
De MaRvELsToRiEszzz

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SEQUEL TO THE HAPPY ENDING OF BROKEN INSIDE She finally found her place...her family and now she embarks on a... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 5

111 5 0
De MaRvELsToRiEszzz

(Not me watching High School Musical whist writing this)

Bucky stalked over to where Sam pointed. I stayed with Sam just in case Bucky did something stupid...then I could watch it with Sam. "What are they actually doing...why don't we just leave em alone?" I asked facing Sam.

"I'm pretty sure they're smuggling weapons though so I think that qualifies as something to intervene with." Sam states staring at his camera feed of redwing.

"Fair point...fair point." I nodded looking down.

"Hey look at this." Sam gestured to his screen to show Bucky silently slipping through the dilapidated building. He looked hilarious. "Look at you. All stealthy." Sam laughed. "A little time in Wakanda and you come out White Panther." Sam chuckled.

"Its actually White Wolf." Bucky spoke back. Both Sam and I looked at eachother and I shrugged.

"I knew nothing about that." I spoke to Sam specifically. "Hey sweetie we need to talk about that name." This time I was talking through comms well specifically to Bucky.

"Hey what's wrong with tha- doesn't matter I'm inside. Therefore, way ahead of you. It's not great but very doable." He boasted back through comms.

"Hey Y/n van you fly us in silently...I'd use my wings but they are to loud?" Sam asked. I caught onto his plan very quickly. A little competition fun. Without a response I lifted Sam and myself to fly incredibly fast to land behind Bucky. "Woah woah that's terrifying." He whispered.

After a while Bucky finally looked behind him to see us. He looked rather confused as to how we got there but what can I say I'm magic...literally. "Hello how are you." He asked us.

"Great." "Good." Both Sam and I said at the same time. "Now what did we miss." Sam added on.

"Nothing." I carried on.

"We gotta wait." Sam instructed.

"I gotta vibranium arm...I can take em." Bucky argued.

"Yeah and we can fly...who gives a shit." Sam argued back.

"Well actually I can create energy that helps me's like scientifically impossible...yeah I'm gonna stop now." I cut off my rambling after noticing their stares.

"Okay that's cool...but point is I wanna see where they're going." Sam told Bucky sternly. I knew damn well he wasn't going to listen.

"There is two people." Bucky said in a 'duh' tone.

"You only see two?" Sam asked. Was there not two. Was I high or something.

"There isn't two?" I asked really confused.

"Hey redwing what did you see.. oh one two...four five...definitely five." Sam boasted looking through his screen. No offence Sam but do you know how to count?

"So they are strong...great let's go." Bucky commanded. At this point I was just sick of their shit so I leaned on the storage shelf and of course me being me I knocked a spanner off of the shelf making a huge clatter.

"Shit." We all whisper-yelled.

"All right let's move!" A woman who was clearly in charge yelled.

"Sorry." I whispered. I just couldn't do anything right could I. I felt my face heat up aggressively.

"Its alright don't worry doll...let's go." Bucky began.

"No stop I see someone it the back...I think they have a hostage." Sam said futily but that didn't stop us.

"Race ya there?" I asked.

"Deal."Bucky responded.

"Why do I even bother talking...go on then go." Sam joked. Let's just say Bucky didn't see the humor as he ran off at top speed.

"I'll give him a head start." I told Sam who was in the process of rolling his eyes. I waited about five seconds before speeding off. I was flying through the air at medium speed as I knew I would inevitably beat him there.

And in conclusion I was right I flew past him and landed on the roof of the truck we were following. "Beat ya old man." I called from the truck. He just yelled an annoyed grunt before just catapulting himself on the back of the truck. I figured he could handle the hostage so I just sat on the top cross legged. I knew I was probably going to get attacked or something but I just sat there.

I heard Bucky talking about vaccines until I heard a grunt from inside the truck. As if on cue I felt hands on my shoulders listing me up. I tried to wriggle out of their grip but I couldn't they were too strong. So I flicked my legs up with momentum and pushed them forward sending both of us to the floor. I wanted to avoid using my powers as much as possible to limit the chance of casualties. Luckily before I hit the floor I rolled out the way so I wouldn't be crushed. I climbed up and kicked him right in the face. "Stay there." I demanded. "Please."

Eventually Bucky joined me on the second trick I was on and unfortunately the person I told to stay down got back up. The asshole. At the same time as Bucky another person jumped onto the truck. This bitches were definitely not normal. Well nothing is but you get what I mean.

Two of the freakishly strong people grabbed hold of Bucky's arms while another punched him in the face. I would have helped but I was fighting the one from earlier. I roundhoused him in the face and whilst he reeled back I kneed him in the nose but of course he had to grab my knee and he swung me around and to the floor. "Ah fuck you asshole." I groaned.

"Shut up you broke my nose." He retaliated. Taking advantage of the fact I was on the floor I swiped my legs at his causing him to land on the floor. This time I stomped on his head rendering him unconscious.

"Asshole." I muttered. Of course as soon as I totally kick his ass Sam finally decides to help in the form of redwing and shoots at the 'Flagsmashers' I believe they are called.

The one who punched Buck in the face ran at it angrily grabbing it and snapping it over their knee. "I always wanted to do that." Bucky shouted to her. I however was dare they hurt my poor redwing.

At the sound of Sam's poor child red wing's death Sam went all James Bond on the one who broke redwing's ass. He flew in and kicked them into next century and then continued to kick the shit out of them.

"Thanks for the help Sam." I yelled at him staying in my place.

"Seems you had it covered." He yelled back gesturing to the mask covered person lay on their back uncontrollably. Fair point. As Sam was distracting by talking to me he dropped his guard allowing himself to be kneed in the balls. That looked incredibly painful. He was thrown onto the other truck that was adjacent to the one Bucky and I were on and just as he was about to have his face kicked in a sheild came out of nowhere.

"Sam unless you have a sheild up your ass I would say we are about to be dealing with the government." I said through comms.

"Ain't me." He replied. As if on cue a mass found itself on our truck. Well a red, blue and white mass.

"Miss Stark." I heard a voice in my head.

"What the fu-" I stated out loud.

"Please I request that you do not use that's Charles...Charles Xavier...I wish to discuss Iris with you." The voice said again.

Seeing the big one run at me I spoke back. "Uh can it wait I'm kind of in the middle of something." I landed a hook to the antagonist's jaw.

"I regret to inform you that it cannot wait." Xavier said.

"Alright one second." I kicked the guy in the balls and then kicked him off the truck. "Alright go for it."

"I hate to tell you this but Miss Barnes has had a recent  disagreement with another student." He said sympathetically.

"What do you mean." I asked punching one of the ones holding Bucky in the face. Somehow not breaking the mask.

"Well she reported being bullied by one of our students named Echo so she used her telepathy to scream in her head causing her deafness." He told me. My jaw dropped at her violence. (Yes I am aware that in the comics Echo was born deaf but I decided to change it...hope that is okay).

"Oh my is she okay...are you expelling my daughter?" I asked frantically. I honestly couldn't believe Iris. I taught her to be nice to people.

"I will not be terminating her education however she must be reprimanded for her actions so she will be missing out on her social time." Professor explained. Luckily I had no one to fight so I just stood there listening out of breath. "She will also lose all technology privileges."

"I 100% understand thankyou for bringing this to my attention...can you ask her to talk to me please?" I asked. I watched both Sam and Bucky fight yet no one was approaching me.

"Yes Miss Stark...and don't worry about the fight Miss Stark I have entered their mind to prevent them from coming over to you." He explained. Oh yeeee mind reader.

"Mommy?" Another voice spoke...Iris' voice.

"Let dad listen aswell." I commanded.

Bucky looked over to me...he was definitely listening. "I'm sorry guys but she was being really mean." Her timid little voice said.

"What did she do?" I asked trying to sound as nice as possible. She wouldn't tell me if she thought I was mad at her.

"She called me an orphan freak...and she got one of her friends to stab me in the arm." She said nonchalantly.

"Hold on hold on a kid STABBED YOU." I heard Bucky yell. A kid fucking stabbed her.

"I healed like straight away though it's fine." She dismissed I could tell she felt bad.

"No no no someone stabbed you sweetie it's okay to defend yourself...however deafening someone isn't acceptable...did you tell the professor that someone stabbed you?" I asked sympathetically. Is that normal to stab a fucking four year old?

"No it doesn't matter I'm just going to take the detention and stuff that way I won't be near her." It broke my heart to hear say this stuff. Someone hurt her and she was being blamed. Yes she permanently deafened someone and I am in no way saying that is acceptable but what the fuck. "Bye mom bye dad." She said quickly getting out of our heads.

Coincidentally when she left our heads the phony Captain America and his buddy got everything under control well so we thought until Bucky was thrown off of the side of the truck which he gripped with extreme strength. I tried to go down and get him but I was restrained yet again. However this time the person that held me knew all of my tricks making it near enough impossible to get him off of me. So I used the one thing that they didn't know I had. My powers.

I allowed a low dosage blast to eliminate off my body causing my restrainer to let go. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Fake Captain America drew out a gun. A GUN. He aimed it at one of the Flagsmashers and pulled the trigger. The bullet nearly hit the red headed one but luckily before it did I used the telekinesis part of my powers to stop the bullet. "We are not killing them." I yelled at him. 

"Captain America...John Walker and this is-." He started by I interrupted.

"I can't remember asking." I sassed. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sam and Bucky rolling down a hill. "Excuse me." I used my powers to lower me down next to them. "When is the wedding." I called to them.

"I HATE YOU." Sam called back.

"No seriously it's you want help picking out dresses." I teased doing jazz hands.

"Come on let's go." Bucky growled pushing himself off of Sam.

ᗢ⍟⎊✇◊✪➳1 hour later𖤍⎈⧗✵۞꘩⩔Ⓐ

We were all walking down a country road as if it was the walk of shame. "Did you hear what Iris said?" Bucky asked turning to me.

"Yeah I know...who stabs a kid?" I asked staring back.

"W-what stabbin- is she alright did I miss something?" Sam asked freaking out and flailing his arms.

"Professor X told us though telepathy...Iris isn't gonna talk to is now is she?" Bucky asked. I shook my head no soberly.

"Anyway...I'm sorry about redwing." I changed the subject. I didn't want to keep talking about my daughter behind her back...for all we knew she might have been listening.

"I'm not." Bucky contradicted staring off into space. Probably reading my mind.

"What's goin' on in that big cyborg head of yours?" Sam asked practically reading my mind. "That's because you think out really gotta stop that." He answered that question at least.

"Computing." Bucky answered Sam's previous question. Haha real funny Buck.

"You know what I can actually see it...I can see the gears turning...uh oh they are malfunctioning they are shuttin' down they're on fire." Sam mocked as usual.

"We gotta figure out where the serum is coming from." Bucky said seriously completely opposing Sams' attitude.

"And how after 80 years there are 8 super soldiers running loose?" Sam conspired. Good point Erkstine was dead...I'm 99.99% sure that hydra was disbanded so there was no source of the serum. However I was cut out of my conundrum by a beeping noise.

"So that didn't go as planned huh?" The obnoxious voice belonging to John Walker...I think his name was. The truck came to a halt next to me and he offered a ride. I very quickly flashed him the good old middle finger and kept on walking. The truck restarted and kept moving slowly. "At least we know what we're up against." He kept trying to make conversation...rather unsuccessfully. "I'm pretty sure it's one of the big" his partner explained the already familiar lists.

"Wizards don't exist." Bucky protested trying to avoid conversation.

"Then it's aliens or androids." John suggested.

"Or supersoldiers." I spoke up.

"Alright then we gotta work together." John suggested.

"NO!" We all yelled.

"I think if we all worked together the  I think we would have a better chance-." Captain dickwadd began.

"Just because you carry the sheild doesn't mean you're captain America." Bucky stated quite rightfully.

"Look I've done the work okay?" Captain fake boasted.

"Ever jumped on a grenade?" Buck asked.

"Yeah actually I have...four times."  He carried on boasting.

"If you were Captain America you wouldn't be so proud of it?" I glared at him. I was right if you asked Steve he would have said 'I did what anyone else would' or something like that.

"Look its 20 miles to the airport you guys need a ride." He offered. "Harry stop." "Get in."

Both Bucky and Sam stared at eachother before agreeing. I over exaggerated a huff before floating to land in the truck as Sam and Bucky piled in. Due to both Sam and Bucky's stubbornness they sat as far away from John and his friend as possible leaving only one seat to John.

"So we got 8 supersoldiers on a bulk supply run." John said as if it was a revelation. *slow clapping for John stating the obvious*

"They said there mission was to get things as it was during the blip...maybe they are just tryna help." Sam suggested. I mean I would totally get it if that were the case. I mean people would have to band together in a sense of community. That would have been broke down when we came back.

"They have a funny way of showing it." Bucky commented remembering the beating he took from them.

"That serum doesn't exactly have the best track offence." John gestured at Bucky. "So what about you sweet heart why are you part of the Avengers?" John asked in a condescending manor.

"I have the ability to generate energy which you are made off so I could quite literally kill you with a flick of my wrist...sweetheart." I retaliated.

"Ah okay...I respect that." He nodded.

"We need to figure out where they're did you track em here?"

"Nah we didn't track them...we tracked you through...redwing." John's colleague said clearly feeling embarrassed.

"You hacked my tech!?" Sam asked.

"Its not exactly's government property." John stated as if he was the Government or something. News flash Steve was completely against the Government...but then again I suppose he isn't Steve. "I'm kinda the Government." I was so incredibly close to just smacking him out of existence. "Ok look I know thing have gotten a bit chaotic but we are trying to get things up and running post blip." John explained.

"Reactivating citizenship, security, healthcare and helping the refugees." His friend who I now know was called Lamar further explained.

"Look global repatriation council does all that I get that so why exactly are you two here?" Sam asked. FINALLY the right questions.

"Well they have the resources we keep it under control." Lamar confirmed...right. Of course.

"Who are you?" Bucky asked.

"Lamar Hoskins...Battlestar" He responded. Holy fuck knuckles why can no one pick a good super hero name.

"Battlestar?" Bucky clearly thought the same. "STOP THE CAR." Thank the lord or whatever is up there. Well we know that Thor is with the guardians up there so...thank Thor.

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