Started with an Overcoat

By HowYaLikeDana

136K 5.8K 6.3K

A simple, chivalrous gesture triggered multiple chains of reactions. Blackpink's Kim Jennie was unprepared fo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 24

2K 110 88
By HowYaLikeDana

Author's Note: SURPRISE! This has been one of my favorite chapters to write. Enjoy! <3 Thank you for supporting this book. You guys are my inspiration.

Stream BUTTER. Let's maintain that #1 on BB Hot100 chart!


"Were you able to eat on the flight, Lali?"

"Yeah, all good. The papz were crazy when I got to the airport. I forgot my sunglasses and I think the flashes made me blind," Lisa dramatically whined through the phone.

"I told you to bring it," Jisoo stated, handing Jennie one of her favorite pajamas.

"Thanks, Jichu," Jennie said after placing the last of her clothes in her Chanel luggage. "Have you seen Chaeng's messages in the group chat? I think you should give her a call after stealing her favorite top."

"I didn't steal anything, unnie. I borrowed it."

"You borrowed without her knowing, Lisa. That's freaking stealing," Jennie scoffed when Jisoo laughed before waving in front of the camera to bid Lisa a goodbye. Jennie was prepping for her flight in the afternoon to Jeju, where the shooting of the drama would take place, and Jisoo was helping her pack.

"Alright, unnie, give me a call when you land too, 'kay? Bye!" Lisa grinned, waving her hand excitedly before ending the call.

The shoot for the drama will start in two days' time. She needed to pack two of her luggage to fit what she needs. She listed a couple of things to pack: her night wear, sweat pants, sweaters, casual pants, about 12 different Chanel tops, jackets, skin care essentials, a pack of pads, a bundle of cute underwear and bras, her favorite blanket, her phone charger, her medicine pack, her neck pillow, and her bear plushie.

"Is she gone?" Jisoo suddenly piped up, surpising Jennie with a yelp.

Clutching her chest, Jennie threw a nasty look at her unnie. "Jinjja. You scared me."

"You're always scared," Jisoo responded nonchalantly, ignoring the way Jennie's eyes seemed to turn into narrowed slits. "So, is she gone?"

"Yes, she's gone," Jennie rolled her eyes before clicking her tongue, "I just realized that I'd be coming home after two weeks, then leave again for another three, and I'd miss Lisa's birthday."

"That's okay. We're not even sure if she's coming home on her birthday anyway. Our schedule is so messed up. I called Manager Lee earlier and she sounded frustrated as well. I don't know what's happening. I won't be surprised at this point if suddenly our company just burns to the ground."

Jennie only shook her head, forcing the thoughts of their company away from her head. If not, her head wouldn't stop hurting for days. It wasn't just Jennie who was stressed with their company, but even more was Jisoo.

"The legal team has drafted a couple of agreements and I have to read them all before signing. Seokjin wanted to have a copy mailed to him or something, I don't know what his problem was—he's stressing me out."

Jennie bit her lip from smiling, "He's just worried about you, Jichu. Of course, he wants to know what's in the agreement. I mean, you're suing a whole ass show and the show wants to sue you."

Jisoo sighed. "I just don't want him to be more stressed than he is now, you know. He's so busy—they have a full packed schedule, I'm telling you I've seen it and his dumbass insists on reading my papers—that pabo."

"How is that dumb?" Jennie arched an eyebrow at Jisoo's exasperated voice, her lips were pursed to suppress her smile.

"He doesn't need to lose sleep over it. He's tired all the time, I know that. He denies it every time I ask but I just know." The frown on Jisoo's face deepened as she watched Jennie lock her luggage and give her an innocent smile. "I don't know what to do."

"Just let him know you're concerned about his health. Reach a compromise. You two will work it out. It's only natural to worry about each other because your feelings are mutual."

The understanding tone of Jennie's voice soothed Jisoo's growing anxiety, making her wonder what Jennie ate this morning that she was so calm.

"Since when did you start giving good advices?"

"I always give great advices. What do you mean?"

"Huh. Sure, but something's different now."


"You're radiating positivity, it's terrifying. It's like another Jennie from another dimension."

Jennie chuckled disbelievingly, shaking her head at Jisoo's oddity. "Thank you?"

"It sounds like you're in love or something."

Jennie sputtered, tripping on her own feet as she made way to her vanity mirror. Her head reeling at what Jisoo accused her of. In love? What?

"I have no time for that, Soo. You know that," Jennie shrugged, trying to brush it off of her system.

"Okayyy~" Jisoo's wink only added to the building irritation in Jennie's nerves.


"May I get you anything, Ms. Kim?" The cheery blonde flight attendant asked the sleepy Jennie, a menu on one hand and a wine bottle ready on the other.

Flying first class was a blessing. She's got the privacy and the best leg space in the world.

"No, I'm good. Thank you," Jennie replied drowsily, blinking her eyes a few times and adjusting her sight to the surprising bright light coming from the plane window. Adjusting her neck pillow to get more comfortable, she noticed the empty seat beside hers that was supposed to be Taehyung's.

Her eyes lingered for more than necessary.

She swallowed thickly, feeling her heart rate speed up just by the mere thought of his name.

Forcing her gaze away, she looked around for distraction.

"Uhm, excuse me," she quipped at the passing flight attendant once more. Her voice a little sluggish. "Actually, can I get a glass of wine please? Thank you," she asked, adjusting the scarf she was wearing to fan herself. She reached for the AC to direct it to her.

It was Jisoo's fault for making her overthink.

Her pout never left her face as she finished her glass of wine for the rest of the flight.

Day 2


It was Jennie's first night after shoot and she was beyond tired.

"Hey Jen!" A voice hollered right outside Jennie's trailer, followed by three consecutive knocks.

Half cursing the invader for interrupting her quiet meal, she knew there was no point in ignoring it as she didn't want to draw any attention from the other staff.

"One minute!" she called out as she hastily put her half-finished cold noodles inside the microwave and rushed to wipe her mouth with a clean napkin.

Unlocking the door with a twist of the handle, she wasn't surprised to see her ever so charming friend, Song Kang, holding a tub of ice cream in his arm. He was slapping his other arm and neck, trying to catch the mosquitos that were nipping at his exposed skin.

"Finally," he breathed out in relief, rushing forward to close the door behind him. "Yah, you were so slow. I lost a liter of blood from the mosquitos already."

"Well, hello to you too," she sarcastically responded back, crossing her arms over her chest as she sat back on the cushioned chair. "What's up? It's late, we have to film early tomorrow."

"The heater in my trailer wasn't working, so..." Kang muttered, rubbing his nape as he sat on the opposite chair across from her.

"Ahh," Jennie made a long 'Ah' sound before grabbing the tub of ice cream from him. "Thanks for this."

"It's not for you actually—" he looked appalled at her boldness. He forgot that it was Jennie who he was talking to. His mouth hung open, sighing, he continued, "Okay, enjoy the ice cream."

"Mmm," she hummed after eating a mouthful, closing her eyes in approval as the sweetness melts in her mouth. She missed consuming unnecessary sugar. She coughed a little at the cold, "so, what's going on with you? I missed you!"

He chuckled at her sudden burst of energy. "You keep saying you missed us but you never call us. I don't know, Jen, it feels like you're being pretentious."

She gasped, seeing his smile crack into a full, boisterous laugh. "I was busy with...stuff, okay?! Plus, we're busy with this shoot now," she defensively said.

"Sure, but that's not what I heard from Lisa and Chaeyoung last week," he teased.

"Oh my god, I told you guys not to believe those two," she frowned, eating another spoonful of ice cream. "I was really busy, I wasn't able to reply."

"You never open your messages and reply."

She gave him a guilty smile. "I—you're right. Sorry. I just am not a very online person, you know this, Kang. But I really did miss you guys. I haven't seen Irene unnie and Chacha for so long."

"I know, Jen," he smiled, "No worries. I know."

"Okay, good." She looked satisfied as she devour the ice cream.

"Yeah, you were trending for the past week. I saw. You okay?"

"Uhm, yeah," she eyed her ice cream for a second before clearing her throat, "I feel better, really. The rumors will die down sooner or later to talk about something new. It's always been like that."

Kang nodded in understanding, leaning back in his seat as he observed his workaholic friend. "What did your CEO do? Have they discussed the issue with Big Hit?"

Jennie snorted. "The company doesn't give a crap, dude."

"What?" Kang sounded more incredulous than normal. "That sounds like YG. How about Big Hit?"

Biting her lip, she shrugged thoughtlessly, "I really don't know. Taehyung said not to worry about it much and just focus on the more important things."

"Taehyung?" Kang's brows shot up to the sky, he was startled that she was bringing him up so early into their conversation. He thought he was going to have a hard time for her to open up about the guy but he was wrong, surprising the heck out of him.

"What?" Jennie blinked at him as if she wasn't even aware that his name has escaped her mouth so naturally.

Kang wore a fond smile at Jennie as he uttered in full confidence, "I didn't know that you had gotten so close with your co-star, Jen."

"I...don't know what you mean," she answered carefully, avoiding his gaze. "This ice cream is so good. I like it."

"Daebak!" Kang clapped his hands together in amazement, looking more thrilled than a 5-year-old meeting his favorite superhero. "Wait. Do you like Taehyung-ssi?"

The spoonful of ice cream hung a few centimeters away from her mouth as she froze at his question, eyes wide and mouth parted. Her breathing had become uneven, brain and heart malfunctioning—she couldn't think properly.


Despite eating a lovely smooth vanilla ice cream, her mouth grew parched as her eyes strayed on the window towards the empty dark trailer beside her own. She felt her own heart squeeze at the thought of the person who would be staying there next week. She blew a long deep breath through her lips.

I miss you, Taehyung.

Closing her mouth, she quickly looked away to glance at her friend and mused, "It's late. You should go back to your trailer."

The triumphant grin Kang sent her way made her roll her eyes. He knew that she knew that he knew her feelings towards the certain handsome idol.

"Alright, goodnight Jen! Can't wait to have Taehyung back next week. I miss him so much," Kang said, waving his left hand while covering his laugh with his other at the flat look she sent him.

"Okay, whatever. Goodnight. Hope the mosquitos bite." Pushing the tall man out of her trailer, Jennie had no problems letting the insects feast on him.

"Meanie! I'll tell on you!"

"Tell on who? Manager Lee? Sure, go ahead," she waved him off. "Have fun, bye."

"Not ManLee."

She rolled her eyes. "Then who?"

"I'll tell Taehyung that you're being mean when he gets back."

"Yah! Why?" It's not like he'd care or something, she reasoned in her head. "Kang!"

All she received in response was the sound of amused laughter and a hoot of "This is going to be fun!" in the growing darkness. It's official, she hates Kang.

Day 4


"Hey Jennie," Ji-Eun greeted her with an alluring smile. "Are you okay? You look like you're going to be sick."

Fidgeting on her seat, "I'm nervous, unnie," Jennie answered in a rush. Her confession reflects the uneasiness on her face, and the older girl couldn't help but smile softly, being reminded of herself from before.

Ji-Eun made a move to grasp Jennie's jittery hands and enclosed them in her own. "Look, you can do this. I have observed you in our last practice and you were amazing. I know it's a bit weird filming your strong scenes this early in the shoot, but I know you can do it. Joon-gi oppa can advise you more if you want since it's your scenes with him for later."

Jennie wasn't able to fully appreciate the beauty of her make up due to her frazzled nerves, making Ji-Eun chuckle. "I might space out, unnie. I might forget my lines. I don't want to cause trouble."

"Please, Jennie, you've memorized your lines since the first reading. You're going to be okay. You're gifted with a talent you've yet to embrace. I hope when Taehyung gets here you won't be this nervous."

Her breathing halted. "W-what?"

Ji-Eun looked amused for a second before controlling her expression into a neutral one. She didn't want Jennie to avoid her just because she's making the younger girl uncomfortable with her cute little crush.

IU may have bonded with Jennie a handful of times but she knows enough that the girl has a thing for the Bangtan boy. Heck, even the whole production staff can't deny that cemented fact.

"You're going to be amazing. I'll stand right behind the camera director if you need me," Ji-Eun gently encouraged the mortified Jennie as she mouthed her lines to herself over and over.

"Okay, unnie. Thank you so much," Jennie didn't think when she hugged IU tightly, momentarily surprising the other girl as she stumbled a bit on her chair.

"Welcome," Ji-Eun said, returning the hug in comfort.


"And... Cut!"

Jennie sagged against the tree all the way down on the grassy ground in complete exhaustion. Wow. With a tilt of her head, she watched a pretty blue bird soaring high up through the clear, maya blue sky. She took deep breaths, finally calming down, and suddenly, a smile broke out on her plump lips...then a chuckle...then a full, booming laugh accompanied by the short quiet, stomach-aching giggles.

"Are you okay?" Jia, her makeup artist, queried as she wiped the tear stains on Jennie's face. The worry on her eyes soon vanished as she stared at Jennie's relieved eyes.

"I'm happy, Jia-ssi."

Manager Lee's proud smile couldn't be wiped off as she stared at Jennie's rosy cheeks.

Day 5


"I love lunch break!" One of the extras joked, passing the bowl of beef bone soup to their table. Majority of the staff let out a short laugh at the joker of the group. He was one of those people that they know by face but not his name.

Jennie kept mixing up his name and the other extra's name so she just muttered a quick thank you instead, feeling bad she can't remember their names.

"Wow! My appetite quadrupled," Joon-gi playfully commented as he saw the boiling soup over their table.

IU and Jennie exchanged quiet laughs as the main PD instructed that girls would taste it first.

"Here, have some," Kang muttered, giddily scooping her a bowl of the steaming soup. He was seated in front of her. It looked mouth-watering, but she was on a no-salt diet.

"It's fine, you can have it. I'll just eat some porridge."

Kang looked at her curiously for about 3 seconds before shrugging, most likely giving up in his thoughts of questioning, "Suit yourself."

"Aw, why? Are you on a diet, Jennie-ssi? Are you worried you'd look bloated on camera?" Lia, one of her co-stars, asked. It was the first time she had spoken to Jennie and she was bold.

"I just avoid salt these days. It's a personal decision. I'm trying to keep myself healthy," she answered politely, smiling down at her food and hoping they would just ignore her.

"But your body is already perfect! Why would you need to do that to yourself?"

Jennie bit her lip and flushed—in embarrassment or pleasure—she didn't know. She just didn't like being the center of attention when it comes to her personally, not her music. Instinctively, she lightly kicked Kang under the table to help her out because that's what friends are for.

"Hey, hey, it's not our business. Let's eat everything before the food cools. Oh! Look at that we also have Japchae? Yah~ I love our cook, Mr. Song! Thank you for the meal!" Kang called out, his voice drowning the mild chatters around them as he looked around to draw the attention to him.

"Omo, what is this?" Jennie heard one of the extras on the other table muttering lowly, making her skin itch in discomfort. "Kang defending Jennie? Aw, they're so cute."

She wanted to roll her eyes. It's 2021, can't girls and boys be friends anymore?

But you wouldn't be saying that if it were Taehyung, would you?

Her lips pressed together at that.

Day 6


"So, how's the life of an actress?"

Jennie scoffed, turning to rest on her tummy as she narrated her day to Chahee, who's on call. "It's tiring and emotionally draining, really. I had two breakdowns and the week isn't over yet, Chacha. Two! My eyes hurt so much."

"Ohmygosh. That sounds...draining. You'll get used to it, don't worry. I know you got this."

"Thanks, babe. So, how's the Europe tour?" Jennie asked, her eyes seemed to have a mind of its own as they steal another glance at the empty trailer beside hers. "Having fun?"

"Before I start, have you called the girls to check up on them?"

"I call them individually every day and they're superb. Jichu's ready to break someone's skull, Chaeng's about to set the recording studio on fire, and Lali's got into a verbal fight with the other judges in her show in China. Yeah, everything's superb."

"Of course, you're telling me all the bad news. What about the good news?"

"Good news?" Jennie rolled her eyes and frowned, thinking vast and deep if there were any, "I don't know."

"Puh-lease! I heard two members of Blackpink had started dating?!"

Jennie huffed. "And your source for this is?"

"I don't live under a rock, babe. I gave Nayeon a call earlier and she revealed some interesting things. Bangtan members, huh?"

"It's just Chaeng and Jichu unnie." Her reply sounded brittle but Chahee chose not to push it.

"Okay~ so remember the old restaurant in Earlwood Avenue we used to dine in with your mom a few years back? Oh my gosh, Jen, you would not believe that Guillaume was still there and..."

Her eyes lingered on her window. Was she obvious about her feelings towards Taehyung? Why does everyone seemed to mention him whenever she's around? Or was she, yet again, overthinking? It's so freaking infuriating. It's been days since his last message and she kept replaying what was it she did that he never messaged back.

Her last interaction with him was five days ago and it wasn't even an actual conversation—she sent a pic of kuma and kai in return and sent him a 'goodluck' text. He hasn't messaged her since, not that she minded the space to think—heck, what was wrong with her?

"...and I was telling the guy that he was not moving too forward, you know...Jen?"

"Yeah?" she blinked once, pulling herself out of the zone.

"Are you still there, Jenjen? I know you're tired, I can call again tomorrow. I think you need to rest." The sympathy in Chahee's voice made Jennie's face wince in guilt.

Playing along, she faked a yawn and said, "Sorry to cut the call short, Chacha, just really tired today. I'm happy you're enjoying your trip, update me again when you get the time."

Chahee laughed in response. "I always have time. Send me a message when your sched allows you to breathe, 'kay? Also, tell auntie I miss her. You still call her as often as you can, right?"

"Yup, I leave her messages in the morning. Make sure her daughter's still eating fine, the usual. I always turn on my voice mails because you know how she gets when I miss a call."

"Typical auntie, she's just worried. Well, I'm going to meet Marcus now and you're going to sleep soon, so ciao, babe."

"Who's Marcus?" Jennie wondered briefly.

"Ohmygod, you were so not listening to me at all earlier. I'll tell you the next time I call, okay? Bye, Jenjen. Don't push yourself too much. Love ya!"

Pouting at Chahee's response, she sighed lazily, "Have fun! Love you!"

She ended the call with a light swipe of her pinky finger. Jennie was sure she must be losing her mind when, once again, her eyes wandered to Taehyung's empty trailer, like a magnet that can't be parted from its poles for long. She knew she was staring at it, but she didn't do anything to stop herself from doing so.

Day 9


Her lips were glossed in baby pink, but she knew they were probably turning blue due to the cold. A shiver ran down her whole body, goosebumps rose on her exposed arms and thighs as she adjusted the high school uniform she was wearing.

"Three, two, one, action!"

"You need to leave, Hansung," Jennie smoothly warned Kang, her acting mask falling into place. She took three measured steps backwards before touching the plant her and 'Yi-jeong' have supposedly planted in the earlier episodes.

"It's Yi-jeong, isn't it?" Kang easily uttered, a tear drop falling as the camera zoomed on him. "He doesn't love you, Sera. He's going to break your heart."

The bittersweet smile appeared on Jennie's face without permission as she airily whispered, "I know. I'll love him still."

"And I'll love you, just like how you love him."

Whipping her head to take in the sight of Kang's professional crying face on, she was about to say her line when a pollen drifted inside her nose making her sneeze out of nowhere.

"Achoo! Sorry!"

"Cut! Now that is how you reject a guy." The director couldn't help but laugh at the flushed cheeks Jennie was sporting after apologizing repeatedly.

The makeup artists rushed towards them to re-apply some of the stained marks on their faces. Some of the staff giggled as they watched Jennie bow her head in shame, her cheeks pinker than a flamingo.

The rest of the staff had chuckled at the display and Kang was laughing with his head tilted up, the smoke from their breaths too visible to ignore as Jennie's cheeks continued to flush deeper in crimson. The camera directors excused themselves to review the scene and found themselves laughing at how cute her expression was.

"We'll do it again," the Director commanded, wiping the tears at the corners of his eyes as he motioned everyone in place. "On my count."


Jennie heaved in a deep breath to refocus herself.


She watched the plant sway against the wind.





"You've got 30 more minutes, Jennie-ssi," one of the staff had informed her before exiting the waiting tent she was in.

"Okay, thank you," she replied, but the staff was long gone.

Her fingers clutched her lipstick and she reapplied it over her lips. A gentle breeze caressed her face, it's always windy in Jeju, she noticed.

The aged light yellow Hanbok she was wearing had patterns of cherry blossom flowers and dragons as a symbol that she was royalty. Her jeogori was made a perfect fit for her upper torso and the beautiful striking color of her chima was to die for. She looked ethereal. Her mother would shed a tear or two seeing her in this beautiful costume she was wearing.

She already sent pictures to her girls and to her mother, but it wasn't the same.

After Manager Lee was called away for an emergency meeting back in Seoul that morning, Jennie felt truly alone, even when Kang was there. She feels like she's been away from her family for so long. She wanted to cry when a wave of homesickness ripped through her nerves. It had been an exhausting morning for her already and it wasn't even mid-day yet.

Jennie was lonely and tired. She misses her family.


Jennie cried herself to sleep that night.

Day 12


"These pies remind me of the time Mingyu tried baking for Tzu," Kang commented as he and Jennie stared at the rows of pies that one of the assistant directors over-ordered.

The assistant director was supposed to order only 12 large pies, but he didn't know that he ordered 12 boxes of large pies. One box has 6 pies in them. Now there was a huge surplus of pies laid for everybody to enjoy near the break area. They had given all the neighbouring residents already and still had 6 boxes of pies on the table.

Some of the staff were lounging there with them. Jennie and Kang were done for today, hence, they were enjoying the gentle breeze while bonding with the friendly staff. Lia, her loud adorable co-star, was munching on her own pie, while recording herself on tiktok on one of the tables.

Jennie had grown to like her younger co-star, mainly because she speaks her mind and was unafraid to ask questions. She was sweet too. Lia gave Jennie a handmade flower crown in the morning before their shoot earlier and it made her day. Lia reminds her so much of Rosé and Lisa.

"Ohmygod, I remember!" Jennie whisper-yelled, giving Kang a high-five as she shook her head, laughing at the memory. "Now, that was true love, dude. They were so cute."

"How can Tzuyu act like it was the most delicious thing she has ever eaten when it tastes like old man's ass?"

"How do you know how an old man's ass tastes like?"

Kang didn't appreciate her teasing grin as he playfully shoved her near the pies, almost stumbling on her own two feet and landed an inch away from one of the pie, had her hands weren't fast enough to steady herself.

"Yah!" she yelped, eyes accusing as she glared at the laughing Kang beside her.

"Aw, kyowa~ Jenjen, you're like a small twig, even the wind can make you fall on your bum. It's so funny!"

"You're such a jerk, Kang!" She bared her teeth, ready to fight her friend, when out of nowhere her view was blocked. A sticky, moist feeling attacked her face and she knew she's got pie on her face.

"I hate you so much," Jennie complained in her small voice, hearing the chuckles of the staff around her as Kang wipes the cream off her eyelids. She had grown a lot more comfortable with the production staff because they never made her feel like she's an outcast.

"Oh, please. You love me." He, then, lined her face and made her look like the Joker. Kang opened his phone camera and showed her his creation.

"Why so serious?" imitated Jennie, earning a laugh from everybody as she posed for the camera.

Due to her limited eyesight, she could only see straight-ahead and Kang seemed to notice her struggle to get the melting cream that was dripping near the end of left eye.

"Hold still," Kang said, urging her to keep steady which only made her roll her eyes, "I'll wipe it off."

The air around her had gotten silent and it didn't take her a long time to wonder why.

"You're all having fun without me. I'm getting jealous," an eerily familiar voice spoke up.

Jennie stopped processing as she turned around to face him, completely shaken at the person a couple of meters away from her. Her emotions unsurprisingly exploded inside her and she couldn't distinguish which one was the most dominant as she pieced the information in her brain that he's here.

He's here. In the flesh.

She wasn't hallucinating.

The abrupt yet painful squeeze in her chest became more evident when she realized she's been longing for him. It's the reason behind her rollercoaster of emotions.

All this time, she's been longing for him.

He looked so serious.

Not a single trace of smile on his face.

The wheels and bolts in her head began turning as she wondered what made him mad? What happened? Was he okay?

Why is he staring at me? Jennie internally panicked.

Her hands instinctively went over her sternum to clutch the beating organ below her chest cavity.

It triggered so many hurricanes and explosions in her gut and made her feel so intimidated and breathless.

Almost forgetting how her lungs work, she silently parted her lips in order for her to regulate her breathing.

"Hey Taehyung!"

"You're back, V-ssi!"

"Omo, so happy to have you here!"

"Annyeong Taehyung-ssi! Have some pie!"

"How was your flight? Where's Manager Sejin?"

The series of joyful greetings all fell on deaf ears as Jennie continued to stare at Taehyung, feeling her throat dry and her heart speeding up in her chest. He was staring back at her and she didn't have the energy to look away from that pull of intensity. It was unnerving, out of this world really, as the warmth in her chest seemed to overflow.

As if the world was truly conspiring against her, she recalled how messy and disgusting she looked before him, covered in fatty frosting and sticky, gooey syrup with additional crumbs dripping here and there.

She forced her eyes away from his gaze to look for a clean towel or napkin on the table beside her.

But before she could reach one, his voice drifted over all the chatter, clear and deep, like melted chocolate, "Kim Jennie."

Calling for her attention—for her—like it was the most natural thing to do, had ignited the zoo in her stomach, and at the same time, hearing her name from him just made everything else bland.

Blowing a puff of air to remind herself that it was just Taehyung, she faced him once more and instantly locked eyes with his mesmerizing ones. "H-hello, Kim Taehyung," she greeted, her voice sounding lower than usual.

An easy smile spread on his lips, creating a lighter atmosphere around them, as he responded, "It's good to see you."

Jennie was a few breaths away from fainting when the producer quipped, finally ending their staring match, "You're here early! Let's get you to your trailer, Taehyung-ah. I'll tour you once you've unpacked. Manager Sejin just got out of the convenience store so we'll meet him by your trailer. Alright everyone, clean this up and get ready. We'll shoot scene 32 in two hours."

And just like that, the spell was broken and Jennie could breathe once again. She faced away from him so her back would be facing him, her cheeks on fire and her knees wobbly.

"That was so intense. Tell me right now that it wasn't just me who felt that! Yah~" Lia loudly uttered, completely oblivious to the combusting Jennie as she grabbed a handful of crackers from the table.

"That tension, bro. You alright, Jennie-ssi?" asked Xin or Xen, she wasn't sure about his name exactly.

She merely shrugged in response, still unable to work her vocal cords.

Kang laughed at his friend as he continued to tease her, "I thought none of that tension happens in real life, jinjja," he pressed on, chuckling at Xin or Xen's suggestive smirk, "I felt like a third wheel, bro."

"Everyone was third wheeling," Xin or Xen remarked lightly, eyeing Jennie subtlety as she quietly wiped the cream off her face.

IU and Joon-gi exchanged knowing smiles as they watched Jennie's jittery movements.

"That's what you call chemistry, kids," one of the camera directors commented, smiling widely once Jennie excused herself to clean up in her trailer as fast as she can.

After a few seconds of complete silence, Kang started laughing.

"Wow~oppa, you were so making him jealous," Lia laughed when Kang leaned back on his chair, munching on the leftover japchae.

"No, I wasn't," Kang shrugged, his tone light but his eyes were full of mirth. "Not even close."

"Just... just don't overdo it, okay?" Ji-Eun (IU) asked in concern, shaking her head but somehow agreeing at Kang's scheme. She was tired of watching those two dancing around their feelings.

"Aye, aye, captain!" Kang saluted before wolfishly grinning down his food.

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