Too Weak To Say No [Villain...

By Charlie_toaster05

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After meeting a hooded stranger in the park, Midoriya can't shake the feeling of being watched. Soon enough h... More

Chapter 1 - Don't talk to strangers
Chapter 2 - Eyes in the back
Chapter 3 - Deep breaths
Chapter 4 - Vacant
Chapter 5 - Not enough
Chapter 7 - Disregarded
Chapter 8 - Consequences
Chapter 9 - Surrender

Chapter 6 - Regrets

1.4K 40 32
By Charlie_toaster05

Bakugo's pov.

The young blond laid awake that night, glaring at the ceiling with puffy, red eyes, something he'd never admit to having. Katsuki didn't think he would be able to fall asleep, much like the night before when he'd learned about Izuku's disappearance.

Today had been the official 48 hours mark of how long the nerd had been missing. He had also caught the sound of a news reporter providing new information about the possible kidnapping when he'd walked by the living room.

The TV had shown a phantom sketch of a dark hooded figure wearing skinny jeans and a pair red sneakers, not too far from the person Katsuki had actually seen. This however, only angered the kid further.

If they had taken this investigation more seriously then the smarter move wouldn't be to out the culprit's attire, the guy being more than capable to change wardrobes just like any ordinary being. Besides, it's not like they got an actual face to show people, by doing this they'll just have civilians report ordinary strangers who's wearing dark clothing with hoods pulled up.

Bakugo ground his teeth as another wave of guilt swirled in the pits of his stomach, his eyes stinging despite his futile attempt to blink it away. The boy turned to face the wall as he let his mind wander, continuing to go over the recent events.

He remembered how shocked he'd been to see the words 'Missing' written over the shy looking greenette who's photo had been shown on the big screen.

It had taken some time before he snapped out of it, his mom having both yelled and shaken him, but to no avail. Though, as the cops offered to come back later, the blond came back to reality, panik steering his voice as he told them to stay.

After that, the four of them had sat down with a cup of tea, his father not being home at the time.

For the first time in Katsuki's life, he felt anxious, almost sick. It was hard to listen as the police explained the situation the best they could, although, he'd already heard enough from the news.

"We were informed that you were one of the last people to be seen with Izuku Midoriya after school," said the first officer, giving him a kind yet serious expression. "Did the two of you interact at all?"

"Yeah." Came the small reply as the blond swallowed, taking his time before answering.

"And what did you boy's do?"

"We ... Talked."

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your relationship with Midoriya?" This time it was the other who stepped in, her voice friendly as she clicked the pen in her hand, looking expectantly at the blond who was weighing his answere.

Katsuki had stayed silent for a moment, his eyes flickering to his mother seated beside him with her brows furrowed, the passing seconds only adding to her concerned expression.

"We grew up in the same neighborhood... " he bit the inside of his lip, contemplating his next words. "I guess some would say that we used to be childhood friends."

"What do you mean? I thought you two still hung out?" The blond's mother jumped in, her sharp eyes impaling him at the spot.

Katsuki shifted under her gaze, taking a breath before speaking up. "No we.. We haven't actually hung out since I found out he's quirkless. To be completely honest I..."

"I haven't been the nicest to him since."

Feeling the rising tention get thicker with his words, the youngest Bakugo had let his eyes drop lower, suddenly finding the wooden floor very interesting.

"Katsuki you- you bullied Inko's kid for that long? That's 8 years you brat!"

Hearing Mitsuki's angry tone was nothing new, yet this time it actually left the boy feeling exposed, his instincts instantly making him reel back to protect himself.

He scoffed as he looked to the side, not feeling like making eye contact with anyone. "It's not like I'm the only one though, the whole class is in on it."

"You mean he doesn't have any friends?" The first officer stepped in, his brown eyes assessing the young student before him.

"Yeah, at least not to my knowledge. Those kids who don't bother him would at least laugh or watch as the rest of us push him around.."

His mother had then scolded him to the point where the cops had asked her to calm down so they could continue the questioning. Fuming, Mitsuki had agreed with reluctance, promising that she'd have a talk with him later.

"So," said the male cop, looking warely at the blond woman before averting his attention back on Katsuki. "You and Midoriya talked after school, did he behave any differently from the usual?"

"Yeah," the hothead replied as he met the policeman's gaze. "That's actually why I decided to talk to him."

"He'd been acting weirdly all week and it was getting on my nerves, more jumpy and fidgety than usual; always looking around himself and staring out our classroom window before going home."

The two officers shared a serious look, making it obvious that this was new information to them.

"He also had a panik attack a few days ago while we were eating lunch, though, I was never told what caused it." Bakugo leaned back as he stuffed his shaky hands into his pockets, trying to look as calm as possible.

"Interesting.." The policewoman mumbled as she wrote down his statement on a small notepad.

"Anyway, I decided to ask him about it after school, though it wasn't the first time I had seen him like this. Back when we were younger he kinda acted like this when his dad came and visited, so I just thought Hisashi was back and that Deku- I mean.."

Katsuki huffed, "That Midoriya was avoiding him."

"That is a possibility we are looking into, however, in this case it seems highly unlikely." The woman's eyes looked over her notepad, nodding for Katsuki to continue.

"Right," the boy mumbled. "Well, when I confronted Midoriya about his odd behavior, he lied and said it was nothing I should be concerned about."

"We ended up fighting about a completely different topic and ... He ran out crying." To the blond's own surprise he had to swallow before the words would pass his frowning lips. The air feeling much heavier.

"Before leaving, I looked out the same window he had and that's when I saw someone, a guy- I think, all dressed in black with his hood pulled up."

At this, the two officers seemed to perk up, leaning in as if not daring to miss a single word from that point on.

"He was on the phone while he kept checking the school, kinda like he was waiting for someone."

"I..." Katsuki shifted uncomfortably. "I saw him hide behind a corner when Midoriya walked out and.. a moment later that person hurried in the same direction that Midoriya usually takes."

"Did you tell anyone about this?" Asked the male officer, his voice firm as his brows knitted together.

Something close to shame had washed over the blond student as he sat there, feeling the disappointment of his mother rolling off of her like a suffocating perfume.

"... No sir..."

"I take it then, that you didn't find anything odd about this?"

"No I- I did. Trust me I did, I almost followed them myself but.." Bakugo stopped as his own desperate voice reached his ears, hating how pathetic he sounded.

"I was still pissed about something he said so I just ... turned and walked home."

The reality of the the situation became painfully obvious as the last words left his dry tongue, the following silence not helping his reeling thoughts.

"I see.." Said the policeman, leaning back in his seat.

"Do you remember any details about the man you saw?" The other cop smiled sympathetically, changing the subject.

Katsuki had thought hard before describing what details he could, not that it was a lot, but better than nothing he guessed. The two officers had then thanked the young blond for his time, assuring that his information would surely lead them closer to finding his classmate.

The moment the two Bakugos where left alone, an awful argument broke out between them, their angry voices far from the normal yelling their neighbors where used to.

It went so far that the twelve year old found himself crying, something he barely did infront of his parents. Mitsuki, who was still fuming at the though of Inko's kid getting hurt because she herself hadn't taught her own kid better, couldn't help but look at Katsuki and soften.

The guilty look on his face told Mitsuki more than whatever bullshit he tried to cover himself with. Deep down he knew he'd done wrong and now was the time to swallow the bitter pill.

Bakugo blinked, the haze of memories dissolving into the darkness of his room, leaving him more awake than before. He sighed as he shifted in bed, an uncomfortable ache setting into his body while he tried to find a better position.

After rearranging his limbs for what felt like hours, he groaned, dragging himself up into a sitting position. Hunching over with his arms on his knees he let himself search for his phone.

A distraction felt much needed right now.


Meanwhile, in a basement full of filth and stains, sleept a frightened boy, completely unaware of his own future regrets he'd soon fall into.


Hello everyone! I know this is short but at least its not late!

I think I've noticed a pattern.. It's suddenly much easier to write in Katsuki's pov and it's also something I can have more fun with.

I really liked how the start came out so hope you didn't find it too boring 😅😂

Anyway, this story now has over 500 reads and I'm so greatful! Thank you so much and if you leave a star or comment it would mean a lot! No pressure tho ❤

As always, here's your cookie :3

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