors Note
The Wanted
I'm A Directioner
But, I Love You
Hi Leila
Let's Cheer To This
The Runaways
Expect The Unexpected

Kiss You (Special)

789 21 13
By HennyMSagui

The 'Kiss You' video is ouuuttt, which means that a new 'Special' chapter is out too!!! The video it's on the multimedia bar, check it out!! Hope you like this chapter <3 Lots of love! - Mariana x.                                

                                          Special Chapter:

                                               Kiss You

                                         Niall Horan’s POV

By now, the crowd was going crazy. It really seemed like the ‘Take Me Home’ tour will be just as the ‘Up All Night’ one, but man this was crazier. Liam began singing the seventh song before we could start chatting with the fans.

“Whenever I close my eyes, I picture you there, I’m looking out at the crowd your everywhere, I’m watching you from the stage yeah, your smile is on every face now…” And it goes on and on and on.

We all followed the lyrics, and when it was Louis’ turn we all stood still staring at him. He was looking straight into Mar’s eyes. It was pretty amazing that even with the lights blinding us, he was still able to look at her. Well, it didn’t surprise me that much because Harry was doing the exact same thing with Jennifer.

“I’ve never been so into somebody before, and every time we both touch, I only want more. So tell me nothing’s going to change yeah, and you won’t ever walk away yeah, cause even though every night you’ll know what I’ll say”

And after that last stare, Harry shouted “Goodbye!!”

The whole place got mad. The fans singing while the lads and I fooled around, as always. After a few minutes the song finally came to an end. Through our headphones, we were told that the twitter questions were next. The cool thing about these fancy-weird headphones of ours is that even if our managers decide to talk just to me, or Zayn, or any of the lads…we could all hear it at the same time. And it’s cool because we can make fun of each other if they tell us we’re doing something wrong or pissing them off. Before we could start, the stage had to be cleared; just with the usual scenery. So we took a minute to go backstage, change our clothes, and drink some water. One of the new stylists got closer to me and fixed my hair real quick. I barely closed my eyes, relaxing myself for a minute when I heard my cellphone ringing. It was weird, and everyone gave me the same confused look that I had. All of my relatives knew that I was giving a concert; Skyler told me she will be watching the concert, considering there’s just an hour difference between London and the Netherlands. Who could possibly…? My thoughts were interrupted by reading the screen. I clicked on ‘talk’ and sighed.


“Yes! Nialler, I knew you would be the only one to answer me the phone!”

I looked at my mates eyes, we were about to appear again “Leila, I have to go!”

“No, Niall!” she grumbled

“What the fuck, Lei!?”

“I need your help!”

My angry-facial expression turned into a serious one “What? What’s wrong!?” and with that question, Harry’s eyes flickered into mine, knowing that Darcy was with her “Leila, talk to me! What’s happening!?” I continued concerned

“I’m at the entrance and security won’t let me in because I don’t have a ticket” I rolled my eyes

Harry motioned me to tell him what was happening but considering what was REALLY happening, I just shook my head making him sighed in relief.

“Okay, I’ll send someone, hold up” I took a deep breath and hang up

A tall man dressed in a black suit came to us and announced that we should be in stage by now. Liam nodded quickly and told the boys, but I was too busy searching for security to go to the entrance. I didn’t realize that the lads were already on stage until I heard Harry calling my name.

“Niall James Horan, everybody!” he joked to the crowd making them laugh and scream

Through our headphones, management…or at least the part of “management” that came with us…began shouting at me to go back to stage. So I had no option but to run. They’re going to kill me; they’re going to kill me.

“Ohhhh someone’s mad back there” Louis joked about management

I make a rubbish entrance because I wasn’t able to think on something brilliant like Louis or Harry would do. So I just…jumped. But the crowd seemed to like it. While the fans kept on cheering, we could all listen to our angry team. “Niall, that was stupid! What were you thinking!? Where were you going!? Someone fix this mess, and make it quickly! Liam!!” we all looked at each other for a second and smiled to the audience. We knew Liam wasn’t going to do anything, he got nervous. Management doesn’t usually poke out on him; but he is the one who always come up with the smart strategies to pull the rest of us out of our mess.

“Niall James Horan, everybody!” Harry repeated followed by the fans “Let’s do this!”

He pointed at the screen behind us and a twitter question appeared.

“No!” I choked when the lads turned to see me and all I was able to listen was the angry team again “Before we start with the questions, I want to tell security to let Leila Cahill in, please”

Fuck, that was stupid. I was so dead now. I was acting like a complete twat. I’m risking my career for Leila! Well done, Nialler, well done…I turned to my mates. Harry’s eyes were piercing mine. Oh, oh…

“Leila?” he madly groaned.

Not with the microphone near his mouth but he has this deep-strong voice that resounded everywhere…especially because the crowd, and everyone else in stage was silent. I turned to see Jennifer in the first row. Her hands were covering her mouth while her blue eyes were in complete shock; just as Renata’s and Mar’s.

“She should be taking care of Darcy!” Hazza continued, dropping the microphone purposely, so anyone would be able to listen, except for me. He angrily pulled me by the polo making my chest hurt against his’ fists. I dropped my microphone too “What is she doing in here, you wanker!?”

“Harry I-” my sentence was cut off by Zayn, who grabbed Harry away from me

Management was yelling at us, sending Paul and some other security guards on stage. Harry ripped his headphones off, so he wouldn’t listen to the team again. I really didn’t thought about Darcy when I let Leila in, how stupid. “Fix this mess!” management scolded “Niall, you’re so not getting an extra vacation week! I’m going to call your parents and fuck your life Horan! You’re grounded!!” with that last sentence Harry took a deep breath and walked to the other side of the stage with Zayn. We had to come up with something or we will be dead SOON.

“Twitter questions everyone!” Liam announced to the crowd making them cheer “And the first one says: ‘Would you rather get naked in stage or never get naked (Even if you are with your girlfriends)?’ Oh that’s an interesting question” he read the fan name at the bottom of the screen “Taylor Manson row 57, seat 12, that’s an interesting question; though, what do you say Louis?”

We could listen how management greeted Liam.

“Well, I think I would goooooooooo fooooorrrr” he made a dramatic pause and winked at Mar in the first row making everyone laugh. The cameras spotted Mar, Renata, and Jennifer so they could be seen in one of the screens. “What would you rather, Sweet Cheeks?” Lou avoided the question making Harry blush

“Uhh, I think…uh” he got so nervous at the time his face appeared in one of the screens and Jennifer’s in the other “I think my girlfriend wouldn’t like if I get naked in here” he admitted making the smirk

Jennifer blushed and laughed with the rest of the fans. After some more questions we were told to follow the instructions this time. “NO MESSING UP” they said. We were all so tired of listening to management, so we ripped the headphones off, just like Harry did a few minutes ago. Except for Liam.

“Who wants to come up to the stage?” Liam sang

We all turned to see him in shock and instinctively pulled the headphones back on; to hear how they would scold him for the first time. No sound.

“Let’s take all the first row up!” he offered and the fans cheered

Every girl in the first row started to get on stage. Harry helped Jennifer, Louis helped Mar, Liam helped Renata, and I helped Leila. “Where did you left Darcy, you nutcase!?” I whispered in her ear. “Backstage” she smiled and winked. Gotta love this girl…We were so confused about what was Liam doing, but somehow we followed.

“Zayn, Harry…your turn!” he finished

Both of the lads nodded, even though they were clueless. Then Dan started playing the guitar followed by Jon, making the notes of ‘Kiss You’ on the keyboard. We smiled in relief.

“Oh I just wanna take you anywhere that you like! We can go out any day any night!” Zayn sang and danced with a fan “Baby, I’ll take you there, take you there! Baby I’ll take you there, there”

Then, the entire place went crazy at the time Harry pulled Jennifer closer to him “Oh tell me, tell me, tell me, how to turn your love on! You can get, get anything that you want!” he took Jenny’s face with one hand, the microphone with the other and finished his solo “Jennifer just shout it out, shout it out! Jennifer just shout it out, yeah!”

He kissed her at the end, and well…you know the rest. The song turned into this sexual-girlfriends-kinda song after Harry’s solo.

Liam contributed “Pia if you, you want me to, let’s make a move, yeah! So tell me girl if every time we touch-”

We all did the chorus and Zayn’s next solo was up “Oh baby, baby don’t you know you got what I need, lookin’ so good from your head to your feet! Alana come over here, over here! Alana come over here, yeah!

It was my turn, my solo was next. I wish Skyler was in here. Though, there was nothing I could do to bring her now, so I just sang.

“Oh I just wanna show you off to all of my friends, makin’ them drool down their chiney chin chins! Skyler be mine tonight, mine tonight! Skyler be mine tonight, yeah!”

The song sounded so brilliant with the names on it. It’s just something management would hate but we would do it anyways. And finally Louis shouted.

“So tell me Mar if every time we touch!” he wrapped his right arm around her waist “You get this kinda ruu-u-ush, baby say yeah, yeah, yeah”

We all followed the song until the end “Yeah, yeah, if you don’t want to take it slow, and you just want to take me home, baby say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah”

This song turned out so funny. The team was happy, we were happy, the fans were happy, Leila was stupidly happy. So Harry finished with relief.

“And let me kiss you!” 

What do you think? Do you think Niall acted stupid? Hahaha or it was just a love impulse? :) Don't forget to vote, fan, and comment! - Henny xx. 

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