Dragon Ball X Reader Oneshots

By Tokyo177

18.6K 431 84

Just a few Oneshots with the dbs/ dbz characters and the female Reader. _______________WARNING_______________... More

Frieza X Reader (Perfect Soldier)
Jiren X Reader (Goku's Daughter)
Goku X Reader (Female Saiyan)
Vegeta X Wife Saiyan Reader
Goku X Daughter Reader (Kidnapped)
Zarbon X Reader (Unnoticed Flower)
Goku Black X Reader (Part 1)
Goku Black X Reader (Part 2) final
Vegeta X Reader (Goku's Girlfriend)
Cell x Reader (Unscared)
Vegeta X Saiyan Reader (Part 2) final
Cooler x singer Reader

Vegeta X Saiyan Reader (Part 1)

959 30 4
By Tokyo177

Word count: 2776

You were born a female Saiyan and raised until your teens on the planet Vegeta. Where you were taught to fight and steal planets by eliminating the natives in the process.

From the beginning you thought this was wrong, you always hesitated and it made your family think that something was wrong with you.

You grew up hating your own race.

The submission of the saiyans to Frieza, it was what you hated most. They didn't have the courage to face the tyrant and even if they did and won, you knew deep down that they would keep on to conquer planets and kill innocent people by themselves, just to prove their own strength.

You wish you had never been born a saiyan, just thinking about it made your stomach turn.

You were only 12 years old when you managed to steal a ship and take out the tracker to escape this chaotic life.

You wandered aimlessly through the universe until you found a planet called Earth. It had no resources that Frieza's army was interested in, and the people there were too weak to be noticed. You guess.


You looked fascinated at the blue that lit up your eyes. You've never seen a planet so beautiful.

As soon as you landed on the ground, there were no earthlings around, just green grass, the air was so refreshing, there were lots of trees that kept you from seeing beyond the horizon.

Humans don't have tails... What if they think I'm a monster?

You watched your tail wobble behind you.

No... Now that I'm on Earth, I'm going to be a human too!

You cut your tail off biting your lip to take the pain. You felt your power level drop considerably.

They'll never find me with the scouter either. Excellent...

You threw your tail into the space pod and blew them both up with a blast of strong ki.

You watched the flames with an excited smile, knowing that in that moment you would start a new life, a more dignified life.

Years passed and you managed to get used to the ways of humans, they were so simple and practical, you always had fun being among them.

In the beginning you had to make a living fighting to buy clothes, food and a house. You ended up meeting a clueless guy named Goku in one of the tournaments you participated in.

He was the first human who managed to give you work in the fight, in the end you realized he was a Saiyan, the sparkle of excitement in his eyes as you two fought made you realize.

You were intrigued and wondered if he was running away like you. But after you guys became friends and you told about the story of your home planet. He acted like he didn't know anything about it, and that's when you found out he was sent to Earth as a baby.

"How lucky you are, Goku. You didn't have to live the dishonorable life of our shameful race." You confessed looking at the clouds lying on the grass beside him after a training session.

"The way you talk... Are saiyans that bad?" He asked curiously following your gaze at the clouds.

"Definitely yes. Listen Goku, I want you to promise me that you will never, ever tell anyone that we're Saiyans. Do you promise?" You sat on the grass looking at him seriously.

"Okay, okay, I promise. As long as no Saiyans find out where we are, I don't think that's important. But tell me, are there Saiyans stronger than you?" He sat down too, probably with a lot more questions to ask you.

You adored spending time with Goku, his aura was so cheerful and innocent. You wished all Saiyans were like him.

Too bad he's married...

In addition to Goku, you've befriended the Z warriors as well. A group of humans who could control ki, you were increasingly impressed by this planet.

After you taught Goku everything you knew about fighting, you stopped training. Fighting was a Saiyan thing and you wanted to find something to choose to be rather than what you were born to do.

You ended up falling in love with the scientific area, your knowledge of alien technology would definitely help you in this job.

You and Bulma ended up becoming research partners and great friends.

Life was great, you never felt so free. You had a nice job, nice fighting friends, your friend Bulma had such a big house that she invited you to live with her and her parents. You never thought it'd be so nice not to be alone.

Everyone was like a real family to you, you would protect them no matter what.

But nothing lasts forever.

One day you were in the laboratory when you felt a very strong ki enter the atmosphere.

The first thing you thought was that Saiyans found you and were coming to kill you.

Without warning you left Bulma's house and flew to Master Roshi's house, where you felt the ki of Goku and the other Z warriors.

A Saiyan named Raditz who claims to be Goku's older brother revealed his origins to everyone, and you found out that Planet Vegeta was hit by a meteorite and now there are only 3 Saiyans left in the universe, however relieved you were for it, the Earth was far from being out of harm's way.

As Goku, you tried to stop Raditz from taking little Gohan, but you hadn't trained in years and your power was so weak that he didn't even realize you were a Saiyan and mistook you for an Earthling.

With just one blow he managed to knock you out.

You got what you wanted, which was not to be recognized as a Saiyan, but that didn't help you protect the Earth.


Piccolo managed to defeat Raditz, but Goku was sacrificed.

Brothers killing brothers, another normal Saiyan family.

A year from now you swore to yourself that you'd be prepared to kill the other two Saiyans who would arrive.


You trained hard and were confident when the day came, but as soon as you saw that familiar face, you knew all was lost.

Will the saiyan prince himself be my opponent?

You've got to be kidding me!

You knew you didn't stand a chance against him. You and Goku were born low class warriors, you would never defeat him.

While the Z warriors faced the Saibamans, you were hiding behind a rock waiting for the right moment for a surprise attack, your target was Vegeta, if you managed to hurt him seriously, maybe everyone had a chance to survive, you had the advantage by neither of them had noticed you yet. And you needed to buy time until Goku arrived.

Unfortunately Yancham was killed by a Saibaman, but now that Nappa has left Vegeta's side to face the remaining ones you've seen an opening to attack.

You started to gather your ki in a weapon that was a kind of cannon that you rested on your shoulder, and you invented it yourself so that they wouldn't feel this large amount of released ki, you gathered it until you felt your ki empty, you were exhausted, you only had one chance.

You put the cannon on the rock and had his head in the crosshairs, luckily he was watching the fight between Nappa and the Z warriors intently.

I hope this is enough to do any demage

You squeezed the trigger and almost lost your balance with the force that your ki pushed you back, the blast of energy was so intense that the others stopped fighting to watch, openmouthed, the energy engulfing Vegeta and passing through several mountains leaving a trail of destruction where it went when it dissipated.

"V-vegeta?!" Nappa called terrified flying towards the place of shattered stones hoping to find him still alive.

"It's not possible that he survived a direct attack from this one! Did well (Y/n)!" Krillin said giving you a thumbs up from high in the sky.

"Don't celebrate yet." Everyone followed Piccolo's gaze and felt their hopes die when they saw Nappa helping Vegeta to his feet.

"Are you okay?" Nappa tried to support the smaller Saiyan by the shoulder, but Vegeta pushed him away, looking around with eyes burning with fury, looking for whoever did it.

Shit... I'm so dead now.

"Who was the bastard who attacked me from behind like that?! I'll make him pay with his life! Find him Nappa!" The taller Saiyan quickly obeyed, you hadn't even blinked your eyes and felt his presence behind you. Your body was exhausted from the amount of energy used, you couldn't react when he took the weapon from your hands and tightly grabbed your arm dragging you out of hiding behind the rock.

As soon as Vegeta laid eyes on you, all the anger he felt was replaced by inquiry and shock.

"Are you kidding me? How could a simple female earthling be able to release all that energy?" Vegeta watched with intent eyes as Nappa dragged you to him, as much as you tried to free yourself he just squeezes you tighter.

Didn't they realize I'm a Saiyan?

Am I so weak compared to them that they couldn't notice?

It's even hilarious... At least I'll die recognized as a human.

"Looks like she used this high-tech weapon to attack you. Humans shouldn't be able to create such strong weapons." Nappa handed the weapon to Vegeta who just threw it on the ground and stepped on it leaving it in pieces.

"I have an army of humans with weapons like that! Leave Earth now or you may die for underestimating the Earthlings, just like Raditz!" The two Saiyans started laughing hysterically after hearing your bluff.

"Nice try woman, but if that were really true..." Vegeta grabbed your chin roughly making you look at him, with your arms being pinned by Nappa you couldn't get rid of it.

"They would send a real soldier to deliver the message, and the only thing I see is a weak woman with a pretty face thinking she can fool me." Nappa burst out laughing and that smug look Vegeta was looking at you was so annoying.

You rotated your neck managing to get his hand off your chin and in that same second you tilted your head grabbing his index finger with your mouth giving it a strong bite. "OUCH! How dare you!" Vegeta walked away shaking his hand, trying to ease the pain.

Before you had a chance to enjoy the scene, Nappa put his arms around you lifting you off the ground and squeezed you tight taking the air out of your lungs, you were suffocating and trying to fight just by swinging your legs wildly.

"Stop Nappa! Release her. Go take care of the other weak warriors, I'll take care of her myself!" You fell to the ground catching air with deep breaths when Nappa was gone leaving you alone with the evil prince.

When your cold gaze met his eyes, you expected him to be angrier, he even said he'd make you pay with your life, but instead of rancor he seemed to be enjoying the situation, you didn't understand why.

"You're pretty wild, reminds me of females of my race." You looked away trying to control your tension.

"You talk a lot to someone who's about to kill someone else. Maybe you're not that tough. Never killed a woman before?" You smirked at his face getting serious.

"You'd be surprised if you knew, killing you would be easy and tedious, but I admire your courage, you've accomplished a great feat for someone so weak and fragile, so I'll let you live for one thing." You widened your eyes in surprise, as much as you didn't want to do anything he asked, you found yourself in a chance of negotiation, if you were smart maybe you could save the Earth and keep living normally, well... depending on what he'd want.

You nodded your head for him to keep talking.

"You may have heard that Saiyans are practically extinct." He knelt on one knee, making your faces close, after all you were still on the ground, the breeze that hit your face made you smell him, strangely leaving that feeling of butterflies in your stomach.

You didn't live with your kind after puberty to figure out what that feeling was, so your mind just assumed he was dangerously attractive, you couldn't tear your gaze from his eyes.

You were so lost in these new sensations that you didn't even notice that his look had changed as well, he completely forgot the words he had already thought to say, instead your piercing gaze caused ancient Saiyans to wake up in him. He knew what it meant and he felt relaxed and confused at the same time.

How can a human make me feel like this?

This is a thing between Saiyans...

Maybe our races aren't all that different.

Vegeta suddenly looked away making you both wake up from your trance.

"As I was saying, as prince of the Saiyans it is my duty to prevent my species from becoming extinct. I let you live if you agree to be my mating partner." You would think this was nonsense a few minutes ago, your answer was definitely no if you were just thinking for yourself, at the same time it was ironic that it was even hilarious but you held back and kept a serious look on your face.

"I accept on two conditions." You said with a smug smile. He widened his eyes before laughing.

"Guess you don't really know your place. I've never had so much fun without having to kill. Okay, what would those conditions be?" He asked with an amused smile, this was being as much fun as fighting for him.

"You have to beat Goku in a one-on-one fight, just you and him. If you lose, you have to get off Earth, take that bald brute with you, and never come back. If you win, I'll be your mating partner and I'll go with you wherever you are in the universe, but you have to leave Earth and humans alone." When you said Goku's name, you saw Vegeta's eyes darken, he continued to listen to your conditions with that intense expression.

"Who's this Goku? It must be someone very strong for you to have so much confidence in him. This seems to me to be more of a challenge than a condition. What's your name, woman?" You said your name trying to decipher in his expression if he would accept your challenge.

"Very well... (Y / n). I accept your 'conditions'. It's been a while since I've done something this fun. And after I win..." He grabbed your chin gently pulling your face close to his. His fingers sent electrical currents into your skin, you felt your face heat up.

"The two of us are going to do lots of fun things, just the two of us." He smiled, pleased with your expression, and walked away, getting back on his feet

"No bites this time? I think you liked the idea." He laughed, you shook your head red-cheeked and got up off the ground with your back to him.

"How do I know you'll keep your word?" You asked as you sadly watched Nappa spanking your friends

Come soon Goku...!

"Good thinking." You're relieved when Vegeta calls Nappa interrupting the fight.

"There's been a change of plans, Nappa." Vegeta said making the bald Saiyan fly towards him.

You sighed in relief knowing that the rest of your friends wouldn't have to fight and sacrifice anymore.

"What changes?" Nappa asked in surprise after landing right in front of the smaller saiyan.

"I don't need a useless Saiyan like you anymore." In the blink of an eye Vegeta launched a strong blast of energy at Nappa turning him to dust.

The Z warriors and you watched in horror Nappa's screams of agony before he died.

"Was that proof enough for you, woman?" He turned to you with an frighteningly satisfied expression.

You were terrified, thinking about what you just got into.

This Saiyan is crazy...

If Goku loses I'm fucked!

As crazy as it sounded, deep down, your Saiyan instincts just made you more attracted to him.

You shook your head trying to shake that feeling away.

Damn it! How it feels bad being a saiyan!

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